
	a polaroid one-step

	Marcus J. Ranum, 1990


/* this hard-codes the number of the camera-object */
#define	CAMNUM	#142

/* describe */
CAMNUM.dsc = "the camera is a cheap-looking polaroid one-step. it appears to be full of film, and has a flash attachment. there are directions written on the back in small letters";

/* directions */
CAMNUM.txt = "the directions say: 'to use the camera, use it and then try \"photograph <personname>\" where the person is in the room. a picture will be added to your inventory.'";

/* snap a picture. */
func CAMNUM.photograph
	$here = #actor._loc;

	if($# < 1) {
		@.emote("looks around, fidding with the camera.");
		echo("you aren't sure who or what you want to take a picture of\n");

	/* what to photograph ? */
	$at = match($1,$here._ply,"nam");

	if($at == NULL) {
		echo("I see no \"",$1,"\" here.\n");

	/* make the photograph - don't waste film  :) */
	if($at.dsc == NULL) {
		echo("why waste your film on nothing special?\n");
		@.emote("considers photographing",$at.nam,"but decides not to.");

	/* make a new object */
	$photo = @.create(str("a photograph of ",$at.nam));
	if($photo == NULL) {
		echo("out of film:",error($photo),"\n");

	/* bind the description to the photo */
	$photo.dsc = str("a somewhat grainy photograph of ",$at.nam,", ",$at.dsc);

	$photo.txt = str("taken by ",#actor.nam," on ",strtime());

	@.emote("snaps a picture of",$at.nam,"in a brilliant >POP< of light");