 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Ack 2.2 improvements copyright (C) 1994 by Stephen Dooley              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *       _/          _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/    ACK! MUD is modified    *
 *      _/_/        _/          _/  _/       _/    Merc2.0/2.1/2.2 code    *
 *     _/  _/      _/           _/_/         _/    (c)Stephen Zepp 1998    *
 *    _/_/_/_/      _/          _/  _/             Version #: 4.3.1        *
 *   _/      _/      _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *                                         *
 *                                        *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "ssm.h"
#include <unistd.h>  /* for execl */
#include <math.h> /* For fread_float */
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>

#ifndef DEC_MONEY_H
#include "money.h"

#ifndef DEC_ACT_MOB_H
#include "act_mob.h"

#if !defined(macintosh)
extern int _filbuf args( ( FILE * ) );

 * Globals.
char bug_buf[2 * MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
char log_buf[2 * MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
char testerbuf[MSL];
KILL_DATA kill_table[MAX_LEVEL];
TIME_INFO_DATA time_info;
WEATHER_DATA weather_info;
SYS_DATA_TYPE sysdata;
CHAN_HISTORY chan_history;

bool booting_up;
bool area_resetting_global;
bool mem_log;
sh_int gsn_martial_arts;
sh_int gsn_stake;
sh_int gsn_dualwield;
sh_int gsn_stun;
sh_int gsn_feed;
sh_int gsn_knee;
sh_int gsn_shadow;
sh_int gsn_appraise;
sh_int gsn_climb;
sh_int gsn_find_doors;
sh_int gsn_bash;
sh_int gsn_smash;
sh_int gsn_notrip;
sh_int gsn_nodisarm;
sh_int gsn_trip;
sh_int gsn_dirt;
sh_int gsn_shield_block;
sh_int gsn_beserk;

sh_int gsn_circle;
sh_int gsn_backstab;
sh_int gsn_dodge;
sh_int gsn_hide;
sh_int gsn_hunt;
sh_int gsn_peek;
sh_int gsn_pick_lock;
sh_int gsn_sneak;
sh_int gsn_steal;

sh_int gsn_punch;
sh_int gsn_headbutt;

sh_int gsn_disarm;
sh_int gsn_enhanced_damage;
sh_int gsn_kick;
sh_int gsn_parry;
sh_int gsn_rescue;
sh_int gsn_enhanced_reflexes;
sh_int gsn_sleight_of_hand;
sh_int gsn_crushing_blow;
sh_int gsn_combat_prowess;
sh_int gsn_quickstrike;
sh_int gsn_blindness;
sh_int gsn_charm_person;
sh_int gsn_curse;
sh_int gsn_invis;
sh_int gsn_mass_invis;
sh_int gsn_poison;
sh_int gsn_sleep;
sh_int gsn_disguise;
sh_int gsn_instruct;
sh_int gsn_adrenaline;
sh_int gsn_frenzy;
sh_int gsn_emotion_control;
sh_int gsn_target;
sh_int gsn_charge;
sh_int gsn_unit_tactics;
sh_int gsn_imprint;
sh_int gsn_scent;
sh_int gsn_mount;
sh_int gsn_scout;
sh_int gsn_decapitate;
sh_int gsn_potency;
sh_int gsn_thaumatergy;

#ifdef TFS
sh_int gsn_mana_sense;

extern int free_get;
extern int free_put;
extern bool auto_quest;

extern COUNCIL_DATA super_councils[MAX_SUPER];

const int convert_wearflags[] = {
   BIT_24, BIT_14, BIT_8, BIT_19, BIT_4, BIT_21, BIT_22, BIT_13,
   BIT_11, BIT_16, BIT_17, BIT_18, BIT_12, BIT_16, BIT_16, BIT_5,
   BIT_7, BIT_16,
   BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24,
   BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24, BIT_24

 * Locals.
MOB_INDEX_DATA *mob_index_hash[MAX_KEY_HASH];
OBJ_INDEX_DATA *obj_index_hash[MAX_KEY_HASH];
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room_index_hash[MAX_KEY_HASH];
char *string_hash[MAX_KEY_HASH];

AREA_DATA *area_used[MAX_AREAS];
AREA_DATA *area_load;
 * replaced for SSM

#if 0
char *string_space = NULL;
char *top_string = NULL;
char str_empty[1] = { 0 };

extern char str_empty[1];
extern long sOverFlowString;
extern long nOverFlowString;
extern bool Full;

int top_affect;
int top_area;
int top_ed;
int top_exit;
int top_help;
int top_mob_index;
int top_obj_index;
int top_reset;
int top_room;
int top_shop;

 * MOBprogram locals

int mprog_name_to_type args( ( char *name ) );
void mprog_file_read args( ( char *f, MOB_INDEX_DATA * pMobIndex ) );
void load_mobprogs args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void mprog_read_programs args( ( FILE * fp, MOB_INDEX_DATA * pMobIndex ) );

 * Memory management.
 * Increase MAX_STRING if you have too.
 * Tune the others only if you understand what you're doing.

#if 0

#define                 MAX_STRING      2097152
/*#define                 MAX_PERM_BLOCK  131072
#define                 MAX_MEM_LIST    12

void *                  rgFreeList      [MAX_MEM_LIST];
const int               rgSizeList      [MAX_MEM_LIST]  =
    16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768-64, 65536-16

int nAllocString;
int sAllocString;

extern long nAllocString;
extern long sAllocString;

int nAllocPerm;
int sAllocPerm;

extern long MAX_STRING;
void init_string_space( void );
void boot_done( void );

 * Semi-locals.
bool fBootDb;
FILE *fpArea;
char strArea[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
int area_revision = -1;

 * Local booting procedures.
void init_mm args( ( void ) );

void load_area args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_helps args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_mobiles args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_objects args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_resets args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_rooms args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_shops args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_specials args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_objfuns args( ( FILE * fp ) );
void load_notes args( ( void ) );
void load_gold args( ( void ) );
void load_corpses args( ( void ) );
void load_marks args( ( void ) );
void load_bans args( ( void ) );
void load_brands args( ( void ) );

void fix_exits args( ( void ) );
void check_resets args( ( void ) );

void reset_area args( ( AREA_DATA * pArea ) );

#define SHOW_AREA \
  if (!previous_bug) \
  { \
    bug ("      In %s.",(int) pArea->filename); \
    previous_bug=1; \

 * Big mama top level function.
void boot_db( void )
   int a;

    * Init some data space stuff.

#if 0
      if( ( string_space = calloc( 1, MAX_STRING ) ) == NULL )
         bug( "Boot_db: can't alloc %d string space.", MAX_STRING );
         exit( 1 );
      top_string = string_space;
      fBootDb = TRUE;

   init_string_space(  );
   fBootDb = TRUE;

   send_to_descrips( "Initialising Ack! Mud.  Please Wait....\n\r" );

    * Init random number generator.
      init_mm(  );

   load_sysdata();   /* Must be first, can possibly alter things to follow! --Kline */

    * Set time and weather.
      long lhour, lday, lmonth;

      lhour = ( current_time - 650336715 ) / ( PULSE_TICK / PULSE_PER_SECOND );
      time_info.hour = lhour % 24;
      lday = lhour / 24; = lday % 35;
      lmonth = lday / 35;
      time_info.month = lmonth % 17;
      time_info.year = lmonth / 17;
      time_info.moon = 0;
      weather_info.moon_loc = MOON_DOWN;
      weather_info.moon_phase = number_range( MOON_NEW, MOON_FULL );

      if( time_info.hour < 5 )
         weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK;
      else if( time_info.hour < 6 )
         weather_info.sunlight = SUN_RISE;
      else if( time_info.hour < 19 )
         weather_info.sunlight = SUN_LIGHT;
      else if( time_info.hour < 20 )
         weather_info.sunlight = SUN_SET;
         weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK;

      weather_info.change = 0;
      weather_info.mmhg = 960;
      if( time_info.month >= 7 && time_info.month <= 12 )
         weather_info.mmhg += number_range( 1, 50 );
         weather_info.mmhg += number_range( 1, 80 );

      if( weather_info.mmhg <= 980 ) = SKY_LIGHTNING;
      else if( weather_info.mmhg <= 1000 ) = SKY_RAINING;
      else if( weather_info.mmhg <= 1020 ) = SKY_CLOUDY;
      else = SKY_CLOUDLESS;


    * Initialize Supernatural Councils

      sh_int index;
      char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
      log_f( "Initializing supernatural councils..." );
      for( index = SUPER_NONE; index < MAX_SUPER; index++ )
         super_councils[index].first_member = NULL;
         super_councils[index].last_member = NULL;
         super_councils[index].quorum = FALSE;
         super_councils[index].council_time = 0;
         switch ( index )
            case SUPER_NONE:
               xprintf( buf, "%s", "ORDINARIES" );
            case SUPER_VAMP:
               xprintf( buf, "%s", "@@rJUSTICARS@@N" );

               xprintf( buf, "%s", "NONE" );
         super_councils[index].council_name = str_dup( buf );


    * Assign gsn's for skills which have them.
      int sn;

      for( sn = 0; sn < MAX_SKILL; sn++ )
         if( skill_table[sn].pgsn != 0 )
            *skill_table[sn].pgsn = sn;

    * Clear list of used areas 
   for( a = 0; a < MAX_AREAS; a++ )
      area_used[a] = NULL;

 *   Read in clan data table

      extern POL_DATA politics_data;

      FILE *clanfp;
      char clan_file_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
      sh_int x, y;
      char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

      xprintf( clan_file_name, "%s", CLAN_FILE );

      xprintf( buf, "Loading %s", clan_file_name );

      if( ( clanfp = fopen( clan_file_name, "r" ) ) == NULL )
         log_f( "failed open of clan_table.dat in load_clan_table" );
         fpArea = clanfp;
         xprintf( strArea, "%s", clan_file_name );

         for( x = 1; x < MAX_CLAN; x++ )
            for( y = 1; y < MAX_CLAN; y++ )
               politics_data.diplomacy[x][y] = fread_number( clanfp );

         for( x = 1; x < MAX_CLAN; x++ )
            politics_data.treasury[x] = fread_number( clanfp );

         for( x = 1; x < MAX_CLAN; x++ )
            for( y = 1; y < MAX_CLAN; y++ )
               politics_data.end_current_state[x][y] = fread_number( clanfp );

         fclose( clanfp );
      fpArea = NULL;


    * Start loading up data files!

/* load_gold(); */

    * Read in all the area files.
      FILE *fpList;
      log_f( "Loading area files..." );

      if( ( fpList = fopen( AREA_LIST, "r" ) ) == NULL )
         perror( AREA_LIST );
         log_f( "Unable to open area.lst, aborting bootup." );
         kill( getpid(  ), SIGQUIT );

      for( ;; )
         strcpy( strArea, fread_word( fpList ) );
         if( strArea[0] == '$' )

         if( strArea[0] == '-' )
            fpArea = stdin;
            if( ( fpArea = fopen( strArea, "r" ) ) == NULL )
               log_string( strArea );
               kill( getpid(  ), SIGQUIT );

         for( ;; )
            char *word;

            if( fread_letter( fpArea ) != '#' )
               bug( "Boot_db: # not found.", 0 );
               kill( getpid(  ), SIGQUIT );

            word = fread_word( fpArea );

            if( word[0] == '$' )
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "AREA" ) )
               load_area( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "HELPS" ) )
               load_helps( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "MOBILES" ) )
               load_mobiles( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "MOBPROGS" ) )
               load_mobprogs( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "OBJECTS" ) )
               load_objects( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "RESETS" ) )
               load_resets( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "ROOMS" ) )
               load_rooms( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "SHOPS" ) )
               load_shops( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "SPECIALS" ) )
               load_specials( fpArea );
            else if( !str_cmp( word, "OBJFUNS" ) )
               load_objfuns( fpArea );
               bug( "Boot_db: bad section name.", 0 );
               exit( 1 );

         if( fpArea != stdin )
            fclose( fpArea );
         fpArea = NULL;
      fclose( fpList );

    * Fix up exits.
    * MAG Mod: Check resets. (Allows loading objects of later areas.)
    * Declare db booting over.
    * Reset all areas once.
    * Load up the notes file.
    * Set the MOBtrigger.
      log_f( "Fixing exits..." );
      fix_exits(  );
      log_f( "Done." );
      fBootDb = FALSE;
      log_f( "Checking resets..." );
      check_resets(  );
      log_f( "Done.");
      log_f( "Updating areas..." );
      area_update(  );
      MOBtrigger = TRUE;
      booting_up = FALSE;
   auto_quest = TRUE;

 * Snarf an 'area' header line.
void load_area( FILE * fp )
   AREA_DATA *pArea;
   char letter;
   int a;

   GET_FREE( pArea, area_free );
   pArea->first_reset = NULL;
   pArea->last_reset = NULL;
   pArea->name = fread_string( fp );
   pArea->age = 15;
   pArea->reset_rate = 15;
   pArea->nplayer = 0;
   pArea->offset = 0;
/* MAG Mod */
   pArea->modified = 0;
   pArea->min_vnum = 0;
   pArea->max_vnum = MAX_VNUM;
   pArea->area_num = 0;
   pArea->filename = str_dup( strArea );
   pArea->owner = str_empty;
   pArea->can_read = str_dup( "all" );
   pArea->can_write = str_dup( "all" );
   pArea->level_label = str_dup( "{?? ??}" );
   pArea->keyword = str_dup( "none" );
   pArea->reset_msg = str_dup( "You hear the screams of the Dead within your head." );
   pArea->min_level = 0;
   pArea->max_level = 0;
   pArea->gold = 0;
   pArea->flags = 0;
   pArea->first_area_room = NULL;
   pArea->last_area_room = NULL;
   pArea->first_area_help_text = NULL;
   pArea->last_area_help_text = NULL;
   pArea->first_area_object = NULL;
   pArea->last_area_object = NULL;
   pArea->first_area_mobile = NULL;
   pArea->last_area_mobile = NULL;
   pArea->first_area_shop = NULL;
   pArea->last_area_shop = NULL;
   pArea->first_area_specfunc = NULL;
   pArea->last_area_specfunc = NULL;
   pArea->first_area_mobprog = NULL;
   area_revision = -1;

/* MAG Mod for optionals additions to area headers. */
   for( ;; )
      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      if( letter == '#' )
         ungetc( letter, fp );

      switch ( letter )
         case 'F':
            pArea->reset_rate = fread_number( fp );
         case 'O':
            pArea->owner = fread_string( fp );
         case 'Q':
            area_revision = fread_number( fp );
         case 'U':
            free_string( pArea->reset_msg );
            pArea->reset_msg = fread_string( fp );
         case 'R':
            free_string( pArea->can_read );
            pArea->can_read = fread_string( fp );
         case 'W':
            free_string( pArea->can_write );
            pArea->can_write = fread_string( fp );
         case 'P':
            SET_BIT( pArea->flags, AREA_PAYAREA );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case 'M':
            SET_BIT( pArea->flags, AREA_NO_ROOM_AFF );
            fread_to_eol( fp );

         case 'X':
            pArea->offset = fread_number( fp );
         case 'V':
            pArea->min_vnum = fread_number( fp );
            pArea->max_vnum = fread_number( fp );
         case 'N':
            pArea->area_num = fread_number( fp );
         case 'T':
            SET_BIT( pArea->flags, AREA_TELEPORT );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case 'B':
            SET_BIT( pArea->flags, AREA_BUILDING );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case 'S':
            SET_BIT( pArea->flags, AREA_NOSHOW );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case 'K':
            free_string( pArea->keyword );
            pArea->keyword = fread_string( fp );
         case 'L':
            free_string( pArea->level_label );
            pArea->level_label = fread_string( fp );
         case 'I':
            pArea->min_level = fread_number( fp );
            pArea->max_level = fread_number( fp );


   if( pArea->area_num == 0 )
       * Find a unique area number 
      for( a = 0; a < MAX_AREAS; a++ )
         if( area_used[a] == NULL )
      pArea->area_num = a;

   area_used[pArea->area_num] = pArea;
   area_load = pArea;

   LINK( pArea, first_area, last_area, next, prev );


 * Snarf a help section.
void load_helps( FILE * fp )
   HELP_DATA *pHelp;

   for( ;; )
      GET_FREE( pHelp, help_free );
      pHelp->level = fread_number( fp );
      pHelp->keyword = fread_string( fp );
      if( pHelp->keyword[0] == '$' )
      pHelp->text = fread_string( fp );

       * greeting text handled in comm.c now -S- 

      LINK( pHelp, first_help, last_help, next, prev );
/* MAG Mod */
      GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
      pList->data = pHelp;
      LINK( pList, area_load->first_area_help_text, area_load->last_area_help_text, next, prev );



void load_corpses( void )

   FILE *corpsefp;
   char corpse_file_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   xprintf( corpse_file_name, "%s", CORPSE_FILE );

   xprintf( buf, "Loading %s", CORPSE_FILE);
   log_f( buf );

   if( ( corpsefp = fopen( corpse_file_name, "r" ) ) == NULL )
      log_f( "Load corpse Table: fopen" );
      perror( "failed open of corpse_table.dat in load_corpse_table" );

      fpArea = corpsefp;
      xprintf( strArea, "%s", corpse_file_name );

      for( ;; )

         char letter;
         char *word;

         letter = fread_letter( corpsefp );
         if( letter == '*' )
            fread_to_eol( corpsefp );

         if( letter != '#' )
            log_f( "Load_char_obj: # not found." );

         word = fread_word( corpsefp );
         if( !str_cmp( word, "OBJECT" ) )
            fread_corpse( corpsefp );
         else if( !str_cmp( word, "END" ) )
            log_f( "Load_char_obj: bad section." );
   fclose( corpsefp );
   fpArea = NULL;


 * Load marked rooms

void load_marks( void )

   FILE *marksfp;
   char marks_file_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   xprintf( marks_file_name, "%s", MARKS_FILE );

   xprintf( buf, "Loading %s",MARKS_FILE);
   log_f( buf );

   if( ( marksfp = fopen( marks_file_name, "r" ) ) == NULL )
      log_f( "Load marks Table: fopen" );
      perror( "failed open of marks_table.dat in load_marks_table" );
      fpArea = marksfp;
      xprintf( strArea, "%s", marks_file_name );

      for( ;; )
         char *word;
         int rvnum = 0;
         MARK_DATA *mark;

         word = fread_string( marksfp );
         if( !str_cmp( word, "#MARK" ) )
            GET_FREE( mark, mark_free );
            rvnum = fread_number( marksfp );
            mark->message = fread_string( marksfp );
            mark->author = fread_string( marksfp );
            mark->duration = fread_number( marksfp );
            mark->type = fread_number( marksfp );

            mark_to_room( rvnum, mark );
            free_string( word );
         else if( !str_cmp( word, "#END" ) )
            free_string( word );
            free_string( word );
            log_f( "Load_marks: bad section." );

      fclose( marksfp );
      fpArea = NULL;


void load_bans( void )

   FILE *bansfp;
   char bans_file_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   xprintf( bans_file_name, "%s", BANS_FILE );
   xprintf( buf, "Loading %s",BANS_FILE);
   log_f( buf );

   if( ( bansfp = fopen( bans_file_name, "r" ) ) == NULL )
      log_f( "Load bans Table: fopen" );
      perror( "failed open of bans_table.dat in load_bans_table" );
      fpArea = bansfp;
      xprintf( strArea, "%s", bans_file_name );

      for( ;; )
         char *word;
         BAN_DATA *pban;
         word = fread_string( bansfp );
         if( !str_cmp( word, "#BAN" ) )
            sh_int get_bool = FALSE;

            GET_FREE( pban, ban_free );
            get_bool = fread_number( bansfp );
            if( get_bool == 1 )
               pban->newbie = TRUE;
               pban->newbie = FALSE;
            pban->name = fread_string( bansfp );
            pban->banned_by = fread_string( bansfp );
            LINK( pban, first_ban, last_ban, next, prev );
            free_string( word );
         else if( !str_cmp( word, "#END" ) )
            free_string( word );
            free_string( word );
            log_f( "Load_bans: bad section." );

      fclose( bansfp );
      fpArea = NULL;


 * Snarf a mob section.
void load_mobiles( FILE * fp )
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;
   char buf[MSL];

   for( ;; )
      int vnum;
      char letter;
      int iHash;

      if( area_load == NULL )
       bug( "Load_mobiles: no #AREA seen yet.", 0 );
       exit( 1 );

      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      if( letter != '#' )
         bug( "Load_mobiles: # not found.", 0 );
         hang( "Loading Mobiles in db.c" );

      vnum = fread_number( fp );
      if( vnum == 0 )

      if( vnum < area_load->min_vnum || vnum > area_load->max_vnum )
       xprintf(buf,"Load_mobiles: vnum %d out of bounds for %s.",vnum,area_load->filename);

      fBootDb = FALSE;
      if( get_mob_index( vnum ) != NULL )
         bug( "Load_mobiles: vnum %d duplicated.", vnum );
         hang( "Loading Mobiles in db.c" );
      fBootDb = TRUE;

      GET_FREE( pMobIndex, mid_free );
      pMobIndex->vnum = vnum;
      pMobIndex->area = area_load;
      pMobIndex->player_name = fread_string( fp );
      pMobIndex->short_descr = fread_string( fp );
      pMobIndex->long_descr = fread_string( fp );
      pMobIndex->description = fread_string( fp );

      pMobIndex->long_descr[0] = UPPER( pMobIndex->long_descr[0] );
      pMobIndex->description[0] = UPPER( pMobIndex->description[0] );

      pMobIndex->act = fread_number( fp ) | ACT_IS_NPC;
      pMobIndex->affected_by = fread_number( fp );
      pMobIndex->pShop = NULL;
      pMobIndex->alignment = fread_number( fp );
      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      pMobIndex->level = number_fuzzy( fread_number( fp ) );

      pMobIndex->sex = fread_number( fp );

      pMobIndex->ac_mod = fread_number( fp );   /* read      */
      pMobIndex->hr_mod = fread_number( fp );   /* in the    */
      pMobIndex->dr_mod = fread_number( fp );   /* modifiers */

      if( letter != 'S' )
         bug( "Load_mobiles: vnum %d non-S.", vnum );
         hang( "Loading Mobiles in db.c" );

       * The "new" additions to mobs start with a !
      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      if( letter == '!' )
         pMobIndex->class = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->clan = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->race = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->position = POS_STANDING;
         fread_number( fp );  /* position */
         pMobIndex->skills = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->cast = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->def = fread_number( fp );
         if( ( area_revision < 16 ) || ( pMobIndex->race < 0 ) )
#ifdef AA
            pMobIndex->race = 14;
            pMobIndex->race = 0;
         ungetc( letter, fp );
      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      if( letter == '|' )
         pMobIndex->strong_magic = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->weak_magic = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->race_mods = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->power_skills = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->power_cast = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->resist = fread_number( fp );
         pMobIndex->suscept = fread_number( fp );
         ungetc( letter, fp );

      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      if( letter == '>' )
         ungetc( letter, fp );
         mprog_read_programs( fp, pMobIndex );
         ungetc( letter, fp );

      iHash = vnum % MAX_KEY_HASH;
      SING_TOPLINK( pMobIndex, mob_index_hash[iHash], next );
/* MAG Mod */
      GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
      pList->data = pMobIndex;
      LINK( pList, area_load->first_area_mobile, area_load->last_area_mobile, next, prev );

      kill_table[URANGE( 0, pMobIndex->level, MAX_LEVEL - 1 )].number++;


 * Snarf an obj section.
void load_objects( FILE * fp )
   OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;
   sh_int looper;
   char buf[MSL];

   for( ;; )
      int vnum;
      char letter;
      int iHash;

      if( area_load == NULL )
       bug( "Load_objects: no #AREA seen yet.", 0 );
       exit( 1 );

      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      if( letter != '#' )
         bug( "Load_objects: # not found.", 0 );
         hang( "Loading Objects in db.c" );

      vnum = fread_number( fp );
      if( vnum == 0 )

      if( vnum < area_load->min_vnum || vnum > area_load->max_vnum )
       xprintf(buf,"Load_objects: vnum %d out of bounds for %s.",vnum,area_load->filename);

      fBootDb = FALSE;
      if( get_obj_index( vnum ) != NULL )
         bug( "Load_objects: vnum %d duplicated.", vnum );
         hang( "Loading Objects in db.c" );
      fBootDb = TRUE;

      GET_FREE( pObjIndex, oid_free );
      pObjIndex->vnum = vnum;
      pObjIndex->area = area_load;
      pObjIndex->name = fread_string( fp );
      pObjIndex->short_descr = fread_string( fp );
      pObjIndex->description = fread_string( fp );

      pObjIndex->short_descr[0] = LOWER( pObjIndex->short_descr[0] );
      pObjIndex->description[0] = UPPER( pObjIndex->description[0] );

      pObjIndex->item_type = fread_number( fp );
      pObjIndex->extra_flags = fread_number( fp );
      if( area_revision < 15 )
         int temp_flags, index, new_flags = 0;
         temp_flags = fread_number( fp );
         for( index = 0; index < 32; index++ )
            if( IS_SET( temp_flags, ( 1 << index ) ) )
               SET_BIT( new_flags, convert_wearflags[index] );
            pObjIndex->wear_flags = new_flags;
         pObjIndex->wear_flags = fread_number( fp );
      pObjIndex->item_apply = fread_number( fp );
      if( area_revision > 16 )
       pObjIndex->speed = fread_float( fp );
      pObjIndex->value[0] = fread_number( fp );
      pObjIndex->value[1] = fread_number( fp );
      pObjIndex->value[2] = fread_number( fp );
      pObjIndex->value[3] = fread_number( fp );
      if( area_revision < 15 )
         for( looper = 4; looper < 10; pObjIndex->value[looper] = 0, looper++ );
         for( looper = 4; looper < 10; pObjIndex->value[looper] = fread_number( fp ), looper++ );
      pObjIndex->weight = fread_number( fp );
      pObjIndex->cost = 0;

      if( pObjIndex->item_type == ITEM_POTION )
         SET_BIT( pObjIndex->extra_flags, ITEM_NODROP );

      for( ;; )
         char letter;

         letter = fread_letter( fp );

         if( letter == 'A' )
            AFFECT_DATA *paf;

            GET_FREE( paf, affect_free );
            paf->type = -1;
            paf->duration = -1;
            paf->location = fread_number( fp );
            paf->modifier = fread_number( fp );
            paf->bitvector = 0;
            paf->caster = NULL;
            LINK( paf, pObjIndex->first_apply, pObjIndex->last_apply, next, prev );

         else if( letter == 'E' )
            EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *ed;

            GET_FREE( ed, exdesc_free );
            ed->keyword = fread_string( fp );
            ed->description = fread_string( fp );
            LINK( ed, pObjIndex->first_exdesc, pObjIndex->last_exdesc, next, prev );

         else if( letter == 'L' )
            pObjIndex->level = fread_number( fp );

            ungetc( letter, fp );

       * Translate spell "slot numbers" to internal "skill numbers."
      switch ( pObjIndex->item_type )
         case ITEM_PILL:
         case ITEM_POTION:
         case ITEM_SCROLL:
            pObjIndex->value[1] = slot_lookup( pObjIndex->value[1] );
            pObjIndex->value[2] = slot_lookup( pObjIndex->value[2] );
            pObjIndex->value[3] = slot_lookup( pObjIndex->value[3] );

         case ITEM_STAFF:
         case ITEM_WAND:
            pObjIndex->value[3] = slot_lookup( pObjIndex->value[3] );

      iHash = vnum % MAX_KEY_HASH;
      SING_TOPLINK( pObjIndex, obj_index_hash[iHash], next );
/* MAG Mod */
      GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
      pList->data = pObjIndex;
      LINK( pList, area_load->first_area_object, area_load->last_area_object, next, prev );



 * Snarf a reset section.

/* Spec: it isn't obvious how this works, so I'll add a comment here.
 * load_resets only allows resets that are placed in current rooms - this is
 * the reset_ok code here. It does _not_ check the validity of room and object
 * vnums. It handles linking the resets into the appropriate room-reset-list
 * for OLC.
 * check_resets is called after all areas are loaded. It checks that all
 * resets point to valid mobs and object and spits errors as necessary. It
 * does _not_ touch the room lists any more!
void load_resets( FILE * fp )
   RESET_DATA *pReset = NULL;
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *last_mob_room;
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *last_obj_room;

   last_mob_room = NULL;
   last_obj_room = NULL;

   if( area_load == NULL )
      bug( "Load_resets: no #AREA seen yet.", 0 );
      hang( "Loading Resets in db.c" );

   for( ;; )
      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex;
       * EXIT_DATA *pexit; unused? 
      char letter;
       * Temp values to hold reset, while we see if valid
      char Tcommand;
      int Tifflag;
      int Targ1;
      int Targ2;
      int Targ3;
      bool reset_ok;

      reset_ok = FALSE;

      if( ( letter = fread_letter( fp ) ) == 'S' )

      if( letter == '*' )
         fread_to_eol( fp );

      Tcommand = letter;
       * MAG Mod 

      Tifflag = fread_number( fp ); /* Not used */
      Targ1 = fread_number( fp );
      Targ2 = fread_number( fp );
      Targ3 = ( letter == 'G' || letter == 'R' ) ? 0 : fread_number( fp );

      pRoomIndex = NULL;   /* Set it to check for room numbers */
       * Validate parameters.
       * We're calling the index functions for the side effect.
      switch ( letter )
            bug( "Load_resets: bad command '%c'.", letter );
            reset_ok = FALSE;

         case 'A':
            reset_ok = FALSE;
            break;   /* obsolete reset, discard */
         case 'M':
            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( Targ3 ) ) != NULL )
               reset_ok = TRUE;
               last_mob_room = pRoomIndex;
         case 'O':
            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( Targ3 ) ) != NULL )
               reset_ok = TRUE;
               last_obj_room = pRoomIndex;
         case 'P':  /* apparently these resets are no longer in use */
             * if ( last_obj_room )
             * {
             * pRoomIndex = last_obj_room;
             * reset_ok = TRUE;
             * } 
         case 'G':
         case 'E':
            if( last_mob_room )
               pRoomIndex = last_mob_room;
               reset_ok = TRUE;

         case 'D':
            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( Targ1 ) ) != NULL )
               reset_ok = TRUE;
         case 'R':
            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( Targ1 ) ) != NULL )
               reset_ok = TRUE;


      if( reset_ok ) /* i.e. only add if reset is valid. */

         GET_FREE( pReset, reset_free );
         pReset->command = Tcommand;
         pReset->arg1 = Targ1;
         pReset->arg2 = Targ2;
         pReset->arg3 = Targ3;
         pReset->notes = fsave_to_eol( fp );

         LINK( pReset, area_load->first_reset, area_load->last_reset, next, prev );
         GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
         pList->data = pReset;
         LINK( pList, pRoomIndex->first_room_reset, pRoomIndex->last_room_reset, next, prev );



 * Snarf a room section.
void load_rooms( FILE * fp )
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex;
   MONEY_TYPE *room_treasure;
   sh_int cnt;
   char buf[MSL];

   if( area_load == NULL )
      bug( "Load_rooms: no #AREA seen yet.", 0 );
      hang( "Loading Rooms in db.c" );

   for( ;; )
      int vnum;
      char letter;
      int door;
      int iHash;

      letter = fread_letter( fp );
      if( letter != '#' )
         bug( "Load_rooms: # not found.", 0 );
         hang( "Loading Rooms in db.c" );

      vnum = fread_number( fp );

      if( vnum == 0 )

      if( vnum < area_load->min_vnum || vnum > area_load->max_vnum )
       xprintf(buf,"Load_rooms: vnum %d out of bounds for %s.",vnum,area_load->filename);

      fBootDb = FALSE;
      if( get_room_index( vnum ) != NULL )
         bug( "Load_rooms: vnum %d duplicated.", vnum );
         hang( "Loading Rooms in db.c" );
      fBootDb = TRUE;

      GET_FREE( pRoomIndex, rid_free );
      pRoomIndex->first_person = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->last_person = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->first_content = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->last_content = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->first_exdesc = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->last_exdesc = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->area = area_load;
      pRoomIndex->vnum = vnum;
      pRoomIndex->name = fread_string( fp );
      pRoomIndex->description = fread_string( fp );
      pRoomIndex->room_flags = fread_number( fp );
      pRoomIndex->sector_type = fread_number( fp );
      if( pRoomIndex->sector_type == SECT_NULL )
         pRoomIndex->sector_type = SECT_INSIDE;
      pRoomIndex->light = 0;
      pRoomIndex->affected_by = ROOM_BV_NONE;
      pRoomIndex->first_room_affect = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->last_room_affect = NULL;
      for( door = 0; door <= 5; door++ )
         pRoomIndex->exit[door] = NULL;
      pRoomIndex->first_room_reset = NULL;   /* MAG Mod */
      pRoomIndex->last_room_reset = NULL;

      GET_FREE( room_treasure, money_type_free );
         char testbuf[MSL];
         xprintf( testbuf, "loading rooms, vnum is %d", pRoomIndex->vnum );
         room_treasure->money_key = str_dup( testbuf );
      for( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CURRENCY; cnt++ )
         room_treasure->cash_unit[cnt] = 0;
      pRoomIndex->treasure = room_treasure;

      for( ;; )
         letter = fread_letter( fp );

         if( letter == 'S' )

         if( letter == 'D' )
            EXIT_DATA *pexit;
            int locks;

            door = fread_number( fp );
            if( door < 0 || door > 5 )
               bug( "Fread_rooms: vnum %d has bad door number.", vnum );
               hang( "Loading Rooms in db.c" );

            GET_FREE( pexit, exit_free );
            pexit->description = fread_string( fp );
            pexit->keyword = fread_string( fp );
            pexit->exit_info = 0;
            locks = fread_number( fp );
            pexit->key = fread_number( fp );
            pexit->vnum = fread_number( fp );

             * -S- Mod:  exit_flags now saved as-is, with EX_CLOSED and
             * EX_LOCKED filtered out.  If locks is 2, it's from an
             * 'old' area, so handle it, otherwise just set exit_info.
             * This allows new exit flags to be easily added.  :) 
             * (Impossible for new area to have locks  = 2(closed) 

            if( locks == 2 )
               pexit->exit_info = EX_ISDOOR | EX_PICKPROOF;
               pexit->exit_info = locks;

            pRoomIndex->exit[door] = pexit;
         else if( letter == 'E' )
            EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *ed;

            GET_FREE( ed, exdesc_free );
            ed->keyword = fread_string( fp );
            ed->description = fread_string( fp );
            LINK( ed, pRoomIndex->first_exdesc, pRoomIndex->last_exdesc, next, prev );
            bug( "Load_rooms: vnum %d has flag not 'DES'.", vnum );
            hang( "Loading Rooms in db.c" );

      iHash = vnum % MAX_KEY_HASH;
      SING_TOPLINK( pRoomIndex, room_index_hash[iHash], next );
/* MAG Mod */
      GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
      pList->data = pRoomIndex;
      LINK( pList, area_load->first_area_room, area_load->last_area_room, next, prev );



 * Snarf a shop section.
void load_shops( FILE * fp )
   SHOP_DATA *pShop;

   for( ;; )
      MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;
      int iTrade;
      int keeper;

      keeper = fread_number( fp );
      if( keeper == 0 )
      GET_FREE( pShop, shop_free );
      pShop->keeper = keeper;
      for( iTrade = 0; iTrade < MAX_TRADE; iTrade++ )
         pShop->buy_type[iTrade] = fread_number( fp );
      pShop->profit_buy = fread_number( fp );
      pShop->profit_sell = fread_number( fp );
      pShop->open_hour = fread_number( fp );
      pShop->close_hour = fread_number( fp );
      fread_to_eol( fp );
      pMobIndex = get_mob_index( pShop->keeper );
      pMobIndex->pShop = pShop;

/* MAG Mod */
      GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
      pList->data = pShop;
      LINK( pList, area_load->first_area_shop, area_load->last_area_shop, next, prev );

      LINK( pShop, first_shop, last_shop, next, prev );


 * Snarf spec proc declarations.
void load_specials( FILE * fp )
   for( ;; )
      MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;
      char letter;

      switch ( letter = fread_letter( fp ) )
            bug( "Load_specials: letter '%c' not *, M, or S.", letter );
            hang( "Loading Specials in db.c" );

         case 'S':

         case '*':

         case 'M':
            pMobIndex = get_mob_index( fread_number( fp ) );
            pMobIndex->spec_fun = spec_lookup( fread_word( fp ) );
            if( pMobIndex->spec_fun == 0 )
               bug( "Load_specials(mob): 'M': vnum %d.", pMobIndex->vnum );
               BUILD_DATA_LIST *pList;

                * MAG Mod 
               GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
               pList->data = pMobIndex;
               LINK( pList, area_load->first_area_specfunc, area_load->last_area_specfunc, next, prev );
       * NB. Comments will not be saved when using areasave - MAG. 
      fread_to_eol( fp );

/* Snarf objfun declarations.  -S- */

void load_objfuns( FILE * fp )
   for( ;; )
      OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObj;
      char letter;

      switch ( letter = fread_letter( fp ) )
            bug( "Load_objfuns: letter '%c' not *, O or S.", letter );
            hang( "Loading Objfuns in db.c" );

         case 'S':

         case '*':

         case 'O':  /* -S- mod => obj_funs */
            if( ( pObj = get_obj_index( fread_number( fp ) ) ) == NULL )
               char *temp;
               char buf[MSL];
               temp = fread_word( fp );
               xprintf( buf,
                        "Error in Load Objfuns:  area %s has Objfun without corresponding object.  Save this area after booting complete to remove.",
                        strArea );
               log_f( buf );
               free_string( temp );
               pObj->obj_fun = obj_fun_lookup( fread_word( fp ) );
            if( pObj != NULL )
               if( pObj->obj_fun == 0 )
                  bug( "Load_specials(obj): 'X': vnum %d.", pObj->vnum );
                  BUILD_DATA_LIST *pList;

                  GET_FREE( pList, build_free );
                  pList->data = pObj;
                  LINK( pList, area_load->first_area_objfunc, area_load->last_area_objfunc, next, prev );

       * NB. Comments will not be saved when using areasave - MAG. 
      fread_to_eol( fp );

 * Snarf notes file.
void load_notes( void )
   FILE *fp;

   xprintf_2(log_buf,"Loading %s",NOTE_FILE);

   if( ( fp = fopen( NOTE_FILE, "r" ) ) == NULL )
      log_f( "No note file to read." );

   for( ;; )
      NOTE_DATA *pnote;
      char letter;
         letter = getc( fp );
         if( feof( fp ) )
            fclose( fp );
      while( isspace( letter ) );
      ungetc( letter, fp );

      GET_FREE( pnote, note_free );

      if( str_cmp( fread_word( fp ), "sender" ) )
      pnote->sender = fread_string( fp );

      if( str_cmp( fread_word( fp ), "date" ) )
      pnote->date = fread_string( fp );

      if( str_cmp( fread_word( fp ), "stamp" ) )
      pnote->date_stamp = fread_number( fp );

      if( str_cmp( fread_word( fp ), "to" ) )
      pnote->to_list = fread_string( fp );

      if( str_cmp( fread_word( fp ), "subject" ) )
      pnote->subject = fread_string( fp );

      if( str_cmp( fread_word( fp ), "text" ) )
      pnote->text = fread_string( fp );

      LINK( pnote, first_note, last_note, next, prev );

   strcpy( strArea, NOTE_FILE );
   fpArea = fp;
   bug( "Load_notes: bad key word.", 0 );
   hang( "Loading Notes in db.c" );

 * Translate all room exits from virtual to real.
 * Has to be done after all rooms are read in.
 * Check for bad reverse exits.
void fix_exits( void )

   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex;
   EXIT_DATA *pexit;
   int iHash;
   int door;

   for( iHash = 0; iHash < MAX_KEY_HASH; iHash++ )
      for( pRoomIndex = room_index_hash[iHash]; pRoomIndex != NULL; pRoomIndex = pRoomIndex->next )
         bool fexit;

         fexit = FALSE;
         for( door = 0; door <= 5; door++ )
            if( ( pexit = pRoomIndex->exit[door] ) != NULL )
               if( ( pexit->vnum <= 0 ) || ( get_room_index( pexit->vnum ) == NULL ) )
                  xprintf( buf, "Bad exit vnum %d in room %d", pexit->vnum, pRoomIndex->vnum );
                  bug( buf, 0 );
                  PUT_FREE( pexit, exit_free );
                  pRoomIndex->exit[door] = NULL;
/*			pexit->to_room = NULL;   */

                  fexit = TRUE;
                  pexit->to_room = get_room_index( pexit->vnum );

         if( !fexit )
            SET_BIT( pRoomIndex->room_flags, ROOM_NO_MOB );

/* Load up gold into areas */
void load_gold( void )
   FILE *fpArea;
   int area_num;
   int gold;
   AREA_DATA *pArea;

   fpArea = fopen( "area.gld", "r" );

   if( fpArea == NULL )
      bug( "Could not open area.gld for reading.", 0 );

   for( ;; )
      area_num = fread_number( fpArea );
      if( area_num == -1 )

      gold = fread_number( fpArea );

      if( ( pArea = area_used[area_num] ) != NULL )
         pArea->gold = gold;

   fclose( fpArea );


/* Spec: see the comments on load_resets about what check_resets does */

#define VALID_RESET 0
#define INVAL_ROOM  1
#define INVAL_OBJ   2
#define INVAL_MOB   3
#define INVAL_GEN   4
void check_resets( void )
   AREA_DATA *pArea;
   RESET_DATA *pReset;
   RESET_DATA *nextReset;
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *last_mob_room;
   int previous_bug = 0;

   for( pArea = first_area; pArea; pArea = pArea->next )
      last_mob_room = NULL;

      for( pReset = pArea->first_reset; pReset; pReset = nextReset )
         ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex = NULL;
         EXIT_DATA *pexit;
         int ValReset = VALID_RESET;

         nextReset = pReset->next;

         switch ( pReset->command )
               bug( "Load_resets: bad command '%c'.", pReset->command );
               ValReset = INVAL_GEN;
            case 'A':  /* obsolete.. */
               if( !get_room_index( pReset->arg1 ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_ROOM;
            case 'M':
               if( !get_mob_index( pReset->arg1 ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_MOB;
               if( !( last_mob_room = get_room_index( pReset->arg3 ) ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_ROOM;
            case 'O':
               if( !get_obj_index( pReset->arg1 ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_OBJ;
               if( !get_room_index( pReset->arg3 ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_ROOM;
            case 'P':  /* obsolete.. */
               if( !get_obj_index( pReset->arg1 ) || !get_obj_index( pReset->arg3 ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_OBJ;
            case 'G':
            case 'E':
               if( !get_obj_index( pReset->arg1 ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_OBJ;
               if( !last_mob_room )
                  ValReset = INVAL_ROOM;
            case 'D':
               if( !( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_ROOM;
               if( pReset->arg2 < 0 || pReset->arg2 > 5 ||
                   !( pexit = pRoomIndex->exit[pReset->arg2] ) || !IS_SET( pexit->exit_info, EX_ISDOOR ) )
                  bug( "Check_resets: 'D': exit %d not door.", pReset->arg2 );
                  ValReset = INVAL_GEN;

               if( pReset->arg3 < 0 || pReset->arg3 > 2 )
                  bug( "Check_resets: 'D': bad 'locks': %d.", pReset->arg3 );
                  ValReset = INVAL_GEN;
            case 'R':
               if( !( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) )
                  ValReset = INVAL_ROOM;
               if( pReset->arg2 < 0 || pReset->arg2 > 5 )
                  bug( "Check_resets: 'R': bad exit %d.", pReset->arg2 );
                  ValReset = INVAL_GEN;
         if( ValReset != VALID_RESET )
            char buf[128];

            switch ( ValReset )
               case INVAL_ROOM:
                  xprintf( buf, "Invalid room for reset: " );
               case INVAL_OBJ:
                  xprintf( buf, "Invalid obj  for reset: " );
               case INVAL_MOB:
                  xprintf( buf, "Invalid mob  for reset: " );
               case INVAL_GEN:
                  xprintf( buf, "Invalid arg  for reset: " );
            xprintf( buf + strlen( buf ), "%c %d %d %d %d.", pReset->command,
                     pReset->ifflag, pReset->arg1, pReset->arg2, pReset->arg3 );
            bug( buf, 0 );
               int room = 0;
               ROOM_INDEX_DATA *reset_room;
               RESET_DATA *criminal;
               BUILD_DATA_LIST *guilty_reset;
               room = pReset->arg1;
               reset_room = get_room_index( room );
               for( guilty_reset = reset_room->first_room_reset; guilty_reset; guilty_reset = guilty_reset->next )

                  criminal = guilty_reset->data;
                  if( criminal == pReset )
                     bug( "Found the reset", 0 );
               if( guilty_reset == NULL )
                  xprintf( bug_buf, "Uhoh, couldn't find that damn reset!" );
                  monitor_chan( bug_buf, MONITOR_AREA_BUGS );
                  bug( "Couldn't find the reset.", 0 );
                  UNLINK( guilty_reset, reset_room->first_room_reset, reset_room->last_room_reset, next, prev );
                  guilty_reset->data = NULL;
                  PUT_FREE( guilty_reset, build_free );
            UNLINK( pReset, pArea->first_reset, pArea->last_reset, next, prev );
            PUT_FREE( pReset, reset_free );

 * Repopulate areas periodically.
void area_update( void )
   AREA_DATA *pArea;

   for( pArea = first_area; pArea != NULL; pArea = pArea->next )
      CHAR_DATA *pch;

       * Check for PC's.
      if( ( pArea->nplayer > 0 ) && ( pArea->age >= ( pArea->reset_rate - 1 ) ) )
         for( pch = first_char; pch != NULL; pch = pch->next )
            if( !IS_NPC( pch ) && IS_AWAKE( pch ) && pch->in_room != NULL && pch->in_room->area == pArea )
               char reset_buf[MSL];
               xprintf( reset_buf, "%s\n\r", pArea->reset_msg );
               send_to_char( reset_buf, pch );

       * Check age and reset.
       * Note: Mud School resets every 3 minutes (not 15).
      if( ( ( pArea->nplayer == 0 ) && ( pArea->age >= 5 ) ) || ( pArea->age >= pArea->reset_rate ) )
         reset_area( pArea );
         pArea->age = UMIN( pArea->reset_rate - 1, number_range( 0, 3 ) );



 * Reset one area.

void reset_area( AREA_DATA * pArea )
   RESET_DATA *pReset;
   CHAR_DATA *mob;
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   bool last;
   bool just_loaded = FALSE;
   int level;
   int previous_bug = 0;

   xprintf( buf, "Area Reset called for %s.", pArea->name );
   monitor_chan( buf, MONITOR_AREA_UPDATE );
   area_resetting_global = TRUE;
   mob = NULL;
   last = TRUE;
   level = 0;
   for( pReset = pArea->first_reset; pReset != NULL; pReset = pReset->next )
      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex;
      MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;
      OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;
      OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjToIndex;
      EXIT_DATA *pexit;
      OBJ_DATA *obj;
      OBJ_DATA *obj_to;
      sh_int num_allowed = 2;

      switch ( pReset->command )
            bug( "Reset_area: bad command %c.", pReset->command );

         case 'A':

         case 'M':
            just_loaded = FALSE;
            if( ( pMobIndex = get_mob_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'M': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg1 );

            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( pReset->arg3 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'R': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg3 );

            level = pMobIndex->level;
            if( pMobIndex->count >= pReset->arg2 )
               last = FALSE;

            mob = create_mobile( pMobIndex );
            just_loaded = TRUE;

             * Check for pet shop.
               ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndexPrev;
               pRoomIndexPrev = get_room_index( pRoomIndex->vnum - 1 );
               if( pRoomIndexPrev != NULL && IS_SET( pRoomIndexPrev->room_flags, ROOM_PET_SHOP ) )
                  SET_BIT( mob->act, ACT_PET );

            if( room_is_dark( pRoomIndex ) )
               SET_BIT( mob->affected_by, AFF_INFRARED );

            if( mob->in_room != NULL )
               char_to_room( mob, mob->in_room );
               char_to_room( mob, pRoomIndex );

            level = URANGE( 0, mob->level - 2, LEVEL_HERO );
            last = TRUE;

         case 'O':
            if( ( pObjIndex = get_obj_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'O': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg1 );

            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( pReset->arg3 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'R': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg3 );
            num_allowed = ( ( pReset->arg2 == 0 ) ? 2 : pReset->arg2 - 1 );
            if( ( count_obj_room( pObjIndex, pRoomIndex->first_content ) > num_allowed )
                || ( ( count_obj_room( pObjIndex, pRoomIndex->first_content ) > 0 )
                     && ( ( pObjIndex->item_type == ITEM_BOARD )
                          || ( pObjIndex->item_type == ITEM_FOUNTAIN )
                          || ( pObjIndex->item_type == ITEM_FURNITURE )
                          || ( pObjIndex->item_type == ITEM_PORTAL )
                          || ( pObjIndex->item_type == ITEM_PIECE ) || ( pObjIndex->extra_flags == ITEM_RARE ) ) ) )
               last = FALSE;

            obj = create_object( pObjIndex, level > 1 ? number_fuzzy( level ) : level );

            obj_to_room( obj, pRoomIndex );

            if( ( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_RARE ) ) && !( ( number_percent(  ) < 2 ) && ( number_percent(  ) < 8 ) ) )
               extract_obj( obj );
            else if( ( IS_SET( pRoomIndex->room_flags, ROOM_NO_REPOP ) ) && ( pRoomIndex->first_person != NULL ) )
               extract_obj( obj );
            last = TRUE;

         case 'P':
            if( ( pObjIndex = get_obj_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'P': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg1 );

            if( ( pObjToIndex = get_obj_index( pReset->arg3 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'P': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg3 );

            if( pArea->nplayer > 0
                || ( obj_to = get_obj_type( pObjToIndex ) ) == NULL
                || count_obj_list( pObjIndex, obj_to->first_in_carry_list ) > 0 )
               last = FALSE;

            obj = create_object( pObjIndex, obj_to->level > 1 ? number_fuzzy( obj_to->level ) : obj_to->level );

            obj_to_obj( obj, obj_to );

            last = TRUE;

         case 'G':
         case 'E':
            if( ( pObjIndex = get_obj_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'E' or 'G': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg1 );

            if( !just_loaded )

            if( mob == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'E' or 'G': null mob for vnum %d.", pReset->arg1 );
               last = FALSE;

            if( mob->pIndexData->pShop != NULL )
               int olevel;

               switch ( pObjIndex->item_type )
                     olevel = 0;
                  case ITEM_PILL:
                     olevel = number_range( 0, 10 );
                  case ITEM_POTION:
                     olevel = number_range( 0, 10 );
                  case ITEM_SCROLL:
                     olevel = number_range( 5, 15 );
                  case ITEM_WAND:
                     olevel = number_range( 10, 20 );
                  case ITEM_STAFF:
                     olevel = number_range( 15, 25 );
                  case ITEM_ARMOR:
                     olevel = number_range( 5, 15 );
                  case ITEM_WEAPON:
                     olevel = number_range( 5, 15 );

               obj = create_object( pObjIndex, olevel > 1 ? number_fuzzy( olevel ) : olevel );
               SET_BIT( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_INVENTORY );
               bool has_obj = FALSE;
               OBJ_DATA *carried;
               for( carried = mob->first_carry; carried; carried = carried->next_in_carry_list )
                  if( carried->pIndexData == pObjIndex )
                     has_obj = TRUE;
               if( has_obj )

               obj = create_object( pObjIndex, level > 1 ? number_fuzzy( level ) : level );
            obj_to_char( obj, mob );
            if( pReset->command == 'E' )
               char objname[MSL];
               one_argument( obj->name, objname );
               do_wear( mob, objname );
            last = TRUE;

         case 'D':
            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'D': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg1 );

            if( ( pexit = pRoomIndex->exit[pReset->arg2] ) == NULL )

            switch ( pReset->arg3 )
               case 0:
                  REMOVE_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );
                  REMOVE_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );

               case 1:
                  SET_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );
                  REMOVE_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );

               case 2:
                  SET_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED );
                  SET_BIT( pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED );

            last = TRUE;

         case 'R':
            if( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) == NULL )
               bug( "Reset_area: 'R': bad vnum %d.", pReset->arg1 );

               int d0;
               int d1;

               for( d0 = 0; d0 < pReset->arg2 - 1; d0++ )
                  d1 = number_range( d0, pReset->arg2 - 1 );
                  pexit = pRoomIndex->exit[d0];
                  pRoomIndex->exit[d0] = pRoomIndex->exit[d1];
                  pRoomIndex->exit[d1] = pexit;
   area_resetting_global = FALSE;

/* Nasty hack to get back the address of a loaded mob */
extern CHAR_DATA *loaded_mob_addr;

 * Create an instance of a mobile.
CHAR_DATA *create_mobile( MOB_INDEX_DATA * pMobIndex )
   CHAR_DATA *mob;
   int level;
   char buf[255];
   MONEY_TYPE *money;
   sh_int cnt;

   if( pMobIndex == NULL )
      bug( "Create_mobile: NULL pMobIndex.", 0 );
      hang( "Create Mobile in db.c" );

   if( IS_SET( pMobIndex->act, ACT_INTELLIGENT ) )
       * Only load one with the same name 
#if !defined(machintosh) && !defined(MSDOS)
      xprintf( buf, "%s n%i", pMobIndex->player_name, pMobIndex->count + 1 );
      xprintf( buf, "n%i %s", pMobIndex->count + 1, pMobIndex->player_name );


   GET_FREE( mob, char_free );

   clear_char( mob );
   mob->pIndexData = pMobIndex;

   if( IS_SET( pMobIndex->act, ACT_INTELLIGENT ) )
      mob->name = str_dup( buf );
      mob->name = str_dup( pMobIndex->player_name );

   mob->short_descr = str_dup( pMobIndex->short_descr );
   mob->long_descr = str_dup( pMobIndex->long_descr );
   mob->description = str_dup( pMobIndex->description );
   mob->switched = FALSE;
   mob->old_body = NULL;
   mob->spec_fun = pMobIndex->spec_fun;
   mob->sitting = NULL;
   mob->prompt = str_dup( "<%h %m %v> " );
   mob->first_shield = NULL;
   mob->last_shield = NULL;
    * Changed exp value for mobs 

   level = ( pMobIndex->level );

   mob->level = level;

   mob->act = pMobIndex->act;
   mob->affected_by = pMobIndex->affected_by;
   mob->alignment = pMobIndex->alignment;
   mob->sex = pMobIndex->sex;
   mob->ac_mod = pMobIndex->ac_mod;
   mob->hr_mod = pMobIndex->hr_mod;
   mob->dr_mod = pMobIndex->dr_mod;
/*  mob->move_to	= NO_VNUM; */

   mob->armor = interpolate( mob->level / 2, 100, -100 );
   mob->armor *= sysdata.mob_ac;

   mob->hitroll += ((get_psuedo_level(mob) / 4) * sysdata.mob_hr);
   mob->damroll += ((get_psuedo_level(mob) / 4) * sysdata.mob_dr);

   mob->max_hit = mob->level * 15 + number_range( mob->level * mob->level / 2, mob->level * mob->level / 1 );
   mob->max_hit *= sysdata.mob_hp;
   mob->hit = mob->max_hit;

   mob->exp = exp_for_mobile( mob->level, mob );
   mob->intell_exp = 0;

    * mana for mobs... 
   mob->max_mana = level * 25;
   mob->max_mana *= sysdata.mob_mp;
   mob->mana = mob->max_mana;

    * move for mobs...
   mob->max_move = level * 25;
   mob->max_move *= sysdata.mob_mv;
   mob->move = mob->max_move;

   mob->skills = pMobIndex->skills;
   mob->cast = pMobIndex->cast;
   mob->def = pMobIndex->def;
   mob->class = pMobIndex->class;
   mob->clan = pMobIndex->clan;
   mob->strong_magic = pMobIndex->strong_magic;
   mob->weak_magic = pMobIndex->weak_magic;
   mob->resist = pMobIndex->resist;
   mob->suscept = pMobIndex->suscept;
   mob->race_mods = pMobIndex->race_mods;
   mob->power_skills = pMobIndex->power_skills;
   mob->power_cast = pMobIndex->power_cast;
   mob->race = pMobIndex->race;
   mob->position = POS_STANDING;
   mob->is_quitting = FALSE;
   mob->extract_timer = -1;

   mob->in_room = NULL; /* to distinguish between loaded mobs */
    * and creted mobs     
   mob->ngroup = NULL;

   GET_FREE( money, money_type_free );
      char testbuf[MSL];
      xprintf( testbuf, "create_mobile, %s", mob->name );
      money->money_key = str_dup( testbuf );
   for( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CURRENCY; cnt++ )
      money->cash_unit[cnt] = pMobIndex->pShop ? 10 : 0;
   mob->money = money;

   GET_FREE( money, money_type_free );
      char testbuf[MSL];
      xprintf( testbuf, "create_mobile, %s", mob->name );
      money->money_key = str_dup( testbuf );
   for( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CURRENCY; cnt++ )
      money->cash_unit[cnt] = 0;
   mob->bank_money = money;

    * Insert in list.
   mob->next = NULL;
   mob->prev = NULL;
   LINK( mob, first_char, last_char, next, prev );

//  Create group data for mob

   if( AI_MOB( mob ) )
      NPC_GROUP_DATA *ngroup;
      GET_FREE( ngroup, npc_group_free );
      ngroup->next = NULL;
      ngroup->prev = NULL;
      ngroup->state = GRP_STATE_IDLE;
      ngroup->first_follower = NULL;
      ngroup->last_follower = NULL;
      ngroup->leader = mob;
      ngroup->seek_room = NULL;
      ngroup->enemies = str_dup( "none" );
      ngroup->last_fighting = str_dup( "none" );
      ngroup->wants = str_dup( "none" );
      ngroup->needs = str_dup( "none" );
      mob->ngroup = ngroup;
      LINK( ngroup, first_npc_group, last_npc_group, next, prev );
   return mob;

 * Create an instance of an object.
OBJ_DATA *create_object( OBJ_INDEX_DATA * pObjIndex, int level )
   static OBJ_DATA obj_zero;
   OBJ_DATA *obj;
   AFFECT_DATA *new_af;
   int new_cost;
   int looper;
   MONEY_TYPE *money;
   sh_int cnt;

   if( level < 0 )
      level = 1;

   if( pObjIndex == NULL )
      bug( "Create_object: NULL pObjIndex.", 0 );
      hang( "Creating Objext in db.c" );

   GET_FREE( obj, obj_free );
   *obj = obj_zero;
   obj->pIndexData = pObjIndex;
   obj->in_room = NULL;
   if( pObjIndex->level < 3 )
      if( pObjIndex->level == 2 )
         obj->level = 1;
         obj->level = level;
      obj->level = pObjIndex->level;

   obj->wear_loc = -1;

   obj->name = str_dup( pObjIndex->name );
   obj->short_descr = str_dup( pObjIndex->short_descr );
   obj->description = str_dup( pObjIndex->description );
   obj->item_type = pObjIndex->item_type;
   obj->extra_flags = pObjIndex->extra_flags;
   obj->wear_flags = pObjIndex->wear_flags;
   obj->item_apply = pObjIndex->item_apply;
   obj->obj_fun = pObjIndex->obj_fun;
   obj->first_in_room = NULL;
   obj->next_in_room = NULL;
   obj->last_in_room = NULL;
   obj->prev_in_room = NULL;
   obj->first_in_carry_list = NULL;
   obj->next_in_carry_list = NULL;
   obj->last_in_carry_list = NULL;
   obj->prev_in_carry_list = NULL;
   obj->first_content = NULL;
   obj->next_content = NULL;
   obj->last_content = NULL;
   obj->prev_content = NULL;
   obj->weight = pObjIndex->weight;
   if( (obj->speed = pObjIndex->speed) < 0.01 || (obj->speed = pObjIndex->speed) > 4 )
    obj->speed = number_speed();
   GET_FREE( money, money_type_free );
      char testbuf[MSL];
      xprintf( testbuf, "create_object, %s", obj->name );
      money->money_key = str_dup( testbuf );
   for( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CURRENCY; cnt++ )
      money->cash_unit[cnt] = 0;
   obj->money = money;

   obj->in_obj = NULL;

    * We want to copy pObjIndex->affected to obj->index 
   for( af = pObjIndex->first_apply; af != NULL; af = af->next )
       * Create new_af, or use a free_affect 
      GET_FREE( new_af, affect_free );

       * Now initialize the contents of new_af 
      new_af->type = -1;
      new_af->duration = -1;
      new_af->location = af->location;
      new_af->modifier = af->modifier;
      new_af->bitvector = 0;
      new_af->caster = NULL;
      LINK( new_af, obj->first_apply, obj->last_apply, next, prev );
   for( looper = 0; looper < 10; looper++ )
      obj->value[looper] = pObjIndex->value[looper];
   new_cost = get_item_value( obj );
   if( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_REMORT ) )
      new_cost *= 2;
   if( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_ADEPT ) )
      new_cost *= 3;
   if( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_RARE ) )
      new_cost *= 10;
   obj->cost = new_cost;

   if( obj->item_type == ITEM_FOOD )
      obj->cost /= 200;
   obj->cost = UMAX( 10, obj->cost );

   obj->condition = 100;   /* New, so in tip-top condition */

    * Mess with object properties.
   switch ( obj->item_type )
         bugf( "create_object: vnum %d bad type %d.", pObjIndex->vnum, obj->item_type );
      case ITEM_LIGHT:
      case ITEM_BEACON:
      case ITEM_TREASURE:
      case ITEM_FURNITURE:
      case ITEM_TRASH:
      case ITEM_CLUTCH:
      case ITEM_CONTAINER:
         obj->wear_flags = ITEM_TAKE;
      case ITEM_DRINK_CON:
      case ITEM_BOARD:
      case ITEM_KEY:
      case ITEM_FOOD:
      case ITEM_BOAT:
      case ITEM_CORPSE_NPC:
      case ITEM_CORPSE_PC:
      case ITEM_FOUNTAIN:
      case ITEM_PORTAL:
      case ITEM_PIECE:
      case ITEM_SOUL:
      case ITEM_TRIGGER:
      case ITEM_STAKE:
      case ITEM_QUEST:

      case ITEM_SCROLL:
         obj->value[0] = number_fuzzy( obj->value[0] );

      case ITEM_WAND:
      case ITEM_STAFF:
         obj->value[0] = number_fuzzy( obj->value[0] );
         obj->value[1] = number_fuzzy( obj->value[1] );
         obj->value[2] = obj->value[1];

      case ITEM_WEAPON:
         obj->value[1] = number_fuzzy( number_fuzzy( 1 * level / 8 + 3 ) );
         obj->value[2] = number_fuzzy( number_fuzzy( 3 * level / 8 + 4 ) );

      case ITEM_ARMOR:
         obj->value[0] = number_fuzzy( level / 12 + 4 );

      case ITEM_POTION:
      case ITEM_PILL:
         obj->value[0] = number_fuzzy( number_fuzzy( obj->value[0] ) );

      case ITEM_MONEY:
         obj->value[0] = obj->cost;

   if( pObjIndex->value[7] > 0 )
      obj->timer = pObjIndex->value[7];

   LINK( obj, first_obj, last_obj, next, prev );

   return obj;

 * Clear a new character.
void clear_char( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   static CHAR_DATA ch_zero;

   *ch = ch_zero;
   ch->name = &str_empty[0];
   ch->short_descr = &str_empty[0];
   ch->long_descr = &str_empty[0];
   ch->long_descr_orig = &str_empty[0];
   ch->description = &str_empty[0];
   ch->prompt = &str_empty[0];
   ch->last_note = 0;
   ch->logon = current_time;
   ch->armor = 100;
   ch->position = POS_STANDING;
   ch->practice = 21;
   ch->hit = 20;
   ch->max_hit = 20;
   ch->mana = 100;
   ch->max_mana = 100;
   ch->move = 100;
   ch->sitting = NULL;
   ch->max_move = 100;
   ch->act_build = 0;
   ch->build_vnum = -1;
   ch->sentence = 0;
   ch->switched = FALSE;
   ch->old_body = NULL;
   ch->first_shield = NULL;
   ch->last_shield = NULL;
   ch->stunTimer = 0;
/*    ch->pcdata->recall_vnum = 3001;     */


 * Free a character.
void free_char( CHAR_DATA * ch )
   MPROG_ACT_LIST *mpact;
   CHAR_DATA *rch;

   ch->is_quitting = TRUE;
   while( ch->first_carry != NULL )
      extract_obj( ch->first_carry );

   while( ch->first_affect != NULL )
      affect_remove( ch, ch->first_affect );

   while( ( mpact = ch->first_mpact ) != NULL )
      ch->first_mpact = mpact->next;
      PUT_FREE( mpact, mpact_free );

   for( rch = first_char; rch; rch = rch->next )
      AFFECT_DATA *paf;

      if( rch->master == ch )
         rch->master = NULL;
      if( rch->leader == ch )
         rch->leader = NULL;
      if( rch->fighting == ch )
         rch->fighting = NULL;
      if( rch->reply == ch )
         rch->reply = NULL;
      if( rch->hunting == ch )
         if( IS_NPC( rch ) && !IS_NPC( ch ) )
            free_string( rch->searching );
            rch->searching = str_dup( ch->name );
         else if( !IS_NPC( rch ) )
            send_to_char( "@@RYou seem to have lost your prey.\n\r", rch );
         end_hunt( rch );
      if( rch->hunt_for == ch )
         rch->hunt_for = NULL;
      if( rch->old_body == ch )
         do_return( rch, "" );
         rch->old_body = NULL;
      for( mpact = rch->first_mpact; mpact; mpact = mpact->next )
         if( mpact->ch == ch )
            mpact->ch = NULL;
         if( mpact->vo == ch )
            mpact->vo = NULL;
      for( paf = rch->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
         if( paf->caster == ch )
            paf->caster = NULL;

      ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room;
      int rvnum;
      ROOM_AFFECT_DATA *raf;

      for( rvnum = 0; rvnum < MAX_KEY_HASH; rvnum++ )
         for( room = room_index_hash[rvnum]; room; room = room->next )
            for( raf = room->first_room_affect; raf; raf = raf->next )
               if( raf->caster == ch )
                  raf->caster = NULL;

   if( ch->pnote )
      PUT_FREE( ch->pnote, note_free );
   if( ch->current_brand )
      PUT_FREE( ch->current_brand, brand_data_free );

   if( ch->pcdata != NULL )
#ifdef IMC
      imc_freechardata( ch );
#ifdef I3
      free_i3chardata( ch );
      PUT_FREE( ch->pcdata, pcd_free );

   PUT_FREE( ch, char_free );

 * Get an extra description from a list.
char *get_extra_descr( const char *name, EXTRA_DESCR_DATA * ed )
   for( ; ed != NULL; ed = ed->next )
      if( is_name( name, ed->keyword ) )
         return ed->description;
   return NULL;

 * Translates mob virtual number to its mob index struct.
 * Hash table lookup.
MOB_INDEX_DATA *get_mob_index( int vnum )
   MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex;

   for( pMobIndex = mob_index_hash[vnum % MAX_KEY_HASH]; pMobIndex != NULL; pMobIndex = pMobIndex->next )
      if( pMobIndex->vnum == vnum )
         return pMobIndex;

   if( fBootDb )
      bug( "Get_mob_index: bad vnum %d.", vnum );
      hang( "Get mob index in db.c" );

   return NULL;

 * Translates mob virtual number to its obj index struct.
 * Hash table lookup.
OBJ_INDEX_DATA *get_obj_index( int vnum )
   OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;

   for( pObjIndex = obj_index_hash[vnum % MAX_KEY_HASH]; pObjIndex != NULL; pObjIndex = pObjIndex->next )
      if( pObjIndex->vnum == vnum )
         return pObjIndex;

   if( fBootDb )
      bug( "Get_obj_index: bad vnum %d.", vnum );
      hang( "Get Object Index in db.c" );

   return NULL;

 * Translates mob virtual number to its room index struct.
 * Hash table lookup.
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *get_room_index( int vnum )
   ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex;

   for( pRoomIndex = room_index_hash[vnum % MAX_KEY_HASH]; pRoomIndex != NULL; pRoomIndex = pRoomIndex->next )
      if( pRoomIndex->vnum == vnum )
         return pRoomIndex;

   if( fBootDb )
      bug( "Get_room_index: bad vnum %d.", vnum );
/*	exit( 1 );   */

   return NULL;

 * Read a letter from a file.
char fread_letter( FILE * fp )
   char c;

      c = getc( fp );
   while( isspace( c ) );

   return c;

 * Read a float number from a file. Turn the result into a float value.
 * Taken from AFKMud by Samson
float fread_float( FILE *fp )
 float number;
 bool sign, decimal;
 char c;
 int place = 0;
  if( feof(fp) )
   bug("fread_float: EOF encountered on read.",0);
   if( fBootDb )
    bug( "Corrupt file somewhere.",0);
   return 0;
  c = getc( fp );
 while( isspace(c) );
 number = 0;
 sign   = FALSE;
 decimal = FALSE;

 if( c == '+' )
  c = getc( fp );
 else if( c == '-' )
  sign = TRUE;
  c = getc( fp );
 if( !isdigit(c) )
  bug( "Fread_float: bad format. (%c)", c );
  if( fBootDb )
   exit( 1 );
  return 0;
 while( 1 )
  if( c == '.' || isdigit(c) )
   if( c == '.' )
    decimal = TRUE;
    c = getc( fp );

   if( feof(fp) )
    bug("fread_float: EOF encountered on read.",0);
    if( fBootDb )
     exit( 1 );
    return number;
   if( !decimal )
    number = number * 10 + c - '0';
    number += pow( 10, ( -1 * place ) ) * ( c - '0' );
   c      = getc( fp );
  else break;

 if( sign )
  number = 0 - number;

 if( c == '|' )
  number += fread_float( fp );
 else if( c != ' ' )
  ungetc( c, fp );

 return number;

 * Read a number from a file.
int fread_number( FILE * fp )
   int number;
   bool sign;
   char c;

      c = getc( fp );
   while( isspace( c ) );

   number = 0;

   sign = FALSE;
   if( c == '+' )
      c = getc( fp );
   else if( c == '-' )
      sign = TRUE;
      c = getc( fp );

   if( !isdigit( c ) )
      char error_buf[MSL];
      xprintf( error_buf, "%c", c );
      bug_string( "Fread_number: looking for a digit, found a %s.", error_buf );
      hang( "Error in fread_number" );

   while( isdigit( c ) )
      number = number * 10 + c - '0';
      c = getc( fp );

   if( sign )
      number = 0 - number;

   if( c == '|' )
      number += fread_number( fp );
   else if( c != ' ' )
      ungetc( c, fp );

   return number;

 * Read to end of line (for comments).

/* Spec: fixed to handle EOF more gracefully */

void fread_to_eol( FILE * fp )
   char c;

      c = getc( fp );
   while( c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF );

   while( c == '\n' || c == '\r' )
      c = getc( fp );

   if( c == EOF )
      bugf( "fread_to_eol: EOF" );

   ungetc( c, fp );

/* Same as above, but returns the rest of the line */

/* Spec: fixed to handle EOF more gracefully */

char *fsave_to_eol( FILE * fp )
   char string[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH + 1];
   int a;
   char c;

   a = 0;
      string[a++] = getc( fp );

   while( a < MAX_INPUT_LENGTH && string[a - 1] != '\n' && string[a - 1] != '\r' && string[a - 1] != EOF );

   if( string[a - 1] == EOF )
      bugf( "fsave_to_eol: EOF" );
      string[a - 1] = 0;
      return str_dup( string );

   if( a == MAX_INPUT_LENGTH )
      fread_to_eol( fp );
      c = string[a - 1];
      while( c == '\n' || c == '\r' )
         c = getc( fp );

      if( c == EOF )
         bugf( "fsave_to_eol: EOF" );
         ungetc( c, fp );
   string[a] = '\0';

   return str_dup( string );

 * Read one word (into static buffer).
char *fread_word( FILE * fp )
   static char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char *pword;
   char cEnd;

      if( feof( fp ) )
         bug( "fread_word: EOF encountered on read.\n\r", 0 );
         if( fBootDb )
            kill( getpid(  ), SIGQUIT );
         strcpy( word, "" );
         return word;
      cEnd = getc( fp );
   while( isspace( cEnd ) );

   if( cEnd == '\'' || cEnd == '"' )
      pword = word;
      word[0] = cEnd;
      pword = word + 1;
      cEnd = ' ';

   for( ; pword < word + MAX_INPUT_LENGTH; pword++ )
      if( feof( fp ) )
         bug( "fread_word: EOF encountered on read.\n\r", 0 );
         if( fBootDb )
            kill( getpid(  ), SIGQUIT );
         *pword = '\0';
         return word;
      *pword = getc( fp );
      if( cEnd == ' ' ? isspace( *pword ) : *pword == cEnd )
         if( cEnd == ' ' )
            ungetc( *pword, fp );
         *pword = '\0';
         return word;

   bug( "Fread_word: word too long", 0 );
   kill( getpid(  ), SIGQUIT );
   return NULL;

void *_getmem( int size, const char *caller, int log )
   void *mem;

   if( !( mem = malloc( size ) ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Out of memory.\n" );
      raise( SIGSEGV );
   memset( mem, 0, size );

   if( log && mem_log )
      log_f( "getmem(%d)=%p from %s", size, mem, caller );

   return mem;

#if 0
 * Duplicate a string into dynamic memory.
 * Fread_strings are read-only and shared.
#define MAX_SIZE_LIST	13
static const int sizelist[MAX_SIZE_LIST] = { 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 };
struct text_data
   struct text_data *next;
   char *text;
static struct text_data *text_free[MAX_SIZE_LIST] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
static struct text_data *tdf_free = NULL;
char *str_dup( const char *str )
   char *str_new;
   sh_int size;
   int len;

   if( !str || !*str )
      return &str_empty[0];

   if( str >= string_space && str < top_string )
      return ( char * )str;

   len = strlen( str ) + 1;
   for( size = 0; size < MAX_SIZE_LIST; size++ )
      if( len < sizelist[size] )
   if( size < MAX_SIZE_LIST )
      if( text_free[size] != NULL )
         struct text_data *tdf = text_free[size];

         text_free[size] = tdf->next;
         str_new = tdf->text;
         tdf->next = tdf_free;
         tdf_free = tdf;
         str_new = getmem( sizelist[size] );
      str_new = getmem( len );
   str_new = getmem( strlen( str ) + 1 );
   strcpy( str_new, str );
   return str_new;

 * Free a string.
 * Null is legal here to simplify callers.
 * Read-only shared strings are not touched.
void free_string( char *pstr )
   sh_int size;
   int len;

   if( pstr == NULL || pstr == &str_empty[0] || ( pstr >= string_space && pstr < top_string ) )

   len = strlen( pstr ) + 1;
   for( size = 0; size < MAX_SIZE_LIST; size++ )
      if( len < sizelist[size] )
   if( size < MAX_SIZE_LIST )
      struct text_data *tdf;

      if( tdf_free )
         tdf = tdf_free;
         tdf_free = tdf->next;
         tdf = getmem( sizeof( *tdf ) );
      tdf->text = pstr;
      tdf->next = text_free[size];
      text_free[size] = tdf;
      dispose( pstr, len );
   dispose( pstr, strlen( pstr ) + 1 );


void do_areas( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char msg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char arg1[MSL];
   sh_int foo;
   AREA_DATA *pArea;
   bool fall = FALSE;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );

   if( !str_cmp( arg1, "all" ) )
      fall = TRUE;
   xprintf( buf, "@@W" mudnamecolor " AREA LISTING\n\r" );
   xcat( buf, "+-------+------------+------------------------------------------------+\n\r" );
   xcat( buf,
                "| @@yLevel@@W |            |                                                |\n\r" );
   xcat( buf,
                "| @@yrange@@W |   @@yAuthor@@W   |      @@yName of Area@@W                              |\n\r" );
   xcat( buf, "+-------+------------+------------------------------------------------+\n\r" );

   foo = 0;
   for( pArea = first_area; pArea != NULL; pArea = pArea->next )
      if( ( IS_SET( pArea->flags, AREA_NOSHOW ) ) || ( IS_SET( pArea->flags, AREA_BUILDING ) ) )
         continue;   /* for non-finished areas - don't show */
      if( ( !fall )
          && ( ( pArea->min_level > ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) ) ) || ( pArea->max_level < ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) ) ) ) )

      xprintf( msg, " %s %12s          %s\n\r", pArea->level_label, capitalize( pArea->owner ), pArea->name );
      xcat( buf, msg );
   xprintf( msg, "@@R%d Areas listed.\n\r@@N Type areas all to list the entire " mudnamecolor " realm.\n\r@@N", foo );
   xcat( buf, msg );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );

void perm_update(  )
    * output perm usage to log file 
   FILE *po;
   char *strtime;
   po = fopen( "perm.out", "a" );

   strtime = ctime( &current_time );
   strtime[strlen( strtime ) - 1] = '\0';

   fprintf( po, "%s :: Perms   %5d blocks  of %7d bytes.\n\r", strtime, nAllocPerm, sAllocPerm );
   fclose( po );

void do_memory( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "defrag" ) )
      send_to_char( "Defragmenting SSM heap.", ch );
      log_f( "SSM: %s called defrag_heap.", ch->name );
      defrag_heap(  );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "log" ) )
      if( get_trust( ch ) < MAX_LEVEL )
         send_to_char( "Not at your level.\n\r", ch );

      if( mem_log )
         mem_log = FALSE;
         send_to_char( "Memory logging is now OFF.\n\r", ch );
         log_f( "%s turned off memory logging", ch->name );
         mem_log = TRUE;
         send_to_char( "Memory logging is now ON.. remember to turn it off!\n\r", ch );
         log_f( "%s turned on memory logging", ch->name );

   xprintf( buf, "Affects %5d\n\r", top_affect );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Areas   %5d\n\r", top_area );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "ExDes   %5d\n\r", top_ed );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Exits   %5d\n\r", top_exit );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Helps   %5d\n\r", top_help );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Mobs    %5d\n\r", top_mob_index );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Objs    %5d\n\r", top_obj_index );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Resets  %5d\n\r", top_reset );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Rooms   %5d\n\r", top_room );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Shops   %5d\n\r", top_shop );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );

#if 0
   xprintf( buf, "Strings %5d strings of %7d bytes (max %d).\n\r", nAllocString, sAllocString, MAX_STRING );

   xprintf( buf, "Shared String Info:\n\r" );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Strings           %5ld strings of %7ld bytes (max %ld).\n\r", nAllocString, sAllocString, MAX_STRING );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Overflow Strings  %5ld strings of %7ld bytes.\n\r", nOverFlowString, sOverFlowString );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   if( Full )
      send_to_char( "Shared String Heap is full, increase MAX_STRING.\n\r", ch );
      xprintf( buf, "Overflow high-water-mark is %ld bytes.\n\r", hwOverFlow );
      send_to_char( buf, ch );

   xprintf( buf, "Perms             %5d blocks  of %7d bytes.\n\r", nAllocPerm, sAllocPerm );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );

   xprintf( buf, "Freelist Info: Gets: %5d Puts: %5d\n\r",free_get,free_put);
   send_to_char( buf, ch );


void do_status( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   send_to_char( "             Status Report for Ack! Mud:\n\r", ch );
   send_to_char( "             ---------------------------\n\r\n\r", ch );
   do_time( ch, "" );

   send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );
   send_to_char( "The following counts are for *distinct* mobs/objs/rooms, not a count\n\r", ch );
   send_to_char( "of how many are actually in the game at this time.\n\r", ch );
   send_to_char( "NB. Areas count will include areas used as help files.\n\r\n\r", ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Areas   %5d\n\r", top_area );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Helps   %5d\n\r", top_help );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Mobs    %5d\n\r", top_mob_index );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Objs    %5d\n\r", top_obj_index );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );
   xprintf( buf, "Rooms   %5d\n\r", top_room );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );


 * Generate a random float for weapon speed.
float number_speed(void)
 float s1, s2, s3, value = 0.00;

 s1 = number_range(1,4);
 s2 = ((number_range(0,4) + 0.00) / 10);
 s3 = ((number_range(0,4) + 0.00) / 100);
 value = s1+s2+s3;

 if (value > 4.00)
  value = 4.00;

 return value;

 * Stick a little fuzz on a number.
int number_fuzzy( int number )
   switch ( number_bits( 2 ) )
      case 0:
         number -= 1;
      case 3:
         number += 1;

   return UMAX( 1, number );

 * Generate a random number.
int number_range( int from, int to )
   int power;
   int number;

   if( ( to = to - from + 1 ) <= 1 )
      return from;

   for( power = 2; power < to; power <<= 1 )

   while( ( number = number_mm(  ) & ( power - 1 ) ) >= to )

   return from + number;

 * Generate a percentile roll.
int number_percent( void )
   int percent;

   while( ( percent = number_mm(  ) & ( 128 - 1 ) ) > 99 )

   return 1 + percent;

 * Generate a random door.
int number_door( void )
   int door;

   while( ( door = number_mm(  ) & ( 8 - 1 ) ) > 5 )

   return door;

int number_bits( int width )
   return number_mm(  ) & ( ( 1 << width ) - 1 );

 * I've gotten too many bad reports on OS-supplied random number generators.
 * This is the Mitchell-Moore algorithm from Knuth Volume II.
 * Best to leave the constants alone unless you've read Knuth.
 * -- Furey
static int rgiState[2 + 55];

void init_mm(  )
   int *piState;
   int iState;

   piState = &rgiState[2];

   piState[-2] = 55 - 55;
   piState[-1] = 55 - 24;

   piState[0] = ( ( int )current_time ) & ( ( 1 << 30 ) - 1 );
   piState[1] = 1;
   for( iState = 2; iState < 55; iState++ )
      piState[iState] = ( piState[iState - 1] + piState[iState - 2] ) & ( ( 1 << 30 ) - 1 );

int number_mm( void )
   int *piState;
   int iState1;
   int iState2;
   int iRand;

   piState = &rgiState[2];
   iState1 = piState[-2];
   iState2 = piState[-1];
   iRand = ( piState[iState1] + piState[iState2] ) & ( ( 1 << 30 ) - 1 );
   piState[iState1] = iRand;
   if( ++iState1 == 55 )
      iState1 = 0;
   if( ++iState2 == 55 )
      iState2 = 0;
   piState[-2] = iState1;
   piState[-1] = iState2;
   return iRand >> 6;

 * Roll some dice.
int dice( int number, int size )
   int idice;
   int sum;

   switch ( size )
      case 0:
         return 0;
      case 1:
         return number;

   for( idice = 0, sum = 0; idice < number; idice++ )
      sum += number_range( 1, size );

   return sum;

 * Simple linear interpolation.
int interpolate( int level, int value_00, int value_32 )
   return value_00 + level * ( value_32 - value_00 ) / 32;

 * Append a string to a file.
void append_file( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *file, char *str )
   FILE *fp;

   if( IS_NPC( ch ) || str[0] == '\0' )

   fclose( fpReserve );
   if( ( fp = fopen( file, "a" ) ) == NULL )
      perror( file );
      send_to_char( "Could not open the file!\n\r", ch );
      fprintf( fp, "[%5d] %s: %s\n", ch->in_room ? ch->in_room->vnum : 0, ch->name, str );
      fclose( fp );

   fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );

 * Nice little functions that limit the amount of typing you have to do with    
 * each and every log File entry and bug report.---Flar
void bugf( char *fmt, ... )
   char buf[MSL];
   va_list args;
   va_start( args, fmt );
   vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), fmt, args );
   va_end( args );

   bug( buf, 0 );

void log_f( char *fmt, ... )
   char buf[2 * MSL];
   va_list args;
   va_start( args, fmt );
   vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), fmt, args );
   va_end( args );

   log_string( buf );

 * Reports a bug.
void bug( const char *str, int param )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   FILE *fp;

   if( fpArea != NULL )
      int iLine;
      int iChar;

      if( fpArea == stdin )
         iLine = 0;
         iChar = ftell( fpArea );
         fseek( fpArea, 0, 0 );
         for( iLine = 0; ftell( fpArea ) < iChar; iLine++ )
            while( getc( fpArea ) != '\n' )
         fseek( fpArea, iChar, 0 );

      xprintf( buf, "[*****] FILE: %s LINE: %d", strArea, iLine );
      log_string( buf );

      if( ( fp = fopen( SHUTDOWN_FILE, "a" ) ) != NULL )
         fprintf( fp, "[*****] %s\n", buf );
         fclose( fp );

   strcpy( buf, "[*****] BUG: " );
   sprintf( buf + strlen( buf ), str, param );
   log_string( buf );

   fclose( fpReserve );
   if( ( fp = fopen( BUG_FILE, "a" ) ) != NULL )
      fprintf( fp, "%s\n", buf );
      fclose( fp );
   fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );


void bug_string( const char *str, const char *str2 )
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   FILE *fp;

   if( fpArea != NULL )
      int iLine;
      int iChar;

      if( fpArea == stdin )
         iLine = 0;
         iChar = ftell( fpArea );
         fseek( fpArea, 0, 0 );
         for( iLine = 0; ftell( fpArea ) < iChar; iLine++ )
            while( getc( fpArea ) != '\n' )
         fseek( fpArea, iChar, 0 );

      xprintf( buf, "[*****] FILE: %s LINE: %d", strArea, iLine );
      log_string( buf );

      if( ( fp = fopen( SHUTDOWN_FILE, "a" ) ) != NULL )
         fprintf( fp, "[*****] %s\n", buf );
         fclose( fp );

   strcpy( buf, "[*****] BUG: " );
   sprintf( buf + strlen( buf ), str, str2 );
   log_string( buf );

   fclose( fpReserve );
   if( ( fp = fopen( BUG_FILE, "a" ) ) != NULL )
      fprintf( fp, "%s\n", buf );
      fclose( fp );
   fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );


 * Writes a string to the log.
void log_string( const char *str )
   char *strtime;

   strtime = ctime( &current_time );
   strtime[strlen( strtime ) - 1] = '\0';
   fprintf( stderr, "%s :: %s\n", strtime, str );

 * This function is here to aid in debugging.
 * If the last expression in a function is another function call,
 *   gcc likes to generate a JMP instead of a CALL.
 * This is called "tail chaining."
 * It hoses the debugger call stack for that call.
 * So I make this the last call in certain critical functions,
 *   where I really need the call stack to be right for debugging!
 * If you don't understand this, then LEAVE IT ALONE.
 * Don't remove any calls to tail_chain anywhere.
 * -- Furey
void tail_chain( void )

 * MOBprogram code block
/* the functions */

/* This routine transfers between alpha and numeric forms of the
 *  mob_prog bitvector types. This allows the use of the words in the
 *  mob/script files.
int mprog_name_to_type( name )
     char *name;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "in_file_prog" ) )
      return IN_FILE_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "act_prog" ) )
      return ACT_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "speech_prog" ) )
      return SPEECH_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "rand_prog" ) )
      return RAND_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "fight_prog" ) )
      return FIGHT_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "hitprcnt_prog" ) )
      return HITPRCNT_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "death_prog" ) )
      return DEATH_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "entry_prog" ) )
      return ENTRY_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "greet_prog" ) )
      return GREET_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "all_greet_prog" ) )
      return ALL_GREET_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "give_prog" ) )
      return GIVE_PROG;
   if( !str_cmp( name, "bribe_prog" ) )
      return BRIBE_PROG;
   return ( ERROR_PROG );

/* Had to redo mobprog loading to work with double linked lists. -- Altrag */
void mprog_file_read( char *f, MOB_INDEX_DATA * pMobIndex )
   MPROG_DATA *mprog;
   FILE *fp;
   char letter;
   char name[128];
   char *permf;
   int type;

   xprintf( name, "%s%s", MOB_DIR, f );
   if( !( fp = fopen( name, "r" ) ) )
      bug( "Mob: %d couldn't opne mobprog file.", pMobIndex->vnum );
   permf = str_dup( f );
   for( ;; )
      if( ( letter = fread_letter( fp ) ) == '|' )
      else if( letter != '>' )
         bug( "Mprog_file_read: Invalid letter mob %d.", pMobIndex->vnum );
      switch ( ( type = fread_number( fp ) ) )
         case ERROR_PROG:
            bug( "Mob %d: in file prog error.", pMobIndex->vnum );
         case IN_FILE_PROG:
            bug( "Mob %d: nested in file progs.", pMobIndex->vnum );
            SET_BIT( pMobIndex->progtypes, type );
            GET_FREE( mprog, mprog_free );
            mprog->type = type;
            mprog->arglist = fread_string( fp );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
            mprog->comlist = fread_string( fp );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
            mprog->filename = permf;
   fclose( fp );

void load_mobprogs( FILE * fp )
   char letter;
   int value;

   for( ;; )
      switch ( LOWER( letter = fread_letter( fp ) ) )
            bug( "Load_mobprogs: bad command '%c'.", letter );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case 's':
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case '*':
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case 'm':
            value = fread_number( fp );
            if( !( iMob = get_mob_index( value ) ) )
               bug( "Load_mobprogs: vnum %d doesn't exist.", value );
               fread_to_eol( fp );
            mprog_file_read( fread_word( fp ), iMob );
            fread_to_eol( fp );

void mprog_read_programs( FILE * fp, MOB_INDEX_DATA * pMobIndex )
   MPROG_DATA *mprog;
   char letter;
   int type;

   for( ;; )
      if( ( letter = fread_letter( fp ) ) == '|' )
      else if( letter != '>' )
         bug( "Load_mobiles: vnum %d MOBPROG char", pMobIndex->vnum );
         ungetc( letter, fp );
      type = mprog_name_to_type( fread_word( fp ) );
      switch ( type )
         case ERROR_PROG:
            bug( "Load_mobiles: vnum %d MOBPROG type.", pMobIndex->vnum );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
         case IN_FILE_PROG:
            mprog_file_read( fread_string( fp ), pMobIndex );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
            SET_BIT( pMobIndex->progtypes, type );
            GET_FREE( mprog, mprog_free );
            mprog->type = type;
            mprog->arglist = fread_string( fp );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
            mprog->comlist = fread_string( fp );
            fread_to_eol( fp );
            LINK( mprog, pMobIndex->first_mprog, pMobIndex->last_mprog, next, prev );

void message_update( void )
   RESET_DATA *pReset;
   AREA_DATA *pArea;
   CHAR_DATA *ch;

   for( pArea = first_area; pArea != NULL; pArea = pArea->next )
      for( pReset = pArea->first_reset; pReset != NULL; pReset = pReset->next )
         if( pReset->command != 'A' )

         if( ( pRoom = get_room_index( pReset->arg1 ) ) == NULL )
            bug( "message_update, no room %d found.", pReset->arg1 );

         for( ch = pRoom->first_person; ch != NULL; ch = ch->next_in_room )
            if( ch->level >= pReset->arg2 && ch->level <= pReset->arg3 )
               send_to_char( pReset->notes, ch );

bool char_exists( char *argument )
 FILE *fp;
 bool found = FALSE;

 fclose( fpReserve );
 xprintf( buf, "%s%s%s%s", PLAYER_DIR, initial( argument ), "/", capitalize( argument ) );

 if( ( fp = fopen( buf, "r" ) ) != NULL )
  found = TRUE;
  fclose( fp );

 fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );
 return found;

int bv_log( int n )
 int result = 0;

 while( n > 0 )
  n >>= 1;

 return result;

void check_chistory( CHAR_DATA *ch, int channel )
 sh_int x,y = 0;
 bool found = FALSE;

 x = (bv_log(channel)-1);

 for( y = 0; y < MAX_HISTORY; y++ )
  if( chan_history.message[x][y][0] != '\0' )
   if( IS_IMMORTAL(ch) )
    found = TRUE;
    buf[(strlen(buf)-1)] = '\0';           /* I realize how ugly this chunk looks but it was */
    xcat(buf,"] ");                        /* necessary to get around ctime adding a newline --Kline */
   else if( ch->logon <= chan_history.time[x][y] )
    switch( channel )
     default: found = TRUE; send_to_char(chan_history.message[x][y],ch); break;
      if( IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_CLAN_DIPLOMAT) )
       found = TRUE;
      if( is_remort(ch) )
       found = TRUE;
     case CHANNEL_YELL:
      if( !str_cmp(ch->in_room->area->name,chan_history.aname[x][y]) )
       found = TRUE;
     case CHANNEL_CLAN:
      if( ch->pcdata->clan == chan_history.cbit[x][y] )
       found = TRUE;
     case CHANNEL_RACE:
      if( ch->race == chan_history.cbit[x][y] )
       xprintf(buf,"char: %d chan: %d\n\r",ch->race,chan_history.cbit[x][y]);
       found = TRUE;
      if( IS_VAMP(ch) && ch->pcdata->super->bloodline == chan_history.cbit[x][y] )
       found = TRUE;
     case CHANNEL_HOWL:
      if( IS_WOLF(ch) && ch->pcdata->super->bloodline == chan_history.cbit[x][y] )
       found = TRUE;

 if( !found )
  send_to_char("No history available for that channel yet.\n\r",ch);


void update_chistory( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, int channel )
 sh_int x,y = 0;

 x = (bv_log(channel)-1);

 for( y = 0; y < MAX_HISTORY; y++ )
  if( chan_history.message[x][y] == '\0' )
   xprintf(chan_history.message[x][y],"%s: %s@@N\n\r",IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name,argument);
   chan_history.time[x][y] = current_time;
   chan_history.cbit[x][y] = -1;

   switch( channel )
    default: break;
    case CHANNEL_YELL:   xprintf(chan_history.aname[x][y],ch->in_room->area->name);                break;
    case CHANNEL_CLAN:   chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->pcdata->clan;                               break;
    case CHANNEL_RACE:   chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->race;                                       break;
    case CHANNEL_FAMILY: if( !IS_NPC(ch) ) chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->pcdata->super->bloodline; break;
    case CHANNEL_HOWL:   if( !IS_NPC(ch) ) chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->pcdata->super->bloodline; break;
  if( y == (MAX_HISTORY -1) )
   int i = 0;

   for( i = 1; i < MAX_HISTORY; i++ )
    chan_history.time[x][(i-1)] = chan_history.time[x][i];
    chan_history.cbit[x][(i-1)] = chan_history.cbit[x][i];

   chan_history.message[x][y][0] = '\0';
   chan_history.time[x][y] = 0;
   chan_history.aname[x][y][0] = '\0';
   chan_history.cbit[x][y] = 0;

   xprintf(chan_history.message[x][y],"%s: %s@@N\n\r",IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name,argument);
   chan_history.time[x][y] = current_time;
   chan_history.cbit[x][y] = -1;

   switch( channel )
    default: break;
    case CHANNEL_YELL:   xprintf(chan_history.aname[x][y],ch->in_room->area->name);                break;
    case CHANNEL_CLAN:   chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->pcdata->clan;                               break;
    case CHANNEL_RACE:   chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->race;                                       break;
    case CHANNEL_FAMILY: if( !IS_NPC(ch) ) chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->pcdata->super->bloodline; break;
    case CHANNEL_HOWL:   if( !IS_NPC(ch) ) chan_history.cbit[x][y] = ch->pcdata->super->bloodline; break;