Merc Release 2.1
Sunday 01 August 1993

Furey	mec@shell.portal.com
Hatchet	hatchet@uclink.berkeley.edu
Kahn	michael@uclink.berkeley.edu

=== Merc-Based Sites

The following muds are based on Merc code.  The implementors of these muds
add their own changes and features, so don't expect all these muds to look
alike.  Most of them look VERY different!

To the imps who run these muds ... thanks for sharing your computers with
us all!

If you would like to be added to (or removed from) to this list, just e-mail
Furey, Hatchet, or Kahn.

Merc 1:
	Hidden Worlds	    cns.cscns.com		4000
	The Land	    nora.gih.no			4000
	Medievia	    bigboy.cis.temple.edu	4000
	Mud Lite	    haas.berkeley.edu		4000
	Mystic Realms	    dikumud.sju.edu		4000
	Realms of Wind	    ccsun44.csie.nctu.edu.tw	4000
	Rivers of Mud 	    cie-2.uoregon.edu		9000

Merc 2:
	Cataclysm	    wagner.musicnet.ua.edu.     4000
	Fourth Realm	    marble.bu.edu		4000
	Legend of Winds	    ccsun44.csie.nctu.edu.tw	4040
	Rivers of Mud 2	    cie-2.uoregon.edu		4000
	Wisney World	    levant.cs.ohiou.edu		5000