Online help for the MUF editor:
Commands can be abbreviated to their first letter, and are entered
(with one exception) in reverse polish notation (like MUF), like this:
<arguments> command
Program commands:
    compile                   compile program
    <lines> delete            delete lines
    <lines> insert            insert program lines
    <lines> list              list program lines
    uncompile                 disassemble program (not usually useful)
                                (This disassembles macros in the program)
You can use most of these with a 'lines' argument, which can either
be one line or a group of lines (i.e., '1' to perform the action on
line number 1, or '1 23' [space, not anything else] to perform the
action on all lines from 1 to 23).
Macro library commands:
    abridged                  show list of library functions, names only
    kill                      kill a macro/library reference (wizard only)
    show                      show list of library functions, full display
    def                       Define a macro (see macros.txt in the docs dir)
Most of these take either one or more word arguments.  For example,
'foo abridged' would list all the macros on the MUCK whose names began
with 'foo', while 'bar foo abridged' would give you a listing of all the
macros, alphabetically, starting with those that begin with 'bar' and
ending with those that begin with 'foo', inclusive.
Note that 'def' is the only command that does NOT use reverse notation.
For example, to define a macro to be accessed like '.list' in the program,
use the command 'def list <muf commands>'.
Only a wizard can kill a defined macro, with the command '<name> kill.'
Miscellaneous commands:
    help                      show this file
    <dbref of prog> view      view program header
    quit                      quit the program editor