On a well used road in the mountains.~
   The twenty feet wide road is narrowed in from a deep fall to your west, and
a steep climb to your east.  The road clings to the mountain as if it was
afraid to fall to the depths beyond its edge.  There isn't much chance of that,
however, since the road is being repaired whereever it is needed as soon as it
is needed.  The dwarves are interested in trade, and without roads there will
be no trade.  The road continues southward, while north of here you see a cave
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23601
0 0 23701
credits info~
   This zone has been thought out, and implemented by Welcor of Cruelworld Mud.
Builder      : Welcor
Zone         : 237 Dwarven Trade Route
Began        : 1998
Player Level : 10-14
Rooms        : 29
Mobs         : 12
Objects      : 20
Shops        : 0
Triggers     : 11
Theme        : 
Plot         : 
Links        : 24, 26, 29 
Zone 237 is linked to the following zones:
236 Aldin                          at 23700 (north) ---> 23601
view east~
   The view is excellent from uphere.  You have a splendid view over the
mountains, and you think they're sooo beautiful...  They do, however get boring
On a well used road through the mountains~
   You're walking along on a paved road, leading from south to north.  To your
east a steep mountainside blocks any view, while to the west a just as steep
drop leads into certain death.  The road is quite wide and heavily used by
carridges, soldiers and the occasional road worker.  North from here you see
some sort of opening in the mountain.    
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23700
0 0 23702
On a well used road through the mountains~
   The paved road turns west and north here.  A humongous boulder has fallen
down on what was once the road just south of here.  The road has been
reconstructed, leading around the boulder.  A vertical rock wall to your east
keeps you from going that way.  However a set of steps has been hacked into the
stone of the boulder to the south, allowing you to get to the small wooden
building on top of it.    
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23701
0 0 23703
0 0 23708
At a turn on the paved road in the mountains.~
   You're on the edge of a five hundred feet drop.  The road you're standing on
leads east and south from here.  It is about fifteen feet wide here, but just
north and est of here there is nothing, except empty air.  To your southeast
you see the reason for going so near the edge; A colossal rock has once tumbled
down the mountain, and hit the road where it lay once - close to the side of
the mountain.    
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23702
0 0 23704
A well used road near certain death.~
   The road leads north and south from here.  To your east a colossal rock has
dropped where the road once were.  This part of the road has been made around
it, and is therefore a little narrower.  This also means you are walking
dangerously close to the edge of a cliff, several hundred feet high.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23703
0 0 23705
At a turn on the paved road through the mountains.~
   You are at the edge of certain death!  South and west of where you're
standing, the road ends abruptly.  The cobbles have been put very close to the
edge - so close in fact, that if you were to walk on the outer stones, you
would surely fall to your death if you slipped.  To your northeast you see an
enourmous boulder, about the size of a house which totally blocks the road
where it once were, near the side of the cliff.  The road continues north and
east around the boulder.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23704
0 0 23706
Before the enormous boulder on the road.~
   The road here turns sharply west and south here.  I haven't always doen so,
though, as it's obvious it continued straight north from here once.  However a
large boulder, the size of a large house, has fallen onto hte road just north
of here, totally obstructing the path.  It seems the dwarves has decided to
make the road go around the boulder rather than to take it apart.  On the top
of the boulder you can see a small wooden building, which seem to house some
kind of lookout post.  The rockface to both north and east is smooth, and
cannot be climbed here, though.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23709
0 0 23705
In the lookouts cabin~
   What a splendid view.  From here you see most of the road as it twists
toward you from the south.  Only small bits of it is hidden by protruding
shelves, or an occasional turn eastwards.  This is where the dwarven lookout is
doing just that, keeping an eye out for orc raiding parties, or others trying
to invade the city of the dwarves.  Not only does the lookout have a good view.
He alos has some switches on the northern wall of the cabin.  From what you can
decpiher of the labels, they set off different traps on the road below.    
237 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 23708
switches north traps label labels~
   The traps include - or so you guess from the labels - the following:
Handle one: Logs falling onto the road just before the boulder.
Handle two: Rockslide further down the road.
Handle three - this one has been locked in with a large padlock :
A piece of the road just west of the lookout post falls to the valley below.
A thick length of rope leads from the handles out through the north wall.
They are probably connecting to the traps.
You feel tempted to pull a handle!!!
On the stone stairs.~
   These steps have been made for dwarven hands and feet, and you are slipping
several times.  As you raise your eyes, you see the small wooden cabin, the
dwarves has built on top of the boulder.  Just below you, the road is ready to
accept the offer of your falling body, should you slip.    
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23707
0 0 23702
On a road in the mountains.~
   The road you are walking on is quite steep.  The carridges that pass you
once in a while, have great difficulty going northwards, because of the slope.
To your east a smooth stone wall blocks any movement, while to your west a just
as smooth fall lets you move very fast - for a short while.  High on the
eastern cliffwall, some logs have been fastened with boards and a thick rope
leads northward from here.  You hope noone pulls the rope while you're standing
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23706
0 0 23710
On a road in the mountains.~
   The road has started getting steeper.  You are walking on a paved road in a
montain area - This can only be dwarf work.  And it is, of course.  The road has
obviously been built to facilitate trade between the dwarves and the men of the
realm.  Also it has been built to keep those not welcome to the dwarves out.  
Several rocks has been set behind a plank high on the smooth rock wall to your
east.  A thick rope leads northwards, so whoever pulls the rope starts a
rockslide onto YOU!  And you can't even escape westwards, without falling a
hundred feet to the valley below.  You'd better move on, north ar south from
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23709
0 0 23711
On a road in the mountains.~
   You are walking a along a paved road through the mountains.  The road leads
north and south from here, and rises somewhat to the north.  East of here a
smooth rock wall blocks any access, while west the road stops at the edge of
the shelf along the mountain, letting you fall several hundred feet to the
bottom, should you go outthere.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23710
0 0 23712
On a road in the mountains.~
   You are walking a along a paved road through the mountains.  The road leads
north and south from here, and rises somewhat to the north.  East of here a
smooth rock wall blocks any access, while west the road stops at the edge of
the shelf along the mountain, letting you fall several hundred feet to the
bottom, should you go outthere.  South of here a promontory from the main
mountain makes the road turn.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23711
0 0 23713
On a road passing the promontory.~
   You are walking a along a paved road through the mountains.  The road goes
around a promontory just east of here, while letting you fall to your death if
you step one step off the ledge south or west of here.  This also means that
you can go into the foothills of the promontory, by leaving east or continue
into the mountains by going north.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23712
0 0 23715
On a road high in the mountains.~
   The road continues from the foothills to the east along the rockface of the
promontory to your north towards a turn west of here.  South of here the view is
magnificent.  The road has climbed above the foothils below you and you can see
as far as the eastern highway, where it twists through the fields and forests.
You figure you must be high indeed as you know the distance to be nearly a days
travel.  The well-tended road is impossible close to the edge here, and you
watch your step carefully, so as to not fall from the ledge.  
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23716
0 0 23713
On a road ascending the mountains.~
   The road here looks impossibly steep, but when you start walking it, the
cobbles have been put at just the right angle for you to walk rather
comfortably, while making the horses' hooves get a grip too.  It leads east and
west from here, rising sharply to the west, and falling just as sharply to the
east from here.  All thoughts of leaving the path are forgotten as you look
over the southern edge into a deep valley and north a blank rock wall blocks
your progress.  The road is obviously the only way ahead.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23717
0 0 23715
Above the foothills.~
   You're at the beginning of the mountains.  South of here the road winds
through foothills, while to the west it rises sharply and follows the side of
the cliff.  The path once continued east too, but that path has been buried by
a landslide.  Though the way looks unstable and dangerous, it should still be
passable.  The road itself has been seen to recently, and not a single stone is
out of place.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23725
0 0 23718
0 0 23716
On a paved road through foothills~
   You are walking along a paved road, with granite slabs the size of your
chest laid down side by side over the hills, that seem to grow steadily to the
north.  The road is well-tended, not a single bit of grass peeks out from the
cracks.  The road leads north and south here, and being the only interesting
thing around here, you decide to stick to it.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23717
0 0 23719
On a paved road through foothills~
   The craftmanship of this road is very nice.  Someone must be tending this
road regularly, or it would wither in these surroundings.  The foothills show
all the signs of decomposition and breakdown caused by frostbite.  The road is
free from that and also cleared of leaves and large rocks.  The Dwarves have
long ago learned to be meticulous about their work, making a name in the stone
and steel business.  You decide to stay on the north and south leading road,
while watching the scenery around from a distance.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23718
0 0 23720
On a paved road through low foothills~
   The road leads over small foothills north and south from here, letting you
cross from the forested area to your south and towards the timber line.  The
road is rising slightly towards the north, heading into the mountain range you
can see to your far north.  The road leaves no doubt about its origin, made
from granite, and tended beyond belief, it's a masterpiece in itself.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23719
0 0 23721
On a paved road through low foothills~
   The paved road you're currently on continues south and north from here.  
Far in the distance to your north you see the granite slabs cut a path through
the green grass of the foothills before ascending the mountains, while to the
south it continues over a hill toward the eastern highway.  The road itself is
an exhibition of engineering in itself.  Totally smooth, and perfectly
straight.  Just what any dwarf would want to show off with.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23720
0 0 23722
On a paved road through low foothills~
   The hill you are standing on is but the first of many foothills on the path
north of here.  South of here however, the road leads through open, flat
grassland towards the Eastern highway.  If you focus hard, you are able to see
the T-crossing where the trade route meets the Highway.  The granite road feels
comfortably smooth to walk on, so you are certain the hills to your north are
easily crossed with this kind of foundation.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23721
0 0 23723
On a paved road through grasslands.~
   The road stretches for miles and miles northward, but only few southward.  
Some hills just north of here block your view, but you are certain the road
will continue in a just as straight line beyond this false horizon as it does
southward, across the plains.  The grasslands around you are unsafe, as several
places quicksand is hidden under a thin layer of grass.  After a short
consideration you decide to stay on the road.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23722
0 0 23724
On a paved road through grasslands.~
   You take an extra look as you step out on this road.  Obviously built and
tended for by dwarves, the road is like nothing you have ever seen before.  
Granite slabs lined up so perfectly that not even a single straw of grass grows
between any two slabs, and all smooth like a rock from the sea.  And the road
continues in a perfectly straight line north from here, towards the kingdom of
the dwarves and the capital Aldin.  The occasional trader comes here, and some
hide a smile as they see your amazement.  South of here the man-made eastern
highway leads towards a city.    
237 32768 0 0 0 0
0 0 23723
Crossing the Landslide~
   The loose rock, gravel, and sand makes travelling extremely treacherous.  
Large boulders jut out erradicately between patches of sand loose gravel.  The
possibility of another landslide seems imminent.  The landslide slopes
downwards to the east.  Leading towards a deep chasm.  To the north the
landslide rises steeply above you, looking almost impossible to climb.    
237 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 23727
0 0 23726
0 0 23717
Crossing the Landslide~
   The remains of the landslide empty into a deep chasm further to the east.  
The sheer walls of granite from the chasm begin to block out portions of the
sky.  The further east you travel the deeper into the chasm you will be.    
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23725
Climbing Up the Landslide~
   The perilous task of climbing up the landslide may actually be worth it.  
Just to the north, at the top, you can see some old ruins uncovered by the
recent avalanche.  Now if you can only find the footing to climb up to it.    
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23728
0 0 23725
Nearing the Top of the Landslide~
   From here you have an excellent view of the realm.  You can catch a glimpse
of a desert to the south, the city of Eldorado to the southeast.  To the west
you can vaguely catch glimpses of the plains through a jagged mountain range.
North and east a fresh wind blows in off from the ocean.    
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23729
0 0 23727
The Top of the Landslide~
   Finally at the top.  The loose rock, dirt, and sand has given way, revealing
a strange doorway made of ancient stone.  Strange symbols, almost worn away
with age, decorate the door and walls.  The door is cracked open slightly.  
Unidentifiable tracks, made from blood, lead down into the passageway
237 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 23728