Modifies: pause()
Changes:  *task* operators to *thread* operators (task_id() -> thread_id())
Adds:     sync () {}, atomic {}, fork() and synchronized/atomic methods.

* Overview

A frame is the execution state of a ColdC method.  The current frame is
only relative to the current method, beginning execution within a new
frame uses a new frame context.  ColdC ticks are contained within each
frame, rather than in a global context.  A thread is a stack of methods
executing in relation to each other (one after another).

* Outline

Preemptive multi-threading will be based upon either CPU ticks or ColdC
ticks (have not decided which).  CPU ticks give the advantage of also
taking native functions into consideration.  However, this will also
cause threads to be preempted faster on a loaded machine.

When a certain threshold has been reached, the task will be preempted
(suspended) and added to a list of preempted tasks, to continue
execution at a later time.  Being preempted also refreshes the current
frame's ticks.

* Synchronizing

Synchronization is the act of a thread gaining absolute control of an
object.  Only one thread can be synchronized with an object at any given
time.  There are two ways of synchronizing with an object.  First, one
can implicitly synchronize the method with an object by adding the
synchronized method flag.  Or the block statement 'sync' can be used,
which accepts a list of objects and contains a block of code to execute
while synchronized to the object(s), such as:

sync (this()) {
    while (times) {
        times = times - 1;

When a thread is synchronized with an object, it has full read/write
ability to any object variables it can access.  Synchronized threads
can be preempted, just like unsynchronized threads (preemptiveness is
defined by the atomic state).

Furthermore, the synchronization is cooperative througout the thread.
If a synchronized frame calls a method which must be synchronized, it is
not blocked.

If a synchronize call is made, and the thread is unable to synchronize
with the object, it may be blocked (if it is not atomic).  Blocked threads
are suspended, and added to a list for that object.  When the current
thread synchronizing to the object releases it's hold, the first thread
in the blocked list is executed.

If an atomic thread is blocked, the error ~blocked is thrown.

* Atomic code blocks

If a frame is preempted, blocked or suspended while it is set as atomic,
the error ~preempted, ~blocked or ~suspended is thrown.  The atomic
state is propogated through subsequent frames in the thread, so that if a
frame becomes atomic, while it is atomic any frames deeper into the
thread from it become atomic.

Frames become atomic by either setting the atomic method flag, or by
using the block statement 'atomic' in ColdC code.  Examples:

atomic .do_this();

atomic {

* Function pause()

pause() gives the ability to cooperatively multh-thread.  It will have
an optional flag which can be passed (1 or 0), if it is true (1) then
pause() will act nicely, if it is false (default, 0) it will not act

When pause() is called it will instantly preempt the thread, unless it
is within an atomic block.  If it is within an atomic block and is a
nice pause, the thread will continue to run until it either runs out of
frame ticks or it reaches the end of the atomic block.  If it runs out
of ticks, the usual error is thrown (~ticks).  If it reaches the end of
the atomic block it instantly preempts.

* Function fork() 

fork() splits a thread.  When called it splits the thread into two exact
frames.  The function fork() has a logical expression value of 0 to the
child process, and the value is the forked thread id for the parent

An optional delay argument may be supplied to fork, defaulting to 0.
The delay specifies how long to wait before beginning execution of the
child thread.

Notes: possibly have a MAX_FORK for each thread; possibly have a method
flag of 'fork', where if that method is called it starts its own
execution thread, rather than becoming a part of the current thread.
The logical expression value of a forked method is it's thread_id.