/* mlkesl@stthomas.edu	=====>	Ascii Automapper utility		*/
/* Let me know if you use this. Give a newbie some credit,		*/
/* at least I'm not asking how to add classes...			*/
/* Also, if you fix something could ya send me mail about, thanks	*/
/* PLEASE mail me if you use this ot like it, that way I will keep it up*/
/* MapArea -> 	when given a room, ch, x, and y,...			*/
/*	   	this function will fill in values of map as it should 	*/
/* ShowMap -> 	will simply spit out the contents of map array		*/
/*		Would look much nicer if you built your own areas	*/
/*		without all of the overlapping stock Rom has		*/
/* do_map  ->	core function, takes map size as argument		*/
/* To install:: 							*/
/*	remove all occurances of "u1." (or union your exits)		*/
/*	add do_map prototypes to interp.c and merc.h (or interp.h)	*/
/*	customize the first switch with your own sectors		*/
/*	remove the color codes or change to suit your own color coding	*/
/* Other stuff::							*/
/*	make a skill, call from do_move (only if ch is not in city etc) */
/*	allow players to actually make ITEM_MAP objects			*/
/* 	change your areas to make them more suited to map code! :)	*/
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include "merc.h"

#define MAX_MAP 72
#define MAX_MAP_DIR 4

char *map[MAX_MAP][MAX_MAP];
int offsets[4][2] ={ {-1, 0},{ 0, 1},{ 1, 0},{ 0,-1} };

void MapArea 
(ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, CHAR_DATA *ch, int x, int y, int min, int max)
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *prospect_room;
EXIT_DATA *pexit;
int door;

/* marks the room as visited */
switch (room->sector_type)
case SECT_INSIDE:	map[x][y]="{W%";		break;
case SECT_CITY:		map[x][y]="{W#";		break;
case SECT_FIELD:	map[x][y]="{G\"";		break;
case SECT_FOREST:	map[x][y]="{g@";		break;
case SECT_HILLS:	map[x][y]="{G^";		break;
case SECT_MOUNTAIN:	map[x][y]="{y^";		break;
case SECT_WATER_SWIM:	map[x][y]="{B~";		break;
case SECT_WATER_NOSWIM:	map[x][y]="{b~";		break;
case SECT_UNUSED:	map[x][y]="{DX";		break;
case SECT_AIR:		map[x][y]="{C:";		break;
case SECT_DESERT:	map[x][y]="{Y=";		break;
case SECT_ROAD:		map[x][y]="{m+";		break;
default: 		map[x][y]="{yo";

    for ( door = 0; door < MAX_MAP_DIR; door++ ) 
	if (
             (pexit = room->exit[door]) != NULL
	     &&   pexit->u1.to_room != NULL 
	     &&   can_see_room(ch,pexit->u1.to_room)  /* optional */
	     &&   !IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)
        { /* if exit there */

	prospect_room = pexit->u1.to_room;

        if ( prospect_room->exit[rev_dir[door]] &&
		{ /* if not two way */
		if ((prospect_room->sector_type==SECT_CITY)
		||  (prospect_room->sector_type==SECT_INSIDE))
		} /* end two way */

        if ((x<=min)||(y<=min)||(x>=max)||(y>=max)) return;
        if (map[x+offsets[door][0]][y+offsets[door][1]]==NULL) {
                MapArea (pexit->u1.to_room,ch,
                    x+offsets[door][0], y+offsets[door][1],min,max);

	} /* end if exit there */

void ShowMap( CHAR_DATA *ch, int min, int max)
int x,y;

    for (x = min; x < max; ++x) 
         for (y = min; y < max; ++y)
	   if (map[x][y]==NULL) send_to_char(" ",ch);		
	   else 		send_to_char(map[x][y],ch); 	


void do_map( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
int size,center,x,y,min,max;
char arg1[10];

   one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   size = atoi (arg1);


min = MAX_MAP/2-size/2;
max = MAX_MAP/2+size/2;

for (x = 0; x < MAX_MAP; ++x)
        for (y = 0; y < MAX_MAP; ++y)

/* starts the mapping with the center room */
MapArea(ch->in_room, ch, center, center, min, max); 

/* marks the center, where ch is */
ShowMap (ch, min, max); 
