Installation for Rom

1. In your Makefile, above the list of O_FILES,
   include the following:

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
IMC = 1

   Then directly below the list of O_FILES, add the following:
   [Note: BSD users - put a period in front of the word ifdef, and in front of the word endif]

ifdef IMC
   O_FILES := imc.o sha256.o $(O_FILES)

2. Open merc.h and locate the following code:

#define	CREATOR			(MAX_LEVEL - 1)
#define SUPREME			(MAX_LEVEL - 2)
#define DEITY			(MAX_LEVEL - 3)
#define GOD			(MAX_LEVEL - 4)
#define IMMORTAL		(MAX_LEVEL - 5)
#define DEMI			(MAX_LEVEL - 6)
#define ANGEL			(MAX_LEVEL - 7)
#define AVATAR			(MAX_LEVEL - 8)

   Directly below that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
   #include "imc.h"

3. Locate your pc_data struct, which should be in one of your main *.h files.

   Add the following to the end of it:

#ifdef IMC
    IMC_CHARDATA *imcchardata;

4. Open interp.c and locate the following section:

if ( !check_social( ch, command, argument )

   Add the following condition to whatever series of ifchecks exist there:

#ifdef IMC
	&&   !imc_command_hook( ch, command, argument )

5. Open comm.c and locate the following in main() :

   If your mud uses copyover, at the top of main(), below:

   struct timeval now_time;
   bool fCopyOver = !TRUE;


#ifdef IMC
   int imcsocket = -1;

   A. If your mud uses copyover/hotboot, find this section( it may not look EXACTLY like this, adjust as needed ):
	If your mud does NOT use copyover/hotboot, move to B.

      if( argv[2] && argv[2][0] )
         fCopyOver = TRUE;
         control = atoi( argv[3] );
         fCopyOver = FALSE;

   Change it to read as( while adjusting as needed ):

      if( argv[2] && argv[2][0] )
         fCopyOver = TRUE;
         control = atoi( argv[3] );
#ifdef IMC
	   imcsocket = atoi( argv[4] );
         fCopyOver = FALSE;

   This next part is somewhat tricky. If copyover_recover is called in db.c as is the usual case in
   most default installs, you need to place the following BEFORE the boot_db call. If it is listed
   somewhere here in comm.c, the following needs to be placed ABOVE it. Either way, imc_startup needs
   to be called BEFORE copyover_recover or your mud WILL crash every time you do a copyover.

#ifdef IMC
   /* Initialize and connect to IMC2 */
   imc_startup( FALSE, imcsocket, fCopyOver );

   B. If your mud is NOT using copyover/hotboot:

      Locate the following:

#if defined(unix)
    control = init_socket( port );
    boot_db( );
    sprintf( log_buf, "ROM is ready to rock on port %d.", port );
    log_string( log_buf );

   Add the following beneath that:

#ifdef IMC
    imc_startup( FALSE, -1, FALSE );


   Then further down in main(), locate the following:

   close( control );

   Add the following beneath that:

#ifdef IMC
   imc_shutdown( FALSE );

   Then in game_loop_unix(), locate the following:

	 * Autonomous game motion.
	update_handler( );

   Directly ABOVE that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC

6. Open save.c and locate fread_char:

   In the case 'I': section, and right before the final break; add the follwing:

#ifdef IMC
           if( ( fMatch = imc_loadchar( ch, fp, word ) ) )

   Then in fwrite_char, locate:

    fprintf( fp, "End\n\n" );

   Directly ABOVE that, add:

#ifdef IMC
    imc_savechar( ch, fp );

   Then in load_char_obj(), locate the following:

    found = FALSE;
    fclose( fpReserve );
    #if defined(unix)
    /* decompress if .gz file exists */

   Directly ABOVE that, add the following:

#ifdef IMC
    imc_initchar( ch );

7. Open recycle.c

   Locate free_char:

   After this block of code:

    free_note  (ch->pnote);


#ifdef IMC
    imc_freechardata( ch );

8. For users of copyover/hotboot ONLY:

   Locate do_copyover.

   In the variable declarations, add another bufX[100], where X is the next number in line.

   Then just before the buffers for the execl call are
   allocated, add the following:

#ifdef IMC

   Then right before the execl call, add the following, where X is the same number in the
   new declaration you just made:

#ifdef IMC
   if( this_imcmud )
      snprintf( bufX, 100, "%d", this_imcmud->desc );
      strncpy( bufX, "-1", 100 );
   strncpy( bufX, "-1", 100 );

   Then you need to add your new buffer to the execl call. So if you have this:

    execl( EXE_FILE, "smaug", buf, "hotboot",  buf2, buf3, (char *)NULL );

   It needs to become:

    execl( EXE_FILE, "smaug", buf, "hotboot",  buf2, buf3, bufX, (char *)NULL );

   Again being sure to change "X" to the right number.
   Keep in mind copyover implementations vary widely among muds and you may need to
   make some additional adjustments.

8b: Ember 0.99.4a ONLY:

In imc.c, remove the #include segment for tables.h

8c: Sunder 1.0 ONLY:

In imc.c, remove the #include statement for tables.h from the #ifdef IMCROM section,
this file is not in the Sundermud distro.

Return to the main IMC.txt file and continue where you left off.