All of the files in this package require perl v5 or newer.

The following files are include files, they must exist in the
directory you run any of the rest of the files from.  You
should never run these two programs directly.    - functions for reading strings, flags, etc. - contains the default settings for RoT.


The following are conversion programs, they may not work on all area
files without modification, due to implementor's making slight changes
to area file formats for thier own muds.

All of these programs use the following format, fields in <>'s are 
required, while fields in []'s are optional:
	????2rot <filein> <fileout> [#] [debug]
		filein  = name of file to convert
		fileout = name of file for output
		#       = change the level of mobs/eq, ie:
			  20 will increase all mobs/eq by 20 levels
			  -10 will decrease all mobs/eq by 10 levels
		debug   = will print debug information to stdout

rom2rot		will convert ROM2.4b2 area files to RoT
diku2rot	will convert diku area files to RoT
envy2rot	will convert envy area files to RoT
anon2rot	will convert anonymud area files to RoT

The following three files are for certain custom area files.

xxa2rot		similar to ROM, levels of objects all identical. 100+ levels
xxb2rot		similar to ROM, single line header, 100+ levels
		Mob:	letter in group field.
			numbers in damage type, positions, sex, size, material.
		Obj:	number in type.
			numbers for all V0-V4
		Res:	No local limit for 'M'
			No multiple for 'P'
xxc2rot		similar to Black Dawn ROM. Uses AREADATA instead of AREA.
		Has three each of act,aff,off,imm,res
		Has extra field (magic resist) after level in mobs.
		Has extra field (size) after level in objs.
		Has Hp/Mana/Move healing rates after sector type in rooms.


The following are utility files: 
        rot2rot     - will reset all mobs/eq to thier default level 
                      settings, to balance out an area file with the rest. 
                format is the same as the conversion programs above. 
        ch-vnum     - will change the vnums of an entire area file to a 
                      new set. 
                format:  ch-vnum <filein> <fileout> <new start vnum> [debug] 
                         filein - file to convert 
                        fileout - where to save new file 
                 new start vnum - start of new numbering sequence 
        fnd-exits   - will find all exits in an area file that point to 
                      rooms in other area files. 
                format:  fnd-exits <filein> [debug] 
	fnd-vnums   - will search through all the area files listed in
		      in your areas.lst and create a list of all the
		      vnums that are reserved.
		      This must be run from within your areas directory.
		      It will create a file called vnums.txt in your Rot