 * Headers for MCP GUI support code.

#ifndef MCPGUI_H
#define MCPGUI_H

#include <stdarg.h>

 * Error results.
#define EGUINOSUPPORT -1		/* This connection doesn't support the GUI MCP package. */
#define EGUINODLOG    -2		/* No dialog exists with the given ID. */

/* The MCP package name. */
#define GUI_PACKAGE   "org-fuzzball-gui"

/* Used in list related commands to refer to the end of a list. */
#define GUI_LIST_END  -1

 * Defines for specifying control layout
#define GUI_STICKY_MASK  0xF
#define GUI_N     0x1
#define GUI_S     0x2
#define GUI_E     0x4
#define GUI_W     0x8
#define GUI_NS (GUI_N | GUI_S)
#define GUI_NW (GUI_N | GUI_W)
#define GUI_NE (GUI_N | GUI_E)
#define GUI_SE (GUI_E | GUI_S)
#define GUI_SW (GUI_W | GUI_S)
#define GUI_EW (GUI_E | GUI_W)
#define GUI_NSE (GUI_NS | GUI_E)
#define GUI_NSW (GUI_NS | GUI_W)
#define GUI_NEW (GUI_N | GUI_EW)
#define GUI_SEW (GUI_S | GUI_EW)
#define GUI_NSEW (GUI_NS | GUI_EW)

#define COLSPAN(val) (((val-1) & 0xF) << 4)
#define GET_COLSPAN(val) (((val & GUI_COLSPAN_MASK) >> 4) +1)

#define GUI_ROWSPAN_MASK 0xF00
#define ROWSPAN(val) (((val-1) & 0xF) << 8)
#define GET_ROWSPAN(val) (((val & GUI_ROWSPAN_MASK) >> 8) +1)

#define GUI_COLSKIP_MASK 0xF000
#define COLSKIP(val) ((val & 0xF) << 12)
#define GET_COLSKIP(val) ((val & GUI_COLSKIP_MASK) >> 12)

#define GUI_LEFTPAD_MASK 0xF0000
#define LEFTPAD(val) (((val>>1) & 0xF) << 16)
#define GET_LEFTPAD(val) ((val & GUI_LEFTPAD_MASK) >> 15)

#define GUI_TOPPAD_MASK 0xF00000
#define TOPPAD(val) (((val>>1) & 0xF) << 20)
#define GET_TOPPAD(val) ((val & GUI_TOPPAD_MASK) >> 19)

#define GUI_NONL     0x1000000
#define GUI_HEXP     0x2000000
#define GUI_VEXP     0x4000000
#define GUI_REPORT   0x8000000
#define GUI_REQUIRED 0x8000000

 * Defines the callback arguments, etc.
    int   descr,          \
    const char * dlogid,  \
    const char * id,      \
    const char * event,   \
    McpMesg *    msg,     \
    int   did_dismiss,    \
    void* context

typedef void (*Gui_CB) (GUI_EVENT_CB_ARGS);

 * Defines the error callback arguments, etc.
    int   descr,          \
    const char * dlogid,  \
    const char * id,      \
    const char * errcode, \
    const char * errtext, \
    void* context

typedef void (*GuiErr_CB) (GUI_ERROR_CB_ARGS);

 * Do this when the muck itself starts.
void gui_initialize(void);

 * First you check to see if the MCP GUI package is supported.
McpVer GuiVersion(int descr);
int GuiSupported(int descr);

 * Second, create a dialog window.
const char *gui_dlog_alloc(int descr, Gui_CB callback, GuiErr_CB error_cb, void *context);
const char *GuiSimple(int descr, const char *title, Gui_CB callback,
						GuiErr_CB error_cb, void *context);
const char *GuiTabbed(int descr, const char *title, int pagecount,
						const char **pagenames, const char **pageids,
						Gui_CB callback, GuiErr_CB error_cb, void *context);
const char *GuiHelper(int descr, const char *title, int pagecount,
						const char **pagenames, const char **pageids,
						Gui_CB callback, GuiErr_CB error_cb, void *context);

 * Once you have a dialog, you can add menu items with these functions.
int gui_menu_item(const char *dlogid, const char *id, const char *type, const char *name, const char **args);
int GuiMenuCmd(const char *dlogid, const char *id, const char *name);
int GuiMenuCheckBtn(const char *dlogid, const char *id, const char *name, const char **args);

 * You use these commands to add controls to a dialog.
int gui_ctrl_make_v(const char *dlogid, const char *type, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *text, const char *value,
					int layout, const char **args);
int gui_ctrl_make_l(const char *dlogid, const char *type, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *text, const char *value,
					int layout, ...);

 * You can use these as shortcuts for creating controls.
int GuiHRule(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, int height, int layout);
int GuiVRule(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, int thickness, int layout);
int GuiText(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *value, int width, int layout);
int GuiButton(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *text, int width, int dismiss,

			  int layout);
int GuiEdit(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *text, const char *value, int width,

			int layout);
int GuiMulti(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *value, int width, int height, int fixed,

			 int layout);

/* SCALE */

int GuiSpinner(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *text, int value, int width, int min,
			   int max, int layout);
int GuiCombo(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *text, const char *value, int width,
			 int editable, int layout);


int GuiFrame(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, int layout);
int GuiGroupBox(const char *dlogid, const char *pane, const char *id, const char *text, int collapsible, int collapsed,

				int layout);

 * You can set or retrieve the values of various widgets with these calls.
const char *GuiValueFirst(const char *dlogid);
const char *GuiValueNext(const char *dlogid, const char *prev);
int gui_value_linecount(const char *dlogid, const char *id);
const char *gui_value_get(const char *dlogid, const char *id, int line);

/* This only sets the value locally, if we already sent the client the value */
void gui_value_set_local(const char *dlogid, const char *id, int lines, const char **value);
/* This one sets it locally, and also sends a message to the client */
int GuiSetVal(const char *dlogid, const char *id, int lines, const char **value);

 * Listbox and combobox widgets also have lists associated with them.
 * You can use these calls to get or set items in these lists.
int GuiListInsert(const char *dlogid, const char *id, int after, int lines, const char **value);
int GuiListDelete(const char *dlogid, const char *id, int from, int to);

 *  When you are done laying out the dialog, you display it to the user.
int GuiShow(const char *id);

 * When you are done with the dialog, you can force it to close.
 * You should make sure to free up the dialog resources when you are done.
int GuiClose(const char *id);
int GuiFree(const char *id);
int gui_dlog_closeall_descr(int descr);
int gui_dlog_freeall_descr(int descr);

 * This might be useful for callbacks.
int gui_dlog_get_descr(const char *dlogid);
void* gui_dlog_get_context(const char *dlogid);

void do_post_dlog(int descr, const char *text);

/* internal support for MUF */
void muf_dlog_add(struct frame *fr, const char *dlogid);
void muf_dlog_remove(struct frame *fr, const char *dlogid);
void muf_dlog_purge(struct frame *fr);

#endif							/* MCPGUI_H */