SunderMud 1
Monday, October 13, 1997
Lotherius   :

=== SunderMud.

This is RELEASE 1.0 of SunderMUD, otherwise known as SunderMUD 1.

To find out what the features of SunderMUD 1 are, read both Change.Log in
the DOCS directory, AND "help changes" once the mud is booted.

Areafiles included are not complete. This is to promote building of your
own areas. Some of the existing rooms (about 5% of them) need
descriptions. Many more need mobs/objects. There is enough to get started
here, but not enough for a fully functioning mud. Use "world obj" and
"world mob" to get listings of how many there are per level.

For information on future releases, check the doc/ideas directory, as well 
as "help todo" once the mud is booted.

The mud compiles with no errors on Linux 2.0.30 using ELF binaries. It
also runs with no errors using the startup script included.

To compile on FreeBSD, it may be necessary to edit merc.h and add a line:
#define NOCRYPT
into the file. This will leave your passwords unencrypted, so ONLY do this
as a last resort and if the account the mud is run from is secure.

The mud has not been compiled on anything but FreeBSD and Linux. 

=== Things that are in but not complete in this release:

> Lease code. It's in, and it works. You just can't do anything with
  leased rooms yet. Other than pay for them :)
> Pueblo Support. It detects Pueblo and turns on Pueblo mode, but it 
  doesn't do any html yet.
> Chaosmage Spells. They have some, but not all that they'll ever get.
> Monk Class. It's there and works, but it'll get better.
> Skills.DAT - This file is written out, but not read back in, nor can
  the values in it be changed yet.

=== If you have problems:

Please send bug reports ONLY after reading all documentation.

The included startup script will dump a corefile in the areas directory,
if the mud crashes.
To read this, cd to the areas directory and type:
gdb ../src/merc
Once gdb is open, type:
core core
The screen should show some information about the crash. If you are
positive that the crash was not caused by changes you made to the code,
email me at:

If gdb does not work, you may need to upgrade your GDB. If you are running
Slackware, this is almost positively something you will have to do, since
the gdb distributed with slackware is not for Elf binaries! Why they
haven't fixed it yet, I don't know.

Please read all the documentation in the DOCS directory.