(ack *((undirected *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME acks]) (mymsg [You ack]))))) $$ (accuse *((prepositions [of]) (adverbs #) (noargs *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME looks around the room accusingly]) (mymsg [You look around the room accusingly]))) (undirected *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME accuses $ADJ]) (mymsg [You accuse $ADJ]))) (directed *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME accuses $OB_NAME of $ADJ]) (mymsg [You accuse $OB_NAME of $ADJ]))))) $$ (apologize *((prepositions [to]) (adverbs profusely,happily,sadly,reservedly,carefully,slowly,perfunctorily, curtly,visciously,sulkily,drunkenly,unhappily,professionally, pompously,wholeheartedly,partially,wearily,fishily,facetiously, unnecessarily,spontaneously,twice,thoroughly,humbly) (undirected *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME apologizes $ADJ]) (mymsg [You apologize $ADJ]))) (directed *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME apologizes $ADJ to $OB_NAME]) (mymsg [You apologize $ADJ to $OB_NAME]))))) $$ (applaud *((adverbs wholeheartedly,loudly,softly,vaguely,briefly) (undirected *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME applauds $ADJ]) (mymsg [You applaud $ADJ]))) (directed *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME applauds $OB_NAME $ADJ]) (mymsg [You applaud $OB_NAME $ADJ]))))) $$ (agree *((noargs *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME agrees wholeheartedly]) (mymsg [You agree wholeheartedly]))) (directed *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME agrees with $OB_NAME wholeheartedly]) (mymsg [You agree with $OB_NAME wholeheartedly]))))) $$ (assimilate *((adverbs cheerfully,reluctantly) (undirected *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME assimilates species $ADJ like a Borg]) (mymsg [You assimilate species $ADJ like a Borg]))) (directed *((theirmsg [$TP_NAME assimilates $OB_NAME $ADJ]) (mymsg [You assimilate $OB_NAME $ADJ])))))