// ColdMUD was created and is copyright 1993, 1994 by Greg Hudson
// ColdX is a derivitive work, and is copyright 1995 by the ColdX Project.
// Full copyright information can be found in the file doc/CREDITS
// File:        main.h
// Version:     0.1-5
// Last Edited: 2 Aug 1995
// ---

#ifdef _main_    /* INTERNAL */

int    running = 1;
long   heartbeat_freq = -1;
time_t last_heartbeat;
float  load_1 = 1.0;
float  load_5 = 1.0;
float  load_15 = 1.0;

static void initialize(int argc, char **argv);
static void main_loop(void);

#else            /* EXTERNAL */

extern int    running;
extern long   heartbeat_freq;
extern time_t last_heartbeat;
extern float  load_1;
extern float  load_1;
extern float  load_15;
