---------UberMud 0.9 alpha help system----------
Commands For Which there is Currently Help::
create		<name>
describe	<name> "string"
drop		<name>
emote		"string","string2",...
go		<direction>
help		<command>,<command2>,...
inv		no parameters
look		no parameters, OR, <name>, OR, <name> <thing>
name		<name> "newname"
pray		no parameters
read		<thing>, OR, <name> <thing>
say		"string","string2",...
success		<thing> "success message"
take		<thing>
toad		<player>
untoad		<player>
use		<name> (thing must be in player inventory)
which		<name>,<name2>,...
whisper		<player> "string"
write		<name> "message"
WHO		no parameters

For help on a specific command, more detailed help can be had by typing
"help command". Do not abbreviate the command name or use capitals.