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<div class="head">Auxiliary Data</div>
<div class="info">
Auxiliary Data is perhaps the most important part of NakedMud's design. 
Auxiliary Data allows you to add new variables to the various datatypes 
NakedMud handles within the game (objects, rooms, mobiles, accounts, sockets) 
without touching the files that house those data structures. The biggest gain 
from this is the ability to modularize your code by what it is intended to do; 
all of the code related to combat - including new variables that must be 
created - can stay in one module. As was mentioned in modules section, this will
help with the ability to maintain and distribute pieces of your code in the 
future. Designing new auxiliary data is very simple, but it does require a bit 
of effort if you have not done it in the past. This tutorial will walk you 
through the steps of writing and installing new auxiliary data.

<div class="head">Recap</div>
<div class="info">
In the section on modules, we designed a 'proof of concept' for a mail system. 
One feature we did not add was the ability for unreceived mail to be persistent.
If the MUD ever crashed or rebooted, all mail not yet received would be lost. 
This inconvenience was addressed in the section on storage sets. However, we 
ran into another problem with the saving procedure being inefficient: to save 
any change to someone's unreceived mail status, we effectively had to re-save 
everyone's unreceived mail. This section will address the problem by attaching 
a character's unread mail to that character's actual data structure. Now, 
whenever we want to the unread mail for a character, we will only have to save 
that character, and not all unread mail in existence.

<div class="head">Creating Auxiliary Data</div>
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The first thing we will need to do is add the headers for interacting with 
auxiliary data and storage sets. Do this where we include all the other headers
we need for interacting with core features of the mud. Add the new headers right
after the <i>handler.h</i> header:

<pre class="code">
#include "../handler.h"       // for giving mail to characters
#include "../storage.h"       // for saving/loading auxiliary data
#include "../auxiliary.h"     // for creating new auxiliary data
#include "../world.h"         // for loading offline chars receiving mail

Because we will save unread mail as auxiliary data within character data, we 
will no longer need a hashtable for keeping everything stored. Therefore, search
and destroy all references to the mail_table. Right after we finish including 
all of our headers, delete:

<pre class="code">
// maps charName to a list of mail they have received
HASHTABLE *mail_table = NULL;

In cmd_mail, delete the entire section within the last else statement:

<pre class="code">
    MAIL_DATA *mail = newMail(ch, bufferString(socketGetNotepad(charGetSocket(ch))));
    // see if the receiver already has a mail list
    LIST *mssgs = hashGet(mail_table, arg);
    // if he doesn't, create one and add it to the hashtable
    if(mssgs == NULL) {
      mssgs = newList();
      hashPut(mail_table, arg, mssgs);

    // add the new mail to our mail list
    listPut(mssgs, mail);

    // let the character know we've sent the mail
    send_to_char(ch, "You send a message to %s.\r\n", arg);

At the very start of cmd_receive, remove the reference to hashRemove, and for 
the time being, set mail\_list to NULL:

<pre class="code">
  // Remove the character's mail list from our mail table
  LIST *mail_list = hashRemove(mail_table, charGetName(ch));
Finally, remove our creation of the mail_table in init_mail:
<pre class="code">
  // initialize our mail table
  mail_table = newHashtable();

Before we start writing our auxiliary data, we are going to have to provide a 
couple functions for handling the saving, reading, and copying of mail. Right 
after newMail and deleteMail, add these 3 new functions:
<pre class="code">
// parse a piece of mail from a storage set
MAIL_DATA *mailRead(STORAGE_SET *set) {
  // allocate some memory for the mail
  MAIL_DATA *mail = malloc(sizeof(MAIL_DATA));
  mail->mssg      = newBuffer(1);

  // read in all of our values
  mail->sender = strdup(read_string(set, "sender"));
  mail->time   = strdup(read_string(set, "time"));
  bufferCat(mail->mssg, read_string(set, "mssg"));
  return mail;

// represent a piece of mail as a storage set
STORAGE_SET *mailStore(MAIL_DATA *mail) {
  // create a new storage set
  STORAGE_SET *set = new_storage_set();
  store_string(set, "sender", mail->sender);
  store_string(set, "time",   mail->time);
  store_string(set, "mssg",   bufferString(mail->mssg));
  return set;

// copy a piece of mail. This will be needed by our auxiliary
// data copy functions
MAIL_DATA *mailCopy(MAIL_DATA *mail) {
  MAIL_DATA *newmail = malloc(sizeof(MAIL_DATA));
  newmail->sender = strdup(mail->sender);
  newmail->time   = strdup(mail->time);
  newmail->mssg   = bufferCopy(mail->mssg);
  return newmail;
Now we're ready to start writing our auxiliary data. Auxiliary Data require 7 
things: a new structure that is the auxiliary data, a function that constructs 
the auxiliary data, a function that deletes the auxiliary data, a function that
copies the auxiliary data, a function that copies the auxiliary data to another
instance of the same auxiliary data, a function that reads the auxiliary data 
from a storage set, and a function that writes the auxiliary data to a storage 
set. Below, we lay out all of those things. There is quite a bit of code but, 
as you will notice, it is all very simple (perhaps with the exception of the 
read and write functions). Right below the the mailCopy function, add the 
following bit of code:

<pre class="code">
// our mail auxiliary data. 
// Holds a list of all the unreceived mail a person has
typedef struct {
  LIST *mail; // our list of unread mail

// create a new instance of mail aux data, for us to put onto a character
MAIL_AUX_DATA *newMailAuxData(void) {
  MAIL_AUX_DATA *data = malloc(sizeof(MAIL_AUX_DATA));
  data->mail = newList();
  return data;

// delete a character's mail aux data
void deleteMailAuxData(MAIL_AUX_DATA *data) {
  if(data->mail) deleteListWith(data->mail, deleteMail);

// copy one mail aux data to another
void mailAuxDataCopyTo(MAIL_AUX_DATA *from, MAIL_AUX_DATA *to) {
  if(to->mail)   deleteListWith(to->mail, deleteMail);
  if(from->mail) to->mail = listCopyWith(from->mail, mailCopy);
  else           to->mail = newList();

// return a copy of a mail aux data
MAIL_AUX_DATA *mailAuxDataCopy(MAIL_AUX_DATA *data) {
  MAIL_AUX_DATA *newdata = newMailAuxData();
  mailAuxDataCopyTo(data, newdata);
  return newdata;

// parse a mail aux data from a storage set
MAIL_AUX_DATA *mailAuxDataRead(STORAGE_SET *set) {
  MAIL_AUX_DATA *data = malloc(sizeof(MAIL_AUX_DATA));
  data->mail          = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "mail"), mailRead);
  return data;

// represent a mail aux data as a storage set
STORAGE_SET *mailAuxDataStore(MAIL_AUX_DATA *data) {
  STORAGE_SET *set = new_storage_set();
  store_list(set, "mail", gen_store_list(data->mail, mailStore));
  return set;

Finally, we will want to ensure this new auxiliary data exists on characters. 
When our mail module boots up, we will want to install this new bit of 
auxiliary data:

<pre class="code">
// boot up the mail module
void init_mail(void) {
  // install our auxiliary data
                               newMailAuxData, deleteMailAuxData,
                               mailAuxDataCopyTo, mailAuxDataCopy,
                               mailAuxDataStore, mailAuxDataRead));
  // add all of the commands that come with this module
  add_cmd("mail", NULL, cmd_mail, "player", FALSE);
  add_cmd("receive", NULL, cmd_receive, "player", FALSE);

Our mail auxiliary data is installed and completely functional! Now, we will 
want to go back to cmd_mail and cmd_receive to ensure they use the auxiliary 
data in replacement of the hashtable we used before. Let's start with the new
code for cmd_mail. In the last else block, add the following bit of code:

<pre class="code">
    // create the new piece of mail
    MAIL_DATA *mail = newMail(ch, bufferString(socketGetNotepad(charGetSocket(ch))));

    // get a copy of the player, send mail, and save
    CHAR_DATA *recv = get_player(arg);
    send_to_char(recv, "You have new mail.\r\n");
    // let's pull out the character's mail aux data, and add the new piece
    MAIL_AUX_DATA *maux = charGetAuxiliaryData(recv, "mail_aux_data");
    listPut(maux->mail, mail);
    // get rid of our reference, and extract from game if need be

    // let the character know we've sent the mail
    send_to_char(ch, "You send a message to %s.\r\n", arg);

Now make it so players can receive their unread mail. At the very start of 
cmd_receive, add the following bit of code:

<pre class="code">
COMMAND(cmd_receive) {
  // Remove the character's mail list from our mail table
  MAIL_AUX_DATA *maux = charGetAuxiliaryData(ch, "mail_aux_data");
  LIST *mail_list     = maux->mail;
  // replace our old list with a new one. Our old one will be deleted soon
  maux->mail = newList();

Players can now send and receive mail.

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<!--div class="footer">Edit Date: Nov 15, 2008. By Geoff Hollis</div-->