 *  File: bit.c                                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *
 *                                                                         *
 *  This code was written by Jason Dinkel and inspired by Russ Taylor,     *
 *  and has been used here for OLC - OLC would not be what it is without   *
 *  all the previous coders who released their source code.                *
 *                                                                         *
 The code below uses a table lookup system that is based on suggestions
 from Russ Taylor.  There are many routines in handler.c that would benefit
 with the use of tables.  You may consider simplifying your code base by
 implementing a system like below with such functions. -Jason Dinkel

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "merc.h"

struct flag_stat_type
    const struct flag_type *structure;
    bool stat;

 Name:          flag_stat_table
 Purpose:       This table catagorizes the tables following the lookup
		functions below into stats and flags.  Flags can be toggled
		but stats can only be assigned.  Update this table when a
		new set of flags is installed.
const struct flag_stat_type flag_stat_table[] =
/*  {   structure               stat    }, */
    {   area_flags,             FALSE   },
    {   sex_flags,              TRUE    },
    {   exit_flags,             FALSE   },
    {   door_resets,            TRUE    },
    {   room_flags,             FALSE   },
    {   sector_flags,           TRUE    },
    {   type_flags,             TRUE    },
    {   extra_flags,            FALSE   },
    {   wear_flags,             FALSE   },
    {   act_flags,              FALSE   },
    {   affect_flags,           FALSE   },
    {   apply_flags,            TRUE    },
    {   wear_loc_flags,         TRUE    },
    {   wear_loc_strings,       TRUE    },
    {   weapon_flags,           TRUE    },
    {   container_flags,        FALSE   },
    {   liquid_flags,           TRUE    },
    {   mprog_type_flags,   	TRUE	},    
    {   clan_flags,		        FALSE   },
    {   clan_join_flags, 	    FALSE   },   

/* ROM specific flags: */

     {   material_type,          TRUE    },
     {   form_flags,             FALSE   },
     {   part_flags,             FALSE   },
     {   ac_type,                TRUE    },
     {   size_flags,             TRUE    },
     {   position_flags,         TRUE    },
     {   off_flags,              FALSE   },
     {   imm_flags,              FALSE   },
     {   res_flags,              FALSE   },
     {   vuln_flags,             FALSE   },
     {   weapon_class,           TRUE    },
     {   weapon_type,            FALSE   },
     {   rnd_obj_flags,		     FALSE   },
     {   0,                     0        }

 Name:          is_stat( table )
 Purpose:       Returns TRUE if the table is a stat table and FALSE if flag.
 Called by:     flag_value and flag_string.
 Note:          This function is local and used only in bit.c.
bool is_stat( const struct flag_type *flag_table )
    int flag;

    for (flag = 0; flag_stat_table[flag].structure; flag++)
	if ( flag_stat_table[flag].structure == flag_table
	  && flag_stat_table[flag].stat )
	    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * This function is Russ Taylor's creation.  Thanks Russ!
 * All code copyright (C) Russ Taylor, permission to use and/or distribute
 * has NOT been granted.  Use only in this OLC package has been granted.
 Name:          flag_lookup( flag, table )
 Purpose:       Returns the value of a single, settable flag from the table.
 Called by:     flag_value and flag_string.
 Note:          This function is local and used only in bit.c.
int flag_lookup (const char *name, const struct flag_type *flag_table)
    int flag;
    for (flag = 0; flag_table[flag].name[0] != '\0'; flag++)
	if ( !str_cmp( name, flag_table[flag].name )
	  && flag_table[flag].settable )
	    return flag_table[flag].bit;
    return NO_FLAG;

 Name:          flag_value( table, flag )
 Purpose:       Returns the value of the flags entered.  Multi-flags accepted.
 Called by:     olc.c and olc_act.c.
int flag_value( const struct flag_type *flag_table, char *argument)
    char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    int  bit;
    int  marked = 0;
    bool found = FALSE;

    if ( is_stat( flag_table ) )
	one_argument( argument, word );

	if ( ( bit = flag_lookup( word, flag_table ) ) != NO_FLAG )
	    return bit;
	    return NO_FLAG;

     * Accept multiple flags.
    for (; ;)
	argument = one_argument( argument, word );

	if ( word[0] == '\0' )

	if ( ( bit = flag_lookup( word, flag_table ) ) != NO_FLAG )
	    SET_BIT( marked, bit );
	    found = TRUE;

    if ( found )
	return marked;
	return NO_FLAG;

 Name:          flag_string( table, flags/stat )
 Purpose:       Returns string with name(s) of the flags or stat entered.
 Called by:     act_olc.c, olc.c, and olc_save.c.
char *flag_string( const struct flag_type *flag_table, int bits )
    static char buf[512];
    int  flag;

    buf[0] = '\0';

    for (flag = 0; flag_table[flag].name[0] != '\0'; flag++)
	if ( !is_stat( flag_table ) && IS_SET(bits, flag_table[flag].bit) )
	    strcat( buf, " " );
	    strcat( buf, flag_table[flag].name );
	if ( flag_table[flag].bit == bits )
	    strcat( buf, " " );
	    strcat( buf, flag_table[flag].name );
    return (buf[0] != '\0') ? buf+1 : "none";

const struct flag_type area_flags[] =
    {   "none",                 AREA_NONE,              FALSE   },
    {   "changed",              AREA_CHANGED,           TRUE    },
    {   "added",                AREA_ADDED,             TRUE    },
    {   "loading",              AREA_LOADING,           FALSE   },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type sex_flags[] =
    {   "male",                 SEX_MALE,               TRUE    },
    {   "female",               SEX_FEMALE,             TRUE    },
    {   "neutral",              SEX_NEUTRAL,            TRUE    },
    {   "random",               3,                      TRUE    },   /* ROM */
    {   "none",                 SEX_NEUTRAL,            TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type exit_flags[] =
    {   "door",                 EX_ISDOOR,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed",               EX_CLOSED,              TRUE    },
    {   "locked",               EX_LOCKED,              TRUE    },
    {   "pickproof",            EX_PICKPROOF,           TRUE    },
    {   "passproof",            EX_PASSPROOF,           TRUE    },
    {   "hidden",               EX_HIDDEN,              TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type door_resets[] =
    {   "open and unlocked",                    0,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed and unlocked",                  1,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed and locked",                    2,              TRUE    },
    {   "close,lock,pass",                      3,              TRUE    },
    {   "close,lock,pass,pick",                 4,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed,hidden",                        5,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed,hidden,locked",                 6,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed,hidden,locked,pass",            7,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed,hidden,locked,pass,pick",       8,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed,hidden,locked,pick",            9,              TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,              0       }

const struct flag_type room_flags[] =
    {   "dark",                 ROOM_DARK,              TRUE    },
    {   "no_mob",               ROOM_NO_MOB,            TRUE    },
    {   "indoors",              ROOM_INDOORS,           TRUE    },
    {   "private",              ROOM_PRIVATE,           TRUE    },
    {   "safe",                 ROOM_SAFE,              TRUE    },
    {   "solitary",             ROOM_SOLITARY,          TRUE    },
    {   "pet_shop",             ROOM_PET_SHOP,          TRUE    },
    {   "no_recall",            ROOM_NO_RECALL,         TRUE    },
    {   "imp_only",             ROOM_IMP_ONLY,          TRUE    },
    {   "gods_only",            ROOM_GODS_ONLY,         TRUE    },
    {   "heroes_only",          ROOM_HEROES_ONLY,       TRUE    },
    {   "newbies_only",         ROOM_NEWBIES_ONLY,      TRUE    },
    {   "law",                  ROOM_LAW,               TRUE    },
    {   "no_teleport",          ROOM_NOTELEPORT,        TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type sector_flags[] =
    {   "inside",       SECT_INSIDE,            TRUE    },
    {   "city",         SECT_CITY,              TRUE    },
    {   "field",        SECT_FIELD,             TRUE    },
    {   "forest",       SECT_FOREST,            TRUE    },
    {   "hills",        SECT_HILLS,             TRUE    },
    {   "mountain",     SECT_MOUNTAIN,          TRUE    },
    {   "swim",         SECT_WATER_SWIM,        TRUE    },
    {   "noswim",       SECT_WATER_NOSWIM,      TRUE    },
    {   "air",          SECT_AIR,               TRUE    },
    {   "desert",       SECT_DESERT,            TRUE    },
    {   "",             0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type type_flags[] =
    {   "light",                ITEM_LIGHT,             TRUE    },
    {   "scroll",               ITEM_SCROLL,            TRUE    },
    {   "wand",                 ITEM_WAND,              TRUE    },
    {   "staff",                ITEM_STAFF,             TRUE    },
    {   "weapon",               ITEM_WEAPON,            TRUE    },
    {   "treasure",             ITEM_TREASURE,          TRUE    },
    {   "armor",                ITEM_ARMOR,             TRUE    },
    {   "potion",               ITEM_POTION,            TRUE    },
    {   "furniture",            ITEM_FURNITURE,         TRUE    },
    {   "trash",                ITEM_TRASH,             TRUE    },
    {   "container",            ITEM_CONTAINER,         TRUE    },
    {   "drink-container",      ITEM_DRINK_CON,         TRUE    },
    {   "key",                  ITEM_KEY,               TRUE    },
    {   "food",                 ITEM_FOOD,              TRUE    },
    {   "money",                ITEM_MONEY,             TRUE    },
    {   "boat",                 ITEM_BOAT,              TRUE    },
    {   "npc corpse",           ITEM_CORPSE_NPC,        TRUE    },
    {   "pc corpse",            ITEM_CORPSE_PC,         FALSE   },
    {   "fountain",             ITEM_FOUNTAIN,          TRUE    },
    {   "pill",                 ITEM_PILL,              TRUE    },
    {   "clothing",             ITEM_CLOTHING,          TRUE    },
    {   "protect",              ITEM_PROTECT,           TRUE    },
    {   "map",                  ITEM_MAP,               TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type extra_flags[] =
    {   "glow",                 ITEM_GLOW,              TRUE    },
    {   "hum",                  ITEM_HUM,               TRUE    },
    {   "dark",                 ITEM_DARK,              TRUE    },
    {   "lock",                 ITEM_LOCK,              TRUE    },
    {   "evil",                 ITEM_EVIL,              TRUE    },
    {   "invis",                ITEM_INVIS,             TRUE    },
    {   "magic",                ITEM_MAGIC,             TRUE    },
    {   "nodrop",               ITEM_NODROP,            TRUE    },
    {   "bless",                ITEM_BLESS,             TRUE    },
    {   "anti-good",            ITEM_ANTI_GOOD,         TRUE    },
    {   "anti-evil",            ITEM_ANTI_EVIL,         TRUE    },
    {   "anti-neutral",         ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL,      TRUE    },
    {   "noremove",             ITEM_NOREMOVE,          TRUE    },
    {   "inventory",            ITEM_INVENTORY,         TRUE    },
    {   "nopurge",              ITEM_NOPURGE,           TRUE    },
    {   "rot-death",            ITEM_ROT_DEATH,         TRUE    },
    {   "vis-death",            ITEM_VIS_DEATH,         TRUE    },
    {   "anti-cleric",          ITEM_ANTI_CLERIC,       TRUE    },
    {   "anti-thief",           ITEM_ANTI_THIEF,        TRUE    },
    {   "anti-warrior",         ITEM_ANTI_WARRIOR,      TRUE    },
    {   "anti-mage",            ITEM_ANTI_MAGE,         TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type wear_flags[] =
    {   "take",                 ITEM_TAKE,              TRUE    },
    {   "finger",               ITEM_WEAR_FINGER,       TRUE    },
    {   "neck",                 ITEM_WEAR_NECK,         TRUE    },
    {   "body",                 ITEM_WEAR_BODY,         TRUE    },
    {   "head",                 ITEM_WEAR_HEAD,         TRUE    },
    {   "legs",                 ITEM_WEAR_LEGS,         TRUE    },
    {   "feet",                 ITEM_WEAR_FEET,         TRUE    },
    {   "hands",                ITEM_WEAR_HANDS,        TRUE    },
    {   "arms",                 ITEM_WEAR_ARMS,         TRUE    },
    {   "shield",               ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD,       TRUE    },
    {   "about",                ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT,        TRUE    },
    {   "waist",                ITEM_WEAR_WAIST,        TRUE    },
    {   "wrist",                ITEM_WEAR_WRIST,        TRUE    },
    {   "wield",                ITEM_WIELD,             TRUE    },
    {   "hold",                 ITEM_HOLD,              TRUE    },
    {   "two-hands",            ITEM_TWO_HANDS,         TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type act_flags[] =
    {   "npc",                  ACT_IS_NPC,             FALSE   },
    {   "sentinel",             ACT_SENTINEL,           TRUE    },
    {   "scavenger",            ACT_SCAVENGER,          TRUE    },
    {   "aggressive",           ACT_AGGRESSIVE,         TRUE    },
    {   "stay-area",            ACT_STAY_AREA,          TRUE    },
    {   "wimpy",                ACT_WIMPY,              TRUE    },
    {   "pet",                  ACT_PET,                TRUE    },
    {   "train",                ACT_TRAIN,              TRUE    },
    {   "practice",             ACT_PRACTICE,           TRUE    },
    {   "undead",               ACT_UNDEAD,             TRUE    },
    {   "cleric",               ACT_CLERIC,             TRUE    },
    {   "mage",                 ACT_MAGE,               TRUE    },
    {   "thief",                ACT_THIEF,              TRUE    },
    {   "warrior",              ACT_WARRIOR,            TRUE    },
    {   "noalign",              ACT_NOALIGN,            TRUE    },
    {   "nopurge",              ACT_NOPURGE,            TRUE    },
    {   "healer",               ACT_IS_HEALER,          TRUE    },
    {   "gain",                 ACT_GAIN,               TRUE    },
    {   "update-always",        ACT_UPDATE_ALWAYS,      TRUE    },
    {   "no-kill",              ACT_NO_KILL,            TRUE    },
    {   "mob-invis",		ACT_MOBINVIS,		TRUE	},
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

const struct flag_type affect_flags[] =
    {   "blind",                AFF_BLIND,              TRUE    },
    {   "invisible",            AFF_INVISIBLE,          TRUE    },
    {   "detect-evil",          AFF_DETECT_EVIL,        TRUE    },
    {   "detect-invis",         AFF_DETECT_INVIS,       TRUE    },
    {   "detect-magic",         AFF_DETECT_MAGIC,       TRUE    },
    {   "detect-hidden",        AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN,      TRUE    },
    {   "hold",                 AFF_HOLD,               TRUE    },
    {   "sanctuary",            AFF_SANCTUARY,          TRUE    },
    {   "faerie-fire",          AFF_FAERIE_FIRE,        TRUE    },
    {   "infrared",             AFF_INFRARED,           TRUE    },
    {   "curse",                AFF_CURSE,              TRUE    },
    {   "flaming",              AFF_FLAMING,            FALSE   },
    {   "poison",               AFF_POISON,             TRUE    },
    {   "protect",              AFF_PROTECT,            TRUE    },
    {   "paralysis",            AFF_PARALYSIS,          FALSE   },
    {   "sneak",                AFF_SNEAK,              TRUE    },
    {   "hide",                 AFF_HIDE,               TRUE    },
    {   "sleep",                AFF_SLEEP,              TRUE    },
    {   "charm",                AFF_CHARM,              TRUE    },
    {   "flying",               AFF_FLYING,             TRUE    },
    {   "pass-door",            AFF_PASS_DOOR,          TRUE    },
    {   "haste",                AFF_HASTE,              TRUE    },  /* ROM: */
    {   "calm",                 AFF_CALM,               TRUE    },
    {   "plague",               AFF_PLAGUE,             TRUE    },
    {   "weaken",               AFF_WEAKEN,             TRUE    },
    {   "dark-vision",          AFF_DARK_VISION,        TRUE    },
    {   "berserk",              AFF_BERSERK,            TRUE    },
    {   "swim",                 AFF_SWIM,               TRUE    },
    {   "regeneration",         AFF_REGENERATION,       TRUE    },
    {   "web",                  AFF_WEB,                TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

 * Used when adding an affect to tell where it goes.
 * See addaffect and delaffect in act_olc.c
const struct flag_type apply_flags[] =
    {   "none",                 APPLY_NONE,             TRUE    },
    {   "strength",             APPLY_STR,              TRUE    },
    {   "dexterity",            APPLY_DEX,              TRUE    },
    {   "intelligence",         APPLY_INT,              TRUE    },
    {   "wisdom",               APPLY_WIS,              TRUE    },
    {   "constitution",         APPLY_CON,              TRUE    },
    {   "sex",                  APPLY_SEX,              TRUE    },
    {   "class",                APPLY_CLASS,            TRUE    },
    {   "level",                APPLY_LEVEL,            TRUE    },
    {   "age",                  APPLY_AGE,              TRUE    },
    {   "height",               APPLY_HEIGHT,           TRUE    },
    {   "weight",               APPLY_WEIGHT,           TRUE    },
    {   "mana",                 APPLY_MANA,             TRUE    },
    {   "hp",                   APPLY_HIT,              TRUE    },
    {   "move",                 APPLY_MOVE,             TRUE    },
    {   "gold",                 APPLY_GOLD,             TRUE    },
    {   "experience",           APPLY_EXP,              TRUE    },
    {   "ac",                   APPLY_AC,               TRUE    },
    {   "hitroll",              APPLY_HITROLL,          TRUE    },
    {   "damroll",              APPLY_DAMROLL,          TRUE    },
    {   "saving-para",          APPLY_SAVING_PARA,      TRUE    },
    {   "saving-rod",           APPLY_SAVING_ROD,       TRUE    },
    {   "saving-petri",         APPLY_SAVING_PETRI,     TRUE    },
    {   "saving-breath",        APPLY_SAVING_BREATH,    TRUE    },
    {   "saving-spell",         APPLY_SAVING_SPELL,     TRUE    },
    {   "alignment",            APPLY_ALIGN,            TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,                      0       }

 * What is seen.
const struct flag_type wear_loc_strings[] =
    {   "in the inventory",     WEAR_NONE,      TRUE    },
    {   "as a light",           WEAR_LIGHT,     TRUE    },
    {   "on the left finger",   WEAR_FINGER_L,  TRUE    },
    {   "on the right finger",  WEAR_FINGER_R,  TRUE    },
    {   "around the neck (1)",  WEAR_NECK_1,    TRUE    },
    {   "around the neck (2)",  WEAR_NECK_2,    TRUE    },
    {   "on the body",          WEAR_BODY,      TRUE    },
    {   "over the head",        WEAR_HEAD,      TRUE    },
    {   "on the legs",          WEAR_LEGS,      TRUE    },
    {   "on the feet",          WEAR_FEET,      TRUE    },
    {   "on the hands",         WEAR_HANDS,     TRUE    },
    {   "on the arms",          WEAR_ARMS,      TRUE    },
    {   "as a shield",          WEAR_SHIELD,    TRUE    },
    {   "about the shoulders",  WEAR_ABOUT,     TRUE    },
    {   "around the waist",     WEAR_WAIST,     TRUE    },
    {   "on the left wrist",    WEAR_WRIST_L,   TRUE    },
    {   "on the right wrist",   WEAR_WRIST_R,   TRUE    },
    {   "wielded",              WEAR_WIELD,     TRUE    },
    {   "held in the hands",    WEAR_HOLD,      TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0                       }

const struct flag_type wear_loc_flags[] =
    {   "none",         WEAR_NONE,      TRUE    },
    {   "light",        WEAR_LIGHT,     TRUE    },
    {   "lfinger",      WEAR_FINGER_L,  TRUE    },
    {   "rfinger",      WEAR_FINGER_R,  TRUE    },
    {   "neck1",        WEAR_NECK_1,    TRUE    },
    {   "neck2",        WEAR_NECK_2,    TRUE    },
    {   "body",         WEAR_BODY,      TRUE    },
    {   "head",         WEAR_HEAD,      TRUE    },
    {   "legs",         WEAR_LEGS,      TRUE    },
    {   "feet",         WEAR_FEET,      TRUE    },
    {   "hands",        WEAR_HANDS,     TRUE    },
    {   "arms",         WEAR_ARMS,      TRUE    },
    {   "shield",       WEAR_SHIELD,    TRUE    },
    {   "about",        WEAR_ABOUT,     TRUE    },
    {   "waist",        WEAR_WAIST,     TRUE    },
    {   "lwrist",       WEAR_WRIST_L,   TRUE    },
    {   "rwrist",       WEAR_WRIST_R,   TRUE    },
    {   "wielded",      WEAR_WIELD,     TRUE    },
    {   "hold",         WEAR_HOLD,      TRUE    },
    {   "",             0,              0       }

const struct flag_type weapon_flags[] =
    {   "hit",          0,      TRUE    },
    {   "slice",        1,      TRUE    },
    {   "stab",         2,      TRUE    },
    {   "slash",        3,      TRUE    },
    {   "whip",         4,      TRUE    },
    {   "claw",         5,      TRUE    },
    {   "blast",        6,      TRUE    },
    {   "pound",        7,      TRUE    },
    {   "crush",        8,      TRUE    },
    {   "grep",         9,      TRUE    },
    {   "bite",         10,     TRUE    },
    {   "pierce",       11,     TRUE    },
    {   "suction",      12,     TRUE    },
    {   "beating",      13,     TRUE    },  /* ROM */
    {   "digestion",    14,     TRUE    },
    {   "charge",       15,     TRUE    },
    {   "slap",         16,     TRUE    },
    {   "punch",        17,     TRUE    },
    {   "wrath",        18,     TRUE    },
    {   "magic",        19,     TRUE    },
    {   "divine-power", 20,     TRUE    },
    {   "cleave",       21,     TRUE    },
    {   "scratch",      22,     TRUE    },
    {   "peck-pierce",  23,     TRUE    },
    {   "peck-bash",    24,     TRUE    },
    {   "chop",         25,     TRUE    },
    {   "sting",        26,     TRUE    },
    {   "smash",        27,     TRUE    },
    {   "shocking-bite", 28,    TRUE    },
    {   "flaming-bite",  29,    TRUE    },
    {   "freezing-bite", 30,    TRUE    },
    {   "acidic-bite",  31,     TRUE    },
    {   "chomp",        32,     TRUE    },
    {   "",             0,      TRUE    }

const struct flag_type container_flags[] =
    {   "closeable",            1,              TRUE    },
    {   "pickproof",            2,              TRUE    },
    {   "closed",               4,              TRUE    },
    {   "locked",               8,              TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,              0       }

const struct flag_type liquid_flags[] =
    {   "water",                0,      TRUE    },
    {   "beer",                 1,      TRUE    },
    {   "wine",                 2,      TRUE    },
    {   "ale",                  3,      TRUE    },
    {   "dark-ale",             4,      TRUE    },
    {   "whisky",               5,      TRUE    },
    {   "lemonade",             6,      TRUE    },
    {   "firebreather",         7,      TRUE    },
    {   "local-specialty",      8,      TRUE    },
    {   "slime-mold-juice",     9,      TRUE    },
    {   "milk",                 10,     TRUE    },
    {   "tea",                  11,     TRUE    },
    {   "coffee",               12,     TRUE    },
    {   "blood",                13,     TRUE    },
    {   "salt-water",           14,     TRUE    },
    {   "cola",                 15,     TRUE    },
    {   "",                     0,      0       }

		      ROM - specific tables:

const struct flag_type form_flags[] =
    {   "edible",        FORM_EDIBLE,          TRUE    },
    {   "poison",        FORM_POISON,          TRUE    },
    {   "magical",       FORM_MAGICAL,         TRUE    },
    {   "decay",         FORM_INSTANT_DECAY,   TRUE    },
    {   "other",         FORM_OTHER,           TRUE    },

    {   "animal",        FORM_ANIMAL,          TRUE    },
    {   "sentient",      FORM_SENTIENT,        TRUE    },
    {   "undead",        FORM_UNDEAD,          TRUE    },
    {   "construct",     FORM_CONSTRUCT,       TRUE    },
    {   "mist",          FORM_MIST,            TRUE    },
    {   "intangible",    FORM_INTANGIBLE,      TRUE    },

    {   "biped",         FORM_BIPED,           TRUE    },
    {   "centaur",       FORM_CENTAUR,         TRUE    },
    {   "insect",        FORM_INSECT,          TRUE    },
    {   "spider",        FORM_SPIDER,          TRUE    },
    {   "crustacean",    FORM_CRUSTACEAN,      TRUE    },
    {   "worm",          FORM_WORM,            TRUE    },
    {   "blob",          FORM_BLOB,            TRUE    },

    {   "mammal",        FORM_MAMMAL,          TRUE    },
    {   "bird",          FORM_BIRD,            TRUE    },
    {   "reptile",       FORM_REPTILE,         TRUE    },
    {   "snake",         FORM_SNAKE,           TRUE    },
    {   "dragon",        FORM_DRAGON,          TRUE    },
    {   "amphibian",     FORM_AMPHIBIAN,       TRUE    },
    {   "fish",          FORM_FISH,            TRUE    },
    {   "cold-blood",    FORM_COLD_BLOOD,      TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type part_flags[] =
    {   "head",          PART_HEAD,            TRUE    },
    {   "arms",          PART_ARMS,            TRUE    },
    {   "legs",          PART_LEGS,            TRUE    },
    {   "heart",         PART_HEART,           TRUE    },
    {   "brains",        PART_BRAINS,          TRUE    },
    {   "guts",          PART_GUTS,            TRUE    },
    {   "hands",         PART_HANDS,           TRUE    },
    {   "feet",          PART_FEET,            TRUE    },
    {   "fingers",       PART_FINGERS,         TRUE    },
    {   "ear",           PART_EAR,             TRUE    },
    {   "eye",           PART_EYE,             TRUE    },
    {   "long-tongue",   PART_LONG_TONGUE,     TRUE    },
    {   "eyestalks",     PART_EYESTALKS,       TRUE    },
    {   "tentacles",     PART_TENTACLES,       TRUE    },
    {   "fins",          PART_FINS,            TRUE    },
    {   "wings",         PART_WINGS,           TRUE    },
    {   "tail",          PART_TAIL,            TRUE    },

    {   "claws",         PART_CLAWS,           TRUE    },
    {   "fangs",         PART_FANGS,           TRUE    },
    {   "horns",         PART_HORNS,           TRUE    },
    {   "scales",        PART_SCALES,          TRUE    },
    {   "tusks",         PART_TUSKS,           TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type ac_type[] =
    {   "pierce",        AC_PIERCE,            TRUE    },
    {   "bash",          AC_BASH,              TRUE    },
    {   "slash",         AC_SLASH,             TRUE    },
    {   "exotic",        AC_EXOTIC,            TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type size_flags[] =
    {   "tiny",          SIZE_TINY,            TRUE    },
    {   "small",         SIZE_SMALL,           TRUE    },
    {   "medium",        SIZE_MEDIUM,          TRUE    },
    {   "large",         SIZE_LARGE,           TRUE    },
    {   "huge",          SIZE_HUGE,            TRUE    },
    {   "giant",         SIZE_GIANT,           TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       },

const struct flag_type weapon_class[] =
    {   "exotic",        0,                    TRUE    },
    {   "sword",         1,                    TRUE    },
    {   "dagger",        2,                    TRUE    },
    {   "spear",         3,                    TRUE    },
    {   "mace",          4,                    TRUE    },
    {   "axe",           5,                    TRUE    },
    {   "flail",         6,                    TRUE    },
    {   "whip",          7,                    TRUE    },
    {   "polearm",       8,                    TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type weapon_type[] =
    {   "flaming",       WEAPON_FLAMING,       TRUE    },
    {   "frost",         WEAPON_FROST,         TRUE    },
    {   "vampiric",      WEAPON_VAMPIRIC,      TRUE    },
    {   "sharp",         WEAPON_SHARP,         TRUE    },
    {   "vorpal",        WEAPON_VORPAL,        TRUE    },
    {   "two-hands",     WEAPON_TWO_HANDS,     TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type off_flags[] =
    {   "area-attack",   OFF_AREA_ATTACK,      TRUE    },
    {   "backstab",      OFF_BACKSTAB,         TRUE    },
    {   "bash",          OFF_BASH,             TRUE    },
    {   "berserk",       OFF_BERSERK,          TRUE    },
    {   "disarm",        OFF_DISARM,           TRUE    },
    {   "dodge",         OFF_DODGE,            TRUE    },
    {   "fade",          OFF_FADE,             TRUE    },
    {   "fast",          OFF_FAST,             TRUE    },
    {   "kick",          OFF_KICK,             TRUE    },
    {   "kick-dirt",     OFF_KICK_DIRT,        TRUE    },
    {   "parry",         OFF_PARRY,            TRUE    },
    {   "rescue",        OFF_RESCUE,           TRUE    },
    {   "tail",          OFF_TAIL,             TRUE    },
    {   "trip",          OFF_TRIP,             TRUE    },
    {   "crush",         OFF_CRUSH,            TRUE    },
    {   "assist-all",    ASSIST_ALL,           TRUE    },
    {   "assist-align",  ASSIST_ALIGN,         TRUE    },
    {   "assist-race",   ASSIST_RACE,          TRUE    },
    {   "assist-player", ASSIST_PLAYERS,       TRUE    },
    {   "assist-guard",  ASSIST_GUARD,         TRUE    },
    {   "assist-vnum",   ASSIST_VNUM,          TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type imm_flags[] =
    {   "summon",        IMM_SUMMON,           TRUE    },
    {   "charm",         IMM_CHARM,            TRUE    },
    {   "magic",         IMM_MAGIC,            TRUE    },
    {   "weapon",        IMM_WEAPON,           TRUE    },
    {   "bash",          IMM_BASH,             TRUE    },
    {   "pierce",        IMM_PIERCE,           TRUE    },
    {   "slash",         IMM_SLASH,            TRUE    },
    {   "fire",          IMM_FIRE,             TRUE    },
    {   "cold",          IMM_COLD,             TRUE    },
    {   "lightning",     IMM_LIGHTNING,        TRUE    },
    {   "acid",          IMM_ACID,             TRUE    },
    {   "poison",        IMM_POISON,           TRUE    },
    {   "negative",      IMM_NEGATIVE,         TRUE    },
    {   "holy",          IMM_HOLY,             TRUE    },
    {   "energy",        IMM_ENERGY,           TRUE    },
    {   "mental",        IMM_MENTAL,           TRUE    },
    {   "disease",       IMM_DISEASE,          TRUE    },
    {   "drowning",      IMM_DROWNING,         TRUE    },
    {   "light",         IMM_LIGHT,            TRUE    },
    {   "",          0,            0    }

const struct flag_type res_flags[] =
    {   "charm",         RES_CHARM,            TRUE    },
    {   "magic",         RES_MAGIC,            TRUE    },
    {   "weapon",        RES_WEAPON,           TRUE    },
    {   "bash",          RES_BASH,             TRUE    },
    {   "pierce",        RES_PIERCE,           TRUE    },
    {   "slash",         RES_SLASH,            TRUE    },
    {   "fire",          RES_FIRE,             TRUE    },
    {   "cold",          RES_COLD,             TRUE    },
    {   "lightning",     RES_LIGHTNING,        TRUE    },
    {   "acid",          RES_ACID,             TRUE    },
    {   "poison",        RES_POISON,           TRUE    },
    {   "negative",      RES_NEGATIVE,         TRUE    },
    {   "holy",          RES_HOLY,             TRUE    },
    {   "energy",        RES_ENERGY,           TRUE    },
    {   "mental",        RES_MENTAL,           TRUE    },
    {   "disease",       RES_DISEASE,          TRUE    },
    {   "drowning",      RES_DROWNING,         TRUE    },
    {   "light",         RES_LIGHT,            TRUE    },
    {   "",          0,            0    }

const struct flag_type vuln_flags[] =
    {   "magic",         VULN_MAGIC,           TRUE    },
    {   "weapon",        VULN_WEAPON,          TRUE    },
    {   "bash",          VULN_BASH,            TRUE    },
    {   "pierce",        VULN_PIERCE,          TRUE    },
    {   "slash",         VULN_SLASH,           TRUE    },
    {   "fire",          VULN_FIRE,            TRUE    },
    {   "cold",          VULN_COLD,            TRUE    },
    {   "lightning",     VULN_LIGHTNING,       TRUE    },
    {   "acid",          VULN_ACID,            TRUE    },
    {   "poison",        VULN_POISON,          TRUE    },
    {   "negative",      VULN_NEGATIVE,        TRUE    },
    {   "holy",          VULN_HOLY,            TRUE    },
    {   "energy",        VULN_ENERGY,          TRUE    },
    {   "mental",        VULN_MENTAL,          TRUE    },
    {   "disease",       VULN_DISEASE,         TRUE    },
    {   "drowning",      VULN_DROWNING,        TRUE    },
    {   "light",         VULN_LIGHT,           TRUE    },
    {   "wood",          VULN_WOOD,            TRUE    },
    {   "silver",        VULN_SILVER,          TRUE    },
    {   "iron",          VULN_IRON,            TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type material_type[] =    /* not yet implemented, table made by Kyle Boyd */
    {   "none",          0,            TRUE    },
    {   "wood",	1,	0	 },
    {   "silver",	2,	0	 },
    {   "gold",	3,	0	 },
    {   "platinum",	4,	0	 },
    {   "iron",	5,	0	 },
    {   "steel",	6,	0	 },
    {   "mithril",	7,	0	 },
    {   "adamantium",	8,	0	 },
    {   "leather",	9,	0	 },
    {   "cloth",	10,	0	 },
    {   "paper",	11,	0	 },
    {   "copper",	12,	0	 },
    {   "bronze",	13,	0	 },
    {   "glass",	14,	0	 },
    {   "diamond",	15,	0	 },
    {   "emerald",	16,	0	 },
    {   "sapphire",	17,	0	 },
    {   "ruby",	18,	0	 },
    {   "misc-metal",	19,	0	 },
    {   "misc-gem",	20,	0	 },
    {   "unknown",	21,	0	 },
    {   "slime",	22,	0	 },
    {   "liquid",	23,	0	 },
    {   "concrete",	24,	0	 },
    {   "ceramic",	25,	0	 },
    {   "stone",	26,	0	 },
    {   "rust",	27,	0	 },
    {   "magic",	28,	0	 },
    {   "",	0,	0	 }

const struct flag_type position_flags[] =
    {   "dead",           POS_DEAD,            FALSE   },
    {   "mortal",         POS_MORTAL,          FALSE   },
    {   "incap",          POS_INCAP,           FALSE   },
    {   "stunned",        POS_STUNNED,         FALSE   },
    {   "sleeping",       POS_SLEEPING,        TRUE    },
    {   "resting",        POS_RESTING,         TRUE    },
    {   "sitting",        POS_SITTING,         TRUE    },
    {   "fighting",       POS_FIGHTING,        FALSE   },
    {   "standing",       POS_STANDING,        TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

const struct flag_type rnd_obj_flags[] =
   { "plain-armor",   ITEM_PLAIN_ARMOR,       TRUE },
   { "magic-armor",   ITEM_MAGIC_ARMOR,       TRUE },
   { "ring",          ITEM_RAND_RING,         TRUE },
 /*{ "magic-item",    ITEM_MAGIC_ITEM,        TRUE },*/
   { "plain-weapon",  ITEM_PLAIN_WEAPON,      TRUE },
   { "magic-weapon",  ITEM_MAGIC_WEAPON,      TRUE },
   { "container",     ITEM_RAND_CONTAINER,    TRUE },
 /*{ "light",         ITEM_RAND_LIGHT,        TRUE },*/
   { "any",           ITEM_RAND_ANY,          TRUE },
   { "",              0,                    0      }

const struct flag_type mprog_type_flags[] =
    {	"in_file_prog",		IN_FILE_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"act_prog",			ACT_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"speech_prog",		SPEECH_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"rand_prog",		RAND_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"fight_prog",		FIGHT_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"fightgroup_prog",	FIGHTGROUP_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"hitprcnt_prog",	HITPRCNT_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"death_prog",		DEATH_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"entry_prog",		ENTRY_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"greet_prog",		GREET_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"all_greet_prog",	ALL_GREET_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"give_prog",		GIVE_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"bribe_prog",		BRIBE_PROG,	TRUE	},
/*  to be added for room progs */
    {   "enter_prog",		ENTER_PROG,     TRUE	},
    {   "leave_prog",		LEAVE_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "sleep_prog",		SLEEP_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "rest_prog",		REST_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"rfight_prog",		RFIGHT_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {	"rdeath_prog",		RDEATH_PROG,	TRUE	}, 
    {   "wear_prog",		WEAR_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "remove_prog",		REMOVE_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "sac_prog",			SAC_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "examine_prog",		EXA_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "look_prog",		LOOK_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "zap_prog",			ZAP_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "get_prog",			GET_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "drop_prog",		DROP_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "use_prog",			USE_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "hit_prog",			HIT_PROG,	TRUE	},
    {   "command_prog",     COMMAND_PROG,   TRUE    },
    {	"",			0,		0	}

const struct flag_type clan_join_flags[] =
    {   "anti-mage",            CLAN_ANTI_MAGE,         TRUE    },
    {	  "anti-cleric",          CLAN_ANTI_CLERIC,       TRUE    },
    {   "anti-thief",           CLAN_ANTI_THIEF,        TRUE    },
    {   "anti-warrior",         CLAN_ANTI_WARRIOR,      TRUE    },
    {   "anti-good",            CLAN_ANTI_GOOD,         TRUE    },
    {   "anti-evil",            CLAN_ANTI_EVIL,         TRUE    },
    {   "required-pk",          CLAN_REQ_PK,            TRUE    },
    {   "no-pk",                CLAN_NO_PK,             TRUE    },
    {	"",			0,			0,	},

const struct flag_type clan_flags[] =
	{	"creating",		CLAN_CREATING, 		FALSE	},
	{	"active",		CLAN_ACTIVE,		FALSE },
	{	"inactive",		CLAN_INACTIVE,		FALSE },
	{	"disbanding",	CLAN_DISBANDING,		FALSE },
	{	"dead",		CLAN_DEAD,			FALSE },
	{	"auto-accept",	CLAN_AUTO_ACCEPT,		TRUE	},
	{	"private",		CLAN_PRIVATE,		TRUE	},
	{	"secret",		CLAN_SECRET,		TRUE	},
	{	"",		0,		0,		}