SunderMud 1
These are things that are possibilities for the future of SunderMud.
Not all things listed here will ever see the light of day, and some
things that make it into the code aren't listed here. This is just
a wishlist mainly.

Do away with the alignment modifiers. Take compute_xp or whatever from
PirateMUD and get the xp values req'd from constant.c of PirateMUD.
(Only using Pirate cause don't have a copy of diku)

chop off extra hands. Make lights held in hand, and only use hand if 
not wearing a shield or dual wielding. 

add a move_loss value to set movement lost in varying sector types.
(PirateMUD constants.c has some good examples)

change medit_show to not show shops unless you request shop info.
      Showing the shops is WAY too spammy.

change olc to set the "new format" flag on objs and mobs.

set shopkeepers not to receive random items!

remove autotitle and title tables. 

boats and other "transport" items.. Use con_ states to 
indicated being in/on these.

allow affects to be "permanent" if duration is set to 999.

custom death cries for mobs

mobs that group with each other.

mobs using equipment in their inventory

implement a "noequip" flag for mobs who don't get random equip.

implement aging effects of some sort (minor ones only)

introduction (greetings/name exchange) coding

Stuff to do for clans:
    online adding of clans
    seperate clanfile for each clan
    custom ranks for clans
    tax rate

"note write" to automate task of writing the notes.

Some Menuized Systems.

A Questor Flag for mobs.

Skill Ideas:
	attract followers /* small chance of mobs just deciding to follow
			     you. If they follow you, they will also assist
			     you. The higher the level you are, the more 
			     followers you will get. Followers will
			     loot corpses to provide for their salary. If 
			     you attack a follower, all the others will
			     turn on you and attack you! Good mobs will
			     not follow evil characters. Since following
			     is based on a character's reputation, they will
			     know your alignment. */

Spell Ideas:
	disguise alignment /* makes your alignment appear something it is not.*/
		unknown classes (skill or spell?)
	detect undead
	clone character /* will create a mob copy of a char with limits */
	cold blast /* only when snowing */
	clairvoyance /* see through the eyes of a mob */
	clairaudiance /* listen through the eyes of a mob */
	entropy /* randomly chooses object on oponent and damages it */
	minor chaos /* same as burning hands, except damage type is random */
	globe of darkness /* cancels all light in room. */
	channeling /* drains 35 mana from each member of your group 
		      and gives it to you! Failure would lose all mana
		      and backwash onto you for equal damage */
	mass invulnerability
		  /* uses all your mana(!) and creates a shield (AC)
		     around your entire group, strength based on 
		     amount of MANA you put into it. Also sets ABSORB
		     flag on entire group as well. Great to combo with
		     channeling */ /* use mass invis code */
		chaosmage, avenger