* rename_method()

* Finalize what will be functions, and what will be native methods,
  convert db to partial compliance using bind/unbind
* bind/unbind_function() (one takes sym, one takes str, bad brandon)
* cleanup error _id's
* add file_write(), remove log()
* have file_read() do one block at a time
* fix JeffK's bitwise op changes

<frob>.method() does not compile
(<frob>).method() does, but decompiles as <frob>.method().
send(object, 'method, [args])
match regexp: \ escaping does not seem to be working correctly, \$ does
   not escape $.
look over tray and bucket memory allocation, possibly rewrite, use brk/sbrk
buffer_* functions -> buf_*
(actually, modularization will make this needless)
compile() -> compile_coldc()

for obj in (list) {
    catch {
    } handle ~locked {
        sender().print("Object is locked.");
    } handle others {
        sender().print("Error: " + toliteral(error) + " encountered!"); 
    } otherwise {
        sender().print("Test is sucessful for: " + obj.name());
        valid = valid + [obj];


public test(threshold, list): disallow_overrides, syncronized 
  var target, obj, add;
  add = closure(elem) {
      var total;

      total = total + 1;
      if (total > threshold)
          throw(~max, "Maximum threshold breached.");
  for x in (list)
     (> ^add(second) <);

and possibly have: [1,2,3,4].map(add);

+definer flag