#AREA	Ydri    Divided Souls~

sym jester~
A lithe jester frolicks in the shadows.
A cartwheeling flurry slows momentarily to resolve itself into a slim,
green-clad figure crowned by a tassled jester's hat.  Stitched in gold
across the right and left breast pockets you notice the words:
"To wonder is to grow"
The left pocket is partially tinted with grass stains.
4|64|131072 2|512|65536|2097152 900 S
80 0 0 100d12+16000 13d5+50
1000 0
8 8 0
roc bird~
A huge grey-winged bird eyes you hungrily.
An enormous white bird with white-streaked grey wings towers above you,
peering down at you as if examining a possible meal.  Of course, from that
height, you probably do resemble a bug..  yumm...
2|4|64 524288 0 S
65 0 0 65d10+9500 9d6+30
0 0
8 8 0
nightingale bird~
A little black nightingale hops around, pecking at seed pods.
Light glints off the shiny black feathers of the tiny dark nightingale.
The little bird cocks its head and returns your gaze, then chirps musically
and returns to its lunch.
4|64 524288 0 S
45 0 0 25d10+2500 3d12+15
0 0
8 8 0
teacher woman statue~
the teacher~
A statue of a tall woman stands on the white pedestal, bending over the book.
A stone statue of a tall woman garbed in flowing grey robes is poised with
one hand above the book, pointing as if to emphasize one paragraph.
2|64 0 0 S
60 0 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28
0 0
8 8 2
student girl statue~
the student~
A statue of a young girl stands half on the grey pedestal.
A white marble statue of a young girl stands next to the book, one foot on
grey pedestal.  Her attention seems half focused on the book, half gazing at
the teacher.  The stone eyes seem bright and curious, yet shadowed.  A
puzzled frown mars the otherwise smooth young face.
2|4|64 2097152 0 S
52 0 0 50d10+5500 6d7+20
0 0
8 8 2
mage statue figure man~
a statue of the Mage~
A stone statue of a robed figure stands here, arms raised as if casting.
Grey-streaked white marble has been carved into the form of a short man
draped with long, flowing robes.  His arms are raised before him, and the 
stone mouth is open, as if frozen in the middle of an incantation.
2 0 0 S
61 0 0 50d10+9000 8d6+20
3000 0
8 8 1
unicorn white horse~
the Unicorn~
A white horse with a glowing blue horn regards you serenely.
A single blue horn emerges from the white forehead, glowing with an
eerie inner light.  The clear eyes seem timelessly wise, yet shadowed
with a strange, innocent vacancy.
64 4|8|16|32|64|128|8192 1000 S
70 2 0 100d10+10000 12d5+40
0 0
8 8 0
white statue dreamer~
statue of the Dreamer~
A marble statue of the Dreamer stands here.
A female figure of indeterminate age has been sculpted from white marble.
The chiseled face is upturned, the stone eyes gazing at nothing, as if lost
in either the past or the future.  The statue gleams in the light, untouched
by time or weather.  But then, it doesn't look like the Dreamer will ever
belong to the present.
2|64|1048576 524288 0 S
57 0 0 50d10+8000 6d8+24
0 0
8 8 2
white knight figure~
a White Knight~
An imposing figure in gleaming white armor stands here.
A knight clad in shining white armor towers above like some hulking steel
giant.  Light reflects off the burnished metal, surrounding the knight with
a near blinding aurora.  Emblazoned in the center of the chest plate is a
gleaming cross... white, of course.
64|524288 4|8192 900 S
65 3 0 65d10+10100 9d6+40
5000 0
8 8 0
ivory statue lady justice~
Lady Justice~
An ivory statue of a lady is poised here, balancing a set of iron scales.
A fair lady of indeterminate age has been sculpted of ivory.  One hand 
extends before her, holding a set of ivory scales.  The ivory seems to have
chipped on one side, causing the scales to tilt slightly.
2|64 64 0 S
68 0 0 70d10+9500 9d6+45
4000 0
8 8 2
mad gardener gnome~
Mad Gardener~
A little gnome capers around, waving a set of pruning shears.
The little gnome appears to be a gardener.. that is, he dances around snipping
at things with no apparent plan or reason..  Surprisingly, the garden looks
well cared for, although those shears he's waving around look sort of lethal 
to anything living that might get in the way..
4|262144 2097152 0 S
70 0 0 65d10+9300 9d6+25
1000 0
8 8 1
babbling sculptor~
Babbling Sculptor~
A short, disheveled man is here, muttering to himself.
Oblivious to your scrutiny, the little man continues to pace about, babbling
incoherently.  Judging from the chisel marks on the walls, he seems to
be the creator of this artwork..
4|64|262144 0 0 S
65 0 0 65d10+8800 9d6+20
2500 0
8 8 1
bush denebi priest white cross~
A bush has been pruned in the form of a kneeling priest.
A white cross, seeming to glow with a light of its own, is emblazoned across
the front of the priest's robes.  Both arms are raised in front of the figure,
as if in prayer.
2|64|65536 8192 800 S
60 0 0 50d10+9200 8d6+18
0 0
8 8 0
statue believer~
the Believer~
A statue of the Believer stands here, eyes raised to the sky.
Funny.. when you try to look where the Believer is gazing so faithfully, all 
you see is thin air.
2|64 0 0 S
57 0 0 50d10+8000 6d8+20
0 0
8 8 0
white rabbit~
a white rabbit~
A fluffy white rabbit crouches here, nibbling on something.
Aww, isn't it cute?
4|64 0 0 S
45 0 0 25d10+3000 8d4+6
0 0
8 8 0
druid peace bush man~
Druid of Peace~
A bush pruned into the form of a tall man dressed in simple robes is here.
He seems at peace with himself and the world around him.  This form is
evidently in need of pruning, as uncut leaves protrude from the area where
his mouth would be, making him the appear to be sticking his tongue out
at you.
2|64 0 0 S
55 0 0 50d10+7000 10d4+15
0 0
8 8 1
crying spirit translucent figure~
the crying spirit~
A translucent figure hovers here, crying bitterly.
It seems to be the spirit of a young girl, bound to this world by an 
untimely death.  Oblivious to your presence, she hovers here rocking and
weeping quietly.  You can make out a few whispered words.. 
".. been different... couldn't.. i had to..."
2|64 2|524288|1048576 0 S
51 0 0 50d10+4800 4d10+18
0 0
8 8 2
a bit of faith~
A bit of faith floats here, thriving on your belief in its existence.
It seems to grow more solid as you look at it.
64|262144 524288|1048576 0 S
62 0 0 50d10+9800 10d5+10
0 0
8 8 0
stray thought~
a stray thought~
A stray thought floats around aimlessly.
Weird.  You can see right through it.
64|262144 524288|1048576 0 S
61 0 0 50d10+9600 10d5+0
0 0
8 8 0
some memories~
Some memories hover here, reminiscing.
They remind you of something.. but you can't quite recall what..
64|262144 524288|1048576 0 S
64 0 0 50d10+10000 10d5+40
0 0
8 8 0
an idea~
An idea pops in and out of view.
You are blinded by a flash of insight!
64|262144 524288|1048576 0 S
62 0 0 50d10+9800 10d5+10
0 0
8 8 0
white panther gabrian~
A huge white panther pads silently across the room.
Despite the silence of its movements, powerful muscles controlled by a smooth
feline grace betray the danger beneath the quiet.  Slitted silver eyes seem
to watch your every move.
2|64|524288 32768|33554432 0 S
80 2 0 100d12+17000 15d5+40
0 0
8 8 1
lonari white lady~
A beautiful lady clad in spotless white is here, smiling serenely.
Cascades of shimmering golden hair frame a fine boned elfin face and clear
blue eyes.  The pale blue irises seem almost white.. as if blind.  Yet the
lady can clearly see.. though what she is looking at is not visible to you.
2|64|65536 8|64|128|512|8192|524288 1000 S
85 0 0 100d12+19000 9d10+50
0 0
8 8 2
myrl figure cynic~
A grinning figure wrapped all in black watches you with amusement.
Clothed in a darkness not entirely physical, this character seems like
an extension of the surrounding shadows.  White teeth flash momentarily
against the black in a cynical grin.  Tattooed along the left and right
arms are the words:
"In this world built of lies
 believe in nothing
 and trust in no one"
4|64|131072 8|32|512|32768|65536 -900 S
80 0 0 100d12+16000 14d5+50
1000 0
8 8 0
hellhawk hawk~
the hellhawk~
A giant, black-winged hawk perches here.
Fiery green eyes glow against the dark avian face with a bottomless hunger
that makes you shiver inside.
2|4|32|64 8|32|524288 0 S
65 2 0 65d10+9500 9d6+30
0 0
8 8 0
silent stalker figure~
a silent stalker~
A silent black-clothed figure blends in with the shadows.
The dark figure moves in and out of the shadows with the graceful power of
a cat.
4|32|64|262144 32768|65536 0 S
52 1 0 50d10+4500 5d8+22
0 0
8 8 0
twisted being~
a Twisted Being~
A twisted being stalks about looking for souls to corrupt.
A horrorific construction of bones and flesh shambles around the room.  The
dull grey eyes flash restlessly from side to side searchingly.
2|4|32|64 16384 -500 S
64 0 0 50d10+9800 9d6+28
0 0
8 8 0
screaming soul~
a screaming soul~
A tortured soul writhes here, screaming in agony.
Flesh has been stripped off the body in long chunks, revealing bloody white
bones beneath.  As the soul writhes with pain, larger chunks peel off and
fall to the floor.
2|64 256|1048576 0 S
52 0 0 50d10+4500 6d7+0
0 0
8 8 0
dark necromancer cowled figure~
Dark Necromancer~
A tall, cowled figure stands here, radiating an aura of power.
Fierce red eyes flash eerily from within the dark cowl.  One arm raises, and
you notice that the fingers are clawed and bloody..
2|4|32|64|131072 8|32|64|16384 -800 S
64 0 0 50d10+9300 9d6+0
0 0
8 8 0
nightmare black horse darkness~
the Nightmare~
The darkness writhes and coallesces into the form of a pitch black horse.
A tall, fierce horse with blood red eyes stands before you, seeming to twist
in and out of being even as you look at it.  All light is repelled from the
vicinity of the beast, surrounding it with an aura of blackness, pierced
only by the hellish red lights of its eyes.
64|65536 4|8|16|32|64|128|8192 1000 S
70 2 0 100d10+10000 12d5+40
0 0
8 8 0
anti-bishop bishop woman~
the Anti-Bishop~
A tall woman in bloodied black robes prepares to make a sacrifice.
Long black robes, stained with blood both old and new, outline the figure of
a beautiful woman.  However, as the woman raises her head, the thin lips 
part in a ghastly parody of a smile, twisting her face into something
terribly evil and entirely inhuman.
2|32|64 16384|33554432 -800 S
60 0 0 50d10+9000 8d6+24
8765 0
8 8 2
wraith knight humanoid form~
the Wraith Knight~
A ghastly humanoid form floats here, reeking of death.
An aura of evil and death hangs about the dark wraith.  It turns its head, 
and the blood red eyes seem to bore into yours with an insatiable hunger..
4|64|16384|524288 16384|524288|1048576|33554432 -400 S
65 3 0 65d10+10100 9d6+40
4000 0
8 8 0
bloody sadist~
the Bloody Sadist~
A bloody sadist searches madly for someone to torture.
Though the form is human enough, disheveled black hair and bloody, taloned
hands give the figure a ghastly, inhuman appearance.  The wild dark eyes
flicker searchingly around the room.
4|32|64 2097152 -600 S
68 0 0 70d10+9500 9d6+45
3500 0
8 8 0
fanatic cultist~
the fanatic cultist~
A cultist is here, cleaning the walls.
A black-robed cultist is attempting to keep the onyx walls spotless.  He's 
doing a remarkable good job, considering that his tongue is only so long..
4|64 0 0 S
70 0 0 65d10+9200 9d6+25
1000 0
8 8 0
the Grinner~
A huge grin floats here.. grinning.
A set of gleaming white teeth hover in midair, fixed in a wide grin bordering
on insane.  Then again.. floating teeth?  Maybe you're not entirely all there
yourself...  <g>
4|64 524288|2097152 0 S
65 1 0 65d10+9500 9d6+30
0 0
8 8 0
cultist high priest~
the Cultist High Priest~
A cold humanoid form stands here, radiating evil and decay.
A cruel smile twists the dark human face into something hellish and cold.
Powerful taloned hands grasp a sacrificial dagger still grimy with blood.
The ghastly face turns towards you and licks its lips.
4|32|64|65536 16384|33554432 -900 S
65 0 0 50d10+11700 9d6+20
6200 0
8 8 0
nothingness square area~
a patch of Nothingness~
All matter has disappeared in a square area in the center of the room.
Your guts wrench as you attempt to look at.. nothing at all.
64|16384 2|524288 0 S
57 0 0 50d10+8000 6d8+10
0 0
8 8 0
furry lemming~
the furry lemming~
A cute little lemming is here, trying to kill itself.
This furry little creature would be pretty cute if it didn't seem so bent
on self destruction.
4|64 0 0 S
45 0 0 25d10+3000 8d4+6
0 0
8 8 0
warlord man~
the Warlord~
A huge muscular man glowers at you.
Wary, intelligent eyes combine with honed muscles and reflexive grace to
make this man a very dangerous enemy.
64|524288 4|2097152 0 S
70 5 0 50d12+15000 10d6+45
0 0
8 8 1
vampire janitor white fangs~
the vampire janitor~
White fangs gleam in the darkness as a scream of insane rage shatters the air!
It could almost be a part of the shadows, if it weren't for the telltale
red eyes gleaming sadistically against the blackness.
32|64 2|8|32|16384|524288|33554432 -700 S
70 0 0 100d10+13000 7d10+30
5650 0
8 8 0
lost dreams~
some lost dreams~
Some dreams drift aimlessly.
Some dreams have been left here, forgotten.
64 2|524288|1048576 0 S
62 0 0 50d10+9800 10d5+10
0 0
8 8 0
tainted knowledge~
Tainted knowledge~
A bit of knowledge, tattered and grey, floats in midair.
You feel wiser, yet somehow dirty..
64 256|524288|1048576 0 S
61 0 0 50d10+9600 10d5+0
0 0
8 8 0
forgotten lies~
some forgotten lies~
Some lies have been hidden here.
As you attempt to look at them, they bury deeper into the shadows.
64|128|262144 32768|65536|524288|1048576 0 S
64 0 0 50d10+10000 10d5+40
0 0
8 8 0
lost hopes~
some lost hopes~
Some hopes have been left here to drift.
An overwhelming feeling of hopelessness washes over you.
64 2|524288|1048576 0 S
62 0 0 50d10+9800 10d5+10
0 0
8 8 0
black panther daemias~
A black panther stalks restlessly through the shadows.
Slitted silver eyes gleam warily from the powerful cat form as she prowls
silently, like a living shadow.
2|32|64|524288 32768|65536|2097152|33554432 0 S
80 2 0 100d12+17000 15d5+40
0 0
8 8 2
dierek black man~
A darkly handsome man stands here, radiating evil.
Raven black hair frames handsome, chiseled features and a powerful human
build.  The dark silver eyes, shadowed with pain, are strangely at odds with
the cruel smile that seems to have permanently twisted the human lips.
2|32|64|131072|524288 4|8|128|16384 -1000 S
85 0 0 100d12+19500 9d10+50
0 0
8 8 1
shadow reality~
a shadow of Reality~
A shadow of reality has been stuffed into a corner.
It leers at you mockingly.
2|4|64 65536|1048576 0 S
58 0 0 5d10+8500 5d10+25
0 0
8 8 0
terrified victim~
a terrified victim~
A sacrifice victim lies here, too terrified to scream.
This person is completely rigid with fear.
2|64 256 0 S
58 0 0 5d10+7500 5d10+0
0 0
8 8 0
sub gardener gnome~
a sub gardener~
A little gnome whistles merrily as he prunes.
He appears to be taking good care of the garden.
4|64 512 0 S
65 0 0 65d10+8700 9d6+25
1000 0
8 8 1
ghostly servant transparent form~
a ghostly servant~
A transparent form floats here, cleaning up.
Strange, you can see right through it..  It appears to be keeping the area
2|4|64 2|256|524288|1048576 0 S
65 0 0 65d10+8400 9d6+20
100 0
8 8 0
ykres silent figure~
A silent figure melts into the shadows.
Wary green eyes glow like a cat's amidst the deep shadow.
4|32|64|262144 32|512|32768|65536|2097152|33554432 0 S
82 1 0 100d12+18700 8d10+30
5000 0
8 8 2
an assassin~
An assassin stalks in the shadows, looking for prey.
The dark eyes seem to measure you, searching for weakness.
4|32|64|262144 8|32|512|32768|65536|33554432 0 S
51 0 0 50d10+4700 4d8+25
4050 0
8 8 0
night lynx cat form~
the night lynx~
A huge, dark cat form prowls in the darkness.
Slitted silver eyes glint menacingly.
4|64|262144 8|32|32768|65536|33554432 0 S
66 0 0 65d10+9800 9d6+35
0 0
8 8 0
figment imagination dark shape~
a figment of your imagination~
A dark shape seems to flit through the trees in the corner of your eye.
You think you see something there.. but maybe it's just your imagination.
64|262144 2|524288|1048576 0 S
62 0 0 65d10+8000 8d6+30
0 0
8 8 0
dark black owl~
the dark owl~
A huge black owl roosts here.
Beneath the glimmering ice blue eyes, a cruel beak pokes out of the shadow
black feathers forming the avian face.
2|4|64 8|32|524288|33554432 0 S
67 0 0 65d10+10000 9d6+40
0 0
8 8 0
owl hatchling~
the owl hatchling~
An owl hatchling hops about clumsily.
Dark grey down covers a large owl shape and semiformed wings.  Long, cruel
black talons betray a natural predator behind the seeming vulnerability.
2|4|64 33554432 0 S
60 0 0 50d10+9500 8d6+20
0 0
8 8 0
nightling gaunt shape~
the nightling~
A gaunt shape hovers here.
Dark eyes glower hungrily from a translucent wraith form.  Long claws 
extend before the form.  You notice a piece of rotting flesh dangling
from one claw.
4|32|64 2|524288|1048576|33554432 0 S
67 0 0 65d10+10000 9d6+40
3250 0
8 8 0
a sillouhette~
A sillouhette floats here.
A dark sillouhette of a humanoid form.
64 2|256|524288|2097152 0 S
70 0 0 100d10+10500 12d5+20
0 0
8 8 0
nightblade night blade dark elf drow~
the nightblade~
A dark elf waits silently in the darkness.
The slim form seems almost a part of the surrounding darkness.
4|64|262144 512|32768|65536|2097152|33554432 0 S
72 1 0 100d12+10500 12d5+30
2550 0
8 8 0
shadowblade shadow blade sinister form~
the shadowblade~
A lithe sinister form slips through the shadows.
The figure seems to move constantly, eluding your focus.
4|64|262144 512|32768|65536|33554432 0 S
72 1 0 100d12+10500 12d5+27
4500 0
8 8 0
grey ninja cloaked form~
the grey ninja~
Wary green eyes glint menacingly from the hood of a grey cloaked form.
The grey figure seems to blend in with its surroundings.
2|4|64|262144 512|32768|65536|33554432 0 S
80 2 0 100d12+18000 15d5+40
6250 0
8 8 0
black ninja figure~
the black ninja~
A black clothed figure watches from the shadows.
Raven black hair frames a dark elven face and the slitted yellow eyes of a
2|4|64|262144 512|32768|65536|33554432 0 S
78 1 0 100d12+17200 15d5+10
5200 0
8 8 2
white ninja figure~
the white ninja ~
A figure clothed in white stands here.
He seems to blur and shimmer like a living flame.
2|4|64|262144 2|512|32768|33554432 0 S
78 1 0 100d12+17200 15d5+10
5200 0
8 8 1
shadow serpent~
the shadow serpent~
A huge, powerful serpent coils here, preparing to strike.
Dark green scales gleam in the dim light.  A long forked tongue snakes
out from between sharp white fangs as the serpent hisses warningly.
2|32|64 8|32|32768|33554432 0 S
75 0 0 65d10+12500 10d6+25
3250 0
8 8 0
yllias silver eyes~
Slitted silver eyes glint from the shadows.
The silver eyes gleam menacingly, like twin daggers in the darkness.
2|4|32|64|262144 8|32|512|32768|65536|33554432 0 S
85 2 0 100d12+22500 9d10+60
6770 0
8 8 2
reykas raven black wings~
Raven black wings gleam darkly.
Peering into the shadows, you can barely make out the looming form of a
dark hawk.
2|4|32|64 8|32|65536|524288|33554432 0 S
80 0 0 100d12+17500 9d10+20
0 0
8 8 2
menx jester~
A jester balances on one hand, giggling.
The little gnome bounces energetically around the room, giggling madly the
entire time.  You wonder momentarily whether he's completely insane or 
incredibly hyper..
4|64|262144 256|2097152 0 S
81 0 0 100d12+18100 9d10+0
3400 0
8 8 1
boggled brain~
the boggled brain~
A brain boggles along.
It appears to be a bodiless brain, boggling..
64 524288 0 S
65 0 0 65d10+8900 9d6+30
0 0
8 8 0
flying pig winged~
the flying pig~
A large winged pig flutters here.
It snuffles your armpit.
2|64|128 524288 0 S
62 0 0 65d10+7900 9d6+10
0 0
8 8 0
mooo cow~
the mooo cow~
A mooo cow stands here, munching on an effigy of barney.
2|64 0 0 S
63 0 0 65d10+8500 9d6+15
0 0
8 8 0
Stress is here, trying to drive you up the wall.
4|64 524288 0 S
65 0 0 65d10+9500 9d6+30
2500 0
8 8 0
Someone's twisted idea of insanity is here, bouncing off the walls.
It giggles and bonks you on the head.
8|16|64 65536 0 S
67 0 0 65d10+10500 10d6+30
1780 0
8 8 0
the fool~
A fool is here, searching for a brain.
He looks completely and utterly clueless.  Why not give him a hand?  Or
better yet, a brain?
4|64 256 0 S
60 0 0 50d10+9450 8d6+28
10 0
8 8 1
psychiatrist woman~
the psychiatrist~
A woman in a white coat is here, trying to analyze you.
She peers down her nose at you and mumbles something about ids and egos.
2|64 512 0 S
70 -1 0 100d10+10200 12d5+30
4750 0
8 8 2
normal person~
a normal person~
A normal person stands here, looking boring.
It's a normal person, with neat blond hair and a trendy suit.  How boring..
2|64 0 0 S
61 0 0 50d10+10000 8d6+35
3400 0
8 8 0
toilet monster mound stuff~
the toilet monster~
A smelly mound of... stuff... squishes here.
2|4|32|64|1048576 8192|16384|33554432 0 S
65 0 0 65d10+9700 9d6+27
0 0
8 8 0
the mole~
A mole is here, tunneling.
It's a furry brown mole.  Beady black eyes glance at you as sharp claws tunnel
into the dirt at a tremendous pace.
2|4|64|128 33554432 0 S
75 0 0 100d12+16100 14d5+5
0 0
8 8 0
xyrist multicolored light colored~
Multicolored light coallesces here.
The swirling light continuously forms and reforms.  At the moment, it
resembles a giant rabbit.
2|4|64|131072 524288|1048576|2097152|33554432 0 S
86 0 0 100d12+23000 9d10+60
6740 0
8 8 1
fax parrot~
A bright red parrot perches here, mimicking your movements.
He looks back at you.  You boggle, he boggles.  Argh..
2|4|64 524288 0 S
80 0 0 100d12+19000 15d15+20
110 0
8 8 1
aerial servant~
an aerial servant~
An aerial servant hovers here.
Summoned from the elemental plane of air, the servant is bound to
follow its master's orders until it is killed or freed.
2|512 2|8|524288|1048576 0 S
40 0 0 15d10+1850 4d8+13
0 0
8 8 0
flying fist~
a flying fist~
A gauntleted fist hovers menacingly.
Hard adamantite knuckles gleam with a fierce power.
2|512 512|524288 0 S
45 0 0 25d10+3000 8d4+16
0 0
8 8 0
shadowcat shadow cat form~
a shadowcat~
A powerful cat form stalks in the shadows.
Midnight black hair ripples across the sleek muscles of a large,
powerful cat.
2|512 32768|33554432 0 S
50 0 0 50d10+4500 5d8+19
0 0
8 8 0
silver lynx~
a silver lynx~
A silver lynx prowls here.
The huge silver cat form moves with a liquid grace that leaves the
impression of a living bolt of pure lightning.
2|512 8|32768|33554432 0 S
55 0 0 50d10+7000 10d4+23
0 0
8 8 0
pegasus winged horse~
a pegasus~
A winged horse hovers here.
Powerful snow white wings sprout from the equinne shoulder blades.
Intelligent sea blue eyes seem to follow your every move.
2|512 8|16|524288 500 S
60 0 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28
0 0
8 8 0
firecat fire cat flaming~
a firecat~
Heat shimmers about a large, flaming cat.
Pure flame has been shaped into the form of a large cat.  Blue eyes
glint like twin furnaces amidst the heat.
2|512 32768|33554432 0 S
65 0 0 75d10+12000 8d6+34
0 0
8 8 0
icecat ice cat crystalline form~
an icecat~
A huge, crystalline cat form stalks here.
Light glints off the crystalline form of a large, fierce cat.  Despite the
hardness of its make the cat moves with the silent, dangerous grace of
a killer.
2|512 32768|33554432 0 S
65 0 0 75d10+12000 8d6+34
0 0
8 8 0
ethereal panther shimmering~
an ethereal panther~
A shimmering panther prowls restlessly about the room.
A denizen of the ethereal plane, the panther appears almost unreal
here.  However, it moves with a silent, powerful grace which belies
the ability to do quite a bit of very real damage to those who oppose
its master..
2|512 2|8|32|32768|524288|1048576|33554432 0 S
70 0 0 100d10+13000 7d10+30
0 0
8 8 0
tenarezzii demon dark~
a t'enarezzi'i demon~
A dark demon glowers at you hatefully.
Narrow red eyes like living coals burn within a thin, snouted visage
similar to that of a dog.  Tough leathery skin covers long, muscular
arms and powerful legs.  A narrow enchanted collar encircles the thick
neck, binding it to the will of its master.
2|512 16 -500 S
75 0 0 100d10+14250 7d10+35
0 0
8 8 0
devouk demon winged~
a devouk demon~
A winged demon hovers menacingly.
Fiery red skin stretches over lean, spindly muscles and broad, membranous
bat wings.  A thick tail protrudes from the demon's hindquarters, ending
in a sharp, triangular tip.
2|512 16|524288 -700 S
80 0 0 100d12+15500 9d10+28
0 0
8 8 0
chrezanni demon~
a chre'zanni demon~
A huge, multi-armed demon towers over you.
Powerful muscles ripple beneath coarse, midnight black skin which seems
to absorb all light in the area.  Two muscular arms sprout from
either side of the broad torso, ending in wickedly sharp black talons.
2|512 16|16384 -900 S
85 0 0 100d12+16750 9d10+33
0 0
8 8 0
rabid hamster~
a rabid hamster~
A deadly looking hamster is here.
The soft brown fur stands on end, giving the hamster the appearance
of a small and deadly fluffball.  Watch those incisors!
2|4|512 67108864 0 S
90 0 0 100d12+18000 9d10+38
0 0
8 8 0
rabid guinea pig~
a rabid guinea pig~
A small guinea pig hisses at you viciously.
It snuffles viciously.  Fatal and furry!
2|4|512 67108864 0 S
95 0 0 100d12+19250 10d10+38
0 0
8 8 0
dzenian blade~
a Dzenian blade~
A honed magical blade hovers here.
Exquisitely crafted of mithril, the blade has been given life through
powerful magic.  It is very precise and extremely deadly.
2|512|524288 512|524288 0 S
95 0 0 100d12+19250 10d10+40
0 0
8 8 0
ethereal weebie rodent~
an ethereal weebie~
A small, ethereal rodent shimmers here.
The rodent is formed of what appears to be multicolored light and
resembles a large rabbit.  Though small, it possesses an intelligence
and training which make it an deadly fighter.
2|512|524288 2|8|32|524288|1048576|33554432 0 S
100 0 0 100d12+21000 10d10+43
0 0
8 8 0
zkare blade~
a Z'kare blade~
A gleaming adamantite blade hovers here.
Powerful runes shimmer along both faces of the finely crafted adamantite
blade.  Magically empowered and honed, the blade is a lethal enemy.
2|512|524288 512|8192|16384|524288 0 S
100 0 0 100d12+21000 10d10+43
0 0
8 8 0
sherayna golden lady zeinia representative~
the Zeinia representative~
A smiling golden haired lady looks up and says,
"Welcome to Zeinia International!  How may I help you?"
She has long golden hair and pixie-like features.
A classy nametag pinned to her lapel reads:

2|64 8|32|512 0 S
100 0 0 100d12+21000 10d10+43
10000 0
8 8 2
nyvri lady zeinia representative~
the Zeinia representative~
A classily dressed lady watches you, smiling.
She wears a dark pantsuit of expensive design.
A silver pin on her lapel reads:

2|64 8|32|512 0 S
100 0 0 100d12+21000 10d10+43
10000 0
8 8 2
zdreni avenger figure~
a Zdreni avenger~
A darkly clad figure watches you, a cruel smile playing across its lips.
A slender dark elven form stands before you, eyes glimmering with a
strange, cruel light which seems to glow in the darkness like twin flames.
The avenger is among the best in blade, stealth, and magic of the clan
and is sworn to destroy all who spill the blood of a Zdreni clan member.
Deemed to be beyond the rank structure and fierce competition among
the clan members for status, the avenger is extremely loyal to all members
of the clan.  Shimmering above the collarbone is the form of a stooping
hawk over two crossed daggers.
2|4|32|64|262144 8|32|512|32768|65536|67108864 -500 S
95 5 0 100d12+26250 10d10+49
10000 0
8 8 0
zdreni avenger assassin figure~
the Zdreni avenger~
A darkly clad figure watches you, a cruel smile playing across its lips.
A slender dark elven form stands before you, eyes glimmering with a
strange, cruel light which seems to glow in the darkness like twin flames.
The avenger is among the best in blade, stealth, and magic of the clan
and is sworn to destroy all who spill the blood of a Zdreni clan member.
Considered beyond the rank structure and fierce competition among
the clan members for status, the avenger is extremely loyal to all members
of the clan.  Shimmering above the collarbone is the form of a stooping
hawk over two crossed daggers.
2|4|32|64|131072|262144 8|32|512|32768|65536 0 S
95 5 0 100d12+25700 10d10+48
10000 0
8 8 0
zdreni deathmaster assassin~
the Zdreni deathmaster~
A dangerous assassin clad entirely in black watches you measuringly.
Icy silver eyes seem to measure you with a glance.  The deathmaster
is the leader of the Zdreni guild and extremely powerful, both because
of the influence of his position and his ability to retain it despite
the power games of those below him.  The image of two crossed daggers
shimmers above his collarbone.
2|4|32|64|131072|262144 8|32|512|16384|32768|65536 -500 S
85 2 0 100d12+16750 9d10+33
10000 0
8 8 1
zdreni shadowmaster assassin dark elven form~
the Zdreni shadowmaster~
A slender dark elven form blends in with the shadows.
The figure moves with a powerful liquid grace, like a living shadow.
Silent and deadly, the shadowmaster is a lethal enemy.
2|4|32|64|262144 8|32|512|32768|65536 -500 S
80 2 0 100d12+15500 9d10+28
8000 0
8 8 2
zdreni blademaster assassin~
the Zdreni blademaster~
An assassin stalks here with deadly grace.
The blademaster has been honed mind and body to the sharpness of
a living weapon.  Crisscrossed scars mar the dark skin, tokens
of the power and difficulty of this rank.
4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
75 1 0 100d10+14250 7d10+35
7500 0
8 8 0
zdreni magemaster assassin elf form~
the Zdreni magemaster~
A silent dark elven form emerges from the shadows.
In addition to skills in weapons and stealth, the magemaster excels
in the magical arts.  The combination makes the magemaster an extremely
versatile and effective assassin.
4|32|64|131072|262144 8|512|16384|32768|65536|524288 -500 S
75 1 0 100d10+14000 7d10+34
7500 0
8 8 0
zdreni stalker assassin figure~
the Zdreni stalker~
A silent figure stalks in the shadows.
A middle rank assassin, the stalker has trained extensively in the
arts of death.  Increase in status up to this level has been obtained
by consent of the deathmaster, as the assassination of other clan
members while below this rank is cause for immediate death.  Rise in
rank for the stalker from now on will come only through the assassination
of one of higher rank.  Hence, the stalker seeks to hone his abilities
to perfection, for a failed assassination attempt means instant death,
and those above him are anything but strangers to the art.
4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
70 1 0 100d10+13000 7d10+30
7000 0
8 8 0
zdreni darkblade assassin form~
the Zdreni darkblade~
A dark form measures you from the shadows.
The darkblade is an expert in killing and has already caused numerous
deaths to obtain this rank.
4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
65 1 0 75d10+12000 8d6+34
6500 0
8 8 0
zdreni venomblade assassin elf~
the Zdreni venomblade~
A dark elf looks you over and smiles cruelly.
Well versed in the arts of killing, the venomblade also has an extensive
repertoire of poisons to aid his assassinations.
4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
60 1 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28
6000 0
8 8 0
zdreni stiletto assassin~
the Zdreni stiletto~
An assassin appears silently from the darkness.
The stiletto assassin moves with the quiet, lethal grace of a well-aimed
4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
55 1 0 50d10+7000 10d4+23
5500 0
8 8 0
zdreni apprentice assassin young~
the Zdreni apprentice~
A young assassin is here, toying with a dagger.
The apprentice assassin, having completed the guild's deadly entrance
trials, is among the lowest in rank.  Though not as finely honed
as those above him, the apprentice has already begun to learn his
art and is a dangerous enemy.
4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -50 S
50 0 0 50d10+4500 5d8+19
1000 0
8 8 0
applicant young drow~
the applicant~
A young drow is here, awaiting the entrance trials.
This drow has applied for entrance to the guild and awaits the trials
which will prove his worth to join the guild.  Failure will mean
immediate death.  And cowardice at this point will bring down the wrath
of the guild, also resulting in death.
2|64|262144 512|32768 -50 S
45 0 0 25d10+3000 8d4+16
500 0
8 8 0
shadow panther black~
the shadow panther~
A huge black panther flickers in and out of the shadows.
Intelligent green eyes glow eerily from the midnight black mask of
the huge cat.  Though large, the panther is all muscle and moves
with a powerful grace.
32|64 32768|65536|33554432 0 S
55 0 0 50d10+7000 10d4+23
0 0
8 8 0
guardian lynx black~
the guardian lynx~
A midnight black lynx paces silently.
Slitted green eyes watch you warily.  A black key is draped around its neck.
2|32|64 32768|33554432 0 S
55 0 0 50d10+7000 10d4+23
0 0
8 8 0
zdreni magemaster assassin~
the Zdreni magemaster~
A Zdreni magemaster is here, training apprentices.
Of the three magemaster, this is the one currently assigned to
teach apprentices in the arts of killing magics.
2|4|32|64|131072|262144 8|512|16384|32768|65536|524288 -500 S
75 1 0 100d10+14000 7d10+34
7500 0
8 8 0
zdreni apprentice assassin~
the Zdreni apprentice~
An apprentice assassin is here, studying magic.
The apprentice assassin, having completed the guild's deadly entrance
trials, is among the lowest in rank.  Though not as finely honed
as those above him, the apprentice has already begun to learn his
art and is a dangerous enemy.
2|4|32|64|131072|262144 512|32768|65536 -50 S
50 0 0 50d10+4500 5d8+19
1000 0
8 8 0
zdreni apprentice assassin~
the Zdreni apprentice~
An apprentice assassin is practicing spellcasting.
The apprentice assassin, having completed the guild's deadly entrance
trials, is among the lowest in rank.  Though not as finely honed
as those above him, the apprentice has already begun to learn his
art and is a dangerous enemy.
2|4|32|64|131072|262144 512|32768|65536 -50 S
50 0 0 50d10+4500 5d8+19
1000 0
8 8 0
zdreni blademaster assassin~
the Zdreni blademaster~
A blademaster is here, training students.
The blademaster has been honed mind and body to the sharpness of
a living weapon.  Crisscrossed scars mar the dark skin, tokens
of the power and difficulty of this rank.
2|4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
75 1 0 100d10+14250 7d10+35
7500 0
8 8 0
zdreni apprentice assassin~
the Zdreni apprentice~
An apprentice assassin is here, training in weapons skills.
The apprentice assassin, having completed the guild's deadly entrance
trials, is among the lowest in rank.  Though not as finely honed
as those above him, the apprentice has already begun to learn his
art and is a dangerous enemy.
2|4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -50 S
50 0 0 50d10+4500 5d8+19
1000 0
8 8 0
zdreni apprentice assassin~
the Zdreni apprentice~
An apprentice assassin is here, practicing.
The apprentice assassin, having completed the guild's deadly entrance
trials, is among the lowest in rank.  Though not as finely honed
as those above him, the apprentice has already begun to learn his
art and is a dangerous enemy.
2|4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -50 S
50 0 0 50d10+4500 5d8+19
1000 0
8 8 0
zdreni magemaster assassin~
the Zdreni magemaster~
A Zdreni magemaster is here, concentrating on an experiment.
Of the three magemaster, this is the one currently assigned to
teach apprentices in the arts of killing magics.
2|4|32|64|131072|262144 8|512|16384|32768|65536|524288 -500 S
75 1 0 100d10+14000 7d10+34
7500 0
8 8 0
zdreni venomblade assassin elf~
the Zdreni venomblade~
A venomblade is here, assisting his magemaster.
Well versed in the arts of killing, the venomblade also has an extensive
repertoire of poisons to aid his assassinations.
2|4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
60 1 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28
6000 0
8 8 1
zdreni stiletto assassin~
the Zdreni stiletto~
A stiletto assassin is here, assisting her magemaster.
The stiletto assassin moves with the quiet, lethal grace of a well-aimed
2|4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
55 1 0 50d10+7000 10d4+23
5500 0
8 8 2
zdreni venomblade assassin elf~
the Zdreni venomblade~
A venomblade is mixing chemicals here.
Well versed in the arts of killing, the venomblade also has an extensive
repertoire of poisons to aid his assassinations.
2|4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
60 1 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28
6000 0
8 8 0
zdreni venomblade assassin elf~
the Zdreni venomblade~
A venomblade is here, testing some new poisons on captives.
White teeth gleam as the assassin smiles cruelly and forces the poison
into the captives' mouths.
2|4|32|64|262144 512|32768|65536 -500 S
60 1 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28
6000 0
8 8 0
screaming captive~
a screaming captive~
A captive is here, screaming and struggling against the restraints.
The captive tugs futiley at the cords which bind him to the table
and only succeeds in pulling them tighter.
2|64 4096 0 S
30 0 0 6d12+853 4d6+6
0 0
8 8 0
zdreni drow armoursmith smith~
the drow armoursmith~
A drow stands here, hammering.
Taught muscles bulge against the dark elven skin as the armoursmith
strikes the metal before him.
2|4|64 512 -200 S
50 0 0 50d10+5000 5d8+20
2500 0
8 8 1
zdreni drow weaponsmith smith~
the drow weaponsmith~
A drow is here, working at the forge.
Sparks fly as the weaponsmith hammers the red hot metal on the anvil
before him into the shape of a dagger.
2|4|64 512 -200 S
50 0 0 50d10+5000 5d8+20
2500 0
8 8 1
zdreni avenger leader figure~
a Zdreni avenger~
A darkly clad figure watches you, a cruel smile playing across its lips.
A slender dark elven form stands before you, eyes glimmering with a
strange, cruel light which seems to glow in the darkness like twin flames.
The avenger is among the best in blade, stealth, and magic of the clan
and is sworn to destroy all who spill the blood of a Zdreni clan member.
Deemed to be beyond the rank structure and fierce competition among
the clan members for status, the avenger is extremely loyal to all members
of the clan.  Shimmering above the collarbone is the form of a stooping
hawk over two crossed daggers.
2|4|32|64|131072|262144 8|32|512|32768|65536|67108864 -500 S
96 5 0 100d12+28500 10d10+51
10000 0
8 8 0

artwork white object bones thing~
weird artwork~
A twisting white object casts strange shadows across the clearing.~
12 1|16384 0
0 0 0 11613
0 0 0
artwork white object bones thing~
A ghastly array of bones, bent in impossible angles and melded together, form
a huge domelike structure.  The bones are polished to a sick white gleam and 
seem to twist and change even as you look at them.  A large gap is visible in 
the western face of the object, shifting occasionally with the movement of 
the bones.
mirror pool water~
mirror pool~
A circular pool of clear water shimmers here.~
12 16384 0
0 0 0 11650
0 0 0
mirror pool water~
Water, remarkably clear despite the muddy rivulets which feed it, forms a 
flat circular pool in the center of the cavern.  As you gaze at the pool,
you reflection seems to twist and darken.  Grinning, it beckons, and you feel 
drawn towards the pool.  The pool ripples and clears, and your reflection 
returns to normal.  Or did it ever really change.. ?
shadow shadows~
the shadows~
The shadows seem to writhe along the cave wall, as if alive.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 11672
0 0 0
shadow shadows~
The shadows seem to beckon..
leering stone face mouth~
the mouth of the leering face~
A grotesque stone face rests here, leering at you.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 11647
0 0 0
leering stone face mouth~
The face has been carved twisted and waving, as if reflected in a bent
mirror.  The open mouth reveals a gaping, toothless void.  The stone tongue
hangs slightly out of the mouth like a ramp.
dark pool water~
the dark pool~
A pool of water has formed in the dark stone of the cave floor.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 11616
0 0 0
dark pool water~
Streamers of light flicker within the still, dark waters.  As you watch, 
they appear to wrap around your reflection, dissolving it for a moment
into glitters of light.  Something about the pool is both frightening
and appealing..
pine coffin~
a pine coffin~
A long pine coffin rests against one wall.~
12 64 0
2 500 0 110
0 0 0
pine coffin~
Tattered black felt lines the inside of the coffin.  Dark splotches of dried
blood harden the felt in places.  Strips of felt, obviously rent by sharp 
claws, hang loosely revealing the bare pine underneath.
the darkness~
Darkness pervades the cavern, seeming to feed off the light.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 11672
0 0 0
The darkness seems almost tangible.  As you concentrate on it, it seems
to pull you towards it..
white bone altar~
a white altar~
A white altar stands here, gleaming brightly.~
12 1 0
2 3000 0 115
0 0 0
altar white~
Upon closer examination, you notice that the altar is made of a smooth, 
slightly off white substance similar to bone..
bloody black obsidian altar~
a bloody obsidian altar~
A bloody black altar stands here.~
12 2 0
2 3000 0 85
0 0 0
bloody black obsidian altar~
Streamers of wet blood spatter the obsidian altar.  The blood seems to
blend in with the black stone, giving it the appearance of some twisted
form of red-streaked marble.
gleaming white throne~
a gleaming white throne~
A gleaming white throne rests in the center of the room.~
12 1 0
3 1500 0 100
0 0 0
gleaming white throne~
It appears to be made of some weird glowing substance.. strangely like
polished bone.
forbidding dark black throne~
a forbidding black throne~
A dark throne looms here, glowing with an eerie inner light.~
12 1 0
3 1500 0 100
0 0 0
forbidding dark black throne~
The throne seems to be made of a polished black substance similar to
blackened bone.
white oak tree~
an ancient white oak~
An ancient white oak tree towers over the eastern edge of the clearing.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 11633
0 0 0
white oak tree~
A huge white oak looms here.  As you gaze at it, a rectangular area in this
face of the tree -- about the height of a man -- shimmers momentarily, as
if not entirely there.
black oak tree~
an ancient black oak~
An ancient black oak tree towers over the western edge of the clearing.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 11667
0 0 0
black oak tree~
A large gap opens into the base of the black oak, slightly charred as if
burned by fire.
signpost sign post~
a signpost~
Painted wooden arrows have been nailed into the semblance on a signpost.~
12 1 0
4 2000 0 100
0 0 0
signpost sign post~
The painted arrows are skewed in all directions, as if the maker couldn't
decide which way they should point and made arrows in all directions just
to be safe.  Which makes it pretty useless as a signpost.. but it looks
like a mighty comfy bench anyway :)
leather couch~
a long leather couch~
A long leather couch rests here, waiting for a patient to examine.~
12 2 0
2 2000 0 100
0 0 0
leather couch~
The couch seems to hum continuously.  Under your scrutiny, you think you
hear it mutter something about "..neuro deficiency leading to..", but
maybe it's just your imagination..  Need a seat?
neon green throne~
a neon green throne~
A gaudy neon green throne rests here, clashing with everything in the room.~
12 1 0
2 2000 0 100
0 0 0
parrot perch~
a parrot perch~
A wooden parrot perch mounted on a thick steel base stands here.~
12 0 0
3 3000 0 100
0 0 0
tassled jester hat~
a tassled jester's hat~
A colorful pointed hat tipped with silver tassles lies here.~
9 0 1|16
20 21 20 20
40 2500 0
12 60
13 60
18 4
19 5
circlets wonder arm bands~
circlets of wonder~
A pair of multicolored arm bands lie here.~
9 1|32 1|256
20 20 20 20
20 3000 0
3 3
6 1
12 75
19 5
circlets wonder arm bands~
shimmering letters are visible amidst the swirling matter of the circlets:

  in this web of silver wires
  thinner than thread
  and brighter than steel
  we wander --
  dazzled by myriad glints,
  pulsing with knowledge
  and glowing with power...
  And in that glow,

  we know
  and yet are decieved

  we thrive
  and yet we drown

  we grow
  and we are dwarfed

  we are alone
  and never lonely

  we are lost
  and we are found.
bubbling indigo potion~
a bubbling indigo potion~
A deep indigo potion bubbles here.~
10 1 1|16384
80 82 28 3
10 1000 0
moonbeam moon beam shaft moonlight light~
a moonbeam~
A shaft of moonlight glimmers here.~
9 1|256|1024 1|2048
21 21 21 21
0 4000 0
4 2
12 95
18 5
19 4
innocent dreams~
innocent dreams~
Some innocent dreams hover here.~
9 1|1024 1|65536
20 21 21 20
0 3500 0
3 -1
12 95
13 -10
18 6
19 4
gleaming white cross~
a gleaming white cross~
A white cross is here, glowing with an inner light.~
9 1|1024 1|16384
20 20 21 21
30 1500 0
4 2
12 75
13 30
19 5
white kid gloves~
a pair of white kid gloves~
A pair of white kid gloves lie here.~
9 1|1024 1|128
21 20 21 21
30 3500 0
2 3
12 85
18 4
19 5
mark gabrian white insignia hair~
mark of Gabrian~
An insignia woven of white panther hair lies here.~
9 2|256|4096 1|16
21 21 20 20
0 2000 0
5 3
12 80
18 5
19 3
mark gabrian white insignia hair~
an inscription is woven in gold around edge of the mark:

  Take my hand
  and fear no longer
  Take my hand
  and cry no more..

  Reaching into the icy darkness
  and for an instant
  a glimmer of laughter
  emerges from the depths of memory
  to brush his heart,
  before flickering away,
  leaving traces
  like threads of gold
  shimmering warmly in the darkness.

  Picking up the threads,
  he weaves them together --
  Together my friends.
  Forever my friends.

  And against the deepening darkness
  Echoing in my ears,
  The golden roar of a lion.
white grey feather breast plate~
a white grey breast plate~
A breast plate of huge white-grey feathers lies here~
9 0 1|8
18 19 18 19
150 5500 0
1 2
19 4
13 55
song nightingale~
song of the nightingale~
A beautiful song fills the air.~
9 2|32|128|256 1|65536
13 12 12 11
0 2200 0
4 2
12 45
19 3
scroll enlightenment white~
a scroll of enlightenment~
A beautiful white scroll lies here, promising to teach you many things.~
2 2 1|16384
70 10 17 7
10 550 0
3 -5
5 -4
sparkling wand~
a sparkling wand~
A wand sparkles in the light.~
3 1|32 1|16384
69 12 12 10
10 3250 0
glowing silvery hooves~
glowing silvery hooves~
A pair of silvery hooves glow with a soft inner light.~
9 1|1024 1|64
18 19 19 18
50 5200 0
2 3
3 3
12 65
golden bell silver neckchain chain~
a golden bell on a silver neckchain~
A golden bell lies here, attached to a delicate silver chain.~
12 1 1|4
0 0 0 0
20 10240 0
4 3
12 65
19 5
rose tinted shades~
a pair of rose tinted shades~
Some rose tinted shades lie here.~
9 0 1|4
14 14 15 14
20 1000 0
4 -4
12 100
breastplate plate white cross~
a breastplate emblazoned with a white cross~
A breastplate engraved with a gleaming white cross lies here.~
9 1|1024 1|8
17 17 17 17
350 5560 0
1 3
19 4
white legplates~
white legplates~
A pair of gleaming white legplates lie here.~
9 1|1024 1|32
17 18 18 17
150 4500 0
5 2
18 2
19 2
diamond longsword sword~
a diamond longsword~
A diamond longsword gleams sharply in the light.~
5 1 1|8192
0 10 8 0
370 5650 0
18 3
19 4
ivory scales~
a pair of ivory scales~
A pair of golden scales lie here.~
8 1 1|128
0 0 0 0
150 4334 0
3 2
4 2
12 65
13 65
pruning shears~
a pair of pruning shears~
A pair of pruning shears lie here.~
5 0 1|8192
0 12 7 2
370 1000 0
18 3
19 3
grass stained jumpsuit leather~
a grass stained jumpsuit~
A leather jumpsuit smeared with grass stains is here.~
9 0 1|8
19 18 19 19
70 450 0
2 3
6 -1
sculptor's chisel~
a sculptor's chisel~
The sharp chisel of a master sculptor lies here.~
5 0 1|8192
0 10 8 11
400 4500 0
18 3
19 3
polished bone chip~
a chip of polished bone~
A chip of polished bone gleams eerily.~
12 1|524288 1|16384
0 0 0 0
10 2200 0
flowing white priest robes~
flowing white priest's robes~
Some flowing white robes lie in a pool.~
9 1 1|1024
16 16 16 16
70 200 0
4 3
5 3
12 55
flowing white priest robes~
A glowing white cross is emblazoned across the front of the robes.
blind devotion~
blind devotion~
Some devotion shimmers whitely here.~
9 1|1048576 1|8
16 16 16 16
0 0 0
2 -6
4 -8
12 60
silver neckchain chain~
a silver neckchain~
A silver neckchain lies coiled here.~
12 1 1|4
0 0 0 0
10 7500 0
5 3
12 40
13 25
broken watch~
a broken watch~
A broken brass watch hangs suspended from a matching chain.~
9 2 1|2048
14 13 13 13
50 20 0
9 10
13 45
19 3
fluffy white tail~
a fluffy white tail~
A fluffy white rabbit tail lies here.~
9 0 1|32
13 14 13 13
0 10 0
2 2
12 40
19 3
rabbit food pellet~
a pellet of rabbit food~
A pellet of rabbit food lies here.~
26 0 1
55 0 0 0
10 500 0
weeping angel white~
a weeping angel~
A little white angel floats here, weeping silently.~
9 1|32|256 1|65536
14 14 15 14
10 0 0
4 3
12 50
19 4
shattered dreams pieces~
shattered dreams~
Some dreams lie here in pieces.~
9 2 1|65536
20 20 20 20
0 0 0
12 -15
13 75
19 5
ice mask~
ice mask~
A mask of ice is here.~
9 1 1|16
20 21 20 20
70 2450 0
1 4
12 -10
13 85
19 5
ice mask~
A poem is engraved on the inside of the mask:

  A flurry of icy flakes
  blocking out the searing sun
  and wrapping me
  in their cool, soft embrace

  The cold in my mind
  to freeze the memories
  The ice in my heart
  to chill the pain
  The cool in my eyes
  to freeze the tears
  to ice.
hellhawk hawk feather black~
a hellhawk feather~
A gleaming black feather glints with fiery reddish highlights.~
9 1 1|16384
18 18 18 18
10 5500 0
1 3
13 60
19 4
bloody cowl~
a bloody cowl~
A bloody black cowl lies here.~
9 0 1|16
19 20 20 19
50 100 0
1 -2
3 4
12 65
19 5
nightmare breath dark cloud~
nightmare's breath~
A dark cloud hovers menacingly.~
9 2|4|32|128|512 1|1024
18 19 19 18
10 100 0
13 60
18 4
19 5
sacrificial robes bloody~
sacrificial robes~
Some bloody robes are here.~
9 16|512|4096 1|1024
19 20 19 19
50 2300 0
12 55
18 3
19 4
deathblade blade~
a deathblade~
A dark blade lies here, dripping with the blood of the slain.~
5 2|512 1|8192
0 10 8 0
420 4500 0
18 2
19 2
gauntlets night black~
gauntlets of the night~
A pair of pitch black gauntlets lie here, humming softly.~
9 2|512 1|128
16 17 17 15
60 5400 0
13 55
18 4
19 4
blood drenched dagger~
a blood drenched dagger~
A sharp dagger gleams with fresh blood.~
5 1|512 1|8192
0 10 8 11
380 2550 0
18 3
19 4
a hole~
A hole.~
15 16777216 1|16384
350 0 0 40
0 9540 0
furry gloves~
some furry gloves~
A pair of furry gloves lies here.~
9 0 1|128
13 13 14 13
10 1200 0
12 40
13 30
19 3
blood spattered shield obsidian~
a blood spattered shield~
An obsidian shield lies here, spattered with dried blood.~
9 1 1|512
19 20 19 18
100 1050 0
1 2
13 70
18 4
19 5
bloody fang vampire~
fang of the vampire~
The bloody fang of a vampire lies here.~
5 2 1|8192
0 11 8 11
440 4300 0
18 3
19 4
tattered cloak black~
a tattered cloak~
A tattered black cloak lies here.~
9 0 1|4
19 19 19 19
50 10 0
1 2
13 70
18 4
19 5
mark daemias black hair~
mark of Daemias~
An insignia woven of shadow black panther hair lies here, humming.~
9 2|4|4096 1|16
21 21 20 21
0 9400 0
1 3
13 80
18 3
19 5
mark daemias black hair~
silver threads interwoven with the black form the words:

  Chill fingers of icy wind
  through open windows
  in the blackest night..
  brushing across his cheek
  and freezing wet tears
  in a comforting mask of ice;

  Take my hand
  and fear no longer
  Take my hand
  and cry no more..
circle tears~
a circle of tears~
A circle formed of tears lies here.~
9 1|32|256|512 1|2048
21 21 21 21
50 7500 0
2 3
13 85
18 -2
19 6
ashes lost~
ashes of the lost~
Some ashes float here.~
9 1|512|4096 1|65536
20 20 20 20
10 100 0
5 -1
12 75
13 75
18 4
19 6
broken bible~
a broken bible~
A bible lies here, broken along the spine.~
9 2|512 1|16384
20 20 20 20
50 10 0
12 -10
13 85
18 4
19 5
bloodstained platter silver~
a bloodstained platter~
A silver platter gleams dully beneath streaks of dried blood.~
9 1 1|512
16 17 17 16
100 3200 0
5 2
12 65
19 4
razor claws~
razor claws~
Some sharp claws gleam menacingly.~
9 1|4|32 1|128
20 20 20 20
50 4530 0
13 80
18 5
19 5
mark ykres shadow black~
mark of Ykres~
A shadow black mark floats here.~
9 2|4|32 1|4
20 20 20 20
0 8300 0
2 3
12 25
13 75
19 5
bracelet night darkness~
bracelet of night~
A bracelet formed of darkness lies here.~
9 2|4|32 1|4096
15 15 16 14
20 3300 0
2 4
13 55
19 4
onyx owl ring~
an owl ring~
An onyx ring engraved with the face of an owl lies here.~
12 4 1|2
0 0 0 0
10 5560 0
4 2
12 50
19 4
sliver darkness~
a sliver of darkness~
A sliver of darkness glimmers here.~
5 4 1|8192
0 14 6 11
410 6230 0
18 3
19 4
mask deception grey~
mask of deception~
A grey mask lies here, seeming to shift and change continuously.~
9 2|4|32 1|16
20 20 20 20
30 4240 0
2 4
13 75
18 3
19 5
cloak shadows~
cloak of shadows~
A cloak of formed of shifting shadows is here.~
15 2|4|32 1|4
200 0 0 20
70 2550 0
2 4
17 -12
19 5
stiletto shadow shadow's edge~
shadow's Edge~
A dark stiletto blends in with its surroundings.~
5 4 1|8192
0 15 6 11
420 6650 0
18 6
19 6
a silhouette~
Someone's silhouette has been left here~
9 4|32 1|1024
21 21 21 21
0 0 0
2 3
12 75
13 75
19 6
Some silence hides here.~
9 4|32 1|32
21 21 21 21
10 230 0
2 4
12 80
13 75
19 6
black shadowhawk hawk talons~
shadowhawk talons~
Some sharp black talons lie here, gleaming wickedly.~
9 1|4 1|64
20 21 21 20
80 8430 0
1 3
13 75
18 2
19 5
bracers energy~
bracers of energy~
Bracers formed of multicolored energy lie here.~
9 1|2 1|256
20 20 20 20
40 4300 0
2 3
12 90
19 5
whirling disc energy~
whirling disc~
A disc of energy whirls here.~
9 1|2 1|512
20 20 21 20
50 3230 0
12 80
18 5
19 5
brain cell~
a brain cell~
A lone brain cell floats here.~
9 2 1|16
18 18 19 18
10 1 0
3 4
12 60
pink pig wings~
a pink pair of pig wings~
Some pink pig wings flutter around.~
9 2 1|256
15 15 15 15
60 2250 0
2 2
18 4
19 4
effigy barney purple dinosaur~
an effigy of a purple dinosaur~
A stuffed purple dinosaur lies here, slightly chewed.~
9 1|2 1|16384
16 15 16 15
50 0 0
3 -2
4 -2
13 80
19 4
white lab coat~
a white lab coat~
A white lab coat lies here.~
9 1|2 1|1024
18 18 19 18
40 3400 0
3 4
4 4
trendy suit~
a trendy suit~
A trendy suit lies here, getting all dusty.~
9 0 1|8
16 15 16 15
90 7777 0
3 -3
4 -2
12 50
13 50
energy shimmering circlet~
a shimmering circlet~
A circlet of shimmering multicolored energy lies here.~
9 1|2|128|4096 1|2
21 21 21 21
10 7550 0
12 90
18 4
19 6
bracelet delusions~
bracelet of delusions~
A pretty multicolored bracelet lies here.~
9 1|2|4096 1|4096
21 21 21 21
30 1000 0
4 -3
12 110
18 -9
energy mail chainmail chain~
energy mail~
A suit of chainmail formed of pure energy shimmers here.~
9 1|2 1|8
21 21 21 21
100 7650 0
12 80
13 70
18 5
19 6
red feather leggings~
some red feather leggings~
A pair of leggings made from bright red parrot feathers lies here.~
9 1|2 1|32
20 21 20 20
80 6500 0
13 80
18 4
19 5
brilliant red tailfeather feather~
a brilliant red tailfeather~
A long red feather gleams brightly.~
5 1 1|8192
0 11 8 11
380 3450 0
18 5
19 5
musical bracers black feather~
musical bracers~
A pair of black feather bracers lie here, humming melodically.~
9 1|2 1|256
13 13 13 13
20 2200 0
2 3
12 45
19 3
shadowy handprints prints~
shadowy handprints~
Some shadowy handprints mark the wall.~
9 2|4|32 1|128
16 16 16 16
0 0 0
2 3
12 65
19 4
dark owl feather blanket~
a blanket of dark owl feathers~
The soft feathers of a dark bird have been woven together to form a blanket.~
12 4|64 1|16384
2 1200 0 115
70 5500 0
hole ground~
a hole in the ground~
Someone has dug a hole in the ground here.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 11646
0 0 0
rip void~
a rip in the void~
A rip in the fabric of the void shimmers whitely overhead.~
12 1 0
0 0 0 11612
0 0 0
vacuum nothing~
a vacuum~
There is nothing here.~
12 2 1|16384
0 0 0 2
0 0 0
oaken door~
an oaken door~
A carved oaken door hangs in midair.~
12 0 0
0 1 0 11699
0 0 0
oaken door~
It appears to lead absolutely nowhere..
Engraved in the face of the door are the words:

            Zeinia International
oaken door~
an oaken door~
A carved oaken door hangs in midair.~
12 0 0
0 1 0 11687
0 0 0
onyx key chain~
a small onyx key on a silver chain~
A small onyx key suspended on a silver chain gleams darkly.~
8 4 1|4
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
2 1
5 1
steel key~
a long steel key~
A long steel key is here.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
dark stone key~
a dark stone key~
A small stone key gleams darkly.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
black key~
a black key~
A black key is here.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
adamantite key~
a long adamantite key~
A long adamantite key lies here.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
decaying bodyparts body parts~
some decaying bodyparts~
Decaying bodyparts dangle from stakes in the wall.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
decaying bodyparts body parts~
The bodyparts, hanging in shreds on the walls, are barely recognizable
as humanoid.  Scrawled in blood above the gory artwork are the words:

            "sh'keva Zdreni ke'zeraika shai !"

A chill creeps up the back of your neck.
dark crimson armbands arm bands pair~
dark crimson armbands~
A pair of dark crimson armbands gleam like circles of wet blood in the light.~
9 1|256 1|256
24 24 24 23
50 10000 0
1 4
2 4
12 120
13 120
18 7
19 7
20 -5
dark crimson armbands arm bands pair circles blood~
Engraved in the blood red metal is the inscription:  "Ir'vekire zai'Zdreni",
above an engraving of a stooping hawk over two crossed daggers.
oath vengeance band adamantite ruby~
oath of Vengeance~
A band of adamantite set with a blood red ruby hums with promised vengeance.~
9 2 1|4
24 24 24 24
30 15000 0
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
5 5
12 500
13 500
14 500
18 15
19 15
20 -10
oath vengeance band adamantite ruby~
An inscription encircles the outside of the band:  "Ir'vekire zai'Zdreni"

Engraved along the inside of the band, you notice the words:

               "sh'keva Zdreni zeraika shai !"

        ("vengeance for the blood of zdreni is ours !")

The ruby is carved with the form of a stooping hawk over two crossed daggers.
crimson hilted stiletto~
a crimson hilted stiletto~
An adamantite stiletto with a hilt the color of dark blood gleams here.~
5 1|4 1|8192
0 12 11 11
180 12500 0
18 25
19 25
midnight black insignia onyx ring~
a midnight black insignia~
An onyx ring engraved with two crossed daggers is here, gleaming darkly.~
9 4 1|2
22 22 22 20
10 5000 0
1 2
2 2
12 85
13 85
18 6
19 6
dark grey insignia chainmail chain mail~
a suit of drow chainmail with a dark grey insignia~
A suit of dark grey chainmail lies here.~
9 4 1|8
21 21 21 19
80 5000 0
2 2
13 75
19 6
dark grey insignia chainmail chain mail~
An engraving of two crossed daggers shimmers above the left shoulder of
the chainmail.
dark blue sash green~
a dark blue sash with a green insignia~
The form of two crossed daggers is embroidered in green on a dark blue sash.~
9 4 1|2048
20 20 20 18
40 4000 0
1 2
13 65
19 5
dark blue sash purple~
a dark blue sash with a purple insignia~
The form of two crossed daggers is embroidered in purple on a dark blue sash.~
9 4 1|2048
19 19 20 20
40 4000 0
3 2
12 65
19 5
smokey blue insignia cloak~
a dark cloak embroidered with a smokey blue insignia~
A dark cloak is embroidered with the smokey blue form of two crossed daggers.~
9 4 1|4
19 19 19 17
50 3800 0
2 2
5 2
13 50
19 5
indigo insignia pair gloves~
a pair of leather gloves with an indigo insignia~
The indigo insignia of two crossed daggers shimmers above a pair of gloves.~
9 4 1|128
17 18 17 16
20 3500 0
2 2
12 55
13 55
19 4
dark green insignia boots~
a pair of boots with a dark green insignia~
A pair of supple boots bears the dark green insignia of two crossed daggers.~
9 4 1|64
16 16 16 14
40 3300 0
2 2
12 60
19 4
20 -2
grey insignia leggings~
leather leggings with a grey insignia~
A pair of leggings bearing the grey insignia of two crossed daggers is here.~
9 4 1|32
15 14 14 15
30 3000 0
1 1
2 2
12 35
13 35
19 3
tan insignia bracer~
a bracer engraved with a tan insignia~
A leather bracer bears the tan colored insignia of two crossed daggers.~
9 0 1|4096
14 14 14 12
20 2500 0
3 1
5 1
13 30
19 3
applicants ring adamantite~
an applicant's ring~
A plain adamantite ring lies here, humming.~
9 2 1|2
13 13 13 10
10 1000 0
1 1
2 1
18 3
19 3
applicants ring adamantite~
Though plain, the adamantite band hums with a magic which identifies
its wearer to guild members, leaving them safe from attack.  If the ring's
magic does not resonate with its wearer, the wearer is automatically
marked as an intruder and subject to attack.
manual bladework blade work black~
a manual of bladework~
A black bound manual is here.~
2 0 1
82 3 0 0
10 1000 0
dark blue scroll~
a dark blue scroll~
A dark blue scroll lies here.~
2 2 1
82 24 0 0
10 1000 0
simmering green potion~
a simmering green potion~
A dark green potion simmers here.~
10 0 1
67 33 4 0
10 1000 0
dark elven chainmail chain mail suit adamantite~
a suit of dark elven chainmail~
A suit of finely crafted adamantite chain lies here, gleaming.~
9 4 1|8
14 13 13 10
40 5500 0
2 2
18 3
19 3
adamantite shortsword short sword~
an adamantite shortsword~
An adamantite shortsword lies here, gleaming wickedly.~
5 4 1|8192
0 12 10 11
220 5500 0
18 6
19 6
adamantite kris~
an adamantite kris~
A sharp adamantite kris is here.~
5 4 1|8192
0 12 8 11
150 5000 0
18 5
19 5
adamantite stiletto~
an adamantite stiletto~
A well tempered adamantite stiletto lies here.~
5 4 1|8192
0 12 7 11
150 4700 0
18 5
19 5
adamantite throwing knife blue black~
an adamantite throwing knife~
A sharp blue black knife gleams here.~
5 4 1|8192
0 9 7 11
150 4500 0
18 5
19 4
adamantite dagger~
an adamantite dagger~
A long dagger forged of adamantite lies here.~
5 4 1|8192
0 11 5 11
150 4000 0
18 4
19 4

Intersection on a Pebbled Path~
Shiny white pebbles form a narrow path between tall hedges running north and
south.  A large well is visible through a break in the hedges to the east.
A brass plaque rests against the hedges at the edge of the path.
0 0 1
The pebbled path follows the hedges north.
0 -1 11601
A well rises from the center of a clearing in the hedges to the east.
0 -1 11622
Tendrils of mist snake across the path to the south.
0 -1 11624
Fluffy clouds are visible through a gap in the hedges to the west.
0 -1 9101
A large granite well is visible to the east.
brass plaque~
It reads:

  Life consists of a balance of forces, and nothing can exist without contrast.
  Where there is light, there is shadow                   +++++
  Where there is friendship, there is loneliness         ++    +
  Where there is joy, there is pain                     ++   +  +
  Where there is hope, there is despair                ++++      +
  Where there is life, there is death.                 ++++++    +
                                                       +++ +++   +
  Be careful.                                           ++++++  +
                                                         ++++  +
--                                                        +++++
  Divided Souls written by Ydri.  3/96                      
Between the Hedges~
The pebbles gleam brightly in the sunlight pouring in from a clearing in the
hedges to the west.  The path opens north onto a lush garden and continues
south into the hedges.
0 0 1
The hedges part to reveal a colorful garden to the north.
0 -1 11603
The pebbled path continues south.
0 -1 11600
Bushes dot the bright clearing to the west
0 -1 11602
Bright Clearing~
Light seems to focus on this clearing as if attracted by some invisible magnet.
Large bushes dot the ground, hacked into strange, somewhat recognizable forms
reminiscient of a child's daydreams.
0 0 1
A white pebbled path is visible to the east.
0 -1 11601
Garden Path~
A huge variety of multicolored plants surrounds you in a rainbow of exotic
beauty.  Their mingled fragrance fills the air with a sweet, slightly tangy
perfume.  A large white gazebo rises from the flower beds to the north.
The dirt path you are on continues east and west around the gazebo.
0 0 1
The dirt path winds east through the flower beds.
0 -1 11604
A pebbled path winds south between the hedges.
0 -1 11601
The dirt path winds west through the flower beds.
0 -1 11610
Garden Path~
A huge variety of multicolored plants surrounds you in a rainbow of exotic
beauty.  Their mingled fragrance fills the air with a sweet, slightly tangy
perfume.  A large white gazebo rises from the flower beds to the northwest.
The dirt path you are on continues west and north around the gazebo.
To the east, the path opens into a large clearing.
0 0 1
The dirt path winds north around the gazebo.
0 -1 11605
A strange white form is visible in the clearing to the east.
0 -1 11612
The dirt path winds west around the gazebo.
0 -1 11603
Garden Path~
A huge variety of multicolored plants surrounds you in a rainbow of exotic
beauty.  Their mingled fragrance fills the air with a sweet, slightly tangy
perfume.  A large white gazebo rises from the flower beds to the west.
The dirt path you are on continues north and south around the gazebo.
0 0 1
The dirt path continues north around through the flower beds.
0 -1 11606
The dirt path continues south around through the flower beds.
0 -1 11604
Garden Path~
A huge variety of multicolored plants surrounds you in a rainbow of exotic
beauty.  Their mingled fragrance fills the air with a sweet, slightly tangy
perfume.  A large white gazebo rises from the flower beds to the southwest.
The dirt path you are on continues south and west around the gazebo.
0 0 1
The dirt path continues south around the gazebo.
0 -1 11605
The dirt path continues west around the gazebo.
0 -1 11607
boulder stone~
1 -1 11615
Hippo Fountain~
A tall marble fountain, carved in the form of two frolicking white hippos cuts
the path here.  Water spews from one hippo's mouth into the basin below.
While the sculpture is evidently someone's idea of artistry, it seems almost
grotesque, especially since the hippo acting as the fountain appears to be 
barfing on the other..  Marble steps lead into the gazebo to the south.  
The dirt path continues west and east around the gazebo.
0 0 1
The dirt path continues east around the gazebo.
0 -1 11606
Steps enter a white gazebo to the south.  Some vague forms are visible within
the gazebo.
0 -1 11611
The dirt path continues west around the gazebo.
0 -1 11608
marble fountain hippos~
Though seemingly innocent, a shadow of depravity hangs about the white
fountain.. or maybe it's just your imagination.
white gazebo~
Some vague forms are visible within the gazebo to the south.
Garden Path~
A huge variety of multicolored plants surrounds you in a rainbow of exotic
beauty.  Their mingled fragrance fills the air with a sweet, slightly tangy
perfume.  A large white gazebo rises from the flower beds to the southeast.
The dirt path you are on continues east and south around the gazebo.
0 0 1
Redwood steps lead up to a large platform to the north.
0 -1 11617
The dirt path winds east through the garden.
0 -1 11607
The dirt path winds south through the garden.
0 -1 11609
You see a large tree to the west.
0 -1 11618
Garden Path~
A huge variety of multicolored plants surrounds you in a rainbow of exotic
beauty.  Their mingled fragrance fills the air with a sweet, slightly tangy
perfume.  A large white gazebo rises from the flower beds to the east.
The dirt path you are on continues north and south around the gazebo.
0 0 1
The dirt path continues north around the gazebo.
0 -1 11608
The dirt path continues south around the gazebo.
0 -1 11610
Garden Path~
A huge variety of multicolored plants surrounds you in a rainbow of exotic
beauty.  Their mingled fragrance fills the air with a sweet, slightly tangy
perfume.  A large white gazebo rises from the flower beds to the northeast.
The dirt path you are on continues north and east around the gazebo.
0 0 1
The dirt path continues north around the gazebo.
0 -1 11609
The dirt path continues east around the gazebo.
0 -1 11603
Inside the Gazebo~
You stand inside a large, white gazebo.  A lacework of white painted 
ashwood arcs overhead, marking the grey marble floor with strips of dark
shadow.  A carved white altar rises out of the center of the floor.
The ceiling of the gazebo is shrouded in a misty haze.
0 8 0
To the north, marble steps open into a lush garden.
0 -1 11607
You can make out the form of a wide tunnel through the mist.
0 -1 11668
Strange Artwork~
A ring of bluish-green shrubbery encircles a grassy clearing dominated by
the hulking white.. thing (?) rising up from the center.  The grass surrounding
the object is charred and seems to smolder as if newly burned.  The object
itself is unburned.
0 0 2
A dirt path winds around a white gazebo to the west.
0 -1 11604
Inside Artwork~
The green of a lush garden is visible through the twisting lattice of bones
forming the walls of this structure.  A ladder disappears into a hole in the
center of the ground.
0 8 0
The writhing bones of the floor part in the center, leaving a large hole.
A white bone ladder disappears into the darkness.
0 -1 11614
A bone ladder leads into the hole in the floor.
The center of the floor drops away into a churning multicolored void.
Go down if you dare..
0 1|8 0
A bone ladder leads up.
0 -1 11613
A hole drops away into a churning void below.
0 -1 11685
multicolored void~
A mass of multiple color churns and spins below.  Your guts twist, and you
are forced to look away.
Quiet Tunnel~
A narrow north-south tunnel has been carved from the packed clay here.  Light
filters in through an opening in the ceiling.  The rhythmic dripping of water
is audible to the north, where the tunnel widens into a large cave.
0 1|8 0
A large cave is visible to the north.
0 -1 11616
Light filters through a hole in the low ceiling.
stone boulder~
1 -1 11606
Mirror Pool~
Wet walls of packed clay frame a huge circular cave.  Water drips from crevices
in the ceiling and walls, flowing in rivulets and small streams to form a 
clear, flat pool in the center of the cavern.
0 1|8 0
A narrow tunnel leads south.
0 -1 11615
Redwood Platform~
A pentagonal redwood platform rises from the multicolored clusters of flowers 
and shrubbery.  An granite tome is mounted in the center of the pentagon.
Two low marbles pedestals, grey and white, stand on either side of the tome.
0 0 1
Steps lead down into the garden to the south.
0 -1 11608
granite tome~
An open book has been sculpted from polished granite.  A paragraph on the 
lefthand page catches your eye:

".. From our wisdom
    to know
    From our mistakes
    to grow..

    .. that each generation shall be better, stronger, wiser 
    than the one before.."
A crack runs across the edge of the page where weather has broken the granite.
marble pedestals~
Square marble pedestals are set into the redwood.  The white is slightly larger
than the grey.  Indentations mark the centers of both.
The grey pedestal looks shiny and new, marked only by foot-shaped indentations
in the center.
A crack runs down the edge of the white pedestal.
Base of a Large Tree~
The dirt path curves east and south here.  A huge oak tree looms to the
northwest, its lower branches shading a large section of the path.
0 0 1
The dirt path winds east through the flower beds.
0 -1 11608
To the south, the dirt path disappears into a grove of trees.
0 -1 11619
The huge oak rises skyward.  Its lower branches appear sturdy and climbable.
0 -1 11620
oak tree branches~
The huge oak rises skyward.  Its lower branches appear sturdy and climbable.
Ash Grove~
A ring of ash trees form a small, shaded grove here.  Glints of light filter
through the overlapping branches to flicker in the shadows like fireflies.
A narrow dirt path exits the grove to the north.
0 0 2
A dirt path disappears north into a lush garden.
0 -1 11618
Up a Large Oak Tree~
You stand on a low branch near the huge trunk of the oak tree.  The thick
network of branches above makes it impossible to climb higher.  The base
of an enormous birdfeeder is visible along the branch to the west.
0 8 3
An opening in the birdfeeder is visible to the west.
0 -1 11621
A lush green garden is visible below.
0 -1 11618
An opening in the near face looks large enough to enter.. though one might 
wonder what kind of bird would need a birdfeeder this big..
Inside the Birdfeeder~
You find yourself at the edge of an enormous octagonal room.  Thick wooden
walls disapppear out of sight above.  Blue sky and oaken branches are visible
through 3 huge doorways cut into the walls.  The floor is littered with
tan and grey egg-shaped spheres.  Between the spheres are clusters of birdseed.
0 8 0
A huge doorway opens onto the branch of a large oak tree.
0 -1 11620
tan grey spheres~
Closer up, these appear to be huge seed pods, oversized versions of the 
birdseed clustered at their bases.
Little piles of birdseed litter wooden floor.
Stone Well~
You stand in a wide grassy clearing framed by high hedges.  To one side,
a stone well rises from the turf.
0 0 1
A pebbled path is visible to the west.
0 -1 11600
A ladder affixed to the side of the well descends into darkness.
0 -1 11623
stone well~
Blocks of smooth grey stone have been fitted and mortared together to form
a wide well.  A ladder attached to one stone side descends into the darkness.
Inside the Well~
The smooth stone walls of the well tower above you on all sides.  The stone
appears rough and unworn, as if the well has never been used.  A broken
humanoid skeleton lies sprawled across the bottom of the well.  A dark wooden
ladder ascends to the top of the well.
0 0 1
A wooden ladder leads to the edge of the well above.
0 -1 11622
It looks as though something (someone?) has fallen into the well.  The bones
are strangely clean and gleam a coldly in the light.
Misty Pathway~
Tendrils of cool mist creep across the pathway from the south, leaving the
white pebbles of the path cool and shiny.  Tall hedges frame the path to the
north.  The mist thickens to the south.
0 0 1
The path disappears between tall hedges to the north.
0 -1 11600
The path widens to the south into a mist covered lakeshore.
0 -1 11625
Shore of the Lake of Mist~
You stand on the rocky shore of a lake which seems to be composed entirely of
mist.  Dense white vapor from the lake overflows up and over the path to the
north.  To the south, the shore dips into the lake.
0 0 1
A white pebbled path leads north.
0 -1 11624
The lake shore dips gently into the lake to the south here.
0 -1 11626
Misty Lake~
Cool, dense mist swirls around you, limiting vision to less than a meter.
The lake bottom is dotted with large grey-white boulders and clumps of 
slippery grass.  To the north, the lakeshore ascends above the mist.  The 
lake continues south.
0 1 2
You can exit the lake to the north.
0 -1 11625
An opening between clumps of boulders is visible to the south.
0 -1 11628
A clump of large bushes is nestled between the boulders to the west.  There
appears to be an opening behind the bushes.
1 -1 11627
Two large bushes grow out of the boulders to the west.  There appears to be
an opening behind them.
boulders stones~
Large white-streaked grey boulders dot the lake floor.  An opening between
the boulders is visible to the south.
Mossy Cave~
A small natural cave is set into the grey-white rocks of the lake here.  
Patches of phosphorescent green blue moss dot the slick cave walls, glowing
eerily in the mist.  A clump of large bushes to the east shields the cave
from the rest of the lake.
0 8 2
The misty lake is visible through the bushes to the east.
1 -1 11626
Large bushes shield the cave from the misty lake to the east.
Misty Lake~
The chill mist of the lake tingles damply against your skin.  Through the
white haze, you can make out a path heading east and west between the large
boulders littering the lake floor.  The lake floor continues north.
0 1 2
The lake floor continues north.
0 -1 11626
A path leads east along the lake bottom.
0 -1 11629
A path leads west along the lake bottom.
0 -1 11631
Misty Lake~
The path along the lake floor leads west and south here.  To the south, the
path opens onto a wide misty pool.
0 1 2
A misty pool is visible to the south.
0 -1 11630
The lake floor continues west.
0 -1 11628
Pool of Mist~
The lake walls curve here to form a large misty pool.  A moss-covered marble
pedestal rests in a depression in the center of the pool.  To the north, a
path leads back into the lake.
0 0 2
The lake of mist is visible to the north.
0 -1 11629
marble pedestal depression~
A round pedestal of white marble is set into a depression in the center of the
pool.  Patches of grey-green moss cling to the white stone.  Marks in the 
center of the pedestal indicate that something has recently stood on the
Misty Lake~
A dark opening, partially obscured by a clump of green weeds, cuts into the 
lake wall to the south.  The lake floor continues east.
0 1 2
The misty lake continues east.
0 -1 11628
The dark mouth of a shadowy tunnel enters the lake wall to the south.
0 -1 11632
Dark Tunnel~
A high, narrow granite tunnel has been hewn from the granite lake wall.  White
mist seeps in from the opening to the north, leaving the rock walls slippery
and cold.  The darkness seems to deepen to the west, where the tunnel widens
into a cave.
0 1|8 0
A lake of mist is visible through the opening to the north.
0 -1 11631
To the west, the tunnel widens into a dark cave.
0 -1 11633
Shadowy Cavern~
Dark granite walls form a large cavern here.  Darkness and shadows seem to 
deepen here, as if attracted by some unseen force.  Barely visible through
the darkness, a tunnel exits the cave to the east.
0 1|8 0
A dark, misty tunnel exits the cave to the east.
0 -1 11632
Onyx Hallway~
Chill air from the north causes the torches to gutter occassionally,
picking out eerie shadows against the dark onyx walls.  A plain oaken door
is set into the east wall.
0 1|8|8192 0
The onyx hallway continues north.
0 -1 11658
An oaken door is set into the east wall.
oaken door~
1 -1 11656
The hallway continues south.
0 -1 11635
Onyx Hallway~
The smooth black walls are broken by streaks of blood, both new and old.
Distant screams echo through the hallway.  To the south, the hall intersects
a dark corridor.  A solid black door is set into the west wall.
0 1|8|8192 0
The hallway continues north.
0 -1 11634
A dark corridor crosses the hallway to the south.
0 -1 11637
A forbidding black door opens into the west wall.
black door~
1 -1 11636
Chamber of the High Priest~
Black marble walls frame a large circular room and a high stone ceiling
supported by marble pillars.  Dull brownish patches dot the polished walls
where spattered blood has dried.
0 1|8|8192 0
A black door is set into the east wall.
black door~
1 -1 11635
Dark corridor~
Walls of dark stone line a corridor running east and west here.  Shadows,
almost invisible against the stone, flicker eerily in the dim torchlight.
An onyx hallway intersects the corridor here and continues north.
0 1|8|8192 0
An onyx hallway leads north.
0 -1 11635
The corridor continues east.
0 -1 11644
The corridor continues west.
0 -1 11638
Dark corridor~
The dark corridor runs east and south here.  A feeling of forboding permeates
the air.  It seems like the walls are watching..
0 1|8|8192 0
The corridor continues east.
0 -1 11637
The corridor continues south.
0 -1 11639
Dark corridor~
The dark corridor runs north and south here.  Distant screams echo eerily
against the stone walls.
0 1|8|8192 0
The corridor continues north.
0 -1 11638
The corridor continues south.
0 -1 11640
Dark corridor~
The corridor branches north and east here.  A stone archway leads west into
a large hall.  Huge, forbidding double doors loom over the corridor to the 
0 1|8|8192 0
The corridor continues north.
0 -1 11639
The corridor continues east.
0 -1 11641
A pair of huge black steel doors are set into the southern wall.
black steel double doors~
1 -1 11651
A stone archway opens onto a large hall to the west.
stone archway~
0 -1 11652
Dark corridor~
The dark corridor runs west and east here.  To the north, black marble steps
lead up to a pair of bloodstained bronze doors.
0 1|8|8192 0
Streaks of dried blood spatter the bronze doors to the north.
bloodstained bronze doors~
1 -1 11645
The corridor continues east.
0 -1 11642
The corridor continues west.
0 -1 11640
Dark corridor~
The corridor branches north and west here.  A humanoid skeleton has been
entombed in the corridor ceiling.  The bones gleam whitely against the 
dark stone, and the hollow eyesockets seem to glare accusingly at you.
0 1|8|8192 0
The corridor continues north.
0 -1 11643
The corridor continues west.
0 -1 11641
A skeleton lies embedded in the ceiling above.
humanoid skeleton~
1 -1 11649
Dark corridor~
The dark corridor runs north and south here.
0 1|8|8192 0
The corridor continues north.
0 -1 11644
The corridor continues south.
0 -1 11642
Dark corridor~
The dark corridor runs west and south here.  A narrow marble archway opens
east into a large room.
0 1|8|8192 0
A twisting black figure is visible through the archway to the east.
marble archway~
0 -1 11646
The corridor continues south.
0 -1 11643
The corridor intersects an onyx hallway to the west.
0 -1 11637
Bloody Altar~
A black marble dais dominates the room.  Mounted in the center of the dais,
an obsidian altar gleams dully with fresh blood.  Lit copper braziers 
mounted on either side of the altar fill the room with a cloying smoke.
Behind the altar, a forbidding pit opens in the marble floor.
0 1|8|8192 0
A pair of bronze doors open south.
bloodstained bronze doors~
1 -1 11641
A blood slicked ladder descends into the pit.
0 -1 11670
Room of Faces~
Hideous stone faces protrude from the black walls and ceiling, their 
polished surfaces partly obscured by the smoke from the copper braziers
set into the four corners.  Rising from the center of the room is a huge
demonic face, sculpted of grey-streaked black marble.  A marble archway
opens west.
0 1|8 0
A narrow marble archway opens west onto a dark corridor.
marble archway~
0 -1 11644
Inside the Mouth~
You stand on the stone tongue inside the cavernous mouth of the sculpture.
The shape of the slippery tongue seems to writhe even as you stand on it,
preventing both exit from the mouth and movement farther into it.  A
weighted rope, vaguely tonsil-shaped, ascends through an opening above.
0 1|8|8192 0
A rope leads up to an opening above.
weighted rope opening~
0 -1 11648
Beneath the churning void~
You hang suspended on a heavy rope halfway up a narrow stone chute.
The rope disappears into the center of what appears to be a churning
multicolored void.  Who know where it may lead..
0 1|8|8192 0
The rope disappears into a multicolored void above.
0 -1 11692
The rope descends to a dark cavern below.
0 -1 11647
Narrow Passageway~
You find yourself in a narrow stone passageway leading south.  The low
ceiling forces all but the shortest to stoop in order to pass through.
A skeleton is embedded in the rock below.
0 1|8|8192 0
The passage continues south.
0 -1 11650
The white bones of a skeleton gleam sharply against the dark stone floor.
1 -1 11642
Damp Cavern~
A rhythmic dripping echoes through the large stone chamber.  Rivulets 
of water run down the stalagtites clinging to the ceiling, collecting to
form a large, round pool in the center of the cave.  A narrow passage
exits the cave to the north.
0 1|8 0
A passage leads north out of the cave.
0 -1 11649
Pentagram Chamber~
Engraved across the center of the stone floor is a large pentagram.  At
the center of the star rests a large grey tome, apparently mounted to
the floor of the room.  A pair of black steel doors are set into the
north wall.
0 1|8|8192 0
Black steel doors loom to the north.
black steel double doors~
1 -1 11640
grey tome book~
Splashes of blood dot the worn vellum pages.  A paragraph on the right hand
page catches your eye:

"Cycle of hate
 That I shall make it
 Cycle of hate
 That you shall break it..

  .. Else my guilt shall be your pain
     and my payment your pennance."
Dining Hall~
You stand in a long, black tiled hall.  A stone table dominates the center 
of the room, stretching nearly the length of the hall.  Half-eaten carcasses 
litter the table and floor, surrounded by sticky puddles of blood and other 
less recognizable fluids.  A trapdoor is set into the corner of the floor.
Foul odors and smoke drift into the room from the doorway to the north.
0 1|8|8192 0
The dining hall continues northward.
0 -1 11653
A stone archway opens east onto a dark corridor.
0 -1 11640
A trapdoor is set into the floor.
trap trapdoor~
1 -1 11654
stone table~
A table made of solid granite.  The rotting remains of what must have been
a meal are scattered across the bloody table top.
rotting half-eaten carcasses~
The carcasses appear to have been half-raw when eaten.  The remains of some
sort of slimy stuffing oozes from the uneaten cavities.  While most of the
meal is unrecognizable you notice some humanoid bones, still trailing white
tendons, among the remains.
The dark stone floor is slippery with blood and pieces of raw flesh and 
intestines.  A long spit in the center of the floor bears a the roasting
form of a headless human body.  Shiny cleavers of varying lengths and sizes
lie on the bloody chopping board, one still half embedded in a chunk of meat.
0 1|8|8192 0
A long black hall is visible through the doorway to the south.
0 -1 11652
Damp Stairwell~
Slippery stone stairs wind down into the darkness.  Threads of light filter
in from above, where a wide trapdoor is set into the ceiling.
0 1|8|8192 0
The stairwell ends at a trapdoor above.
1 -1 11652
The stairwell continues down into darkness.
0 -1 11655
The slick granite walls of a cold, dank cellar rise up around you.  Shelves,
stacked with cases of stored foods and beverages, line the walls.  Some
form of magical containment glimmers faintly above the shelves, both preserving
their contents and keeping nosy adventurers out..  Then again, considering
putrid odor permeating the cellar, you're not sure you really want to know
anymore about the contents..
0 1|8|8192 0
A slimy stairwell leasd up into darkness.  A faint light is visible farther
0 -1 11654
Storage Closet~
You stand in a narrow closet, stacked with various cleaning utensils and
other odds and ends.  A thin layer of dust coats the assorted objects, as
if they haven't been used in a while.  However, footprints mark the grit
of the floor, and a thin line of darkness picks out a square in the dusty
ceiling.  An oaken door opens into the west wall.
0 1|8|8192 0
A thick oaken door is set into the west wall.
oaken door~
1 -1 11634
The square outline of a trapdoor is visible in the ceiling.
trapdoor square~
1 -1 11657
utensils objects~
Just some more blood-drenched mops and such..  All those sacrifices must
be messy.  Just be glad you're not the janitor.
Narrow Crawlspace~
Claw marks and blood scar the stone walls framing the narrow crawlspace.
A trapdoor is set into one corner, nearly invisible in the shadows.
0 1|8|8192 0
A trapdoor opens into the floor.
trapdoor square~
1 -1 11656
Onyx Hallway~
The dark onyx walls gleam eerily in the dim torchlight.  A chill breeze
wafts in through the archway to the north.  The hallway continues south.
0 1|8|8192 0
A courtyard is visible through the archway to the north.
0 -1 11659
The hallway continues south.
0 -1 11634
Open Courtyard~
Tall marble pillars frame a wide circular courtyard of black granite.  A
forbidding archway enters into a dark, sprawling building to the south.
To the north, a narrow path winds away from the courtyard into a range of
low, dark hills.
0 1|8192 0
The hills to the north seem somehow grey and dead.  A path disappears into 
their midst.
0 -1 11660
A huge, dark building looms to the south.  An open archway enters the building
from the southern end of the courtyard.
0 -1 11658
Path among the haunted hills~
You stand on a narrow dirt path winding between dark, rolling hills.  Icy
winds howl across the hilltops, and dark shapes seem to flit among the
scattered brush.  The path branches west and north here.
0 1|8192 4
The path continues deeper into the hills to the north.
0 -1 11662
A forbidding stone courtyard is visible to the south.
0 -1 11659
The path enters a sheltered clearing to the west.
0 -1 11661
dark shapes~
They seem to appear out of the corner of your vision, but when you turn to
look, they are gone.
Sheltered valley~
The hills rise steeply on all sides, forming a small valley protected from
the chilling winds.  Grey brush, leafless and dead-looking, ring the valley,
casting eerie shadows along the grassy floor.  A path exits the valley to
the east.
0 1|8192 4
A narrow path leads out of the valley to the east.
0 -1 11660
Deep among the haunted hills~
The icy winds batter at you like vengeful ghosts.  You can almost make out
words in the howling gusts..  The path branches east and west here and
continues south out of the hills.
0 1|8192 4
The path continues east.
0 -1 11663
The path continues south.
0 -1 11660
The path continues west.
0 -1 11665
Path among the haunted hills~
The path winds north and west here, in a momentary shelter against the raging
winds.  To the north, the brush thickens, casting eerie shadows across the
0 1|8192 4
The path continues north.
0 -1 11664
The path continues west.
0 -1 11662
Shadowed Clearing~
The dark brush grows thickly here, forming a shadowed clearing between the
hills.  Silent shapes seem to flicker among the brush in your peripheral
vision, but are never visible when you turn to look.  A narrow path leads
south out of the clearing.
0 1|8192 4
A path exits the clearing to the south.
0 -1 11663
Dead end~
The narrow path ends abruptly at a sheer rock face.  To the north, stunted
grey shrubs grow from between huge, stacked boulders.
0 1|8192 4
One of the boulders near the bottom appears to be slightly separate from the
boulder stone huge~
1 -1 11666
The path returns east.
0 -1 11662
boulder boulders stone huge rock face shrubs~
One of the boulders near the bottom appears to be slightly separate from the
Rocky Cave~
You find yourself in a dark, rocky cave.  Dim light seeps in through an 
opening to the south.  The cave darkens to the west.
0 1|8|8192 0
A boulder leans against an opening to the south.
boulder stone huge~
1 -1 11665
The cave continues west.
0 -1 11667
Dark Cavern~
Darkness envelopes the cavern, seeming to soak up even the dim light as
if a vacuum..  A glimmer of light is visible to the east.
0 1|8 0
A glimmer of light filters through an opening to the east.
0 -1 11666
Shimmering Tunnel~
Flickering white light arcs above to form a long tunnel leading east.
Streaks of green energy lance intermittently through the tunnel walls,
lighting the area with a pulsing green glow.  A white gazebo is
visible through a misty gap in the tunnel floor.
0 8 0
The tunnel opens into a large white room to the east.
0 -1 11669
You see a white gazebo.
0 -1 11611
Globe of Light~
You find yourself floating in what appears to be a globe formed of pure
white light.  Green energy streaks through the globe like lances of 
colored lightning.  A long silk carpet stretches from the mouth of the
tunnel to the west to a tall white throne in the center of the globe.
0 8 0
A tunnel exits the globe to the west.
0 -1 11668
silk carpet~
Though floating without any visible supports, it appears to be quite sturdy.
Tunnel of Darkness~
You find yourself in a dark tunnel.  Shafts of dim light enter the through
the tunnel mouth to the east, to be absorbed as soon as they touch the
black walls.  A blood slicked metal ladder ascends to the temple above.
0 1|8 0
Dim light is visible to the west.
0 -1 11671
The ladder disappears through the tunnel ceiling.
0 -1 11645
You find yourself floating in what appears to be an endless expanse of
darkness. A blood red carpet stretches between the tunnel mouth to the east 
and a forbidding black throne suspended upright at the opposite end.  The
throne seems to glow with a light of its own, filling the area with a dim
greyish glow.
0 1|8 0
The mouth of a narrow tunnel is barely visible to the east.
0 -1 11670
blood red carpet~
A silk carpet the color of blood runs from the base of the throne to the
tunnel to the east.
Shadowy Clearing~
Tall pine trees frame a dark circular clearing here.  A path crosses the
clearing and bends north and east.  Two ancient trees, one black oak and one
white, face each other to the east and west, casting long shadows across
the earthen floor.
0 1 3
A dirt path winds into the trees to the north.
0 -1 11673
A dirt path winds into the forest to the east.
0 -1 11674
Dark Thicket~
You stand in a dark thicket encircled by tall pines.  The twisted pine
boughs above resemble the waiting claws of some huge predator.  A narrow
dirt path exits the thicket to the south.
0 1 3
A dirt path winds into the shadows to the south.
0 -1 11672
Winding path through the dark forest~
Tall, silent pines loom on all sides, filling the air with the scent of
fresh wood and pine needles.  The narrow path on which you stand runs 
west and south here.  One particularly large pine grows at the near the path
to the north.
0 1 3
A thin crack, barely visible in the rough tree bark, outlines a rectangular
area in the face of the large pine to the north.
tree pine crack rectangular rectangle~
1 -1 11681
The path continues south through the forest.
0 -1 11676
To the west, the path opens onto a shadowy clearing.
0 -1 11672
The lower branches of the large pine appear climbable.
0 -1 11675
large pine tree~
You notice a thin crack, barely visible against the rough tree bark,
outlining a rectangular area in the face of the large pine to the north.
The lower branches of the pine appear climbable.
You stand perched on the edge of a large nest which stretches at least 
five meters from side to side.  The bowl of the nest appears to be formed
of large sticks and bits of hair and other odds and ends, woven together
to form a sturdy base.  The curved white fragments of what must have been
a good sized shell are scattered across the bottom of the nest, intermixed
with black-brown feathers and what pieces of what look like humanoid bones..
The tree branches below appear sturdy and climbable.
0 1 3
A narrow path is visible through the branches below.
0 -1 11674
Forest Path~
The silent forms of tall pine trees frame the narrow dirt path.  The path
branches north and east here.
0 1 3
The path continues north.
0 -1 11674
The path continues east.
0 -1 11677
Dead End~
The forest path dead ends here in a stand of tall pines.  Large boulders
dot the earthen floor.  The huge, severed stump of what must have been
an impressive oak tree rises from the pines to the south.
0 1 3
The path continues west.
0 -1 11676
Scratches and light footprints mark the earth around the stump.
huge oak stump~
1 -1 11678
huge oak stump~
Scratches and light footprints mark the earth around the stump.
Quiet tunnel~
You find yourself in a narrow earthen tunnel.  Thin shafts of light enter
the tunnel through the opening above.  To the east, the tunnel opens into
a dark chamber.
0 1|8 0
A dark chamber is visible to the east.
0 -1 11679
A huge stump leans against an opening in the ceiling above.  A wooden ladder
affixed to the northern wall of the tunnel leads up to the opening.
huge oak stump~
1 -1 11677
Meeting Chamber~
A huge chamber has been carved from the packed clay here.  A semicircular
stone table dominates the center of the floor.  Along the inner edge of
the table stands a grey oak chair flanked by two chairs of white and black
oak.  Plainer redwood chairs line the outer edge.  A narrow tunnel exits
the chamber to the west.
0 1|8 0
You see a narrow tunnel to the west.
0 -1 11678
You notice the dark edges of an opening beneath the round base of the
stone table.
table stone~
1 -1 11680
semicircular stone table~
A huge semicircular table made of dark grey stone.  Closer inspection
reveals a dark opening beneath the round base of the table.
white grey black chair~
Three large chairs of white, grey, and black oak line are set along the
inside edge of the table.  Engraved in the back of each chair, you notice
the insignia of a diving hawk.
Shadowy Lair~
You find yourself in a large, dark cavern.  Bits of wood and gleaming
white bones litter the earthen floor.  Leaves and vines are piled in one
corner to form a large nest.
0 1|8 0
You see a dark opening in the ceiling above.
1 -1 11679
leaves vines nest~
Glossy dark green scales glint from within the leaves and vines at the
base of the nest.  
Inside the Tree Base~
You stand in the hollow base of a large pine tree.  A wooden platform is
visible far above.
0 1|8 3
Light filters through a rectangular opening in the trunk wall to the south.
tree pine crack rectangular rectangle opening~
1 -1 11674
A wooden platform is visible above.
0 -1 11682
You see nothing special there.
trapdoor trap door~
1 -1 11703
wooden platform~
A wooden platform cuts across the space above.  An opening to one side of
the platform allows entrance to those who can reach it..
Heart of the Tree~
You find yourself balanced on a wide wooden platform in the dark heart of
the pine tree.  The wood of the tree, somehow fresh and very alive despite
the hollow inside, fills the air with the sharp scent of pine.  An opening
to one side of the platform allows descent to the earthen floor below.
0 1|8 9
The hollow base of the tree is visible far below.
0 -1 11681
Twisting Brick Road~
You stand on a road paved of red bricks which seems to twist and turn at
impossible angles, like the rails of a roller coaster ride.  Off the edge
of the road is a churning multicolored void.  A neat white outhouse rests
off the side of the road to the east, and a ribbon of white light winds
into the void to the north.  The brick road continues west to a crossroads.
0 0 1
A wide ribbon of light twists north into the churning void.  Despite its
form, the light appears quite solid enough to walk on.
0 -1 11684
A white painted outhouse stands on the east side of the road.
1 -1 11695
A signpost is visible to the west.
0 -1 11686
ribbon white light~
Though apparently made solely of light, it looks sturdy enough to walk on.
white outhouse~
A neat white outhouse stands to the east.
Ribbon of Light~
You stand balanced on a meter wide ribbon of pure white light twisting
west and south through a churning multicolored void.  Just glancing at
the void is enough to twist your guts inside out, which doesn't help
your precarious balance at all...  but maybe if you don't look up you'll
be okay.  You notice that you can see right through the path at your feet.
0 0 1
A brick road is visible to the south.
0 -1 11683
The ribbon continues west.
0 -1 11685
In the Void~
You find yourself standing on a wooden platform floating in the middle of
a multicolored void.  What looks like a shimmering rip in the void hovers 
within reach overhead.  A ribbon of white light twists into the void to 
the east.
0 0 1
Though apparently made solely of white light, the ribbon appears sturdy 
enough to walk on.
0 -1 11684
A rip in the fabric of the void shimmers overhead.
0 -1 11614
ribbon white light~
Though apparently made solely of white light, the ribbon appears sturdy 
enough to walk on.
A rip in the fabric of the void shimmers overhead.
Something Resembling an Intersection..~
The brick road loops under and over itself, shooting off in various
directions.  It would resemble a knot more than an intersection except
that this is supposed to lead somewhere.  Then again..
As you watch, the intersection seems to twist and change.
0 0 1
Twisting red brick road.
0 -1 11683
Twisting red brick road.
0 -1 11687
Twisting red brick road.
0 -1 11689
Entrance to the Funny Farm~
Brilliant purple fences wall off rows of animal pens.  Aside from the
barking cats and flying pigs, this could be a cosey little farm..
A purple farmhouse is visible in the distance.
0 0 1
A red brick road runs north.
0 -1 11686
The farm continues east.
0 -1 11688
Amidst the Animal Pens~
You stand among the purple animal pens.  Closer up, you notice that the
farmhouse is tilted to one side, as if part of the foundation has sunken in.
You also notice the corner of a bed sticking out of the outhouse door..
and judging from the odor of the house, people are living in the outhouse
and using the farmhouse for um..
0 0 1
The farm continues west.
0 -1 11687
Red Brick Road~
The red brick road twists east and south here.
0 0 1
A signpost is visible to the east.
0 -1 11686
The road continues south.
0 -1 11690
Another Intersection..~
Oh god.. not another intersection.  The road loops around itself so many
times that it's amazing it ever goes anywhere.  As you watch, the intersection
rearranges itself again, nearly taking your lunch with it.  The bricks at one
edge of the road have been torn out, revealing a dark hole leading down.
0 0 1
More brick road.
0 -1 11689
You see a small white office.
0 -1 11694
More brick road.
0 -1 11691
A dark hole leads beneath the road.
0 -1 11697
Red Brick Road~
The brick road twists east and south through the void.
0 0 1
You see an intersection to the east.
0 -1 11690
The road enters a wide, checkered clearing to the south.
0 -1 11692
Checkered Clearing~
Patches of alternating blue and yellow flowers cover the wide clearing
with a checkered carpet.  The ground dips and rises, forming shallow hills
and valleys across the clearing.  As you watch, the ground moves, and a hill
forms beneath your feet.
0 0 2
A twisting red brick road leads north.
0 -1 11691
The clearing continues west.
0 -1 11693
Checkered Clearing~
You stand at the east end of a wide clearing carpeted by alternating squares
of yellow and blue flowers.  The ground occasionally shifts, forming
the clearing into scattered hills and valleys.
0 0 2
The clearing continues east.
0 -1 11692
You stand in a little white office.  A window faces east onto the churning
void outside.  A long leather couch dominates the center of the office.
0 0 1
You see a twisting red brick road to the north.
0 -1 11690
Inside an Outhouse~
You find yourself inside a narrow, white walled outhouse, wedged between
the door and a really Big toilet.  Probably one of those times when you
reeally don't want to look down..
0 8 0
A red brick road leads west.
0 -1 11683
so that's what I had for lunch..
0 -1 11696
Inside the Toilet~
Oh yuck.. what are you doing inside the toilet?  The stench is awful, and
what's worse.. claw marks on the walls indicate that something has made
its home here.
0 1|8 0
You see the toilet seat above.
0 -1 11695
Down a Mole Hole~
Something has dug a narrow north-south tunnel here.  Light streams in
through the opening above, drying the fresh dirt.
0 8 0
The mole hole continues north.
0 -1 11698
You see the red brick road above.
0 -1 11690
You are momentarily blinded as a glaring array of colors assaults your eyes.
Gaudy mauve curtains decorate the earthen walls, clashing with the loud
chartreuse carpet.  A neon green throne and a short, thick perch dominate
the center of the room.
0 8 0
A tunnel exits the room to the south.
0 -1 11697
Zeinia International~
You find yourself in a spacious wood panelled office decorated
with the latest in mythical styles.  Gold brocaded tapestries
depicting strange and exotic beasts adorn the walls.  A window in
the west wall looks out upon a swirling multicolored void.  To the
east is a doorway surmounted by a bronze plaque.  A golden banner
hangs across the north wall.  Near the center of the room stands
a classic mahogany desk, bordered by a magical curtain.  Affixed
to the front of the desk is an engraved silver sign.
0 8|1024|4096 0
A plaque above the doorway reads:  "Elite Pets Counter".
0 -1 11701
void window~
A churning multicolored void is visible through the window.
bronze plaque~
.                 "Elite Pets Counter"
golden banner~
.                   -= Zeinia Inc. =-

         "Bringing the Universe to your doorstep"
magical curtain~
A sign above the curtain reads:  "Employees Only".
desk silver sign~
- Pets for the Amateur Adventurer -

        Type 'list' to see what we have in stock.
        Type 'buy' to purchase the pet of your choice!
Pet Storage (Zeinia)~

0 4 0
Elite Pets Counter~
The walls are draped with classy gold and black wall hangings.  A
magical curtain hangs off to one side, next to the dark marble
counter in the center of the room.  Affixed to the top of the counter
is an ornate golden plaque.
0 8|1024|4096 0
You see the entrance room to the west.
0 -1 11699
magical curtain~
A sign above the curtain reads:  "Employees Only".
marble counter golden plaque~
-= Pets for the Experienced Adventurer =-

        Type 'list' to see what we currently have in stock.
        Type 'buy' to purchase the pet of your choice!
Pet Storage (Zeinia elite)~

0 4 0
Shadowy Tunnel~
You stand in a narrow tunnel hewn of dark stone.  A dark ladder,
almost invisible against the north wall, ascends to an opening
in the ceiling above.  The tunnel continues east.
0 1|8 0
The tunnel continues eastward.
0 -1 11704
An opening is visible above.
trapdoor trap door~
1 -1 11681
Shadowy Tunnel~
The tunnel bends south and west here.  Your footfalls seem unaturally
loud in the silence.
0 1|8 0
The tunnel darkens to the south.
0 -1 11705
The tunnel continues west.
0 -1 11703
Dead End~
The stone tunnel dead ends here.
0 1|8 0
The tunnel continues northward.
0 -1 11704
The faint outline of a doorway is visible in the stone wall to the east.
stone door~
2 11702 11706
Dark Hallway~
Black stone arcs overhead to form a narrow hallway.  The stone seems
unnaturally smooth, devoid of the pick and chisel marks which usually
mar tunnels hewn in stone.  The hallway branches east and south here.
0 1|8 0
The hallway continues east.
0 -1 11707
The hallway continues south.
0 -1 11709
The outline of an opening is visible in the rock wall to the west.
stone door~
2 11702 11705
Dark Hallway~
The dark stone walls gleam eerily in the faint light.  A narrow wooden
doorway is set into the northern wall.
0 1|8 0
A plain wooden door opens northward.
door wooden~
1 -1 11708
The hallway continues west.
0 -1 11706
Small Chamber~
You find yourself in a plain square chamber about 8 meters in width.
The sole furnishings are four narrow wooden bunks, a basin, and
a small bookshelf and desk.  A single torch above the desk casts
a faint flickering light across the room.
0 8 0
A plain wooden door is set into the south wall.
door wooden~
1 -1 11707
The torch is mounted in a small, unadorned brass sconce.
furnishings bunks basin bookshelf shelf desk~
The furnishings are well plain, but well made.
Dark Hallway~
Your footsteps echo eerily in the silent corridor.  A plain wooden
door is set into the west wall, and the hallway continues east and north.
0 1|8 0
The hallway continues north.
0 -1 11706
The hallway continues east.
0 -1 11712
A plain wooden door opens westward.
door wooden~
1 -1 11710
Sleeping Quarters~
You stand at the northern end of a long stone walled room.  Bunk beds
line the western wall.  Space along the remaining walls is filled
with plain wooden desks and bookcases and several chests and hooks for
clothing and personal belongings.  Torches, spaced infrequently along
the walls, light the room with a flickering glow.  A wooden door exits
the chamber to the east.
0 8 0
A plain wooden door is set into the eastern wall.
door wooden~
1 -1 11709
The room continues south.
0 -1 11711
beds desks bookcases chests hooks belongings~
The furnishings and equipment are of little value.
torch torches~
Plain wooden torches are affixed to the walls.
Sleeping Quarters~
You stand at the southern end of a long stone walled room.  Bunk beds
line the western wall.  Space along the remaining walls is filled
with plain wooden desks and bookcases and several chests and hooks for
clothing and personal belongings.  Torches, spaced infrequently along
the walls, light the room with a flickering glow.
0 8 0
The chamber continues north.
0 -1 11710
beds desks bookcases chests hooks belongings~
The furnishings and equipment are of little value.
torch torches~
Plain wooden torches are affixed to the walls.
Dark Hallway~
Strange pock marks mar the glassy surface of the northern wall of
the hallway here, opposite a large oaken door set into the south
wall.  The door itself is slightly charred around the edges and
appears to have been recently replaced.
0 1|8 0
The hallway continues east.
0 -1 11716
A charred oaken door is set into the south wall.
door charred oaken~
1 -1 11713
The hallway continues west.
0 -1 11709
Smokey Room~
You stand in a large stone room centered by two long oaken tables.
A low bookcase stacked with tomes stands against the western wall.
A light smoke seems to have permanently settled in the room,
dulling the glassy black walls to a dark gleam.  Burn marks score
both tables and the oaken door in the north wall.  A smaller
door, also slightly charred, opens southward.
0 8 0
An oaken door is set into the north wall.
door charred oaken~
1 -1 11712
A plain wood door opens southward.
door wood~
1 -1 11714
Books line the low bookcase to the west.
bookcase book case~
1 -1 11715
bookcase book case~
The faint shimmer of a protective shield hangs above the bookcase.
Bare Stone Room~
Faint torchlight flickers over a plain stone room, furnished only
by several charred wooden targets affixed to the walls.  A plain
wood door leads north.
0 8 0
A plain wood door is set into the north wall.
door wood~
1 -1 11713
wooden targets~
The targets, vaguely human shaped, are crisscrossed by burn marks.
Acrid smoke fills the air, nearly choking you.  Long workbenches
line the north, west, and south walls, covered with open tomes and
racks of strange instruments, apparently experiments in progress.
The center table bears pieces of armor and weaponry.  To the
east, a tall bookcase stands against the wall.
0 8 0
A tall bookcase fills the eastern wall.
bookcase book case~
1 -1 11713
workbenches tomes racks instruments experiments~
The blue-white haze of a protective shield hovers over everything.
armor weaponry~
Pieces of leather and chain armor and lethal looking stilettos
and blades lay on the tabletop, awaiting enchantment by Zdreni mages.
Dark Hallway~
The hallway leads east and west here.  Wooden doors are set into
the walls to the north and south.
0 1|8 0
An oak door opens northward.
door oak~
1 -1 11717
The hallway continues east.
0 -1 11721
A dark mahogany door opens southward.
door dark mahogany~
1 -1 11719
The hallway continues west.
0 -1 11712
Instruction Area~
You stand in a large stone chamber.  An empty weapons rack hangs against
the western wall.  Doors open east and south.
0 1|8 0
A plain wooden door is set into the eastern wall.
door wooden~
1 -1 11718
An oak door opens southward.
door oak~
1 -1 11716
weapons rack~
The rack is designed to hold a wide variety of weapons.  It appears to
be empty at the moment.
Practice Area~
Scuffed sand covers the floor this large chamber.  Several humanoid
shaped cloth figures stand against the walls.  A plain wooden door
is set into the western wall.
0 1|8 0
A wooden door opens westward.
door wooden~
1 -1 11717
humanoid cloth figures~
Slashes disfigure the cloth figures.  You notice that several rather
well aimed holes mar the backs of the figures, and some have been
beheaded at the neck.
The acrid odor of smoke mingles with several noxious and less
identifiable fumes, forcing you to close your eyes momentarily against
the stinging.  Wooden tables line the walls and center of the floor,
covered with beakers and fluid filled constructions of glass
tubing and test tubes.  A narrow steel door is set into the
southern wall, and a dark mahogany door opens northward.
0 1|8 0
A dark mahogany door opens northward.
door dark mahogany~
1 -1 11716
A narrow steel door opens southward.
door steel~
2 11703 11720
Testing Room~
The putrid odor of unwashed and dying bodies permeates the room.
Two rows of long, narrow tables line the center, some occupied
by bodies.  A narrow steel door is set into the northern wall.
0 1|8 0
A narrow steel door leads north.
door steel~
2 11703 11719
tables bodies~
Bodies, mostly humanoid, are strapped to some of the tables.
Most appear to be in the process of dying, their skins turned
strange hues of blue and black (and in one case, green). 
Dark Hallway~
The hallway forks east, west, and south here.
0 1|8 0
The hallway continues east.
0 -1 11722
The hallway continues south.
0 -1 11729
The hallway continues west.
0 -1 11716
Dark Hallway~
The hallway stretches west and east, a dark tunnel of silent,
glassy black stone.  An oak door is set into the north wall here.
0 1|8 0
An oak door opens northward.  Carved above the doorknob is a
depiction of a stiletto.
door oak~
1 -1 11723
The hallway continues east.
0 -1 11725
The hallway continues west.
0 -1 11721
Silent Chamber~
You stand at the southern end of a wide stone chamber.  Well made oak
beds line the east and western walls, separated by matching desks
and wardrobes.  An oak door is set into the south wall.
0 1|8 0
The chamber continues northward.
0 -1 11724
An oak door opens south.
door oak~
1 -1 11722
beds desks wardrobes~
The furnishings are plain, but solid and well made.  Wood portions are
covered by a light coat of varnish.
Silent Chamber~
You stand at the northern end of a wide stone chamber.  Well made oak
beds line the east and western walls, separated by matching desks
and wardrobes.
0 1|8 0
The chamber continues south.
0 -1 11723
beds desks wardrobes~
The furnishings are plain, but solid and well made.  Wood portions are
covered by a light coat of varnish.
Dark Hallway~
Wooden doors are set into the black stone walls to the north, south,
and east.  The hallway stretches westward.
0 1|8 0
An oak door carved with the depiction of a shortsword is set into the
north wall.  The black paint of the carving glistens wetly, like poison.
door oak~
1 -1 11726
The mahogany door to the east bears a depiction of a dark, slender
door mahogany~
1 -1 11728
A dark ashwood door carved with the depiction of a shortsword is set into
the north wall.  The black paint of the carving glistens wetly, like poison.
door ashwood~
1 -1 11727
The hallway continues west.
0 -1 11722
Shadowy Chamber~
Dark curtains cover the walls, shrouding the chamber in deep shadows.
The furnishings are simply adorned and well crafted.  An oak door
exits the room to the south.
0 1|8 0
An oak door is set into the southern wall.
door oak~
1 -1 11725
The furnishings are finely crafted, if simply adorned.
Shadowy Chamber~
Dark curtains cover the walls, shrouding the chamber in deep shadows.
The furnishings are simply adorned and well crafted.  An ashwood door
exits the room to the north.
0 1|8 0
An ashwood door is set into the northern wall.
door ashwood~
1 -1 11725
The furnishings are finely crafted, if simply adorned.
Shadowy Chamber~
Dark curtains cover the walls, shrouding the chamber in deep shadows.
The furnishings are simply adorned and well crafted.  A mahogany door
exits the room to the west.
0 1|8 0
A dark mahogany door is set into the west wall.
door mahogany~
1 -1 11725
The furnishings are finely crafted, if simply adorned.
Dark Hallway~
The muffled noise of clanging metal is audible through the thick steel
door to the east, echoing eerily down the quiet hallway.
0 1|8 0
The hallway continues north.
0 -1 11721
A thick steel door is set into the eastern wall.
door thick steel~
1 -1 11730
The hallway continues south.
0 -1 11731
A shimmering haze of heat permeates the huge circular chamber, almost
unbearably hot despite several vents to the surface.  Rods and plates
of dark blue black metal lie stacked in bins against the walls.  A forge
and several anvils are spaced about the remainder of the room.  To the
west, a thick steel door exits the room.
0 8 0
A thick steel door is set into the western wall of the chamber.
door thick steel~
1 -1 11729
rods plates metal bins~
The shimmer of protective shields cover the bins.
Dark Hallway~
A dark ashwood door is set into the black stone wall to the east.
The hallway continues north and south into darkness.
0 1|8 0
The hallway continues north.
0 -1 11729
The mahogany door to the east bears a depiction of a dark, slender
door mahogany~
1 -1 11732
The hallway continues south.
0 -1 11733
Shadowy Chamber~
Dark curtains cover the walls, shrouding the chamber in deep shadows.
The furnishings are simply adorned and well crafted.  An ashwood door
exits the room to the west.
0 1|8 0
An ashwood door is set into the western wall of the chamber.
door ashwood~
1 -1 11731
The furnishings are well crafted and bear a few simple decorations.
Dark Hallway~
Door open east, west, and south.  The hallway continues northward
into blackness.
0 1|8 0
The hallway continues north.
0 -1 11731
An oaken door is set into the east wall.
door oaken~
2 11704 11736
An ashwood door is set into the south wall.
door ashwood~
1 -1 11735
A dark mahogany door is set into the west wall.
door dark mahogany~
1 -1 11734
Dark Chamber~
You stand in a large, well furnished chamber carved of black stone.
A woven black rug covers the floor, softening your footfalls to whispers.
A dark mahogany door is set into the eastern wall.
0 1|8 0
A dark mahogany door opens eastward.
door dark mahogany~
1 -1 11733
Dark Chamber~
You stand in a large, well furnished chamber carved of black stone.
A woven black rug covers the floor, softening your footfalls to whispers.
An ashwood door is set into the north wall.
0 1|8 0
An ashwood door opens northward.
door ashwood~
1 -1 11733
Quiet Corridor~
A dark grey carpet extends the length of the long east west corridor,
muffling your footfalls and leaving and almost unnerving silence in
their wake.  An oaken door is set into the western wall.
0 1|8 0
The corridor continues east.
0 -1 11737
An oaken door is set into the west wall.
door oaken~
2 11704 11733
grey carpet~
It appears to be made of some sort of dark woven wool.
Quiet Corridor~
The dark stone walls gleam sinisterly in the silence.  To the east,
the corridor terminates at a dark redwood door.  A black oak door
is set into the south wall.  You notice an inscription above the
handle of the eastern door.
0 1|8 0
A dark redwood door stands to the east, its varnished surface gleaming
like fresh blood in the dim light.  Carved above the door handle is
a depiction of a stooping hawk over a pair of crossed daggers.
An inscription below the carving reads:

                Ir'vekire zai'Zdreni

Another inscription, scrawled in blood, reads:

            sh'keva Zdreni zeraika shai !

A chill tingles the back of your neck.

door redwood~
1 -1 11740
A black oak door is set into the south wall of the corridor.
door black oak~
2 11705 11738
The corridor continues west.
0 -1 11736
redwood door inscription~
A dark redwood door stands to the east, its varnished surface gleaming
like fresh blood in the dim light.  Carved above the door handle is
a depiction of a stooping hawk over a pair of crossed daggers.
An inscription below the carving reads:

                Ir'vekire zai'Zdreni

Another inscription, newly scrawled in blood, reads:

            sh'keva Zdreni ke'zeraika shai !

A chill tingles the back of your neck.

Guarded Corridor~
You stand in a narrow black stone corridor terminating in doorways
at both ends.  A shiver of forboding crawls up your spine.
0 1|8 0
A black oak door is set into the north wall.
door black oak~
2 11705 11737
Double adamantite doors open into the southern wall.
doors double adamantite~
2 11706 11739
Meeting Chamber~
Dark velvet curtains drape the black stone walls, absorbing nearly all
light in the area.  A circular stone table rests in the center of the
room, around which stand three chairs.  Double adamantite doors
are set into the northern wall.
0 1|8 0
Double adamantite doors exit the chamber to the north.
doors double adamantite~
2 11706 11738
dark velvet curtains~
The curtains seem to absorb the light, leaving the chamber in shrouded in
circular stone table~
Inlayed in ivory in the dark marble table top is the depiction of two
crossed daggers.
Three oaken chairs are spaced around the table.
Crimson Chamber~
Drapes of dark crimson entirely cover the walls of this chamber, 
gleaming the color of wet blood in the dim light.  A dark marble
table rests in the center of the room, ringed by five chairs covered
with the same blood red fabric as the drapes.  A dark redwood door
is set into the western wall.
0 1|8 0
A redwood door exits the chamber to the west.
door redwood~
1 -1 11737
crimson drapes~
The dim light reflects off the drapes, permeating the chamber with a
bloody glow.
marble table~
A depiction of a stooping hawk over two crossed daggers is inlaid in
red stone in the black tabletop.
The chairs are draped in dark crimson velvet.  Each bears the embroidered
form of a stooping hawk over a pair of crossed daggers.

* Garden
D 1 11606 5 1			* closed down. garden path to quiet cave
* [*****] BUG: Load_resets: 'D': exit 4 not door.  (fixed)
* D 0 11615 4 1  * closed up. quiet cave to garden path
D 1 11615 4 1			* closed up. quiet cave to garden path
D 1 11626 3 1			* closed west. misty lake to mossy cave
D 1 11627 1 1			* closed east. mossy cave to misty lake
O 1 11600 0 11612			* weird artwork portal to Confusion
O 1 11601 0 11616			* mirror pool lonari -> dierek (garden -> temple)
O 1 11602 0 11633			* shadows (portal garden->shadow realm)
O 1 11607 0 11611			* white altar in gazebo
O 1 11609 0 11669			* white throne in Lonari's globe
M 1 11600 1 11619			* Sym in ash grove
E 1 11617 1 6     * jester's hat
E 1 11618 1 10    * circlets of wonder
G 1 11619 -1       * indigo potion
G 1 11699 1        * a vacuum
M 1 11601 1 11621			* Roc
G 1 11625 5        * feather breastplate
M 1 11602 6 11601			* nightingale
M 1 11602 6 11610			* nightingale
M 1 11602 6 11619			* nightingale
G 1 11693 2        * musical bracers
M 1 11602 6 11619			* nightingale
M 1 11602 6 11621			* nightingale
E 1 11626 2 18    * song of the nightingale
M 1 11602 6 11622			* nightingale
M 1 11603 1 11617			* teacher
G 1 11627 -1       * scroll of enlightenment
M 1 11604 1 11617			* student
M 1 11605 1 11606			* Mage
E 1 11628 -1 17    * sparkling wand
M 1 11606 1 11616			* unicorn
E 1 11629 2 8     * silvery hooves
E 1 11630 2 3     * golden bell
M 1 11607 1 11611			* Dreamer
E 1 11631 5 6      * rose tinted shades
M 1 11608 3 11605			* white knight
E 1 11632 -1 5     * white breastplate
E 1 11633 -1 7     * white legplates
E 1 11634 -1 16    * white sword
M 1 11608 3 11609			* white knight
E 1 11632 -1 5     * white breastplate
E 1 11633 -1 7     * white legplates
E 1 11634 -1 16    * white sword
M 1 11608 3 11624			* white knight
E 1 11632 -1 5     * white breastplate
E 1 11633 -1 7     * white legplates
E 1 11634 -1 16    * white sword
M 1 11609 1 11610			* Lady Justice
E 1 11635 5 9     * balancing scales
M 1 11610 1 11604			* mad gardener
E 1 11636 -1 16    * pruning shears
E 1 11637 -1 5     * jumpsuit
M 1 11611 1 11614			* babbling sculptor
E 1 11638 30 16    * chisel
G 1 11639 -1       * bone chip
M 1 11612 1 11602			* Denebi
E 1 11640 5 12    * white priest's robes
M 1 11613 1 11602			* Believer
E 1 11641 10 5     * devotion
M 1 11614 5 11601			* white rabbit
G 1 11644 2        * fluffy tail     
M 1 11614 5 11601			* white rabbit
G 1 11645 -1       * rabbit food
M 1 11614 5 11602			* white rabbit
E 1 11643 1 13    * broken watch
M 1 11614 5 11607			* white rabbit
G 1 11645 -1       * rabbit food
M 1 11614 5 11612			* white rabbit
E 1 11642 1 3     * silver neckchain
M 1 11615 1 11602			* druid of peace
M 1 11616 1 11623			* ghost
E 1 11646 1 18    * weeping angel
M 1 11617 1 11626			* faith
M 1 11618 1 11627			* stray thought
M 1 11619 1 11629			* memories
M 1 11620 1 11630			* idea
M 1 11621 1 11669			* white panther Gabrian
G 1 11624 1        * Mark of Gabrian
M 1 11622 1 11669			* Lonari
E 1 11620 1 13    * moonbeam
E 1 11621 1 18    * innocent dreams
E 1 11622 1 17    * white cross
E 1 11623 1 9     * kid gloves
M 1 11646 1 11611			* shadow of reality
M 1 11648 1 11618			* sub gardener
* Temple
D 1 11634 1 1			* onyx hallway to storage closet
D 1 11656 3 1			* chamber to hallway
D 1 11635 3 1			* hallway to chamber of high priest
D 1 11636 1 1			* h.p. chamber to hallway
D 1 11635 3 1			* onyx hall to high priest's chamber
D 1 11636 1 1			* high priest's cham. to onyx hall
* [*****] BUG: Load_resets: 'D': exit 2 not door. (fixed)
* D 0 11640 2 1  * dark corridor to pentagram
D 1 11640 2 1			* dark corridor to pentagram
D 1 11651 0 1			* pentagram to dark corridor 
D 1 11652 5 1			* dining hall to cellar
D 1 11654 4 1			* cellar to dining hall
D 1 11656 4 1			* storage closet to crawlspace
D 1 11657 5 1			* crawlspace to storage closet
D 1 11665 0 1			* hills to rocky cave
D 1 11666 2 1			* cave to Yllias's
O 1 11603 0 11646			* leering face portal: temple->confusion 
O 1 11604 0 11650			* dark mirror pool portal: temple->garden
O 1 11605 0 11657			* pine coffin in narrow crawlspace
O 1 11606 0 11667			* darkness portal: temple->shadows (yllias' section)
O 1 11608 0 11645			* obsidian altar in bloody altar room
O 1 11610 0 11671			* black throne in Dierek's dark room
M 1 11623 1 11653			* Myrl
E 1 11647 1 18    * shattered dreams
E 1 11648 1 6     * ice mask
M 1 11624 1 11655			* hellhawk
G 1 11649 2        * hellhawk feather
M 1 11625 6 11635			* silent stalker
M 1 11625 6 11644			* silent stalker
M 1 11625 6 11653			* silent stalker
M 1 11625 6 11653			* silent stalker
M 1 11625 6 11655			* silent stalker
M 1 11625 6 11656			* silent stalker
M 1 11626 1 11651			* twisted being
M 1 11627 1 11651			* screaming soul
M 1 11628 1 11640			* necromancer
E 1 11650 -1 6     * bloody cowl
M 1 11629 1 11650			* nightmare
G 1 11652 1        * eye
M 1 11630 1 11645			* anti-bishop
E 1 11653 1 12    * sacrificial robes
M 1 11631 3 11639			* wraith knight
E 1 11654 10 16    * deathblade
E 1 11655 3 9     * gauntlets of the night
M 1 11631 3 11643			* wraith knight
E 1 11654 10 16    * deathblade
E 1 11655 3 9     * gauntlets of the night
M 1 11631 3 11658			* wraith knight
E 1 11654 10 16    * deathblade
E 1 11655 3 9     * gauntlets of the night
M 1 11632 1 11644			* bloody sadist
M 1 11633 1 11638			* fanatic cultist
M 1 11634 1 11648			* Grinner
M 1 11635 1 11636			* cultist high priest
E 1 11656 10 16    * blood drenched dagger
M 1 11636 1 11636			* nothingness
G 1 11657 -1       * hole
M 1 11637 5 11635			* furry lemming
M 1 11637 5 11635			* furry lemming
G 1 11658 2        * furry gloves
M 1 11637 5 11636			* furry lemming
M 1 11637 5 11641			* furry lemming
G 1 11658 2        * furry gloves
M 1 11637 5 11647			* furry lemming
M 1 11638 1 11636			* Warlord
E 1 11659 30 11    * blood spattered shield
M 1 11639 1 11657			* vampire janitor
E 1 11660 2 16    * fang
E 1 11661 2 3     * tattered cloak
M 1 11640 1 11660			* false dreams
M 1 11641 1 11661			* tainted knowledge
M 1 11642 1 11663			* forgotten lies
M 1 11643 1 11664			* lost hopes
M 1 11644 1 11671			* black panther Daemias
G 1 11662 1        * Mark of Daemias
M 1 11645 1 11671			* Dierek
E 1 11664 1 13    * circle of tears
E 1 11665 1 18    * ashes of the lost
E 1 11666 1 17    * broken bible
M 1 11647 1 11645			* terrified victim
M 1 11649 1 11652			* ghostly servant
E 1 11667 5 11    * bloodstained platter
* Shadows
D 1 11674 0 1			* trail to inside large pine
* [*****] BUG: Load_resets: 'D': exit 2 not door. (fixed)
* D 0 11680 2 1  * from inside pine to trail
D 1 11681 2 1			* from inside pine to trail
D 1 11677 5 1			* dead end to quiet tunnel
D 1 11678 4 1			* quiet tunnel to dead end
D 1 11679 5 1			* meeting chamber to shadowy lair
D 1 11680 4 1			* shadowy lair to meeting chamber
O 1 11611 0 11672			* white oak portal shadows->garden
O 1 11612 0 11672			* black oak portal shadows->temple
M 1 11650 1 11673			* Ykres
E 1 11668 1 9     * razor claws
G 1 11669 1        * Mark of Ykres
M 1 11651 1 11672			* assassin
M 1 11652 1 11673			* night lynx
G 1 11670 2			14      * bracelet of night
M 1 11653 1 11674			* figment of imagination
E 1 11695 1 9     * shadowy handprints
M 1 11654 1 11675			* dark owl
G 1 11696 1        * feather blanket
M 1 11655 1 11675			* owl hatchling
G 1 11671 1        * owl ring
M 1 11656 1 11676			* nightling
M 1 11657 1 11677			* sillouhette
M 1 11658 1 11677			* nightblade
E 1 11672 10 16    * sliver of darkness
M 1 11659 1 11678			* shadowblade
E 1 11672 10 16    * sliver of darkness
M 1 11660 1 11679			* grey ninja
E 1 11673 1 6     * mask of deception
M 1 11661 1 11679			* black ninja
E 1 11674 1 3     * cloak of shadows
M 1 11662 1 11679			* white ninja
M 1 11663 1 11680			* shadow serpent
M 1 11664 1 11682			* Yllias
E 1 11676 1 16    * shadow's edge
E 1 11677 1 12    * silhouette
E 1 11678 1 7     * silence
M 1 11665 1 11682			* Reykas
E 1 11679 1 8     * shadowhawk talons
* Confusion
O 1 11613 0 11686			* signpost at intersection
O 1 11614 0 11694			* couch in clinic
O 1 11615 0 11698			* neon throne
O 1 11616 0 11698			* parrot perch
O 1 11697 0 11692			* portal confusion->garden
O 1 11698 0 11685			* portal confusion->temple
M 1 11666 1 11693			* Menx
E 1 11680 1 10    * bracers of energy
E 1 11681 1 11    * whirling disc
M 1 11667 1 11684			* boggled brain
G 1 11682 -1       * brain cell
M 1 11668 1 11687			* flying pig
E 1 11683 3 10    * pig wings
M 1 11669 1 11688			* mooo cow
E 1 11684 -1 17    * effigy of barney
M 1 11670 1 11689			* stress
M 1 11671 1 11691			* insanity
M 1 11672 1 11692			* fool
M 1 11673 1 11694			* psychiatrist
E 1 11685 3 12    * lab coat
M 1 11674 1 11694			* normal person
E 1 11686 -1 5     * trendy suit
M 1 11675 1 11696			* toilet monster
M 1 11676 1 11697			* mole
M 1 11677 1 11698			* Xyrist
E 1 11687 1 1     * shimmering circlet
E 1 11688 1 14    * bracelet of delusions
E 1 11690 1 5     * shimmering chainmail
M 1 11678 1 11698			* Fax
E 1 11691 1 7     * red feather leggings
E 1 11692 2 16    * brilliant red tailfeather
R 1 11686 4			* intersection
R 1 11690 4			* another intersection
* These are the messages given about your area when the MUD boots up, none are
* really 'bugs' or else the MUD wouldn't boot, but they are things you may
* not have meant to be, so I include them here.
* (Fixed These)
* BUG: Fix_exits: 11603:1 -> 11606:3 -> 11607
* BUG: Fix_exits: 11604:3 -> 11603:1 -> 11606
* BUG: Fix_exits: 11607:2 -> 11611:0 -> 11612
* BUG: Fix_exits: 11610:1 -> 11603:3 -> 11611
* BUG: Fix_exits: 11697:0 -> 11698:2 -> 11698
* Err: obj bracelet of delusions (11688) -- 86, mob Sym (11600) -- 80
* BUG: Read_object: vnum 11639 bad type
* Err: obj a bloody cowl (11650) -- 70, mob Dark Necromancer (11628) -- 64
* Err: obj sacrificial robes (11653) -- 70, mob the Anti-Bishop (11630) -- 60
* Err: obj fang of the vampire (11660) -- 70, mob the vampire janitor (11639) 
* -- 60
* Err: obj a tattered cloak (11661) -- 70, mob the vampire janitor (11639)
* -- 60
* Zeinia pet shop
O 1 11700 0 11687  * door portal to zeinia office from funny farm
O 1 11701 0 11699  * door portal to funny farm from zeinia office
M 1 11679 1 11700			* aerial servant
M 1 11680 1 11700			* flying fist
M 1 11681 1 11700			* shadowcat
M 1 11682 1 11700			* silver lynx
M 1 11683 1 11700			* pegasus
M 1 11684 1 11700			* firecat
M 1 11685 1 11700			* icecat
M 1 11686 1 11700			* ethereal panther
M 1 11687 1 11702			* t'enerezi'i demon
M 1 11688 1 11702			* devouk demon
M 1 11689 1 11702			* chre'zanni demon
M 1 11690 1 11702			* rabid hamster
M 1 11691 1 11702			* rabid guinea pig
M 1 11692 1 11702			* Dzenian blade
M 1 11693 1 11702			* ethereal weebie
M 1 11694 1 11702			* Z'kare blade
M 1 11695 1 11699			* sherayna (zeinia rep.)
M 1 11696 1 11701			* nyvri (zeinia rep., elite shop)
* Zdreni assassin guild
D 1 11681 5 1			* inside tree to shadowy tunnel
D 1 11703 4 1			* and back
D 1 11705 1 2			* shadowy tunnel to dark hallway
D 1 11706 3 2			* and back
D 1 11707 0 1			* dark hallway to applicant quarters
D 1 11708 2 1			* and back
D 1 11709 3 1			* dark hallway to apprentice quarters
D 1 11710 1 1			* and back
D 1 11712 2 1			* dark hallway to smokey room (magic classroom)
D 1 11713 0 1			* and back
D 1 11713 2 1			* smokey room to practice room
D 1 11714 0 1			* and back
D 1 11713 3 1			* smokey room to magic lab
D 1 11715 1 1			* and back
D 1 11716 0 1			* dark hallway to instruction room (weapons classroom)
D 1 11717 2 1			* and back
D 1 11717 1 1			* instruction room to practice area
D 1 11718 3 1			* and back
D 1 11716 2 1			* dark halllway to chem lab
D 1 11719 0 1			* and back
D 1 11719 2 2			* chem lab to testing room
D 1 11720 0 2			* and back
D 1 11722 0 1			* dark hallway to stiletto quarters
D 1 11723 2 1			* and back
D 1 11725 0 1			* dark hallway to venomblade quarters (shadowy chamber)
D 1 11726 2 1			* and back
D 1 11725 2 1			* dark hallway to venomblade quarters (shadowy chamber)
D 1 11727 0 1			* and back
D 1 11725 1 1			* dark hallway to darkblade quarters (shadowy chamber)
D 1 11728 3 1			* and back
D 1 11729 1 1			* dark hallway to forge
D 1 11730 3 1			* and back
D 1 11731 1 1			* dark hallway to darkblade quarters (dark chamber)
D 1 11732 3 1			* and back
D 1 11733 3 1			* dark hallway to stalker quarters (dark chamber)
D 1 11734 1 1			* and back
D 1 11733 2 1			* dark hallway to stalker quarters (dark chamber)
D 1 11735 0 1			* and back
D 1 11733 1 2			* dark hallway to quiet corridor
D 1 11736 3 2			* and back
D 1 11737 2 2			* quiet corridor to guarded corridor
D 1 11738 0 2			* and back
D 1 11737 1 1			* dark hallway to crimson chamber
D 1 11740 3 1			* and back
D 1 11738 2 2			* guarded corridor to meeting chamber
D 1 11739 0 2			* and back
O 1 11707 0 11704			* bodyparts in shadowy tunnel
M 1 11725 1 11740			* avenger (leader)
E 1 11708 5 10    * dark crimson armbands
E 1 11710 5 16    * crimson hilted stiletto
E 1 11709 1 4     * oath of vengeance (extremely hard to get)
M 1 11697 2 11740			* avenger (blade)
E 1 11708 5 10    * dark crimson armbands
E 1 11710 5 16    * crimson hilted stiletto
M 1 11697 2 11740			* avenger (blade)
E 1 11708 5 10    * dark crimson armbands
E 1 11710 5 16    * crimson hilted stiletto
M 1 11698 2 11740			* avenger (mage)
E 1 11708 5 10    * dark crimson armbands
E 1 11710 5 16    * crimson hilted stiletto
M 1 11698 2 11740			* avenger (mage)
E 1 11708 5 10    * dark crimson armbands
E 1 11710 5 16    * crimson hilted stiletto
M 1 11699 1 11739			* deathmaster
E 1 11711 1 2     * black insignia
E 1 11725 10 16    * adamantite shortsword
M 1 11700 2 11739			* shadowmaster
E 1 11712 2 5     * dark grey insignia
E 1 11725 10 16    * adamantite shortsword
M 1 11700 2 11739			* shadowmaster
E 1 11712 2 5     * dark grey insignia
E 1 11725 10 16    * adamantite shortsword
M 1 11701 2 11737			* blademaster
E 1 11726 10 16    * adamantite kris
E 1 11713 3 13    * dark blue sash w/ green insignia
G 1 11705 2        * black key
M 1 11701 2 11738			* blademaster
E 1 11713 3 13    * dark blue sash w/ green insignia
E 1 11726 10 16    * adamantite kris
M 1 11702 1 11738			* magemaster
E 1 11714 3 13    * dark blue sash w/ purple insignia
E 1 11726 10 16    * adamantite kris
G 1 11706 2        * adamantite key
M 1 11703 4 11734			* stalker
E 1 11715 4 3     * smokey blue insignia
E 1 11727 20 16    * adamantite stiletto
M 1 11703 4 11735			* stalker
E 1 11715 4 3     * smokey blue insignia
E 1 11727 10 16    * adamantite stiletto
M 1 11703 4 11736			* stalker
E 1 11715 4 3     * smokey blue insignia
E 1 11727 10 16    * adamantite stiletto
M 1 11704 4 11728			* darkblade
E 1 11716 4 9     * indigo insignia
E 1 11727 10 16    * adamantite stiletto
M 1 11704 4 11732			* darkblade
E 1 11716 4 9     * indigo insignia
E 1 11727 10 16    * adamantite stiletto
M 1 11704 4 11733			* darkblade
E 1 11716 4 9     * indigo insignia
E 1 11727 10 16    * adamantite stiletto
G 1 11704 2        * dark stone key
M 1 11705 3 11726			* venomblade
E 1 11717 6 8     * dark green insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11705 3 11726			* venomblade
E 1 11717 6 8     * dark green insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11705 3 11727			* venomblade
E 1 11717 6 8     * dark green insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11706 4 11721			* stiletto
E 1 11718 10 7     * grey insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11706 4 11723			* stiletto
E 1 11718 10 7     * grey insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11706 4 11724			* stiletto
E 1 11718 10 7     * grey insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11706 4 11724			* stiletto
E 1 11718 10 7     * grey insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11707 5 11710			* apprentice
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11707 5 11710			* apprentice
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11707 5 11711			* apprentice
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11707 5 11711			* apprentice
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11707 5 11712			* apprentice
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11708 3 11708			* applicant
E 1 11720 5 1     * applicant's ring
M 1 11709 4 11707			* shadow panther
M 1 11709 4 11709			* shadow panther
M 1 11709 4 11729			* shadow panther
M 1 11710 2 11705			* guardian lynx
E 1 11702 2 2      * onyx key on chain
M 1 11710 2 11705			* guardian lynx
E 1 11702 2 2      * onyx key on chain
M 1 11711 1 11713			* magemaster (instructor)
E 1 11714 3 13    * dark blue sash w/ purple insignia
E 1 11726 20 16    * adamantite kris
M 1 11712 3 11713			* apprentice (learning magic)
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11713 2 11714			* apprentice (practicing magic)
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11714 1 11717			* blademaster (instructor)
E 1 11713 3 13    * dark blue sash w/ green insignia
E 1 11726 10 16    * adamantite kris
G 1 11721 5        * manual of bladework
M 1 11715 2 11717			* apprentice (learning weapons)
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11716 3 11718			* apprentice (practicing weapons)
E 1 11719 15 15    * tan insignia
E 1 11729 -1 16    * adamantite dagger
M 1 11717 1 11715			* magemaster (in lab)
E 1 11714 3 13    * dark blue sash w/ purple insignia
E 1 11726 10 16    * adamantite kris
G 1 11722 1        * dark blue scroll
M 1 11718 1 11715			* venomblade (lab assistant)
E 1 11717 6 8     * dark green insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11719 2 11715			* stiletto (lab assistant)
E 1 11718 10 7     * grey insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
M 1 11720 2 11719			* venomblade (in chem lab)
E 1 11717 6 8     * dark green insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
G 1 11703 3        * steel key
G 1 11723 -1       * simmering green potion
M 1 11721 1 11720			* venomblade (testing poisons)
E 1 11717 6 8     * dark green insignia
E 1 11728 -1 16    * adamantite throwing knife
G 1 11723 -1       * simmering green potion
M 1 11722 3 11720			* screaming captive
M 1 11722 3 11720			* screaming captive
M 1 11723 1 11730			* drow armoursmith
G 1 11724 5        * dark elven chainmail
M 1 11724 1 11730			* drow weaponsmith
G 1 11729 -1       * adamantite dagger
* CHANGES (since the older version - the lower level version is unchanged)
* area now takes up 200 vnums (drakyri isle was moved to 11800-11899)
* added zdreni assassin guild to shadows area
* revised equipment stats (lowered most. the really nice (crimson) eq in the
*  zdreni area is _extremely_ difficult to get, even for a level 100 player
*  (hitroll for avengers w/ crimson eq is 5, damroll 10 above normal.
*   world limit 1 on oath)

11695 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 23			* sherayna (zeinia rep)
11696 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 23			* nyvri (zeinia rep)

M  11600 spec_cast_mage    * Sym
M  11605 spec_cast_mage    * statue of the Mage
M  11608 spec_guard        * white knight
M  11610 spec_thief        * mad gardener
M  11611 spec_thief        * babbling sculptor
M  11612 spec_cast_cleric  * Denebi
M  11622 spec_cast_cleric  * Lonari
M  11623 spec_cast_mage    * Myrl
M  11625 spec_thief        * silent stalker
M  11628 spec_cast_mage    * necromancer
M  11631 spec_cast_undead  * wraith knight
M  11635 spec_cast_cleric  * cultist high priest
M  11639 spec_cast_undead  * vampire janitor
M  11642 spec_thief        * forgotten lies
M  11651 spec_thief        * assassin
M  11653 spec_thief        * figment of imagination
M  11666 spec_thief        * Menx
M  11677 spec_cast_mage    * Xyrist
M  11698 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni avenger (mage)
M  11699 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni deathmaster
M  11702 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni magemaster
M  11711 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni magemaster (trainer)
M  11712 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni apprentice (learning magic)
M  11713 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni apprentice (prac. magic)
M  11717 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni magemaster (in lab)
M  11725 spec_cast_mage    * zdreni avenger (leader)
