# File for distributed MUD++
# Format of a host entry:
#	<connection-type>  <ip-address>  <mud-id-name>  <mud-passwd>  <port>
#	<connection-type> := { local | init | accept }
#		local	-no action, means we accept incoming connects in <port> 
#		accept	-will accept connection from this mud/passwd on <port>
#		init	-local server should attemp to initialize a connection to mud
#	<ip-address> := { standard ip address numerics or alias }
#	<mud-id-name> := { alpha numeric string }
#		id that mud must send when connecting
#	<mud-passwd> := { alpha numeric string }
#		passwd mud must send when connecting
#	<port> := { integer }

# First line must be our local id and our multi-mud port (not player port)

local	localhost	alpha	alpha	4001

# All connections that we should intitiate

init	localhost	gamma	gamma	5001

# Now all foreign hosts that will attempt connect
# <port> param is not included, we know our port is 4001 from local entry

accept	localhost	beta	beta