  Copyright (c) 1992, 1995, 1996 Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
  Portions of this code were written by Stephen White, aka ghond.
  Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
  upon this software are permitted.  Any distribution of this software or
  derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
  control laws.  This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation
  makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to
  any specification.  Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested
  to send their name and post office or electronic mail address to:
    Pavel Curtis
    Xerox PARC
    3333 Coyote Hill Rd.
    Palo Alto, CA 94304

#include "my-string.h"
#include "my-time.h"

#include "config.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "db_io.h"
#include "decompile.h"
#include "eval_env.h"
#include "eval_vm.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "parse_cmd.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "streams.h"
#include "structures.h"
#include "tasks.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "verbs.h"
#include "version.h"

typedef struct forked_task {
    int		id;
    Program    *program;
    activation  a;
    Var        *rt_env;
    int		f_index;
    time_t	start_time;
} forked_task;

typedef struct suspended_task {
    vm		the_vm;
    time_t	start_time; 
    Var		value;
} suspended_task;

typedef struct {
    char       *string;
    int		length;
} input_task;

typedef struct task {
    struct task	       	       	       *next;
    task_kind			       	kind;
    union {
	input_task	input;
	forked_task	forked;
	suspended_task	suspended;
    }					t;
} task;

typedef struct tqueue {
     * A task queue can be in one of four possible states, depending upon the
     * values of its `player' and `connected' slots.
     * When people first connect to the MOO, they are assigned negative player
     * object numbers.  Once they log in (either by creating a new player
     * object or by connecting to an existing one), the connection is changed
     * to refer to the appropriate, non-negative, player number.
     * Input tasks for logged-in players (with non-negative `player' slots) are
     * interpreted as normal MOO commands.  Those for anonymous players (with
     * negative `player' slots) are treated specially: they are passed to a
     * particular verb on the system object.  If that verb returns a valid
     * player object number, then that is used as the new player number for the
     * connection.
     * The `connected' field is true iff this queue has an associated open
     * network connection.  Queues without such connections may nonetheless
     * contain input tasks, either typed ahead before disconnection or else
     * entered via the `force_input()' function.
     * If an unconnected queue becomes empty, it is destroyed.
    struct tqueue      *next, **prev;	/* prev only valid on idle_tqueues */
    Objid		player;
    Objid		handler;
    int			connected;
    task	       *first_input, **last_input;
    int			total_input_length;
    int			last_input_task_id;
    int			input_suspended;
    task	       *first_bg, **last_bg;
    int			usage;		/* a kind of inverted priority */
    int			num_bg_tasks;   /* in either here or waiting_tasks */
    int			hold_input;	/* make input tasks wait for read() */
    char	       *output_prefix, *output_suffix;
    const char	       *flush_cmd;
    Stream	       *program_stream;
    Objid		program_object;
    const char	       *program_verb;

    char 		reading; /* boolean */
    vm			reading_vm;
} tqueue;

typedef struct ext_queue {
    struct ext_queue   *next;
    task_enumerator	enumerator;
} ext_queue;


#define NO_USAGE	-1

int			current_task_id;
static tqueue	       *idle_tqueues = 0, *active_tqueues = 0;
static task    	       *waiting_tasks = 0;  /* forked and suspended tasks */
static ext_queue       *external_queues = 0;

#define GET_START_TIME(ttt) \
    (ttt->kind == TASK_FORKED \
     ? ttt->t.forked.start_time \
     : ttt->t.suspended.start_time)

static void
deactivate_tqueue(tqueue *tq)
    tq->usage = NO_USAGE;

    tq->next = idle_tqueues;
    tq->prev = &idle_tqueues;
    if (idle_tqueues)
	idle_tqueues->prev = &(tq->next);
    idle_tqueues = tq;

static void
activate_tqueue(tqueue *tq)
    tqueue    **qq = &active_tqueues;
    while (*qq  &&  (*qq)->usage <= tq->usage)
	qq = &((*qq)->next);
    tq->next = *qq;
    tq->prev = 0;
    *qq = tq;

static void
ensure_usage(tqueue *tq)
    if (tq->usage == NO_USAGE) {
	tq->usage = active_tqueues ? active_tqueues->usage : 0;

	/* Remove tq from idle_tqueues... */
	*(tq->prev) = tq->next;
	if (tq->next)
	    tq->next->prev = tq->prev;

	/* ...and put it on active_tqueues. */

char *
    const char *str = server_string_option("default_flush_command", ".flush");

    return (str && str[0] != '\0') ? str_dup(str) : 0;

static tqueue *
find_tqueue(Objid player, int create_if_not_found)
    tqueue     *tq;
    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	if (tq->player == player)
	    return tq;

    for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	if (tq->player == player)
	    return tq;

    if (!create_if_not_found)
	return 0;
    tq = mymalloc(sizeof(tqueue), M_TASK);


    tq->player = player;
    tq->connected = 0;

    tq->first_input = tq->first_bg = 0;
    tq->last_input = &(tq->first_input);
    tq->last_bg = &(tq->first_bg);
    tq->total_input_length = tq->input_suspended = 0;

    tq->output_prefix = tq->output_suffix = 0;
    tq->flush_cmd = default_flush_command();
    tq->program_stream = 0;

    tq->reading = 0;
    tq->hold_input = 0;
    tq->num_bg_tasks = 0;
    tq->last_input_task_id = 0;

    return tq;

static void
free_tqueue(tqueue *tq)
    /* Precondition: tq is on idle_tqueues */

    if (tq->output_prefix)
    if (tq->output_suffix)
    if (tq->flush_cmd)
    if (tq->program_stream)
    if (tq->reading)
	free_vm(tq->reading_vm, 1);

    *(tq->prev) = tq->next;
    if (tq->next)
	tq->next->prev = tq->prev;

    myfree(tq, M_TASK);

static void
enqueue_bg_task(tqueue *tq, task *t)
    *(tq->last_bg) = t;
    tq->last_bg = &(t->next);
    t->next = 0;

static task *
dequeue_bg_task(tqueue *tq)
    task       *t = tq->first_bg;

    if (t) {
	tq->first_bg = t->next;
	if (t->next == 0)
	    tq->last_bg = &(tq->first_bg);
	    t->next = 0;

    return t;

static task *
dequeue_input_task(tqueue *tq)
    task       *t = tq->first_input;

    if (t) {
	tq->first_input = t->next;
	if (t->next == 0)
	    tq->last_input = &(tq->first_input);
	    t->next = 0;
	tq->total_input_length -= t->t.input.length;
	if (tq->input_suspended
	    && tq->connected
	    && tq->total_input_length < INPUT_LOWAT) {
	    tq->input_suspended = 0;

    return t;

static task *
dequeue_any_task(tqueue *tq)
    task       *t = dequeue_input_task(tq);

    if (t)
	return t;
	return dequeue_bg_task(tq);

static void
free_task(task *t, int strong)
{	/* for FORKED tasks, strong == 1 means free the rt_env also.
	   for SUSPENDED tasks, strong == 1 means free the vm also. */
    switch (t->kind) {
      case TASK_INPUT:
      case TASK_FORKED:
	if (strong)
      case TASK_SUSPENDED:
	if (strong)
	    free_vm(t->t.suspended.the_vm, 1);	    
    myfree(t, M_TASK);

static int
    int	i;

    do {
	i = RANDOM();
    } while (i == 0);

    return i;

static void
start_programming(tqueue *tq, char *argstr)
    db_verb_handle	h;
    const char	       *message, *vname;

    h = find_verb_for_programming(tq->player, argstr, &message, &vname);
    notify(tq->player, message);

    if (h.ptr) {
	tq->program_stream = new_stream(100);
	tq->program_object = db_verb_definer(h);
	tq->program_verb = str_dup(vname);

struct state {
    Objid	player;
    int		nerrors;
    char       *input;

static void
my_error(void *data, const char *msg)
    struct state       *s = data;

    notify(s->player, msg);

static int
my_getc(void *data)
    struct state       *s = data;

    if (*(s->input) != '\0')
	return *(s->input++);
	return EOF;

static Parser_Client	client = { my_error, 0, my_getc };

static void
end_programming(tqueue *tq)
    Objid	player = tq->player;

    if (!valid(tq->program_object))
	notify(player, "That object appears to have disappeared ...");
    else {
	db_verb_handle	h;
	Var		desc;

	desc.type = TYPE_STR;
	desc.v.str = tq->program_verb;
	h = find_described_verb(tq->program_object, desc);

	if (!h.ptr)
	    notify(player, "That verb appears to have disappeared ...");
	else {
	    struct state s;
	    Program    *program;
	    char	buf[30];

	    s.player = tq->player;
	    s.nerrors = 0;
	    s.input = stream_contents(tq->program_stream);
	    program = parse_program(current_version, client, &s);
	    sprintf(buf, "%d error(s).", s.nerrors);
	    notify(player, buf);
	    if (program) {
		db_set_verb_program(h, program);
		notify(player, "Verb programmed.");
	    } else
		notify(player, "Verb not programmed.");

    tq->program_stream = 0;

static void
set_delimiter(char **slot, const char *string)
    if (*slot)
    if (*string == '\0')
	*slot = 0;
	*slot = str_dup(string);

static int
find_verb_on(Objid oid, Parsed_Command *pc, db_verb_handle *vh)
    if (!valid(oid))
	return 0;

    *vh = db_find_command_verb(oid, pc->verb,
			       (pc->dobj == oid ? ASPEC_THIS
				: pc->dobj == NOTHING ? ASPEC_NONE
				: ASPEC_ANY),
			       (pc->iobj == oid ? ASPEC_THIS
				: pc->iobj == NOTHING ? ASPEC_NONE
				: ASPEC_ANY));

    return vh->ptr != 0;

static int
do_command_task(tqueue *tq, char *command)
    if (tq->program_stream) {		/* We're programming */
	if (strcmp(command, ".") == 0)  /* Done programming */
	    stream_printf(tq->program_stream, "%s\n", command);
    } else {
	Parsed_Command *pc = parse_command(command, tq->player);

	if (!pc)
	    return 0;

	if (is_programmer(tq->player) && verbcasecmp(".pr*ogram", pc->verb)) {
	    if (pc->args.v.list[0].v.num != 1)
		notify(tq->player, "Usage:  .program object:verb");
		start_programming(tq, (char *) pc->args.v.list[1].v.str);
	} else if (strcmp(pc->verb, "PREFIX") == 0
		   || strcmp(pc->verb, "OUTPUTPREFIX") == 0)
	    set_delimiter(&(tq->output_prefix), pc->argstr);
	else if (strcmp(pc->verb, "SUFFIX") == 0
		 || strcmp(pc->verb, "OUTPUTSUFFIX") == 0)
	    set_delimiter(&(tq->output_suffix), pc->argstr);
	else {
	    Objid		location = (valid(tq->player)
					    ? db_object_location(tq->player)
					    : NOTHING);
	    Objid		this;
	    db_verb_handle	vh;
	    Var 		result, args;

	    result.type = TYPE_INT; /* for free_var() if task isn't DONE */
	    if (tq->output_prefix)
		notify(tq->player, tq->output_prefix);
	    args = parse_into_wordlist(command);
	    if (run_server_task_setting_id(tq->player, tq->handler,
					   "do_command", args, command,
					   &result, &(tq->last_input_task_id))
		|| is_true(result)) {
		/* Do nothing more; we assume :do_command handled it. */
	    } else if (find_verb_on(this = tq->player, pc, &vh)
		       || find_verb_on(this = location, pc, &vh)
		       || find_verb_on(this = pc->dobj, pc, &vh)
		       || find_verb_on(this = pc->iobj, pc, &vh)
		       || (valid(this = location)
			   && (vh = db_find_callable_verb(location, "huh"),
			       vh.ptr))) {
		do_input_task(tq->player, pc, this, vh);
	    } else {
		notify(tq->player, "I couldn't understand that.");
		tq->last_input_task_id = 0;

	    if (tq->output_suffix)
		notify(tq->player, tq->output_suffix);



    return 1;

static int
do_login_task(tqueue *tq, char *command)
    Var		result;
    Var		args;
    Objid	old_max_object = db_last_used_objid();

    result.type = TYPE_INT;	/* In case #0:do_login_command does not exist
				 * or does not immediately return.

    args = parse_into_wordlist(command);
    run_server_task_setting_id(tq->player, tq->handler, "do_login_command",
			       args, command, &result,
    if (tq->connected && result.type == TYPE_OBJ && is_user(result.v.obj)) {
	Objid	new_player = result.v.obj;
	Objid	old_player = tq->player;
	tqueue *dead_tq = find_tqueue(new_player, 0);
	task   *t;

	tq->player = new_player;
	if (tq->num_bg_tasks) {
	    /* Cute; this un-logged-in connection has some queued tasks!
	     * Must copy them over to their own tqueue for accounting...
	    tqueue     *old_tq = find_tqueue(old_player, 1);

	    old_tq->num_bg_tasks = tq->num_bg_tasks;
	    while ((t = dequeue_bg_task(tq)) != 0)
		enqueue_bg_task(old_tq, t);
	    tq->num_bg_tasks = 0;

	if (dead_tq) {		/* Copy over tasks from old queue for player */
	    tq->num_bg_tasks = dead_tq->num_bg_tasks;
	    while ((t = dequeue_any_task(dead_tq)) != 0) {
		if (t->kind == TASK_INPUT)
		    free_task(t, 0);
		else /* FORKED or SUSPENDED */
		    enqueue_bg_task(tq, t);
	    dead_tq->player = NOTHING; /* it'll be freed by run_ready_tasks */
	    dead_tq->num_bg_tasks = 0;

	player_connected(old_player, new_player, new_player > old_max_object);

    return 1;

static void
do_out_of_band_command(tqueue *tq, char *command)
    run_server_task(tq->player, tq->handler, "do_out_of_band_command",
		    parse_into_wordlist(command), command, 0);

static int
is_out_of_input(tqueue *tq)
    return !tq->connected  &&  !tq->first_input;

 * Exported interface

new_task_queue(Objid player, Objid handler)
    task_queue	result;
    tqueue     *tq = result.ptr = find_tqueue(player, 1);

    tq->connected = 1;
    tq->handler = handler;

    return result;

free_task_queue(task_queue q)
    tqueue     *tq = (tqueue *) q.ptr;

    tq->connected = 0;

    /* Activate this queue to ensure that the pending read()ing task will
     * eventually get resumed, even if there's no more input for it.

    if (tq->reading)

tasks_set_connection_option(task_queue q, const char *option, Var value)
    tqueue     *tq = q.ptr;

    if (!mystrcasecmp(option, "flush-command")) {
	if (tq->flush_cmd)
	if (value.type == TYPE_STR && value.v.str[0] != '\0')
	    tq->flush_cmd = str_ref(value.v.str);
	    tq->flush_cmd = 0;

	return 1;

    if (!mystrcasecmp(option, "hold-input")) {
	tq->hold_input = is_true(value);
	if (!tq->hold_input  &&  tq->first_input) /* Anything to be done? */
	return 1;

    return 0;

tasks_connection_option(task_queue q, const char *option, Var *value)
    tqueue     *tq = q.ptr;

    if (!mystrcasecmp(option, "flush-command")) {
	value->type = TYPE_STR;
	value->v.str = (tq->flush_cmd ? str_ref(tq->flush_cmd) : str_dup(""));
	return 1;

    if (!mystrcasecmp(option, "hold-input")) {
	value->type = TYPE_INT;
	value->v.num = tq->hold_input;
	return 1;

    return 0;

tasks_connection_options(task_queue q, Var list)
    tqueue     *tq = q.ptr;
    Var		pair;

    pair = new_list(2);
    pair.v.list[1].type = TYPE_STR;
    pair.v.list[1].v.str = str_dup("flush-command");
    pair.v.list[2].type = TYPE_STR;
    pair.v.list[2].v.str = (tq->flush_cmd ? str_ref(tq->flush_cmd)
					  : str_dup(""));
    list = listappend(list, pair);

    pair = new_list(2);
    pair.v.list[1].type = TYPE_STR;
    pair.v.list[1].v.str = str_dup("hold-input");
    pair.v.list[2].type = TYPE_INT;
    pair.v.list[2].v.num = tq->hold_input;
    list = listappend(list, pair);

    return list;

static void
enqueue_input_task(tqueue *tq, const char *input, int at_front)
    task       *t;

    t = (task *) mymalloc(sizeof(task), M_TASK);
    t->kind = TASK_INPUT;
    t->t.input.string = str_dup(input);
    tq->total_input_length += (t->t.input.length = strlen(input));

    if (at_front && tq->first_input) { /* if nothing there, front == back */
	t->next = tq->first_input;
	tq->first_input = t;
    } else {
	*(tq->last_input) = t;
	tq->last_input = &(t->next);
	t->next = 0;

    if (!tq->hold_input  ||  tq->reading) /* Anything to do with this line? */

    if (!tq->input_suspended  &&  tq->total_input_length > INPUT_HIWAT) {
	tq->input_suspended = 1;

static void
flush_input(tqueue *tq, int show_messages)
    if (tq->first_input) {
	Stream     *s = new_stream(100);
	task       *t;

	if (show_messages)
	    notify(tq->player, ">> Flushing the following pending input:");
	while ((t = dequeue_input_task(tq)) != 0) {
	    if (show_messages) {
		stream_printf(s, ">>     %s", t->t.input.string);
		notify(tq->player, reset_stream(s));
	    free_task(t, 1);
	if (show_messages)
	    notify(tq->player, ">> (Done flushing)");
    } else if (show_messages)
	notify(tq->player, ">> No pending input to flush...");

new_input_task(task_queue q, const char *input)
    tqueue     *tq = q.ptr;

    if (tq->flush_cmd  &&  mystrcasecmp(input, tq->flush_cmd) == 0) {
	flush_input(tq, 1);

    enqueue_input_task(tq, input, 0);

static void
enqueue_waiting(task *t)
{ /* either FORKED or SUSPENDED */

    time_t 	start_time = GET_START_TIME(t);
    Objid 	progr = (t->kind == TASK_FORKED
			 ? t->t.forked.a.progr
			 : progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm));
    tqueue     *tq = find_tqueue(progr, 1);

    if (!waiting_tasks  ||  start_time < GET_START_TIME(waiting_tasks)) {
	t->next = waiting_tasks;
	waiting_tasks = t;
    } else {
	task   *tt;
	for (tt = waiting_tasks; tt->next; tt = tt->next)
	    if (start_time < GET_START_TIME(tt->next))
	t->next = tt->next;
	tt->next = t;

static void
enqueue_ft(Program *program, activation a, Var *rt_env,
	   int f_index, time_t start_time, int id)
    task       *t = (task *) mymalloc(sizeof(task), M_TASK);

    t->kind = TASK_FORKED;
    t->t.forked.program = program;
    t->t.forked.a = a;
    t->t.forked.rt_env = rt_env;
    t->t.forked.f_index = f_index;
    t->t.forked.start_time = start_time;
    t->t.forked.id = id;

static int
check_user_task_limit(Objid user)
    tqueue     *tq = find_tqueue(user, 0);
    int		limit = -1;
    Var		v;

    if (valid(user)
	&& db_find_property(user, "queued_task_limit", &v).ptr
	&& v.type == TYPE_INT)
	limit = v.v.num;

    if (limit < 0)
	limit = server_int_option("queued_task_limit", -1);

    if (tq  &&  limit >= 0  &&  tq->num_bg_tasks >= limit)
	return 0;
	return 1;

enqueue_forked_task(Program *program, activation a, Var *rt_env, 
		    int f_index, unsigned after_seconds)
    int		id = new_task_id();
    Var		v;

    if (check_user_task_limit(a.progr)) {
	a.verb = str_ref(a.verb);
	a.verbname = str_ref(a.verbname);
	enqueue_ft(program, a, rt_env, f_index, time(0) + after_seconds, id);
	v.type = TYPE_INT;
	v.v.num = id;
    } else {
	v.type = TYPE_ERR;
	v.v.err = E_QUOTA;

    return v;

enum error
enqueue_suspended_task(vm the_vm, void *data)
    int		after_seconds = *((int *) data);
    int		now = time(0);
    int		when;
    task       *t;

    if (check_user_task_limit(progr_of_cur_verb(the_vm))) {
	t = mymalloc(sizeof(task), M_TASK);
	t->kind = TASK_SUSPENDED;
	t->t.suspended.the_vm = the_vm;
	if (now + after_seconds < now)
	    /* overflow or suspend `forever' code */
	    when = INT32_MAX;
	    when = now + after_seconds;
	t->t.suspended.start_time = when;
	t->t.suspended.value = zero;
	return E_NONE;
    } else
	return E_QUOTA;

resume_task(vm the_vm, Var value)
    task       *t = mymalloc(sizeof(task), M_TASK);
    Objid       progr = progr_of_cur_verb(the_vm);
    tqueue     *tq = find_tqueue(progr, 1);

    t->kind = TASK_SUSPENDED;
    t->t.suspended.the_vm = the_vm;
    t->t.suspended.start_time = 0; /* ready now */
    t->t.suspended.value = value;

    enqueue_bg_task(tq, t);

read_input_now(Objid connection)
    tqueue     *tq = find_tqueue(connection, 0);
    task       *t;
    Var		r;

    if (!tq  ||  is_out_of_input(tq)) {
	r.type = TYPE_ERR;
	r.v.err = E_INVARG;
    } else if (!(t = dequeue_input_task(tq))) {
	r.type = TYPE_INT;
	r.v.num = 0;
    } else {
	r.type = TYPE_STR;
	r.v.str = t->t.input.string;
	myfree(t, M_TASK);

    return r;

enum error
make_reading_task(vm the_vm, void *data)
    Objid	player = *((Objid *) data);
    tqueue     *tq = find_tqueue(player, 0);
    if (!tq  ||  tq->reading  ||  is_out_of_input(tq))
	return E_INVARG;
    else {
	tq->reading = 1;
	tq->reading_vm = the_vm;
	if (tq->first_input)	/* Anything to read? */
	return E_NONE;

last_input_task_id(Objid player)
    tqueue     *tq = find_tqueue(player, 0);

    return tq ? tq->last_input_task_id : 0;

    tqueue     *tq;

    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	if (tq->first_input != 0  ||  tq->first_bg != 0)
	    return 0;

    if (waiting_tasks != 0) {
	int wait = (waiting_tasks->kind == TASK_FORKED
		    ? waiting_tasks->t.forked.start_time 
		    : waiting_tasks->t.suspended.start_time) - time(0);
	return (wait >= 0) ? wait : 0;

    return -1;

    task       *t, *next_t;
    time_t	now = time(0);
    tqueue     *tq, *next_tq;

    for (t = waiting_tasks; t && GET_START_TIME(t) <= now; t = next_t) {
	Objid progr = (t->kind == TASK_FORKED
		       ? t->t.forked.a.progr
		       : progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm)); 
	tqueue	*tq = find_tqueue(progr, 1);

	next_t = t->next;
	enqueue_bg_task(tq, t);
    waiting_tasks = t;
	int	did_one = 0;
	time_t	start = time(0);
	static char oob_prefix[] = OUT_OF_BAND_PREFIX;
	while (active_tqueues  &&  !did_one) {
	    /* Loop over tqueues, looking for a task */
	    tq = active_tqueues;

	    if (tq->reading && is_out_of_input(tq)) {
		Var	v;
		tq->reading = 0;
		current_task_id = tq->reading_vm->task_id;
		v.type = TYPE_ERR;
		v.v.err = E_INVARG;
		resume_from_previous_vm(tq->reading_vm, v, TASK_INPUT, 0);
		did_one = 1;
	    while (!did_one) { /* Loop over tasks, looking for runnable one */
		if (tq->hold_input && !tq->reading)
		    t = dequeue_bg_task(tq);
		    t = dequeue_any_task(tq);
		if (!t)

		switch (t->kind) {
		  case TASK_INPUT:
		    if (sizeof(oob_prefix) > 1
			&&  !strncmp(oob_prefix, t->t.input.string,
				     sizeof(oob_prefix) - 1)) {
			do_out_of_band_command(tq, t->t.input.string);
			did_one = 1;
		    } else if (tq->reading) {
			Var	v;
			tq->reading = 0; 
			current_task_id = tq->reading_vm->task_id;
			v.type = TYPE_STR;
			v.v.str = t->t.input.string;
			resume_from_previous_vm(tq->reading_vm, v, TASK_INPUT,
			did_one = 1;
		    } else {
			/* Used to insist on tq->connected here, but Pavel
                         * couldn't come up with a good reason to keep that
                         * restriction.
			add_command_to_history(tq->player, t->t.input.string);
			did_one = (tq->player >= 0
				   ? do_command_task
				   : do_login_task)(tq, t->t.input.string);
		  case TASK_FORKED:
			forked_task 	ft;
			ft = t->t.forked;
			current_task_id = ft.id;
			do_forked_task(ft.program, ft.rt_env, ft.a,
				       ft.f_index, 0);
			did_one = 1;
		    current_task_id = t->t.suspended.the_vm->task_id;
					    TASK_SUSPENDED, 0);
		    did_one = 1;
		free_task(t, 0);

	    active_tqueues = tq->next;

	    if (did_one) {
		/* Bump the usage level of this tqueue */
		time_t	end = time(0);
		tq->usage += end - start;
	    } else {
		/* There was nothing to do on this tqueue, so deactivate it */

    /* Free any unconnected and empty tqueues */
    for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = next_tq) {
	next_tq = tq->next;
	if (!tq->connected  &&  !tq->first_input  &&  tq->num_bg_tasks == 0)

enum outcome
run_server_task(Objid player, Objid what, const char *verb, Var args,
		const char *argstr, Var *result)
    return run_server_task_setting_id(player, what, verb, args, argstr, result,

enum outcome
run_server_task_setting_id(Objid player, Objid what, const char *verb,
			   Var args, const char *argstr, Var *result,
			   int *task_id)
    db_verb_handle	h;

    current_task_id = new_task_id();
    if (task_id)
	*task_id = current_task_id;
    h = db_find_callable_verb(what, verb);
    if (h.ptr)
	return do_server_verb_task(what, verb, args, h, player, argstr,
				   result, 1);
    else {
	/* simulate an empty verb */
	if (result) {
	    result->type = TYPE_INT;
	    result->v.num = 0;

enum outcome
run_server_program_task(Objid this, const char *verb, Var args, Objid vloc,
			const char *verbname, Program *program, Objid progr,
			int debug, Objid player, const char *argstr,
			Var *result) {
    current_task_id = new_task_id();
    return do_server_program_task(this, verb, args, vloc, verbname, program,
				  progr, debug, player, argstr, result, 1);

register_task_queue(task_enumerator enumerator)
    ext_queue  *eq = mymalloc(sizeof(ext_queue), M_TASK);

    eq->enumerator = enumerator;
    eq->next = external_queues;
    external_queues = eq;

static void
write_forked_task(forked_task ft)
    int lineno = find_line_number(ft.program, ft.f_index, 0);

    dbio_printf("0 %d %d %d\n", lineno, ft.start_time, ft.id);
    write_rt_env(ft.program->var_names, ft.rt_env, ft.program->num_var_names);
    dbio_write_forked_program(ft.program, ft.f_index);

static void
write_suspended_task(suspended_task st)
    dbio_printf("%d %d ", st.start_time, st.the_vm->task_id);

    int		forked_count = 0;
    int		suspended_count = 0;
    task       *t;
    tqueue     *tq;

    dbio_printf("0 clocks\n");	/* for compatibility's sake */

    for (t = waiting_tasks; t; t = t->next)
	if (t->kind == TASK_FORKED)
	else /* t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED */
    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	for (t = tq->first_bg; t; t = t->next)
	    if (t->kind == TASK_FORKED)
	    else /* t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED */

    dbio_printf("%d queued tasks\n", forked_count);

    for (t = waiting_tasks; t; t = t->next)
	if (t->kind == TASK_FORKED)

    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	for (t = tq->first_bg; t; t = t->next)
	    if (t->kind == TASK_FORKED)

    dbio_printf("%d suspended tasks\n", suspended_count);
    for (t = waiting_tasks; t; t = t->next)
	if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED)

    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	for (t = tq->first_bg; t; t = t->next)
	    if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED)

    int		count, dummy, suspended_count, suspended_task_header;

    /* Skip obsolete clock stuff */
    if (dbio_scanf("%d clocks\n", &count) != 1) {
        errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad clock count.\n");
        return 0;
    for (; count > 0; count--)
	/* I use a `dummy' variable here and elsewhere instead of the `*'
	 * assignment-suppression syntax of `scanf' because it allows more
	 * straightforward error checking; unfortunately, the standard says
	 * that suppressed assignments are not counted in determining the
	 * returned value of `scanf'...
	if (dbio_scanf("%d %d %d\n", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy) != 3) {
            errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad clock; count = %d\n", count);
            return 0;

    if (dbio_scanf("%d queued tasks\n", &count) != 1) {
        errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad task count.\n");
        return 0;
    for (; count > 0; count--) {
	int		first_lineno, id, old_size, st;
	char		c;
	time_t		start_time;
	Program	       *program;
	Var	       *rt_env, *old_rt_env;
	const char    **old_names;
	activation      a;

	if (dbio_scanf("%d %d %d %d%c",
		       &dummy, &first_lineno, &st, &id, &c) != 5
	    || c != '\n') {
	    errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad numbers, count = %d.\n", count);
            return 0;
	start_time = st;
	if (!read_activ_as_pi(&a)) {
            errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad activation, count = %d.\n", count);
            return 0;
        if (!read_rt_env(&old_names, &old_rt_env, &old_size)) {
            errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad env, count = %d.\n", count);
            return 0;
        if (!(program = dbio_read_program(dbio_input_version,
					  0, (void *) "forked task"))) {
            errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad program, count = %d.\n", count);
            return 0;
	rt_env = reorder_rt_env(old_rt_env, old_names, old_size, program);
	program->first_lineno = first_lineno;
	enqueue_ft(program, a, rt_env, MAIN_VECTOR, start_time, id);

    suspended_task_header = dbio_scanf("%d suspended tasks\n",
    if (suspended_task_header == EOF)
	return 1; /* old version */

    if (suspended_task_header != 1) {
	errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad suspended task count.\n");
	return 0;

    for (; suspended_count > 0; suspended_count--) {
	task   *t = (task *) mymalloc(sizeof(task), M_TASK);
	int	task_id, start_time;
	char	c;

	t->kind = TASK_SUSPENDED;
	if (dbio_scanf("%d %d%c", &start_time, &task_id, &c) != 3) {
	    errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad suspended task header, count = %d\n",
	    return 0;
	t->t.suspended.start_time = start_time;
	if (c == ' ')
	    t->t.suspended.value = dbio_read_var();
	else if (c == '\n')
	    t->t.suspended.value = zero;
	else {
	    errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad suspended task value, count = %d\n",
	    return 0;

	if (!(t->t.suspended.the_vm = read_vm(task_id))) {
	    errlog("READ_TASK_QUEUE: Bad suspended task vm, count = %d\n",
	    return 0;

    return 1;

find_verb_for_programming(Objid player, const char *verbref,
			  const char **message, const char **vname)
    char	       *copy = str_dup(verbref);
    char	       *colon = strchr(copy, ':');
    char	       *obj;
    Objid		oid;
    db_verb_handle	h;
    static Stream      *str = 0;
    Var			desc;

    if (!str)
	str = new_stream(100);

    h.ptr = 0;

    if (!colon  ||  colon[1] == '\0') {
	*message = "You must specify a verb; use the format object:verb.";
	return h;
    *colon = '\0';
    obj = copy;
    *vname = verbref + (colon - copy) + 1;

    if (obj[0] == '$')
	oid = get_system_object(obj + 1);
	oid = match_object(player, obj);

    if (!valid(oid)) {
	switch (oid) {
	    stream_printf(str, "I don't see \"%s\" here.", obj);
	  case AMBIGUOUS:
	    stream_printf(str, "I don't know which \"%s\" you mean.", obj);
	    stream_printf(str, "\"%s\" is not a valid object.", obj);
	*message = reset_stream(str);
	return h;

    desc.type = TYPE_STR;
    desc.v.str = *vname;
    h = find_described_verb(oid, desc);

    if (!h.ptr)
	*message = "That object does not have that verb definition.";
    else if (!db_verb_allows(h, player, VF_WRITE)
	     || (server_flag_option("protect_set_verb_code")
		 && !is_wizard(player))) {
	*message = "Permission denied.";
	h.ptr = 0;
    } else {
	stream_printf(str, "Now programming %s:%s.  Use \".\" to end.",
		      db_object_name(oid), db_verb_names(h));
	*message = reset_stream(str);

    return h;

static package
bf_queue_info(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
    int		nargs = arglist.v.list[0].v.num;
    Var		res;

    if (nargs == 0) {
	int	count = 0;
	tqueue *tq;

	for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)

	res = new_list(count);
	for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	    res.v.list[count].type = TYPE_OBJ;
	    res.v.list[count].v.obj = tq->player;
	for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	    res.v.list[count].type = TYPE_OBJ;
	    res.v.list[count].v.obj = tq->player;
    } else {
	Objid	who = arglist.v.list[1].v.obj;
	tqueue *tq = find_tqueue(who, 0);

	res.type = TYPE_INT;
	res.v.num = (tq ? tq->num_bg_tasks : 0);

    return make_var_pack(res);

static package
bf_task_id(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr) 
    Var r;
    r.type = TYPE_INT;
    r.v.num = current_task_id;
    return make_var_pack(r);

static Var
list_for_forked_task(forked_task ft) 
    Var		list;

    list = new_list(9);
    list.v.list[1].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[1].v.num = ft.id;
    list.v.list[2].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[2].v.num = ft.start_time;
    list.v.list[3].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[3].v.num = 0;		/* OBSOLETE: was clock ID */
    list.v.list[4].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[4].v.num = DEFAULT_BG_TICKS;	/* OBSOLETE: was clock ticks */
    list.v.list[5].type = TYPE_OBJ;
    list.v.list[5].v.obj = ft.a.progr;
    list.v.list[6].type = TYPE_OBJ;
    list.v.list[6].v.obj = ft.a.vloc;
    list.v.list[7].type = TYPE_STR;
    list.v.list[7].v.str = str_ref(ft.a.verbname);
    list.v.list[8].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[8].v.num = find_line_number(ft.program, ft.f_index, 0);
    list.v.list[9].type = TYPE_OBJ;	
    list.v.list[9].v.obj = ft.a.this;

    return list;

static Var
list_for_vm(vm the_vm)
    Var		list;

    list = new_list(9);

    list.v.list[1].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[1].v.num = the_vm->task_id;

    list.v.list[3].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[3].v.num = 0;			/* OBSOLETE: was clock ID */
    list.v.list[4].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[4].v.num = DEFAULT_BG_TICKS;	/* OBSOLETE: was clock ticks */
    list.v.list[5].type = TYPE_OBJ;
    list.v.list[5].v.obj = progr_of_cur_verb(the_vm);
    list.v.list[6].type = TYPE_OBJ;
    list.v.list[6].v.obj = top_activ(the_vm).vloc;
    list.v.list[7].type = TYPE_STR;
    list.v.list[7].v.str = str_ref(top_activ(the_vm).verbname);
    list.v.list[8].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[8].v.num = suspended_lineno_of_vm(the_vm);
    list.v.list[9].type = TYPE_OBJ;	
    list.v.list[9].v.obj = top_activ(the_vm).this;

    return list;

static Var
list_for_suspended_task(suspended_task st)
    Var		list;

    list = list_for_vm(st.the_vm);
    list.v.list[2].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[2].v.num = st.start_time;

    return list;

static Var
list_for_reading_task(Objid player, vm the_vm)
    Var		list;

    list = list_for_vm(the_vm);
    list.v.list[2].type = TYPE_INT;
    list.v.list[2].v.num = -1;		/* conventional value */

    list.v.list[5].v.obj = player;

    return list;

struct qcl_data {
    Objid	progr;
    int		show_all;
    int		i;
    Var		tasks;

static task_enum_action
counting_closure(vm the_vm, const char *status, void *data)
    struct qcl_data *qdata = data;

    if (qdata->show_all || qdata->progr == progr_of_cur_verb(the_vm))

    return TEA_CONTINUE;

static task_enum_action
listing_closure(vm the_vm, const char *status, void *data)
    struct qcl_data    *qdata = data;
    Var			list;

    if (qdata->show_all || qdata->progr == progr_of_cur_verb(the_vm)) {
	list = list_for_vm(the_vm);
	list.v.list[2].type = TYPE_STR;
	list.v.list[2].v.str = str_dup(status);
	qdata->tasks.v.list[qdata->i++] = list;

    return TEA_CONTINUE;

static package
bf_queued_tasks(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
    Var			tasks;
    int			show_all = is_wizard(progr);
    tqueue     	       *tq;
    task       	       *t;
    int			i, count = 0;
    ext_queue  	       *eq;
    struct qcl_data	qdata;

    for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	if (tq->reading && (show_all  ||  tq->player == progr))

    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	if (tq->reading && (show_all  ||  tq->player == progr))

	for (t = tq->first_bg; t; t = t->next)
	    if (show_all
		|| (t->kind == TASK_FORKED
		    ? t->t.forked.a.progr == progr
		    : progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm) == progr))

    for (t = waiting_tasks; t; t = t->next) 
	if (show_all
	    || (t->kind == TASK_FORKED
		? t->t.forked.a.progr == progr
		: progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm) == progr))

    qdata.progr = progr;
    qdata.show_all = show_all;
    qdata.i = count;
    for (eq = external_queues; eq; eq = eq->next)
	(*eq->enumerator)(counting_closure, &qdata);
    count = qdata.i;
    tasks = new_list(count);
    i = 1;

    for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	if (tq->reading && (show_all  ||  tq->player == progr))
	    tasks.v.list[i++] = list_for_reading_task(tq->player,

    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	if (tq->reading && (show_all  ||  tq->player == progr))
	    tasks.v.list[i++] = list_for_reading_task(tq->player,

	for (t = tq->first_bg; t; t = t->next)
	    if (t->kind == TASK_FORKED  &&  (show_all
					     || t->t.forked.a.progr == progr))
		tasks.v.list[i++] = list_for_forked_task(t->t.forked);
	    else if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED
		     && (show_all
			 || progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm) == progr))
		tasks.v.list[i++] = list_for_suspended_task(t->t.suspended);

    for (t = waiting_tasks; t; t = t->next) {
	if (t->kind == TASK_FORKED  &&  (show_all  ||
					 t->t.forked.a.progr == progr))
	    tasks.v.list[i++] = list_for_forked_task(t->t.forked);
	else if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED
		 && (progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm) == progr
		     ||  show_all))
	    tasks.v.list[i++] = list_for_suspended_task(t->t.suspended);

    qdata.tasks = tasks;
    qdata.i = i;
    for (eq = external_queues; eq; eq = eq->next)
	(*eq->enumerator)(listing_closure, &qdata);

    return make_var_pack(tasks);

struct fcl_data {
    int	id;
    vm	the_vm;

static task_enum_action
finding_closure(vm the_vm, const char *status, void *data)
    struct fcl_data    *fdata = data;

    if (the_vm->task_id == fdata->id) {
	fdata->the_vm = the_vm;
	return TEA_STOP;

    return TEA_CONTINUE;

find_suspended_task(int id)
    tqueue     	       *tq;
    task       	       *t;
    ext_queue  	       *eq;
    struct fcl_data	fdata;

    for (t = waiting_tasks; t; t = t->next)
	if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED &&  t->t.suspended.the_vm->task_id == id)
	    return t->t.suspended.the_vm;

    for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next)
	if (tq->reading && tq->reading_vm->task_id == id)
	    return tq->reading_vm;
    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	if (tq->reading && tq->reading_vm->task_id == id)
	    return tq->reading_vm;
	for (t = tq->first_bg; t; t = t->next)
	    if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED
		&& t->t.suspended.the_vm->task_id == id)
		return t->t.suspended.the_vm;

    fdata.id = id;

    for (eq = external_queues; eq; eq = eq->next)
	switch ((*eq->enumerator)(finding_closure, &fdata)) {
	    /* Do nothing; continue searching other queues */
	  case TEA_KILL:
	    panic("Can't happen in FIND_SUSPENDED_TASK!");
	  case TEA_STOP:
	    return fdata.the_vm;

    return 0;

struct kcl_data {
    int		id;
    Objid	owner;

static task_enum_action
killing_closure(vm the_vm, const char *status, void *data)
    struct kcl_data    *kdata = data;

    if (the_vm->task_id == kdata->id)
	if (is_wizard(kdata->owner)
	    || progr_of_cur_verb(the_vm) == kdata->owner) {
	    free_vm(the_vm, 1);
	    return TEA_KILL;
	} else
	    return TEA_STOP;

    return TEA_CONTINUE;

static enum error
kill_task(int id, Objid owner)
    task      **tt;
    tqueue     *tq;

    if (id == current_task_id) {
	return E_NONE;

    for (tt = &waiting_tasks; *tt; tt = &((*tt)->next)) {
	task   *t = *tt;
	Objid	progr;
	if (t->kind == TASK_FORKED  &&  t->t.forked.id == id)
	    progr = t->t.forked.a.progr;
	else if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED
		 &&  t->t.suspended.the_vm->task_id == id)
	    progr = progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm);

	if (!is_wizard(owner)  &&  owner != progr)
	    return E_PERM;
	tq = find_tqueue(progr, 0);
	if (tq)
	*tt = t->next;
	free_task(t, 1);
	return E_NONE;

    for (tq = idle_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	if (tq->reading && tq->reading_vm->task_id == id) {
	    if (!is_wizard(owner) && owner != tq->player)
		return E_PERM;
	    free_vm(tq->reading_vm, 1);
	    tq->reading = 0;
	    return E_NONE;
    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {

	if (tq->reading && tq->reading_vm->task_id == id) {
	    if (!is_wizard(owner) && owner != tq->player)
		return E_PERM;
	    free_vm(tq->reading_vm, 1);
	    tq->reading = 0;
	    return E_NONE;
	for (tt = &(tq->first_bg); *tt; tt = &((*tt)->next)) {
	    task   *t = *tt;
	    if ((t->kind == TASK_FORKED  &&  t->t.forked.id == id)
		|| (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED
		    &&  t->t.suspended.the_vm->task_id == id)) {
		if (!is_wizard(owner)  &&  owner != tq->player)
		    return E_PERM;
		*tt = t->next;
		if (t->next == 0)
		    tq->last_bg = tt;
		free_task(t, 1);
		return E_NONE;

	struct kcl_data	kdata;
	ext_queue      *eq;

	kdata.id = id;
	kdata.owner = owner;
	for (eq = external_queues; eq; eq = eq->next)
	    switch ((*eq->enumerator)(killing_closure, &kdata)) {
	      case TEA_CONTINUE:
		/* Do nothing; continue searching other queues */
	      case TEA_KILL:
		return E_NONE;
	      case TEA_STOP:
		return E_PERM;

    return E_INVARG;

static package
bf_kill_task(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
    enum error	e = kill_task(arglist.v.list[1].v.num, progr);

    if (e != E_NONE)
	return make_error_pack(e);
    return no_var_pack();

static enum error
do_resume(int id, Var value, Objid progr)
    task      **tt;
    tqueue     *tq;

    for (tt = &waiting_tasks; *tt; tt = &((*tt)->next)) {
	task   *t = *tt;
	Objid	owner;
	if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED && t->t.suspended.the_vm->task_id == id)
	    owner = progr_of_cur_verb(t->t.suspended.the_vm);

	if (!is_wizard(progr)  &&  progr != owner)
	    return E_PERM;
	t->t.suspended.start_time = time(0); /* runnable now */
	t->t.suspended.value = value;
	tq = find_tqueue(owner, 1);
	*tt = t->next;
	enqueue_bg_task(tq, t);
	return E_NONE;

    for (tq = active_tqueues; tq; tq = tq->next) {
	for (tt = &(tq->first_bg); *tt; tt = &((*tt)->next)) {
	    task   *t = *tt;
	    if (t->kind == TASK_SUSPENDED
		&&  t->t.suspended.the_vm->task_id == id) {
		if (!is_wizard(progr)  &&  progr != tq->player)
		    return E_PERM;
		/* already resumed, but we have a new value for it */
		t->t.suspended.value = value;
		return E_NONE;

    return E_INVARG;

static package
bf_resume(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
    int		nargs = arglist.v.list[0].v.num;
    Var		value;
    enum error	e;

    value = (nargs >= 2 ? var_ref(arglist.v.list[2]) : zero);
    e = do_resume(arglist.v.list[1].v.num, value, progr);
    if (e != E_NONE) {
	return make_error_pack(e);
    return no_var_pack();

static package
bf_output_delimiters(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
    Var r;
    Objid player = arglist.v.list[1].v.obj;
    if (!is_wizard(progr) && progr != player) 
	return make_error_pack(E_PERM);
    else {
	const char *prefix, *suffix;
	tqueue     *tq = find_tqueue(player, 0);

	if (!tq || !tq->connected)
	    return make_error_pack(E_INVARG);

	if (tq->output_prefix)
	    prefix = tq->output_prefix;
	    prefix = "";

	if (tq->output_suffix)
	    suffix = tq->output_suffix;
	    suffix = "";

	r = new_list(2);
	r.v.list[1].type = r.v.list[2].type = TYPE_STR;
	r.v.list[1].v.str = str_dup(prefix);
	r.v.list[2].v.str = str_dup(suffix);
    return make_var_pack(r);

static package
bf_force_input(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
{ /* (conn, string [, at_front]) */
    Objid	conn = arglist.v.list[1].v.obj;
    const char *line = arglist.v.list[2].v.str;
    int		at_front = (arglist.v.list[0].v.num > 2
			    && is_true(arglist.v.list[3]));
    tqueue     *tq;

    if (!is_wizard(progr) && progr != conn) {
	return make_error_pack(E_PERM);

    tq = find_tqueue(conn, 1);
    enqueue_input_task(tq, line, at_front);
    return no_var_pack();

static package
bf_flush_input(Var arglist, Byte next, void *vdata, Objid progr)
{ /* (conn [, show_messages]) */
    Objid	conn = arglist.v.list[1].v.obj;
    int		show_messages = (arglist.v.list[0].v.num > 1
				 && is_true(arglist.v.list[2]));
    tqueue     *tq;

    if (!is_wizard(progr) && progr != conn) {
	return make_error_pack(E_PERM);

    tq = find_tqueue(conn, 1);
    flush_input(tq, show_messages);
    return no_var_pack();

    register_function("task_id", 0, 0, bf_task_id);
    register_function("queued_tasks", 0, 0, bf_queued_tasks);
    register_function("kill_task", 1, 1, bf_kill_task, TYPE_INT);
    register_function("output_delimiters", 1, 1, bf_output_delimiters,
    register_function("queue_info", 0, 1, bf_queue_info, TYPE_OBJ);
    register_function("resume", 1, 2, bf_resume, TYPE_INT, TYPE_ANY);
    register_function("force_input", 2, 3, bf_force_input,
    register_function("flush_input", 1, 2, bf_flush_input, TYPE_OBJ, TYPE_ANY);

char rcsid_tasks[] = "$Id: tasks.c,v 2.8 1996/04/08 01:03:04 pavel Exp $";

/* $Log: tasks.c,v $
 * Revision 2.8  1996/04/08  01:03:04  pavel
 * Fixed panic when input was processed for an invalid positive object.
 * Fixed panic when input would `log in' an unconnected negative object.
 * Added `flush_input()' built-in.  Release 1.8.0p3.
 * Revision 2.7  1996/03/19  07:08:10  pavel
 * Added run_server_program_task() for use from emergency mode.
 * Release 1.8.0p2.
 * Revision 2.6  1996/03/10  01:14:46  pavel
 * Added support for `connection_option()'.  Release 1.8.0.
 * Revision 2.5  1996/02/08  06:48:21  pavel
 * Added support for flushing unread input and new force_input() function.
 * Replaced set_input_task_holding() with support for tasks-module connection
 * options.  Fixed bug in resuming tasks with a new value.  Renamed err/logf()
 * to errlog/oklog() and TYPE_NUM to TYPE_INT.  Updated copyright notice for
 * 1996.  Release 1.8.0beta1.
 * Revision 2.4  1996/01/11  07:29:57  pavel
 * Made task_id() the same in $do_command() and subsequent built-in command
 * parser task.  Removed squelching of commands from disconnected users.
 * Release 1.8.0alpha5.
 * Revision 2.3  1995/12/31  03:21:16  pavel
 * Added support for multiple listening points.  Release 1.8.0alpha4.
 * Revision 2.2  1995/12/28  00:56:38  pavel
 * Changed use of INT_MAX to INT32_MAX.  Added null support for
 * MOO-compilation warnings during `.program'.  Updated verb-lookup in
 * `.program' to allow for suppression of old numeric-string support.  Fixed
 * memory leaks in forked-task verb names loaded from disk.  Added location
 * information for MOO-compilation errors and warnings during DB load of
 * queued tasks.  Removed extra, interfering handling for reading
 * suspended-task resumption values from the DB file.  Release 1.8.0alpha3.
 * Revision 2.1  1995/12/11  07:47:07  pavel
 * Added OUTPUTPREFIX and OUTPUTSUFFIX as synonyms for the built-in PREFIX and
 * SUFFIX commands.  Removed another foolish use of `unsigned'.  Added support
 * for suspending forever.  Accounted for verb programs never being NULL any
 * more.  Fixed support for saving and restoring the resumption value of a
 * suspended task.  Added `find_suspended_task()' for use by `task_stack()'.
 * Added `resume()' built-in function.
 * Release 1.8.0alpha2.
 * Revision 2.0  1995/11/30  04:32:10  pavel
 * New baseline version, corresponding to release 1.8.0alpha1.
 * Revision 1.16  1992/10/27  06:23:03  pavel
 * Fixed bugs whereby kill_task() and queued_tasks() would miss reading tasks
 * for which no input was currently available (i.e., in members of
 * empty_tqueues).
 * Revision 1.15  1992/10/23  23:03:47  pavel
 * Added copyright notice.
 * Revision 1.14  1992/10/23  22:22:38  pavel
 * Eliminated all uses of the useless macro NULL.
 * Revision 1.13  1992/10/21  03:02:35  pavel
 * Converted to use new automatic configuration system.
 * Revision 1.12  1992/10/17  20:54:19  pavel
 * Global rename of strdup->str_dup, strref->str_ref, vardup->var_dup, and
 * varref->var_ref.
 * Revision 1.11  1992/09/14  17:40:22  pjames
 * Moved db_modification code to db modules.
 * Revision 1.10  1992/09/08  21:57:11  pjames
 * Inserted all procedures from bf_task.c
 * Revision 1.9  1992/09/02  18:39:49  pavel
 * Fixed bug whereby read()ing tasks are never resumed if the connection being
 * read is dropped while they're waiting for new input.
 * Revision 1.8  1992/08/31  22:24:03  pjames
 * Changed some `char *'s to `const char *'
 * Revision 1.7  1992/08/28  16:06:01  pjames
 * Changed myfree(*, M_STRING) to free_str(*).
 * Changed some strref's to strdup.
 * Revision 1.6  1992/08/21  00:39:11  pavel
 * Renamed include file "parse_command.h" to "parse_cmd.h".
 * Added output to player on each use of `.program' declaring that command to
 * be obsolete.
 * Added check for `out of band' commands, which bypass both normal command
 * parsing and any read()ing task to become server tasks invoking
 * #0:do_out_of_band_command(@word-list), for use by fancy clients to
 * communicate with the server despite the player's current state.
 * Revision 1.5  1992/08/12  01:51:16  pjames
 * Copied verb and verbname when creating a forked_task.
 * Revision 1.4  1992/08/10  16:50:03  pjames
 * Updated #includes.  Changed forked_task data structure to hold an
 * activation instead of a Parse_Info, and all manipulation of
 * forked_task.pi now uses correct fields from forked_task.a;
 * Revision 1.3  1992/07/27  18:24:33  pjames
 * Change ct_env_size to num_var_names.
 * Revision 1.2  1992/07/21  00:07:17  pavel
 * Added rcsid_<filename-root> declaration to hold the RCS ident. string.
 * Revision 1.1  1992/07/20  23:23:12  pavel
 * Initial RCS-controlled version.