This is SMUG (TinyMUD 2.4) updated for modern systems.  

This release was compiled and tested on the following platforms:

* Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 
  CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.19s(0.136/4/2) using gcc 3.3.3 (cygming special)
  Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 (free compiler release)
  Borland C++ 5.3 for Win32 (Builder v3.0)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v7.1 (Visual C++ Toolkit 2003)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v6.0

* Microsoft Windows 98 SE 
  CYGWIN_98-4.10 1.5.12(0.116/4/2) using gcc 3.3.3 (cygwin special)

* Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot) Kernel 2.2.14-5.0 on an i486 with 
  gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

* FreeBSD 5.3-BETA4 
  gcc version 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728

* Gentoo Linux 2.6.10-gentoo-r6
  gcc version 3.3.5 (Gentoo Linux 3.3.5-r1, ssp-3.3.5-1, pie-

* Debian Linux 2.6.8-1-38  
  gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5=5)

* SuSE Linux 2.6.4-52-default
  gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)


Required software:
 You need yacc and m4 to compile these sources.  Linux, BSD and Cygwin have
 packages available.  For the native windows environment I used the 
    Yacc - see
    M4   - see



  * For Linux and Cygwin - type 'make'.   

  * For FreeBSD - type 'gmake'.
  * For Windows using Borland - ensure the Borland compiler bin directory 
    is in your path, then type 'make -f makefile.bor'.
    - All executables will be linked with the RTL and without debugging 
      To link a static executable  - use 'make -f makefile.bor -DSTATIC'
      To include debugging symbols - use 'make -f makefile.bor -DDEBUG'
      Or for both                  - use 'make -f makefile.bor -DDEBUG -DSTATIC'

  * For Windows using Microsoft Visual C - ensure your Visual C bin 
    directory is in your path and your INCLUDE and LIBS environment 
    variables are setup correctly.
    - With Visual C++ 6.0 you may need to run the vcvars32.bat file.
    - With Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and Platform SDK you may need to use 
      both the setenv.cmd and vsvars32.bat
    Then type 'nmake -f'
    - To link with debugging information use 'nmake -f DEBUG=1'

Post Installation

  Read the language.pdf or language.tex file, language.txt, caveats.txt,
  reserved.txt, and TODO files for more information on programming the 

  The initial test.db is assembled with the or load.cmd scripts 
  from the following files:
    init.db loadup.txt tiny.m4

  Start the mud up with:
    ./netmud [database] [dumpfile] [port]
  Example - ./netmud test.db test.dump 2000
  When logging in one must specify the name and password on the same line.
  There are two users already defined, "Fred" and "George", with the 
  password "foo". 
  Example -
   TinyMud Login:
   Fred foo

This code and my changes are released under the original conditions of the
SMUG/TinyMUD license which are found in the file COPYING.


Jon Lambert - aka Tyche