 *  debugger.c   (sort of a dbx for MUF.)

#include "copyright.h"
#include "config.h"

#include "db.h"
#include "props.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "inst.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "params.h"
#include "tune.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "interp.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>

list_proglines(dbref player, dbref program, struct frame *fr, int start, int end)
	int range[2];
	int argc;

	if (start == end || end == 0) {
		range[0] = start;
		range[1] = start;
		argc = 1;
	} else {
		range[0] = start;
		range[1] = end;
		argc = 2;
	if (!fr->brkpt.proglines || program != fr->brkpt.lastproglisted) {
		fr->brkpt.proglines = (struct line *) read_program(program);
		fr->brkpt.lastproglisted = program;
	} {
		struct line *tmpline = PROGRAM_FIRST(program);

		PROGRAM_SET_FIRST(program, fr->brkpt.proglines);

			int tmpflg = (FLAGS(player) & INTERNAL);

			FLAGS(player) |= INTERNAL;

			do_list(player, program, range, argc);

			if (!tmpflg) {
				FLAGS(player) &= ~INTERNAL;

		PROGRAM_SET_FIRST(program, tmpline);

char *
show_line_prims(struct frame *fr, dbref program, struct inst *pc, int maxprims, int markpc)
	static char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
	static char buf2[BUFFER_LEN];
	int maxback;
	int thisline = pc->line;
	struct inst *code, *end, *linestart, *lineend;

	code = PROGRAM_CODE(program);
	end = code + PROGRAM_SIZ(program);
	buf[0] = '\0';

	for (linestart = pc, maxback = maxprims; linestart > code &&
		 linestart->line == thisline && linestart->type != PROG_FUNCTION &&
		 --maxback; --linestart) ;
	if (linestart->line < thisline)

	for (lineend = pc + 1, maxback = maxprims; lineend < end &&
		 lineend->line == thisline && lineend->type != PROG_FUNCTION && --maxback; ++lineend) ;
	if (lineend >= end || lineend->line > thisline || lineend->type == PROG_FUNCTION)

	if (lineend - linestart >= maxprims) {
		if (pc - (maxprims - 1) / 2 > linestart)
			linestart = pc - (maxprims - 1) / 2;
		if (linestart + maxprims - 1 < lineend)
			lineend = linestart + maxprims - 1;

	if (linestart > code && (linestart - 1)->line == thisline)
		strcpy(buf, "...");
	maxback = maxprims;
	while (linestart <= lineend) {
		if (strlen(buf) < BUFFER_LEN / 2) {
			if (*buf)
				strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), " ");
			if (pc == linestart && markpc) {
				strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), " {{");
				strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), insttotext(NULL, 0, linestart, buf2, sizeof(buf2), 30, program, 1));
				strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), "}} ");
			} else {
				strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), insttotext(NULL, 0, linestart, buf2, sizeof(buf2), 30, program, 1));
		} else {
	if (lineend < end && (lineend + 1)->line == thisline)
		strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), " ...");
	return buf;

struct inst *
funcname_to_pc(dbref program, const char *name)
	int i, siz;
	struct inst *code;

	code = PROGRAM_CODE(program);
	siz = PROGRAM_SIZ(program);
	for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
		if ((code[i].type == PROG_FUNCTION) &&
			!string_compare(name, code[i].data.mufproc->procname)) {
			return (code + i);
	return (NULL);

struct inst *
linenum_to_pc(dbref program, int whatline)
	int i, siz;
	struct inst *code;

	code = PROGRAM_CODE(program);
	siz = PROGRAM_SIZ(program);
	for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
		if (code[i].line == whatline) {
			return (code + i);
	return (NULL);

char *
unparse_sysreturn(dbref * program, struct inst *pc)
	static char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
	struct inst *ptr;
	char *fname;

	buf[0] = '\0';
	for (ptr = pc - 1; ptr >= PROGRAM_CODE(*program); ptr--) {
		if (ptr->type == PROG_FUNCTION) {
	if (ptr->type == PROG_FUNCTION) {
		fname = ptr->data.mufproc->procname;
	} else {
		fname = "\033[1m???\033[0m";
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "line \033[1m%d\033[0m, in \033[1m%s\033[0m", pc->line, fname);
	return buf;

char *
unparse_breakpoint(struct frame *fr, int brk)
	static char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
	char buf2[BUFFER_LEN];
	dbref ref;

	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%2d) break", brk + 1);
	if (fr->brkpt.line[brk] != -1) {
		snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), " in line %d", fr->brkpt.line[brk]);
		strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), buf2);
	if (fr->brkpt.pc[brk] != NULL) {
		ref = fr->brkpt.prog[brk];
		snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), " at %s", unparse_sysreturn(&ref, fr->brkpt.pc[brk] + 1));
		strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), buf2);
	if (fr->brkpt.linecount[brk] != -2) {
		snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), " after %d line(s)", fr->brkpt.linecount[brk]);
		strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), buf2);
	if (fr->brkpt.pccount[brk] != -2) {
		snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), " after %d instruction(s)", fr->brkpt.pccount[brk]);
		strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), buf2);
	if (fr->brkpt.prog[brk] != NOTHING) {
		snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), " in %s(#%d)", NAME(fr->brkpt.prog[brk]), fr->brkpt.prog[brk]);
		strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), buf2);
	if (fr->brkpt.level[brk] != -1) {
		snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), " on call level %d", fr->brkpt.level[brk]);
		strcatn(buf, sizeof(buf), buf2);
	return buf;

muf_backtrace(dbref player, dbref program, int count, struct frame *fr)
	char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
	char buf2[BUFFER_LEN];
	char buf3[BUFFER_LEN];
	char *ptr;
	dbref ref;
	int i, j, cnt, flag;
	struct inst *pinst, *lastinst;
	int lev;

	notify_nolisten(player, "\033[1;33;40mSystem stack backtrace:\033[0m", 1);
	i = count;
	if (!i)
	ref = program;
	pinst = NULL;
	j = fr->system.top + 1;
	while (j > 1 && i-- > 0) {
		cnt = 0;
		do {
			lastinst = pinst;
			if (--j == fr->system.top) {
				pinst = fr->pc;
			} else {
				ref = fr->system.st[j].progref;
				pinst = fr->system.st[j].offset;
			ptr = unparse_sysreturn(&ref, pinst);
		} while (pinst == lastinst && j > 1);
		if (cnt > 1) {
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "     [repeats %d times]", cnt);
			notify_nolisten(player, buf, 1);
		lev = fr->system.top - j;
		if (ptr) {
			int k;
			int snplen;
			char* bufend = buf2;
			struct inst* fntop = fr->pc;
			struct inst* varinst;

			while (fntop->type != PROG_FUNCTION)

			snplen = snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%.512s\033[1m(\033[0m", ptr);
			if (snplen == -1) {
				buf2[sizeof(buf2)-1] = '\0';
				snplen = sizeof(buf2) - 1;
			bufend += snplen;
			for (k = 0; k < fntop->data.mufproc->args; k++) {
				const char* nam = scopedvar_getname(fr, lev, k);
				char* val;
				const char* fmt;
				if (!nam) {
				varinst = scopedvar_get(fr, lev, k);
				val = insttotext(fr, lev, varinst, buf3, sizeof(buf3), 30, program, 1);
				if (k) {
					fmt = "\033[1m, %s=\033[0m%s";
				} else {
					fmt = "\033[1m%s=\033[0m%s";
				bufend += snprintf(bufend, buf2 - bufend - 18, fmt, nam, val);
			bufend += snprintf(bufend, buf2 - bufend - 1, "\033[1m)\033[0m");
			ptr = buf2;
		if (pinst != lastinst) {
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[1;33;40m%3d)\033[0m \033[1m%s(#%d)\033[0m %s:", lev, NAME(ref), ref, ptr);
			notify_nolisten(player, buf, 1);
			flag = ((FLAGS(player) & INTERNAL) ? 1 : 0);
			FLAGS(player) &= ~INTERNAL;
			list_proglines(player, ref, fr, pinst->line, 0);
			if (flag) {
				FLAGS(player) |= INTERNAL;
	notify_nolisten(player, "\033[1;33;40m*done*\033[0m", 1);

list_program_functions(dbref player, dbref program, char *arg)
	struct inst *ptr;
	int count;

	ptr = PROGRAM_CODE(program);
	count = PROGRAM_SIZ(program);
	notify_nolisten(player, "*function words*", 1);
	while (count-- > 0) {
		if (ptr->type == PROG_FUNCTION) {
			if (ptr->data.mufproc) {
				if (!*arg || equalstr(arg, ptr->data.mufproc->procname)) {
					notify_nolisten(player, ptr->data.mufproc->procname, 1);
	notify_nolisten(player, "*done*", 1);

static void
debug_printvar(dbref player, dbref program, struct frame *fr, const char *arg)
	int i;
	int lflag = 0;
	int sflag = 0;
	int varnum = -1;
	char buf[BUFFER_LEN];

	if (!arg || !*arg) {
		notify_nolisten(player, "I don't know which variable you mean.", 1);
	varnum = scopedvar_getnum(fr, 0, arg);
	if (varnum != -1) {
		sflag = 1;
	} else {
		if (*arg == 'L' || *arg == 'l') {
			if (*arg == 'V' || *arg == 'v') {
			lflag = 1;
			varnum = scopedvar_getnum(fr, 0, arg);
		} else if (*arg == 'S' || *arg == 's') {
			if (*arg == 'V' || *arg == 'v') {
			sflag = 1;
		} else if (*arg == 'V' || *arg == 'v') {
	if (varnum > -1) {
		i = varnum;
	} else if (number(arg)) {
		i = atoi(arg);
	} else {
		notify_nolisten(player, "I don't know which variable you mean.", 1);
	if (i >= MAX_VAR || i < 0) {
		notify_nolisten(player, "Variable number out of range.", 1);
	if (sflag) {
		struct inst *tmp = scopedvar_get(fr, 0, i);

		if (!tmp) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Scoped variable number out of range.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, insttotext(fr, 0, tmp, buf, sizeof(buf), 4000, -1, 1), 1);
	} else if (lflag) {
		struct localvars* lvars = localvars_get(fr, program);
		notify_nolisten(player, insttotext(fr, 0, &(lvars->lvars[i]), buf, sizeof(buf), 4000, -1, 1), 1);
	} else {
		notify_nolisten(player, insttotext(fr, 0, &(fr->variables[i]), buf, sizeof(buf), 4000, -1, 1), 1);

static void
push_arg(dbref player, struct frame *fr, const char *arg)
	int num, lflag = 0;
	int sflag = 0;
	double inum;

	if (fr->argument.top >= STACK_SIZE) {
		notify_nolisten(player, "That would overflow the stack.", 1);
	if (number(arg)) {
		/* push a number */
		num = atoi(arg);
		push(fr->argument.st, &fr->argument.top, PROG_INTEGER, MIPSCAST & num);
		notify_nolisten(player, "Integer pushed.", 1);
	} else if (ifloat(arg)) {
		/* push a float */
		inum = atof(arg);
		push(fr->argument.st, &fr->argument.top, PROG_FLOAT, MIPSCAST & inum);
		notify_nolisten(player, "Float pushed.", 1);
	} else if (*arg == NUMBER_TOKEN) {
		/* push a dbref */
		if (!number(arg + 1)) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "I don't understand that dbref.", 1);
		num = atoi(arg + 1);
		push(fr->argument.st, &fr->argument.top, PROG_OBJECT, MIPSCAST & num);
		notify_nolisten(player, "Dbref pushed.", 1);
	} else if (*arg == '"') {
		/* push a string */
		char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
		char *ptr;
		const char *ptr2;

		for (ptr = buf, ptr2 = arg + 1; *ptr2; ptr2++) {
			if (*ptr2 == '\\') {
				if (!*(++ptr2))
				*ptr++ = *ptr2;
			} else if (*ptr2 == '"') {
			} else {
				*ptr++ = *ptr2;
		*ptr = '\0';
		push(fr->argument.st, &fr->argument.top, PROG_STRING, MIPSCAST alloc_prog_string(buf));
		notify_nolisten(player, "String pushed.", 1);
	} else {
		int varnum = scopedvar_getnum(fr, 0, arg);
		if (varnum != -1) {
			sflag = 1;
		} else {
			if (*arg == 'S' || *arg == 's') {
				if (*arg == 'V' || *arg == 'v') {
				sflag = 1;
				varnum = scopedvar_getnum(fr, 0, arg);
			} else if (*arg == 'L' || *arg == 'l') {
				if (*arg == 'V' || *arg == 'v') {
				lflag = 1;
			} else if (*arg == 'V' || *arg == 'v') {
		if (varnum > -1) {
			num = varnum;
		} else if (number(arg)) {
			num = atoi(arg);
		} else {
			notify_nolisten(player, "I don't understand what you want to push.", 1);
		if (lflag) {
			push(fr->argument.st, &fr->argument.top, PROG_LVAR, MIPSCAST & num);
			notify_nolisten(player, "Local variable pushed.", 1);
		} else if (sflag) {
			push(fr->argument.st, &fr->argument.top, PROG_SVAR, MIPSCAST & num);
			notify_nolisten(player, "Scoped variable pushed.", 1);
		} else {
			push(fr->argument.st, &fr->argument.top, PROG_VAR, MIPSCAST & num);
			notify_nolisten(player, "Global variable pushed.", 1);

extern int primitive(const char *token);

struct inst primset[5];
static struct muf_proc_data temp_muf_proc_data = {

muf_debugger(int descr, dbref player, dbref program, const char *text, struct frame *fr)
	char cmd[BUFFER_LEN];
	char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
	char buf2[BUFFER_LEN];
	char *ptr, *ptr2, *arg;
	struct inst *pinst;
	dbref ref;
	int i, j, cnt;

	while (isspace(*text))
	strcpy(cmd, text);
	ptr = cmd + strlen(cmd);
	if (ptr > cmd)
	while (ptr >= cmd && isspace(*ptr))
		*ptr-- = '\0';
	for (arg = cmd; *arg && !isspace(*arg); arg++) ;
	if (*arg)
		*arg++ = '\0';
	if (!*cmd && fr->brkpt.lastcmd) {
		strcpy(cmd, fr->brkpt.lastcmd);
	} else {
		if (fr->brkpt.lastcmd)
		if (*cmd)
			fr->brkpt.lastcmd = string_dup(cmd);
	/* delete triggering breakpoint, if it's only temp. */
	j = fr->brkpt.breaknum;
	if (j >= 0 && fr->brkpt.temp[j]) {
		for (j++; j < fr->brkpt.count; j++) {
			fr->brkpt.temp[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.temp[j];
			fr->brkpt.level[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.level[j];
			fr->brkpt.line[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.line[j];
			fr->brkpt.linecount[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.linecount[j];
			fr->brkpt.pc[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.pc[j];
			fr->brkpt.pccount[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.pccount[j];
			fr->brkpt.prog[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.prog[j];
	fr->brkpt.breaknum = -1;

	if (!string_compare(cmd, "cont")) {
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "finish")) {
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
							"Cannot finish because there are too many breakpoints set.", 1);
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 1;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = fr->system.top - 1;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = NULL;
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = program;
		fr->brkpt.bypass = 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "stepi")) {
		i = atoi(arg);
		if (!i)
			i = 1;
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Cannot stepi because there are too many breakpoints set.",
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 1;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = NULL;
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = i;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = NOTHING;
		fr->brkpt.bypass = 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "step")) {
		i = atoi(arg);
		if (!i)
			i = 1;
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Cannot step because there are too many breakpoints set.",
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 1;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = i;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = NULL;
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = NOTHING;
		fr->brkpt.bypass = 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "nexti")) {
		i = atoi(arg);
		if (!i)
			i = 1;
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Cannot nexti because there are too many breakpoints set.",
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 1;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = fr->system.top;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = NULL;
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = i;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = program;
		fr->brkpt.bypass = 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "next")) {
		i = atoi(arg);
		if (!i)
			i = 1;
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Cannot next because there are too many breakpoints set.",
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 1;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = fr->system.top;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = i;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = NULL;
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = program;
		fr->brkpt.bypass = 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "exec")) {
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
							"Cannot finish because there are too many breakpoints set.", 1);
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		if (!(pinst = funcname_to_pc(program, arg))) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "I don't know a function by that name.", 1);
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		if (fr->system.top >= STACK_SIZE) {
							"That would exceed the system stack size for this program.", 1);
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		fr->system.st[fr->system.top].progref = program;
		fr->system.st[fr->system.top++].offset = fr->pc;
		fr->pc = pinst;
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 1;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = fr->system.top - 1;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = NULL;
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = program;
		fr->brkpt.bypass = 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "prim")) {
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
							"Cannot finish because there are too many breakpoints set.", 1);
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		if (!primitive(arg)) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "I don't recognize that primitive.", 1);
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;
		if (fr->system.top >= STACK_SIZE) {
							"That would exceed the system stack size for this program.", 1);
			add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
			return 0;

		primset[0].type = PROG_FUNCTION;
		primset[0].line = 0;
		primset[0].data.mufproc = &temp_muf_proc_data;
		primset[0].data.mufproc->vars = 0;
		primset[0].data.mufproc->args = 0;
		primset[0].data.mufproc->varnames = NULL;
		primset[1].type = PROG_PRIMITIVE;
		primset[1].line = 0;
		primset[1].data.number = get_primitive(arg);
		primset[2].type = PROG_PRIMITIVE;
		primset[2].line = 0;
		primset[2].data.number = IN_RET;
		/* primset[3].data.number = primitive("EXIT"); */

		fr->system.st[fr->system.top].progref = program;
		fr->system.st[fr->system.top++].offset = fr->pc;
		fr->pc = &primset[1];
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 1;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = &primset[2];
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = program;
		fr->brkpt.bypass = 1;
		fr->brkpt.dosyspop = 1;
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "break")) {
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		if (fr->brkpt.count >= MAX_BREAKS) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Too many breakpoints set.", 1);
			return 0;
		if (number(arg)) {
			i = atoi(arg);
		} else {
			if (!(pinst = funcname_to_pc(program, arg))) {
				notify_nolisten(player, "I don't know a function by that name.", 1);
				return 0;
			} else {
				i = pinst->line;
		if (!i)
			i = fr->pc->line;
		j = fr->brkpt.count++;
		fr->brkpt.temp[j] = 0;
		fr->brkpt.level[j] = -1;
		fr->brkpt.line[j] = i;
		fr->brkpt.linecount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.pc[j] = NULL;
		fr->brkpt.pccount[j] = -2;
		fr->brkpt.prog[j] = program;
		notify_nolisten(player, "Breakpoint set.", 1);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "delete")) {
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		i = atoi(arg);
		if (!i) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Which breakpoint did you want to delete?", 1);
			return 0;
		if (i < 1 || i > fr->brkpt.count) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "No such breakpoint.", 1);
			return 0;
		j = i - 1;
		for (j++; j < fr->brkpt.count; j++) {
			fr->brkpt.temp[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.temp[j];
			fr->brkpt.level[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.level[j];
			fr->brkpt.line[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.line[j];
			fr->brkpt.linecount[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.linecount[j];
			fr->brkpt.pc[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.pc[j];
			fr->brkpt.pccount[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.pccount[j];
			fr->brkpt.prog[j - 1] = fr->brkpt.prog[j];
		notify_nolisten(player, "Breakpoint deleted.", 1);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "breaks")) {
		notify_nolisten(player, "Breakpoints:", 1);
		for (i = 0; i < fr->brkpt.count; i++) {
			ptr = unparse_breakpoint(fr, i);
			notify_nolisten(player, ptr, 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "*done*", 1);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "where")) {
		i = atoi(arg);
		muf_backtrace(player, program, i, fr);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "stack")) {
		notify_nolisten(player, "*Argument stack top*", 1);
		i = atoi(arg);
		if (!i)
			i = STACK_SIZE;
		ptr = "";
		ref = program;
		for (j = fr->argument.top; j > 0 && i-- > 0;) {
			cnt = 0;
			do {
				strcpy(buf, ptr);
				ptr = insttotext(NULL, 0, &fr->argument.st[--j], buf2, sizeof(buf2), 4000, program, 1);
			} while (!string_compare(ptr, buf) && j > 0);
			if (cnt > 1)
				notify_fmt(player, "     [repeats %d times]", cnt);
			if (string_compare(ptr, buf))
				notify_fmt(player, "%3d) %s", j + 1, ptr);
		notify_nolisten(player, "*done*", 1);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "list") || !string_compare(cmd, "listi")) {
		int startline, endline;

		startline = endline = 0;
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		if ((ptr2 = (char *) index(arg, ','))) {
			*ptr2++ = '\0';
		} else {
			ptr2 = "";
		if (!*arg) {
			if (fr->brkpt.lastlisted) {
				startline = fr->brkpt.lastlisted + 1;
			} else {
				startline = fr->pc->line;
			endline = startline + 15;
		} else {
			if (!number(arg)) {
				if (!(pinst = funcname_to_pc(program, arg))) {
									"I don't know a function by that name. (starting arg, 1)",
					return 0;
				} else {
					startline = pinst->line;
					endline = startline + 15;
			} else {
				if (*ptr2) {
					endline = startline = atoi(arg);
				} else {
					startline = atoi(arg) - 7;
					endline = startline + 15;
		if (*ptr2) {
			if (!number(ptr2)) {
				if (!(pinst = funcname_to_pc(program, ptr2))) {
									"I don't know a function by that name. (ending arg, 1)",
					return 0;
				} else {
					endline = pinst->line;
			} else {
				endline = atoi(ptr2);
		i = (PROGRAM_CODE(program) + PROGRAM_SIZ(program) - 1)->line;
		if (startline > i) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Starting line is beyond end of program.", 1);
			return 0;
		if (startline < 1)
			startline = 1;
		if (endline > i)
			endline = i;
		if (endline < startline)
			endline = startline;
		notify_nolisten(player, "Listing:", 1);
		if (!string_compare(cmd, "listi")) {
			for (i = startline; i <= endline; i++) {
				pinst = linenum_to_pc(program, i);
				if (pinst) {
					snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "line %d: %s", i, (i == fr->pc->line) ?
							show_line_prims(fr, program, fr->pc, STACK_SIZE, 1) :
							show_line_prims(fr, program, pinst, STACK_SIZE, 0));
					notify_nolisten(player, buf, 1);
		} else {
			list_proglines(player, program, fr, startline, endline);
		fr->brkpt.lastlisted = endline;
		notify_nolisten(player, "*done*", 1);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "quit")) {
		notify_nolisten(player, "Halting execution.", 1);
		return 1;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "trace")) {
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		if (!string_compare(arg, "on")) {
			fr->brkpt.showstack = 1;
			notify_nolisten(player, "Trace turned on.", 1);
		} else if (!string_compare(arg, "off")) {
			fr->brkpt.showstack = 0;
			notify_nolisten(player, "Trace turned off.", 1);
		} else {
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Trace is currently %s.", fr->brkpt.showstack ? "on" : "off");
			notify_nolisten(player, buf, 1);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "words")) {
		list_program_functions(player, program, arg);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "print")) {
		debug_printvar(player, program, fr, arg);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "push")) {
		push_arg(player, fr, arg);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "pop")) {
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		if (fr->argument.top < 1) {
			notify_nolisten(player, "Nothing to pop.", 1);
			return 0;
		CLEAR(fr->argument.st + fr->argument.top);
		notify_nolisten(player, "Stack item popped.", 1);
		return 0;
	} else if (!string_compare(cmd, "help")) {
						"cont            continues execution until a breakpoint is hit.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "finish          completes execution of current function.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "step [NUM]      executes one (or NUM, 1) lines of muf.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "stepi [NUM]     executes one (or NUM, 1) muf instructions.",
		notify_nolisten(player, "next [NUM]      like step, except skips CALL and EXECUTE.",
		notify_nolisten(player, "nexti [NUM]     like stepi, except skips CALL and EXECUTE.",
		notify_nolisten(player, "break LINE#     sets breakpoint at given LINE number.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "break FUNCNAME  sets breakpoint at start of given function.",
		notify_nolisten(player, "breaks          lists all currently set breakpoints.", 1);
						"delete NUM      deletes breakpoint by NUM, as listed by 'breaks'", 1);
						"where [LEVS]    displays function call backtrace of up to num levels deep.",
		notify_nolisten(player, "stack [NUM]     shows the top num items on the stack.", 1);
						"print v#        displays the value of given global variable #.", 1);
						"print lv#       displays the value of given local variable #.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "trace [on|off]  turns on/off debug stack tracing.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "list [L1,[L2]]  lists source code of given line range.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "list FUNCNAME   lists source code of given function.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "listi [L1,[L2]] lists instructions in given line range.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "listi FUNCNAME  lists instructions in given function.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "words           lists all function word names in program.",
						"words PATTERN   lists all function word names that match PATTERN.",
						"exec FUNCNAME   calls given function with the current stack data.",
						"prim PRIMITIVE  executes given primitive with current stack data.",
						"push DATA       pushes an int, dbref, var, or string onto the stack.",
		notify_nolisten(player, "pop             pops top data item off the stack.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "help            displays this help screen.", 1);
		notify_nolisten(player, "quit            stop execution here.", 1);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	} else {
						"I don't understand that debugger command. Type 'help' for help.", 1);
		add_muf_read_event(descr, player, program, fr);
		return 0;
	return 0;