IMC2 Freedom Client Code

Copyrights available in source code.

Terms of Use

1. Read and comply with the terms specified in the imc2freedom.license.

What this code does

This code allows your mud to connect to an interlinked mud chat network.
Decentralized servers then route traffic between the various muds which are
connected to them. This version is a cleaned up and enhanced version of the
code. Security problems and some general ugliness have been fixed and the
code consolidated down to these 3 files for easier maintenance. It now
also compiles cleanly on many different codebases with a few simple compiler
flag changes.

This code will peacefully coexist with the Intermud-3 code, and some of you
may already be members of that network.

No channels have been included with this package due to the ability to connect
automatically with any appropriately configured network. Channel information
will be delivered to your mud by the server you connect to. Some networks may also
have a premade channel file you can download.

This code has been tested and works on the following STOCK codebases:

Smaug 1.02a + the following derivitives:
  Smaug 1.4a
  Star Wars Reality 1.0 and 2.0
  CalareyMud 1.0
  CalareyMud 2.0 and 3.0
  ResortMud 4.0b, ResortMud 4.1

Rom 2.4b6 + the following derivitives:
  RoT 1.4
  DoC ( RoT derivative )
  Rogue 2.1a
  Wurm 2.8c
  Tartarus 1.0
  Anatolia 2.1b2
  Oblivion 1.2 Alpha
  Sundermud 1.0
  EmberMUD 0.9.44a

AckMUD! 4.3.1 ( downloaded from )

Merc 2.2 + the following derivitives:
  Mythran 3.1.6b
  Envy 2.2
  Nimud 4
  Godwars Dystopia
  Godwars Deluxe

UltraEnvy 0.87j + the following derivitives:
  Greed 0.99.7

CircleMud 3.x  ( Circle 2.x is not specifically supported )

To begin installation, refer to the directory your codebase is derived from.
You will find tailored instructions that should be specific enough to install
the code.

The first thing you need to do is check to see if your codebase has a version
of IMC2 already included. Even though this is a violation of the GPL
license, many codebases once included it. If you already have a version of IMC2
included, you need to decide if you wish to remove it, or just use it.
Freedom is licensed as Diku code, and thus legal, so this may help you to decide how to proceed.

You should be able to find the version information out in one of the existing
source files should you have it already included. Freedom servers are 100% compatible
with all previous versions of IMC2 dating all the way back to V0.10.

If you decide you want to keep an existing version of IMC2, then you can skip this
installation and proceed directly to the website at and follow
the links to the IMC2 section, then pick "Join Network".

If you have decided to upgrade, consider the following:

If upgrading from AntiFreeze CL-2a and later:

Put imc.c, imc.h, sha256.c, and sha256.h into your source directory.
Verify that the Makefile for your setup has the sha256.c file listed along with imc.c
Recompile the mud, reboot.

If you cannot reconnect, you wil need to have the server operator for your connection
remove your information temporarily, and you will need to temporarily disable
your SHA-256 authentication by typing 'imconfg sha256pass'.

If upgrading from AntiFreeze CL-1 through CL-2:

Put imc.c, imc.h, sha256.c, and sha256.h into your source directory.
Verify that the Makefile for your setup has the sha256.c file listed along with imc.c
Recompile the mud, reboot.

You will need to then disable your SHA256 by typing 'imcconfig sha256pass'. Then get ahold of
a network administrator to have your connection profile removed so that you can reconnect.

If upgrading from MUD-Net 3.20 through 4.30:

Drop the 5 source files into your source directory.
Adjust imccfg.h as needed.
Drop imc.commands, and into your imc directory with your imc.config file.
See step 3 for updating your color support.
Recompile the mud.
Once you reconnect, the code should adjust you automatically to use SHA256 authentication.

If upgrading from one of the ICE-MAN releases:

Drop the 5 source files into your source directory.
Adjust imccfg.h as needed.
Drop imc.commands, and into your imc directory with your imc.config file.
See step 3 for updating your color support.
Recompile the mud.
Correct any config file problems you get after bootup.
Once you reconnect, the code should adjust you automatically to use SHA256 authentication.

If upgrading from 3.10:

Drop the 5 source files into your source directory.
Double check the installation instructions for your codebase pertaining to save.c.
Adjust imccfg.h as needed.
Drop imc.commands, and into your imc directory with your imc.config file.
See step 3 for updating your color support.
Recompile the mud.
You should not need to mess with your config files.
Once you reconnect, the code should adjust you automatically to use SHA256 authentication.

If upgrading from 3.00:

Drop the 5 source files into your source directory.
Go over the install steps for your codebase one by one and adjust your installation as necessary.
Adjust imccfg.h as needed.
Drop imc.commands, and into your imc directory with your imc.config file.
See step 3 for updating your color support.
Recompile the mud.
You should not need to mess with your config files.
Once you reconnect, the code should adjust you automatically to use SHA256 authentication.

If upgrading from any version below 3.00 ( IE: 2.00g or 1.03g etc ):

Remove any and all referrence to existing IMC2 code within your codebase.
This will no doubt be a very tedious process, but it really does need to be done.
ALL of it, every last C and H file. Many Merc derived codebases have been
packaged with some form of it over the years( in violation of the GPL ). Trust us here.
GET RID OF THE OLD CODE - If you don't think it's there, check anyway.
The incompatibilities and other problems will cause you no end of hurt if you don't.

Keep your 'config' file in a safe place - you'll need the information in
it to port over to this code when your done. DONT LOSE IT!

You may safely delete the 'icec' file, current channel information will be updated
to your mud when you reconnect.

Also delete the following if they are present: 'lock' 'mail-ids' 'mail-list' and 'mail-queue'
These files will no longer be required.
Once you reconnect, the code should adjust you automatically to use SHA256 authentication.

Begin Installation:

1. In your main directory, create an 'imc' directory if it does not yet exist.
   In that directory, place the imc.config, imc.channels, imc.ignores, imc.commands,
   imc.who, and files. Transfer them as ASCII files.

2. Place imc.c, imc.h, sha256.c, sha256.h, and imccfg.h files in your src directory.

3. To choose a color file, you need to know what color system ( if any ) your mud has.
   For those tags the mud's color system does not support, standard ANSI tags will be used.

   We provide the following color files:

   imc.color.ansi = Straight ANSI
      - Will use only IMC2 tilde codes and convert one way to ANSI codes.
      - Users can simply enter IMC2 tokens directly for color.
      - Ideal if your mud has no color system of its own or if it has no user selectable tokens.

   imc.color.samson = Samson's Color Snippet
      - For those of you who are running Samson's Custom ANSI from
      - This is the color file you'd also pick if you are running Smaug 1.4aFUSS.

   imc.color.smaug = Stock Smaug
      - For those of you using sotck Smaug and any of its derivatives listed.

   imc.color.lope = Lope's Color V2
      - Seems to be the dominant choice in Rom muds.

   imc.color.ack = Color profile for ACK muds.

   When you pick what you want, rename the file simply as imc.color so the code will be able to load it.
   Be sure your file is uploaded as ASCII.

4. Refer to the file your codebase is most closely derived from and follow the directions within.
   Any commonly known derivatives which have also been tested will have specific steps to complete in the file.

When done, return here to finish.


Almost done!

Make clean, recompile.

If this is a NEW install, read step A and then stop.
If this is an UPGRADE to an existing install for a client BELOW 3.00, skip to B.
If this is an upgrade to a 3.x install, stop now. You are DONE.

A: At this point, the code should have compiled.

   Getting connected to a network depends on the policies in place at the one you've
   chosen to join.

   If they are running Liberty servers, you should be able to connect without an application
   provided they have the information available and are not private or full.

   If not, then there will be an application proceedure somewhere on their site.
   Fill it out according to whatever they're asking for.

B: After you reboot, using the 'imcconfig' command, set your configuration info up.
    In your old config file ( you DID keep it, yes? ), find your 'Connection' line.

    It will look something like this:


    Under the imc config options, each of these needs to be entered separately.
    ClientPwd is the 4th parameter in the line, ServerPwd is the 5th.
    Ignore everything past the 5th parameter since those values are no longer used.

    Once you have this information set, you should be able to turn the connection on.
    Try it. If something fails, it may crash the mud, but you can always contact us
    and ask for help. Send a copy of your OLD config and NEW config files and we can
    sort out whatever the problem may be.