---- ColdX Credits ----

ColdX is a derivitive work of ColdMUD.  The concise history of it, from
ColdMUD, can be found in the CHANGES file.  The name change is to make a
distinction between the developmental time Greg Hudson spent (versions
0.0 through 0.10)--followed by various changes from a few contributors,
including Greg Hudson (versions 0.11 and 0.12)--and those made under
the management of the ColdX Project.

The ColdX Project is a conglomeration of programmers dedicated to
advancing the driver and any relative databases.  Information on the
ColdX Project can be found in the file "ColdX.Project"

---- ColdMUD Credits ----

This program borrows many ideas from LambdaMOO, written by Stephen
White and Pavel Curtis, and COOLMUD, written by Stephen White.

The database routines in this code originate from code by Marcus J.
Ranum, although only the block allocation algorithm is currently similar
to his code.  The cache algorithm also uses his ideas.

The regular expression matcher used by Coldmud (regexp.c) was written
by Henry Spencer.

Numerous people have contributed valuble ideas and debugging effort.
Among them are Jay Carlson, Erik Ostrom, Matthew Rhoten, Loyd
Blankenship, Gregory Blake, Jeff Prothero, Nils McCarthy, Brandon
Gillespie, Ron Strait, Alex Stewart, Jordan Baker, Ryan Daum, Doug
Orleans, Matthew Gray, and Scott Dickenshied.

---- copyright information ----

ColdMUD is copyright 1993, 1994 by Greg Hudson

ColdX (a derivitive of ColdMUD) is copyright 1995 by the ColdX Project

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
documentation without fee is hereby granted, provided that this
copyright notice appear in all versions and documentation.  No
representations are made about the suitability of this software for any
purpose.  This software is provided "as is" without express or implied