<TITLE>Character Request Form</TITLE>

<BODY BACKGROUND="images/back5.jpg" TEXT="FFFFFF" LINK="EE3317"
VLINK="0000FF" ALINK="FF0000">

<CENTER>Please Fill Out and Submit The Form Below:</CENTER><P>

<CENTER><IMG SRC="images/divide1.gif"></CENTER><P>

<FORM METHOD=POST name="$input" ACTION="cgi-bin/inreq.cgi">

What Is Your Email Address:<input type="text" maxlength=80
You must fill your email address in correctly otherwise the process will
not work.  Your acceptance or denial will be sent to this address, we will
not keep your email address on record after this process is completed.<P>

<CENTER><IMG SRC="images/divide1.gif"></CENTER><P>

What Will Be Your Name: <input type="text" maxlength=12 name="PC_Name"><P>
Choose a Race: <select name="PC_Race">
      	       <option selected>human
               <option> elf
	       <option> dwarf
               <option> half-elf
               <option> gnome
               <option> halfling
               <option> half-Orc
               <option> orc
               <option> draconian
               <option> drow
               <option> avian
               <option> gnoll
Choose a Gender: <P>
<input type="radio" name="PC_Sex" value="Male">Male<P> 
<input type="radio" name="PC_Sex" value="Female">Female<P>

Choose a Class: <select name="PC_Class">
                <option selected>Mage

Choose an Alliance(+2=Good -2=Evil):<select name="PC_Alliance">
                                    <option selected>0
Choose a Tendency(+2=Lawful -2=Chaotic):<select name="PC_Tendency">
                                        <option selected>0
Please Enter A Physical Description Of Your Character:<P>
<TEXTAREA name="PC_Description" ROWS=10 COLS=50></TEXTAREA>
Please Enter A Character History:<P>
<TEXTAREA name="PC_History" ROWS=10 COLS=50></TEXTAREA>
Please Note, your character's approval will be based on the quality and
roleplaying merit of mostly your history and character description.  You
would be wise to take the time now to make sure it is of good quality.<P>

<input type=submit value="Submit This Character For Approval">
<input type=reset value="Reset This Form">