28 Jul, 2009, Dean wrote in the 21st comment:
Votes: 0
Mercedes has had a car for sometime now that can react to it's surroundings (surroundings being what is in front of it) and brake if the onboard CPU deems that a crash could happen. As for the car itself steering, I don't remember one, mercedes or otherwise that is on the market yet.
28 Jul, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 22nd comment:
Votes: 0
Yes, there's a difference between the car actually navigating from A to B and the car braking for you if it "sees" oncoming collisions, or even if it finds you leaving your lane on the highway. The latter two are actually not terribly new, as I understand it; the main problem is how to actually deploy them (e.g., what kind of interface to use for the lane warning).
28 Jul, 2009, Cratylus wrote in the 23rd comment:
Votes: 0
A coupla years ago I saw a commercial for a luxury car that parallel
parked for you. The guy took his hands off the wheel and the car
parked itself. The commercial definitely meant to give the impression
that the car being sold was able to do this thing.

I'm pretty sure we have the technology to do highway self-driving cars, and
if people bought highway self-driving cars it would only take a decade or
so for it to be really perfected so that they were all-road self-driving cars.

Having the technology and it being worth the money tho, those are
two different things.

28 Jul, 2009, Hades_Kane wrote in the 24th comment:
Votes: 0
Igabod said:
yeah I can make sense of the sentences perfectly fine, I'm just not getting the humor in it.

[edit to add] I just re-read your post and I get it now… it was very very dry humor though so I didn't get it at first. Maybe your sense of humor needs to hydrate or something. Or mine needs to dehydrate, not sure which one.

I'm not sure I get it still…

Was the other person in the bathroom on the video phone?
28 Jul, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 25th comment:
Votes: 0
No… the joke is the following…

Person A <on video phone, seeing closed door>: "Who's in the bathroom?"
Person B <on other end of video phone, in house with closed door>: "no one"
Person A: "then why's it shut?"
Person B: "uhhh…."

the implicit assumption being that the door is only closed when somebody is in it. (I suspect that this is part of what makes the joke confusing to some, because many people always close the door even if it's unoccupied.)

Now, isn't that funny :rolleyes:
28 Jul, 2009, Hades_Kane wrote in the 26th comment:
Votes: 0
Oooh… ok. I got the basic part of it, but not how it relates to video phones, but I see now.

28 Jul, 2009, Chris Bailey wrote in the 27th comment:
Votes: 0
You call your girlfriend on your video phone from the compound you are working from in Luanda.
She answers the video phone she has as home, after several rings. You begin a somewhat
boring conversation about how your work-mates keep raiding your locker when you leave the
compound. You notice that the bathroom door is shut (it never is) and the light is on. When
you ask her who is in the bathroom she says "no-one", lying about the fact that your old
college friend that always got the girl is in the bathroom. Get it now? It's a video phone,
you can see the house! :P
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