  Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
  Portions of this code were written by Stephen White, aka ghond.
  Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
  upon this software are permitted.  Any distribution of this software or
  derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
  control laws.  This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation
  makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to
  any specification.  Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested
  to send their name and post office or electronic mail address to:
    Pavel Curtis
    Xerox PARC
    3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
    Palo Alto, CA 94304

 * Routines for manipulating verbs on DB objects

#include <ctype.h>
#include "my-stdlib.h"
#include "my-string.h"

#include "config.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "db_private.h"
#include "parse_cmd.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "utils.h"

/*********** Prepositions ***********/

#define MAXPPHRASE 3	/* max. number of words in a prepositional phrase */

/* NOTE: New prepositional phrases should only be added to this list at the
 * end, never in the middle, and no entries should every be removed from this
 * list; the list indices are stored raw in the DB file.
static const char  *prep_list[] = {
    "in front of",
    "on top of/on/onto/upon",
    "out of/from inside/from",
    "off/off of",

#define NPREPS Arraysize(prep_list)

typedef struct pt_entry {
    int		nwords;
    char	*words[MAXPPHRASE];
    struct pt_entry *next;
} pt_entry;

struct pt_entry	*prep_table[NPREPS];

    int		i, j;
    int		nwords;
    char      **words;
    char	cprep[100];
    const char *p;
    char       *t;
    pt_entry   *current_alias, **prev;

    for (i = 0; i < NPREPS; i++) {
	p = prep_list[i];
	prev = &prep_table[i];
	while (*p) {
	    t = cprep;
	    if (*p == '/')
	    while (*p && *p != '/')
		*t++ = *p++;
	    *t = '\0';

	    /* This call to PARSE_INTO_WORDS() is the reason that this function
	     * is called from DB_INITIALIZE() instead of from the first call to
	     * DB_FIND_PREP(), below.  You see, PARSE_INTO_WORDS() isn't
	     * re-entrant, and DB_FIND_PREP() is called from code that's still
	     * using the results of a previous call to PARSE_INTO_WORDS()...
	    words = parse_into_words(cprep, &nwords);

	    current_alias = mymalloc(sizeof(struct pt_entry), M_PREP);
	    current_alias->nwords = nwords;
	    current_alias->next = 0;
	    for (j = 0; j < nwords; j++)
		current_alias->words[j] = str_dup(words[j]);
	    *prev = current_alias;
	    prev = &current_alias->next;

db_find_prep(int argc, char *argv[], int *first, int *last)
    pt_entry   *alias;
    int		i, j, k;
    int		exact_match = (first == 0  ||  last == 0);

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < NPREPS; j++) {
	    for (alias = prep_table[j]; alias; alias = alias->next) {
		if (i + alias->nwords <= argc) {
		    for (k = 0; k < alias->nwords; k++) {
			if (mystrcasecmp(argv[i + k], alias->words[k]))
		    if (k == alias->nwords
			     &&  (! exact_match || i + k == argc)) {
			if (! exact_match) {
			    *first = i;
			    *last = i + alias->nwords - 1;
			return (db_prep_spec) j;
	if (exact_match)
    return PREP_NONE;

db_match_prep(const char *prepname)
    db_prep_spec	prep;
    int			argc;
    char	       *ptr;
    char	      **argv;
    char	       *s, first;

    s = str_dup(prepname);
    first = s[0];
    if (first == '#')
	first = (++s)[0];
    prep = strtol(s, &ptr, 10);
    if (*ptr == '\0') {
	if (!isdigit(first) || prep >= NPREPS)
	    return PREP_NONE;
	    return prep;

    if ((ptr = strchr(s, '/')) != '\0')
	*ptr = '\0';

    argv = parse_into_words(s, &argc);
    prep = db_find_prep(argc, argv, 0, 0);
    return prep;

const char *
db_unparse_prep(db_prep_spec prep)
    if (prep == PREP_NONE)
	return "none";
    else if (prep == PREP_ANY)
	return "any";
	return prep_list[prep];

/*********** Verbs ***********/

#define DOBJSHIFT  4
#define IOBJSHIFT  6
#define OBJMASK    0x3
#define PERMMASK   0xF

db_add_verb(Objid oid, const char *vnames, Objid owner, unsigned flags,
	    db_arg_spec dobj, db_prep_spec prep, db_arg_spec iobj)
    Object     *o = dbpriv_find_object(oid);
    Verbdef    *v, *newv;

    newv = mymalloc(sizeof(Verbdef), M_VERBDEF);
    newv->name = vnames;
    newv->owner = owner;
    newv->perms = flags | (dobj << DOBJSHIFT) | (iobj << IOBJSHIFT);
    newv->prep = prep;
    newv->next = 0;
    newv->program = 0;
    if (o->verbdefs) {
	for (v = o->verbdefs; v->next; v = v->next)
	v->next = newv;
    } else
	o->verbdefs = newv;

static Verbdef *
find_verbdef_by_name(Object *o, const char *vname, int check_x_bit)
    Verbdef    *v;

    for (v = o->verbdefs; v; v = v->next)
	if (verbcasecmp(v->name, vname)
	    && (!check_x_bit  ||  (v->perms & VF_EXEC)))

    return v;

db_count_verbs(Objid oid)
    int		count = 0;
    Object     *o = dbpriv_find_object(oid);
    Verbdef    *v;

    for (v = o->verbdefs; v; v = v->next)

    return count;

db_for_all_verbs(Objid oid,
		 int (*func)(void *data, const char *vname),
		 void *data)
    Object     *o = dbpriv_find_object(oid);
    Verbdef    *v;

    for (v = o->verbdefs; v; v = v->next)
	if ((*func)(data, v->name))
	    return 1;

    return 0;

typedef struct {		/* Non-null db_verb_handles point to these */
    Objid	definer;
    Verbdef    *verbdef;
} handle;

db_delete_verb(db_verb_handle vh)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;
    Objid	oid = h->definer;
    Verbdef    *v = h->verbdef;
    Object     *o = dbpriv_find_object(oid);
    Verbdef    *vv;

    vv = o->verbdefs;
    if (vv == v)
	o->verbdefs = v->next;
    else {
	while (vv->next != v)
	    vv = vv->next;
	vv->next = v->next;

    if (v->program)
    if (v->name)
    myfree(v, M_VERBDEF);

db_find_command_verb(Objid oid, const char *verb,
		     db_arg_spec dobj, unsigned prep, db_arg_spec iobj)
    Object	       *o;
    Verbdef	       *v;
    static handle	h;
    db_verb_handle	vh;

    for (o = dbpriv_find_object(oid); o; o = dbpriv_find_object(o->parent))
	for (v = o->verbdefs; v; v = v->next) {
	    db_arg_spec	vdobj = (v->perms >> DOBJSHIFT) & OBJMASK;
	    db_arg_spec	viobj = (v->perms >> IOBJSHIFT) & OBJMASK;

	    if (verbcasecmp(v->name, verb)
		&& (vdobj == ASPEC_ANY   ||  vdobj == dobj)
		&& (v->prep == PREP_ANY  ||  v->prep == prep)
		&& (viobj == ASPEC_ANY   ||  viobj == iobj)) {
		h.definer = o->id;
		h.verbdef = v;
		vh.ptr = &h;

		return vh;

    vh.ptr = 0;

    return vh;

db_find_callable_verb(Objid oid, const char *verb)
    Object	       *o;
    Verbdef	       *v;
    static handle	h;
    db_verb_handle	vh;

    for (o = dbpriv_find_object(oid); o; o = dbpriv_find_object(o->parent))
	if ((v = find_verbdef_by_name(o, verb, 1)) != 0) {
	    h.definer = o->id;
	    h.verbdef = v;
	    vh.ptr = &h;

	    return vh;

    vh.ptr = 0;

    return vh;

db_find_defined_verb(Objid oid, const char *vname, int allow_numbers)
    Object	       *o = dbpriv_find_object(oid);
    Verbdef	       *v;
    char       	       *p;
    int			num, i;
    static handle	h;
    db_verb_handle	vh;

    if (!allow_numbers ||
	(num = strtol(vname, &p, 10),
	 (isspace(*vname) || *p != '\0')))
	num = -1;

    for (i = 0, v = o->verbdefs; v; v = v->next, i++)
	if (i == num || verbcasecmp(v->name, vname))

    if (v) {
	h.definer = o->id;
	h.verbdef = v;
	vh.ptr = &h;

	return vh;

    vh.ptr = 0;

    return vh;

db_find_indexed_verb(Objid oid, unsigned index)
    Object	       *o = dbpriv_find_object(oid);
    Verbdef	       *v;
    unsigned		i;
    static handle	h;
    db_verb_handle	vh;

    for (v = o->verbdefs, i = 0; v; v = v->next)
	if (++i == index) {
	    h.definer = o->id;
	    h.verbdef = v;
	    vh.ptr = &h;

	    return vh;

    vh.ptr = 0;

    return vh;

db_verb_definer(db_verb_handle vh)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h)
	return h->definer;

    panic("DB_VERB_DEFINER: Null handle!");
    return 0;

const char *
db_verb_names(db_verb_handle vh)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h)
	return h->verbdef->name;

    panic("DB_VERB_NAMES: Null handle!");
    return 0;

db_set_verb_names(db_verb_handle vh, const char *names)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h) {
	if (h->verbdef->name)
	h->verbdef->name = names;
    } else
	panic("DB_SET_VERB_NAMES: Null handle!");

db_verb_owner(db_verb_handle vh)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h)
	return h->verbdef->owner;

    panic("DB_VERB_OWNER: Null handle!");
    return 0;

db_set_verb_owner(db_verb_handle vh, Objid owner)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h)
	h->verbdef->owner = owner;
	panic("DB_SET_VERB_OWNER: Null handle!");

db_verb_flags(db_verb_handle vh)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h)
	return h->verbdef->perms & PERMMASK;

    panic("DB_VERB_FLAGS: Null handle!");
    return 0;

db_set_verb_flags(db_verb_handle vh, unsigned flags)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h) {
	h->verbdef->perms &= ~PERMMASK;
	h->verbdef->perms |= flags;
    } else
	panic("DB_SET_VERB_FLAGS: Null handle!");

Program *
db_verb_program(db_verb_handle vh)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h) {
	Program	*p = h->verbdef->program;

	return p ? p : null_program();

    panic("DB_VERB_PROGRAM: Null handle!");
    return 0;

db_set_verb_program(db_verb_handle vh, Program *program)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h) {
	if (h->verbdef->program)
	h->verbdef->program = program;
    } else
	panic("DB_SET_VERB_PROGRAM: Null handle!");

db_verb_arg_specs(db_verb_handle vh,
		  db_arg_spec *dobj, db_prep_spec *prep, db_arg_spec *iobj)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h) {
	*dobj = (h->verbdef->perms >> DOBJSHIFT) & OBJMASK;
	*prep = h->verbdef->prep;
	*iobj = (h->verbdef->perms >> IOBJSHIFT) & OBJMASK;
    } else
	panic("DB_VERB_ARG_SPECS: Null handle!");

db_set_verb_arg_specs(db_verb_handle vh,
		      db_arg_spec dobj, db_prep_spec prep, db_arg_spec iobj)
    handle     *h = (handle *) vh.ptr;

    if (h) {
	h->verbdef->perms = ((h->verbdef->perms & PERMMASK)
			     | (dobj << DOBJSHIFT)
			     | (iobj << IOBJSHIFT));
	h->verbdef->prep = prep;
    } else
	panic("DB_SET_VERB_ARG_SPECS: Null handle!");

db_verb_allows(db_verb_handle h, Objid progr, db_verb_flag flag)
    return ((db_verb_flags(h) & flag)
	    || progr == db_verb_owner(h)
	    || is_wizard(progr));

char rcsid_db_verbs[] = "$Id: db_verbs.c,v 2.4 1996/05/12 21:32:23 pavel Exp $";

/* $Log: db_verbs.c,v $
 * Revision 2.4  1996/05/12  21:32:23  pavel
 * Changed db_add_verb() not to bump the reference count of the given
 * verb-names string.  Release 1.8.0p5.
 * Revision 2.3  1996/02/08  07:17:40  pavel
 * Updated copyright notice for 1996.  Release 1.8.0beta1.
 * Revision 2.2  1995/12/28  00:29:03  pavel
 * Broke out the building of the preposition table into a separate function,
 * called during initialization, to avoid an storage-overwriting bug.  Changed
 * db_delete_verb() to unbundle how the verb is found.  Changed
 * db_find_defined_verb() to allow suppressing old numeric-string behavior.
 * Release 1.8.0alpha3.
 * Revision 2.1  1995/12/11  08:11:07  pavel
 * Made verb programs never be NULL any more.  Release 1.8.0alpha2.
 * Revision 2.0  1995/11/30  04:21:33  pavel
 * New baseline version, corresponding to release 1.8.0alpha1.
 * Revision 1.1  1995/11/30  04:21:20  pavel
 * Initial revision