02 Dec, 2008, ShadowsDawn wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Hey everyone,

A friend of mine is speaking at the Living Games Conference in Atlanta, GA. He sent out the link for the event so anyone who wanted to could watch via video stream….

However, there was a juicier find for me! Richard Bartle, and I do hope you all know who he is *grin*, is going to be on the Pioneers panel today December 2, at 4pm EST. Thought you might all like to know, and please, pass it on!


02 Dec, 2008, Zenn wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
Awesome. I'll certainly be tuning in to that!

You can watch it streaming live with Quicktime. Bah, Mac product.. but worth it.
02 Dec, 2008, Zeno wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Did we all see his comment about WoW? :P
02 Dec, 2008, Grimble wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
Zeno said:
Did we all see his comment about WoW? :P

To be honest, I find Bartle a bit preachy and overly authoritative, as if his ideas on the subject are the only correct ones. But, I suppose that's how best to keep mind share, and consulting/speaking income flowing in.
02 Dec, 2008, Zenn wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Lol. He's NOT DEAD?!
03 Dec, 2008, Zenn wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
Well I watched most of that segment with Richard Bartle and for quite a bit after that. They talked about DikuMUD (Deekumud, apparently), TinyMUD, LambdaMOO, MOOs, and I believe MUSHes were mentioned. They also talked about early MMOs like Lucasflim's Habitat, accessable via the Commodore 64/128 Quantumlink Internet System. Overall it was very interesting. I also logged into the IRC chat that they had about it. Quite a few of those people had played MUDs or were at the symposium themselves, and it was a very neat experience just to watch and speak with them.
04 Dec, 2008, Littlehorn wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
Grimble said:
Zeno said:
Did we all see his comment about WoW? :P

To be honest, I find Bartle a bit preachy and overly authoritative, as if his ideas on the subject are the only correct ones. But, I suppose that's how best to keep mind share, and consulting/speaking income flowing in.

I think sometimes he can be like that but he has every right to be that way. He has the experience in a genre that is almost always looked at as being beyond it's time even today. I don't really think it's something I would have said or believed in because it should be obvious that running something like MUD is a lot different than running something like a MMOG. One encourages creative freedom without risk and the other was mountains of it due to the money aspect of the genre.

Before anyone comes here and says there is plenty of risks in MUD development, I want to remind you that it's not the same as risking the life of many employees, customers and of course the funding of millions of dollars. :redface:
21 Dec, 2008, Scandum wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
Zeno said:
Did we all see his comment about WoW? :P

I guess Bartle is political correct. I'd personally be more likely to play a MMORPG if it had some violence, gore, human right violations, and sex in it. Real life is boring and restraining enough as it is, no point in imitating that.