 * DaleMud : sunmalloc.c
 * malloc() function from SunOS : this one with malloc_debug function
 *  int malloc_verify() - force check of memory heap
 *  mallocmap()         - print memory heap.
 *  malloc_debug(0)     - do not check anything
 *  malloc_debug(1)     - print error messages if something wrong
 *  malloc_debug(2)     - check heap on every free/malloc call and abort if error
 * $Id: sunmalloc.c,v 1.1 1995/03/05 11:11:38 denis Exp denis $
 * $Revision: 1.1 $
 * $Log: sunmalloc.c,v $
 * Revision 1.1  1995/03/05  11:11:38  denis
 * Initial revision


 * file: sunmalloc.h
 * description:
 * Definitions for malloc.c and friends (realloc.c, memalign.c)
 * The node header structure.  Header info never overlaps with user
 * data space, in order to accommodate the following atrocity:
 *              free(p);
 *              realloc(p, newsize);
 * ... which was historically used to obtain storage compaction as
 * a side effect of the realloc() call, when the block referenced
 * by p was coalesced with another free block by the call to free().
 * To reduce storage consumption, a header block is associated with
 * free blocks only, not allocated blocks.
 * When a free block is allocated, its header block is put on 
 * a free header block list.
 * This creates a header space and a free block space.
 * The left pointer of a header blocks is used to chain free header
 * blocks together.  New header blocks are allocated in chunks of

typedef enum {false,true} bool;
typedef struct  freehdr *Freehdr;
typedef struct  dblk    *Dblk;
typedef unsigned int    uint;

/* dummy mallinfo struct */
struct mallinfo {
        uint    ordblks;
        long    uordbytes;
        uint    allocated;
        uint    mxfast;
        uint    smblks;
        uint    arena;
        uint    treeoverhead;
        uint    p8,p9,p10;
        uint    fl1,fl2,fl3;
        uint    pp1,pp2,pp3;

 * Description of a header for a free block
 * Only free blocks have such headers.
struct  freehdr {
        Freehdr left;                   /* Left tree pointer */
        Freehdr right;                  /* Right tree pointer */
        Dblk    block;                  /* Ptr to the data block */
        uint    size;

#define NIL             ((Freehdr) 0)
#define NFREE_HDRS      512             /* Get this many headers at a time */
#define SMALLEST_BLK    sizeof(struct dblk)     /* Size of smallest block */
#ifndef NULL
 #define NULL            0

 * Description of a data block.  
 * A data block consists of a length word, possibly followed by
 * a filler word for alignment, followed by the user's data.
 * To back up from the user's data to the length word, use
 * (address of data) - ALIGNSIZ;

#define ALIGNSIZ	sizeof(uint)
struct  dblk    {
        uint    size;                   /* Size of the block */
        char    data[ALIGNSIZ];         /* Addr returned to the caller */

 * weight(x) is the size of a block, in bytes; or 0 if and only if x
 *      is a null pointer.  Note that malloc() and free() should be
 *      prepared to deal with things like zero-length blocks, which
 *      can be introduced by errant programs.

#define weight(x)       ((x) == NIL? 0: (x->size))
#define roundup(x, y)   ((((x)+((y)-1))/(y))*(y))
#define nextblk(p, size) ((Dblk) ((char *) (p) + (size)))
#define max(a, b)       ((a) < (b)? (b): (a))
#define min(a, b)       ((a) < (b)? (a): (b))
#define heapsize()      (_ubound - _lbound)
#define misaligned(p)   ((unsigned)(p)&3)

extern  Freehdr _root;
extern  char    *_lbound, *_ubound;
extern  int     malloc_debug();

extern  struct mallinfo __mallinfo;

 * file: sunmalloc.c
 * description:
 *      Yet another memory allocator, this one based on a method
 *      described in C.J. Stephenson, "Fast Fits"
 *      The basic data structure is a "Cartesian" binary tree, in which
 *      nodes are ordered by ascending addresses (thus minimizing free
 *      list insertion time) and block sizes decrease with depth in the
 *      tree (thus minimizing search time for a block of a given size).
 *      In other words: for any node s, let D(s) denote the set of
 *      descendents of s; for all x in D(left(s)) and all y in
 *      D(right(s)), we have:
 *      a. addr(x) <  addr(s) <  addr(y)
 *      b. len(x)  <= len(s)  >= len(y)

/* #include "sunmalloc.h" */ 
#include <errno.h>

/* system interface */

extern  char    *sbrk();
extern  int     getpagesize();
extern  abort();
extern  int     errno;

static  int     nbpg = 0;       /* set by calling getpagesize() */
static  bool    morecore();     /* get more memory into free space */

#if 0
 #define ptr_t           void *  /* ANSI C says these are voids */
 #define free_t          void    /* ANSI says void free(ptr_t ptr) */
 #define free_return(x)  return
 #define ptr_t           char *  /* BSD still (4.3) wants char*'s */
 #define free_t          int     /* BSD says int free(ptr_t ptr) */
 #define free_return(x)  return(x)

/* SystemV-compatible information structure */
#define INIT_MXFAST 0
#define INIT_NLBLKS 100

struct  mallinfo __mallinfo = {
        0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,                    /* basic info */
        INIT_MXFAST, INIT_NLBLKS, INIT_GRAIN,   /* mallopt options */

/* heap data structures */

Freehdr _root   = NIL;                  /* root of free space list */
char    *_lbound = NULL;                /* lower bound of heap */
char    *_ubound = NULL;                /* upper bound of heap */

/* free header list management */

static  Freehdr getfreehdr();
static  putfreehdr();
static  Freehdr freehdrptr = NIL;       /* ptr to block of available headers */
static  int     nfreehdrs = 0;          /* # of headers in current block */
static  Freehdr freehdrlist = NIL;      /* List of available headers */

/* error checking */
static  error();        /* sets errno; prints msg and aborts if DEBUG is on */

int     malloc_debug(/*level*/);
int     malloc_verify();
static  int debug_level = 0;
static  int reclaim(Dblk oldblk, uint oldsize, int flag);

 * A block with a negative size, a size that is not a multiple
 * of ALIGNSIZ, a size greater than the current extent of the
 * heap, or a size which extends beyond the end of the heap is
 * considered bad.

#define badblksize(p,size)\
         ( (size) < SMALLEST_BLK \
        || (size) & (ALIGNSIZ-1) \
        || (size) > heapsize() \
        || ((char*)(p))+(size) > _ubound )

 * insert (newblk, len)
 *      Inserts a new node in the free space tree, placing it
 *      in the correct position with respect to the existing nodes.
 * algorithm:
 *      Starting from the root, a binary search is made for the new
 *      node. If this search were allowed to continue, it would
 *      eventually fail (since there cannot already be a node at the
 *      given address); but in fact it stops when it reaches a node in
 *      the tree which has a length less than that of the new node (or
 *      when it reaches a null tree pointer).
 *      The new node is then inserted at the root of the subtree for
 *      which the shorter node forms the old root (or in place of the
 *      null pointer).

insert(newblk, len)
        register Dblk newblk;           /* Ptr to the block to insert */
        register uint len;              /* Length of new node */
        register Freehdr *fpp;          /* Address of ptr to subtree */
        register Freehdr x;
        register Freehdr *left_hook;    /* Temp for insertion */
        register Freehdr *right_hook;   /* Temp for insertion */
        register Freehdr newhdr;

         * check for bad block size.
        if ( badblksize(newblk,len) ) {
                error("insert: bad block size (%d) at %#x\n", len, newblk);

         * Search for the first node which has a weight less
         *      than that of the new node; this will be the
         *      point at which we insert the new node.
        fpp = &_root;
        x = *fpp;
        while (weight(x) >= len) {      
                if (newblk < x->block)
                        fpp = &x->left;
                        fpp = &x->right;
                x = *fpp;

         * Perform root insertion. The variable x traces a path through
         *      the fpp, and with the help of left_hook and right_hook,
         *      rewrites all links that cross the territory occupied
         *      by newblk.

        if ((newhdr = getfreehdr()) == NIL) {
                /* Error message returned by getfreehdr() */
        *fpp = newhdr;

        newhdr->left = NIL;
        newhdr->right = NIL;
        newhdr->block = newblk;
        newhdr->size = len;

         * set length word in the block for consistency with the header.

        newblk->size = len;

        left_hook = &newhdr->left;
        right_hook = &newhdr->right;

        while (x != NIL) {
                 * Remark:
                 *      The name 'left_hook' is somewhat confusing, since
                 *      it is always set to the address of a .right link
                 *      field.  However, its value is always an address
                 *      below (i.e., to the left of) newblk. Similarly
                 *      for right_hook. The values of left_hook and
                 *      right_hook converge toward the value of newblk,
                 *      as in a classical binary search.
                if (x->block < newblk) {
                         * rewrite link crossing from the left
                        *left_hook = x;
                        left_hook = &x->right;
                        x = x->right;
                } else {
                         * rewrite link crossing from the right
                        *right_hook = x;
                        right_hook = &x->left;
                        x = x->left;
                } /*else*/
        } /*while*/

        *left_hook = *right_hook = NIL;         /* clear remaining hooks */

} /*insert*/

 * delete(p)
 *      deletes a node from a cartesian tree. p is the address of
 *      a pointer to the node which is to be deleted.
 * algorithm:
 *      The left and right branches of the node to be deleted define two
 *      subtrees which are to be merged and attached in place of the
 *      deleted node.  Each node on the inside edges of these two
 *      subtrees is examined and longer nodes are placed above the
 *      shorter ones.
 * On entry:
 *      *p is assumed to be non-null.
        register Freehdr *p;
        register Freehdr x;
        register Freehdr left_branch;   /* left subtree of deleted node */
        register Freehdr right_branch;  /* right subtree of deleted node */
        register uint left_weight;
        register uint right_weight;

        x = *p;
        left_branch = x->left;
        left_weight = weight(left_branch);
        right_branch = x->right;
        right_weight = weight(right_branch);

        while (left_branch != right_branch) {   
                 * iterate until left branch and right branch are
                 * both NIL.
                if ( left_weight >= right_weight ) {
                         * promote the left branch
                        if (left_branch != NIL) {
                                if (left_weight == 0) {
                                        /* zero-length block */
                                        error("blocksize=0 at %#x\n",
                                *p = left_branch;
                                p = &left_branch->right;
                                left_branch = *p;
                                left_weight = weight(left_branch);
                } else {
                         * promote the right branch
                        if (right_branch != NIL) {
                                if (right_weight == 0) {
                                        /* zero-length block */
                                        error("blocksize=0 at %#x\n",
                                *p = right_branch;
                                p = &right_branch->left;
                                right_branch = *p;
                                right_weight = weight(right_branch);
        *p = NIL;
} /*delete*/

 * demote(p)
 *      Demotes a node in a cartesian tree, if necessary, to establish
 *      the required vertical ordering.
 * algorithm:
 *      The left and right subtrees of the node to be demoted are to
 *      be partially merged and attached in place of the demoted node.
 *      The nodes on the inside edges of these two subtrees are
 *      examined and the longer nodes are placed above the shorter
 *      ones, until a node is reached which has a length no greater
 *      than that of the node being demoted (or until a null pointer
 *      is reached).  The node is then attached at this point, and
 *      the remaining subtrees (if any) become its descendants.
 * on entry:
 *   a. All the nodes in the tree, including the one to be demoted,
 *      must be correctly ordered horizontally;
 *   b. All the nodes except the one to be demoted must also be
 *      correctly positioned vertically.  The node to be demoted
 *      may be already correctly positioned vertically, or it may
 *      have a length which is less than that of one or both of
 *      its progeny.
 *   c. *p is non-null

        register Freehdr *p;
        register Freehdr x;             /* addr of node to be demoted */
        register Freehdr left_branch;
        register Freehdr right_branch;
        register uint   left_weight;
        register uint   right_weight;
        register uint   x_weight;

        x = *p;
        x_weight = weight(x);
        left_branch = x->left;
        right_branch = x->right;
        left_weight = weight(left_branch);
        right_weight = weight(right_branch);

        while (left_weight > x_weight || right_weight > x_weight) {
                 * select a descendant branch for promotion
                if (left_weight >= right_weight) {
                         * promote the left branch
                        *p = left_branch;
                        p = &left_branch->right;
                        left_branch = *p;
                        left_weight = weight(left_branch);
                } else {
                         * promote the right branch
                        *p = right_branch;
                        p = &right_branch->left;
                        right_branch = *p;
                        right_weight = weight(right_branch);
                } /*else*/
        } /*while*/

        *p = x;                         /* attach demoted node here */
        x->left = left_branch;
        x->right = right_branch;

} /*demote*/

 * char*
 * malloc(nbytes)
 *      Allocates a block of length specified in bytes.  If nbytes is
 *      zero, a valid pointer (that should not be dereferenced) is returned.
 * algorithm:
 *      The freelist is searched by descending the tree from the root
 *      so that at each decision point the "better fitting" branch node
 *      is chosen (i.e., the shorter one, if it is long enough, or
 *      the longer one, otherwise).  The descent stops when both
 *      branch nodes are too short.
 * function result:
 *      Malloc returns a pointer to the allocated block. A null
 *      pointer indicates an error.
 * diagnostics:
 *      ENOMEM: storage could not be allocated.
 *      EINVAL: either the argument was invalid, or the heap was found
 *      to be in an inconsistent state.  More detailed information may
 *      be obtained by enabling range checks (cf., malloc_debug()).
 * Note: In this implementation, each allocated block includes a
 *      length word, which occurs before the address seen by the caller.
 *      Allocation requests are rounded up to a multiple of wordsize.

        register uint   nbytes;
        register Freehdr allocp;        /* ptr to node to be allocated */
        register Freehdr *fpp;          /* for tree modifications */
        register Freehdr left_branch;
        register Freehdr right_branch;
        register uint    left_weight;
        register uint    right_weight;
        Dblk     retblk;                /* block returned to the user */

         * if rigorous checking was requested, do it.
        if (debug_level >= 2) {

         * add the size of a length word to the request, and
         * guarantee at least one word of usable data.
        nbytes += ALIGNSIZ;
        if (nbytes < SMALLEST_BLK) {
                nbytes = SMALLEST_BLK;
        } else {
                nbytes = roundup(nbytes, ALIGNSIZ);

         * ensure that at least one block is big enough to satisfy
         *      the request.

        if (weight(_root) < nbytes) {
                 * the largest block is not enough. 
                        return 0;

         * search down through the tree until a suitable block is
         *      found.  At each decision point, select the better
         *      fitting node.

        fpp = &_root;
        allocp = *fpp;
        left_branch = allocp->left;
        right_branch = allocp->right;
        left_weight = weight(left_branch);
        right_weight = weight(right_branch);

        while (left_weight >= nbytes || right_weight >= nbytes) {
                if (left_weight <= right_weight) {
                        if (left_weight >= nbytes) {
                                fpp = &allocp->left;
                                allocp = left_branch;
                        } else {
                                fpp = &allocp->right;
                                allocp = right_branch;
                } else {
                        if (right_weight >= nbytes) {
                                fpp = &allocp->right;
                                allocp = right_branch;
                        } else {
                                fpp = &allocp->left;
                                allocp = left_branch;
                left_branch = allocp->left;
                right_branch = allocp->right;
                left_weight = weight(left_branch);
                right_weight = weight(right_branch);
        } /*while*/     

         * allocate storage from the selected node.
        if (allocp->size - nbytes <= SMALLEST_BLK) {
                 * not big enough to split; must leave at least
                 * a dblk's worth of space.
                retblk = allocp->block;
        } else {

                 * Split the selected block n bytes from the top. The
                 * n bytes at the top are returned to the caller; the
                 * remainder of the block goes back to free space.
                register Dblk nblk;

                retblk = allocp->block;
                nblk = nextblk(retblk, nbytes);         /* ^next block */
                nblk->size =  allocp->size = retblk->size - nbytes; 
                __mallinfo.ordblks++;                   /* count fragments */

                 * Change the selected node to point at the newly split
                 * block, and move the node to its proper place in
                 * the free space list.
                allocp->block = nblk;

                 * set the length field of the allocated block; we need
                 * this because free() does not specify a length.
                retblk->size = nbytes;
        /* maintain statistics */
        __mallinfo.uordbytes += retblk->size;           /* bytes allocated */
        __mallinfo.allocated++;                         /* frags allocated */
        if (nbytes < __mallinfo.mxfast)
                __mallinfo.smblks++;    /* kludge to pass the SVVS */


} /*malloc*/

 * free(p)
 *      return a block to the free space tree.
 * algorithm:
 *      Starting at the root, search for and coalesce free blocks
 *      adjacent to one given.  When the appropriate place in the
 *      tree is found, insert the given block.
 * Some sanity checks to avoid total confusion in the tree.
 *      If the block has already been freed, return.
 *      If the ptr is not from the sbrk'ed space, return.
 *      If the block size is invalid, return.
        ptr_t   ptr;
        register uint    nbytes;        /* Size of node to be released */
        register Freehdr *fpp;          /* For deletion from free list */
        register Freehdr neighbor;      /* Node to be coalesced */
        register Dblk    neighbor_blk;  /* Ptr to potential neighbor */
        register uint    neighbor_size; /* Size of potential neighbor */
        register Dblk    oldblk;        /* Ptr to block to be freed */

         * if rigorous checking was requested, do it.
        if (debug_level >= 2) {

         * Check the address of the old block.
        if ( misaligned(ptr) ) {
                error("free: illegal address (%#x)\n", ptr);

         * Freeing something that wasn't allocated isn't
         * exactly kosher, but fclose() does it routinely.
        if( ptr < _lbound || ptr > _ubound ) {
                errno = EINVAL;

         * Get node length by backing up by the size of a header.
         * Check for a valid length.  It must be a positive 
         * multiple of ALIGNSIZ, at least as large as SMALLEST_BLK,
         * no larger than the extent of the heap, and must not
         * extend beyond the end of the heap.
        oldblk = (Dblk)((char*)ptr - ALIGNSIZ);
        nbytes = oldblk->size;
        if (badblksize(oldblk,nbytes)) {
                error("free: bad block size (%d) at %#x\n",
                        (int)nbytes, (int)oldblk );

        /* maintain statistics */
        __mallinfo.uordbytes -= nbytes;         /* bytes allocated */
        __mallinfo.allocated--;                 /* frags allocated */

         * Search the tree for the correct insertion point for this
         *      node, coalescing adjacent free blocks along the way.
        fpp = &_root;
        neighbor = *fpp;
        while (neighbor != NIL) {
                neighbor_blk = neighbor->block;
                neighbor_size = neighbor->size;
                if (oldblk < neighbor_blk) {
                        Dblk nblk = nextblk(oldblk,nbytes);
                        if (nblk == neighbor_blk) {
                                 * Absorb and delete right neighbor
                                nbytes += neighbor_size;
                        } else if (nblk > neighbor_blk) {
                                 * The block being freed overlaps
                                 * another block in the tree.  This
                                 * is bad news.  Return to avoid
                                 * further fouling up the the tree.
                                 error("free: blocks %#x, %#x overlap\n",
                                                (int)oldblk, (int)neighbor_blk);
                        } else {
                                 * Search to the left
                                fpp = &neighbor->left;
                } else if (oldblk > neighbor_blk) {
                        Dblk nblk = nextblk(neighbor_blk, neighbor_size);
                        if (nblk == oldblk) {
                                 * Absorb and delete left neighbor
                                oldblk = neighbor_blk;
                                nbytes += neighbor_size;
                        } else if (nblk > oldblk) {
                                 * This block has already been freed
                                error("free: block %#x was already free\n",
                        } else {
                                 * search to the right
                                fpp = &neighbor->right;
                } else {
                         * This block has already been freed
                         * as "oldblk == neighbor_blk"
                        error("free: block %#x was already free\n", (int)ptr);
                } /*else*/

                 * Note that this depends on a side effect of
                 * delete(fpp) in order to terminate the loop!
                neighbor = *fpp;

        } /*while*/

         * Insert the new node into the free space tree
        insert( oldblk, nbytes );

} /*free*/

 * char*
 * shrink(oldblk, oldsize, newsize)
 *      Decreases the size of an old block to a new size.
 *      Returns the remainder to free space.  Returns the
 *      truncated block to the caller.

static char *
shrink(oldblk, oldsize, newsize)
        register Dblk oldblk;
        register uint oldsize, newsize;
        register Dblk remainder;
        if (oldsize - newsize >= SMALLEST_BLK) {
                 * Block is to be contracted. Split the old block
                 * and return the remainder to free space.
                remainder = nextblk(oldblk, newsize);
                remainder->size = oldsize - newsize;
                oldblk->size = newsize;

                /* maintain statistics */
                __mallinfo.ordblks++;           /* count fragments */
                __mallinfo.allocated++;         /* negate effect of free() */


 * char*
 * realloc(ptr, nbytes)
 * Reallocate an old block with a new size, returning the old block
 * if possible. The block returned is guaranteed to preserve the
 * contents of the old block up to min(size(old block), newsize).
 * For backwards compatibility, ptr is allowed to reference
 * a block freed since the LAST call of malloc().  Thus the old
 * block may be busy, free, or may even be nested within a free
 * block. 
 * Some old programs have been known to do things like the following,
 * which is guaranteed not to work:
 *      free(ptr);
 *      free(dummy);
 *      dummy = malloc(1);
 *      ptr = realloc(ptr,nbytes);
 * This atrocity was found in the source for diff(1).
realloc(ptr, nbytes)
        ptr_t   ptr;
        uint    nbytes;
        register Freehdr *fpp;
        register Freehdr fp;
        register Dblk   oldblk;
        register Dblk   freeblk;
        register Dblk   oldneighbor;
        register uint   oldsize;
        register uint   newsize;
        register uint   oldneighborsize;

         * if rigorous checking was requested, do it.
        if (debug_level >= 2) {

         * Check the address of the old block.
        if ( misaligned(ptr) || ptr < _lbound || ptr > _ubound ) {
                error("realloc: illegal address (%#x)\n", ptr);

         * check location and size of the old block and its
         * neighboring block to the right.  If the old block is
         * at end of memory, the neighboring block is undefined.
        oldblk = (Dblk)((char*)ptr - ALIGNSIZ);
        oldsize = oldblk->size;
        if (badblksize(oldblk,oldsize)) {
                error("realloc: bad block size (%d) at %#x\n",
                        oldsize, oldblk);
        oldneighbor = nextblk(oldblk,oldsize);

        /* *** tree search code pulled into separate subroutine *** */
        if (reclaim(oldblk, oldsize, 1) == -1) {
                return(NULL);           /* internal error */

         * At this point, we can guarantee that oldblk is out of free
         * space. What we do next depends on a comparison of the size
         * of the old block and the requested new block size.  To do
         * this, first round up the new size request.
        newsize = nbytes + ALIGNSIZ;            /* add size of a length word */
        if (newsize < SMALLEST_BLK) {
                newsize = SMALLEST_BLK;
        } else {
                newsize = roundup(newsize, ALIGNSIZ);

         * Next, examine the size of the old block, and compare it
         * with the requested new size.

        if (oldsize >= newsize) {
                 * Block is to be made smaller.
                return(shrink(oldblk, oldsize, newsize));

         * Block is to be expanded.  Look for adjacent free memory.
        if ( oldneighbor < (Dblk)_ubound ) {
                 * Search for the adjacent block in the free
                 * space tree.  Note that the tree may have been
                 * modified in the earlier loop.
                fpp = &_root;
                fp = *fpp;
                oldneighborsize = oldneighbor->size;
                if ( badblksize(oldneighbor, oldneighborsize) ) {
                        error("realloc: bad blocksize(%d) at %#x\n",
                                oldneighborsize, oldneighbor);
                while ( weight(fp) >= oldneighborsize ) {
                        freeblk = fp->block;
                        if (oldneighbor < freeblk) {
                                 * search to the left
                                fpp = &(fp->left);
                                fp = *fpp;
                        else if (oldneighbor > freeblk) {
                                 * search to the right
                                fpp = &(fp->right);
                                fp = *fpp;
                        else {          /* oldneighbor == freeblk */
                                 * neighboring block is free; is it big enough?
                                if (oldsize + oldneighborsize >= newsize) {
                                         * Big enough. Delete freeblk, join
                                         * oldblk to neighbor, return newsize
                                         * bytes to the caller, and return the
                                         * remainder to free storage.

                                        /* maintain statistics */
                                        __mallinfo.uordbytes += oldneighborsize;

                                        oldsize += oldneighborsize;
                                        oldblk->size = oldsize;
                                        return(shrink(oldblk, oldsize, newsize));
                                } else {
                                         * Not big enough. Stop looking for a
                                         * free lunch.
                                } /*else*/
                        } /*else*/
        } /*if*/

         * At this point, we know there is no free space in which to
         * expand. Malloc a new block, copy the old block to the new,
         * and free the old block, IN THAT ORDER.
        ptr = malloc(nbytes);
        if (ptr != NULL) {
                bcopy(oldblk->data, ptr, oldsize-ALIGNSIZ);

} /* realloc */

 * *** The following code was pulled out of realloc() ***
 * int
 * reclaim(oldblk, oldsize, flag)
 *      If a block containing 'oldsize' bytes from 'oldblk'
 *      is in the free list, remove it from the free list.
 *      'oldblk' and 'oldsize' are assumed to include the free block header.
 *      Returns 1 if block was successfully removed.
 *      Returns 0 if block was not in free list.
 *      Returns -1 if block spans a free/allocated boundary (error() called
 *                                              if 'flag' == 1).
static int
reclaim(oldblk, oldsize, flag)
        register Dblk oldblk;
        uint oldsize;
        int flag;
        register Dblk oldneighbor;
        register Freehdr        *fpp;
        register Freehdr        fp;
        register Dblk           freeblk;
        register uint           size;

         * Search the free space list for a node describing oldblk,
         * or a node describing a block containing oldblk.  Assuming
         * the size of blocks decreases monotonically with depth in
         * the tree, the loop may terminate as soon as a block smaller
         * than oldblk is encountered.

        oldneighbor = nextblk(oldblk, oldsize);

        fpp = &_root;
        fp = *fpp;
        while ( (size = weight(fp)) >= oldsize ) {
                freeblk = fp->block;
                if (badblksize(freeblk,size)) {
                        error("realloc: bad block size (%d) at %#x\n",
                                size, freeblk);
                if ( oldblk == freeblk ) {
                         * |<-- freeblk ...
                         * _________________________________
                         * |<-- oldblk ...
                         * ---------------------------------
                         * Found oldblk in the free space tree; delete it.

                        /* maintain statistics */
                        __mallinfo.uordbytes += oldsize;
                else if (oldblk < freeblk) {
                         *              |<-- freeblk ...
                         * _________________________________
                         * |<--oldblk ...
                         * ---------------------------------
                         * Search to the left for oldblk
                        fpp = &fp->left;
                        fp = *fpp;
                else { 
                         * |<-- freeblk ...
                         * _________________________________
                         * |                    |<--oldblk--->|<--oldneighbor
                         * ---------------------------------
                         * oldblk is somewhere to the right of freeblk.
                         * Check to see if it lies within freeblk.
                        register Dblk freeneighbor;
                        freeneighbor =  nextblk(freeblk, freeblk->size); 
                        if (oldblk >= freeneighbor) {
                                 * |<-- freeblk--->|<--- freeneighbor ...
                                 * _________________________________
                                 * |                  |<--oldblk--->|
                                 * ---------------------------------
                                 * no such luck; search to the right.
                                fpp =  &fp->right;
                                fp = *fpp;
                        else { 
                                 * freeblk < oldblk < freeneighbor;
                                 * i.e., oldblk begins within freeblk.
                                if (oldneighbor > freeneighbor) {
                                         * |<-- freeblk--->|<--- freeneighbor
                                         * _________________________________
                                         * |     |<--oldblk--->|<--oldneighbor
                                         * ---------------------------------
                                         * oldblk straddles a block boundary!
                                        if (flag) {
            error("realloc: block %#x straddles free block boundary\n", oldblk);
                                else if (  oldneighbor == freeneighbor ) {
                                         * |<-------- freeblk------------->|
                                         * _________________________________
                                         * |                 |<--oldblk--->|
                                         * ---------------------------------
                                         * Oldblk is on the right end of
                                         * freeblk. Delete freeblk, split
                                         * into two fragments, and return
                                         * the one on the left to free space.

                                        /* maintain statistics */
                                        __mallinfo.uordbytes += oldsize;
                                        __mallinfo.allocated += 2;

                                        freeblk->size -= oldsize;
                                else {
                                         * |<-------- freeblk------------->|
                                         * _________________________________
                                         * |        |oldblk  | oldneighbor |
                                         * ---------------------------------
                                         * Oldblk is in the middle of freeblk.
                                         * Delete freeblk, split into three
                                         * fragments, and return the ones on
                                         * the ends to free space.

                                        /* maintain statistics */
                                        __mallinfo.ordblks += 2;
                                        __mallinfo.uordbytes += freeblk->size;
                                        __mallinfo.allocated += 3;

                                         * split the left fragment by
                                         * subtracting the size of oldblk
                                         * and oldblk's neighbor
                                        freeblk->size -=
                                                ( (char*)freeneighbor
                                                        - (char*)oldblk );
                                         * split the right fragment by
                                         * setting oldblk's neighbor's size
                                        oldneighbor->size = 
                                                        - (char*)oldneighbor;
                                         * return the fragments to free space
                                } /*else*/
                        } /*else*/
                } /* else */
        } /*while*/

        return(0);              /* free block not found */

 * bool
 * morecore(nbytes)
 *      Add a block of at least nbytes from end-of-memory to the
 *      free space tree.
 * return value:
 *      true    if at least n bytes can be allocated
 *      false   otherwise
 * remarks:
 *   -- free space (delimited by the extern variable _ubound) is 
 *      extended by an amount determined by rounding nbytes up to
 *      a multiple of the system page size.
 *   -- The lower bound of the heap is determined the first time
 *      this routine is entered. It does NOT necessarily begin at
 *      the end of static data space, since startup code (e.g., for
 *      profiling) may have invoked sbrk() before we got here. 

static bool
        uint nbytes;
        Dblk p;
        Freehdr newhdr;

        if (nbpg == 0) {
                nbpg = getpagesize();
                /* hack to avoid fragmenting the heap with the first
                   freehdr page */
                if ((newhdr = getfreehdr()) == NIL) {
                        /* Error message returned by getfreehdr() */
        nbytes = roundup(nbytes, nbpg);
        p = (Dblk) sbrk((int)nbytes);
        if (p == (Dblk) -1)
                return(false);  /* errno = ENOMEM */
        if (_lbound == NULL)    /* set _lbound the first time through */
                _lbound = (char*) p;
        _ubound = (char *) p + nbytes;
        p->size = nbytes;

        /* maintain statistics */
        __mallinfo.arena = _ubound - _lbound;
        __mallinfo.uordbytes += nbytes;


} /*morecore*/

 * Get a free block header from the free header list.
 * When the list is empty, allocate an array of headers.
 * When the array is empty, allocate another one.
 * When we can't allocate another array, we're in deep weeds.
static  Freehdr
        Freehdr r;
        register Dblk   blk;
        register uint   size;

        if (freehdrlist != NIL) {
                r = freehdrlist;
                freehdrlist = freehdrlist->left;
        if (nfreehdrs <= 0) {
                size = NFREE_HDRS*sizeof(struct freehdr) + ALIGNSIZ;
                blk = (Dblk) sbrk(size);
                if ((int)blk == -1) {
                        error("getfreehdr: out of memory");
                if (_lbound == NULL)    /* set _lbound on first allocation */
                        _lbound = (char*)blk;
                blk->size = size;
                freehdrptr = (Freehdr)blk->data;
                nfreehdrs = NFREE_HDRS;
                _ubound = (char*) nextblk(blk,size);

                /* maintain statistics */
                __mallinfo.arena = _ubound - _lbound;
                __mallinfo.treeoverhead += size;

 * Free a free block header
 * Add it to the list of available headers.
        Freehdr p;
        p->left = freehdrlist;
        freehdrlist = p;

 * malloc_debug(level)
 * description:
 *      Controls the level of error diagnosis and consistency checking
 *      done by malloc() and free(). level is interpreted as follows:
 *      0:  malloc() and free() return 0 if error detected in arguments
 *          (errno is set to EINVAL)
 *      1:  malloc() and free() abort if errors detected in arguments
 *      2:  same as 1, but scan entire heap for errors on every call
 *          to malloc() or free()
 * function result:
 *      returns the previous level of error reporting.
        int level;
        int old_level;
        old_level = debug_level;
        debug_level = level;
        return old_level;

 * check a free space tree pointer. Should be in
 * the static free pool or somewhere in the heap.

#define chkblk(p)\
        if ( misaligned(p)\
                || ((Dblk)(p) < (Dblk)_lbound || (Dblk)(p) > (Dblk)_ubound)){\
                return 0;\

#define chkhdr(p) chkblk(p)

static blkerror(p)
        Freehdr p;
        error("Illegal block address (%#x)\n", (p));

 * cartesian(p)
 *      returns 1 if free space tree p satisfies internal consistency
 *      checks.

static int
        register Freehdr p;
        register Freehdr probe;
        register Dblk db,pdb;

        if (p == NIL)                           /* no tree to test */
                return 1;
         * check that root has a data block
        pdb = p->block;

         * check that the child blocks are no larger than the parent block.
        probe = p->left;
        if (probe != NIL) {
                db = probe->block;
                if (probe->size > p->size)      /* child larger than parent */
                        return 0;
        probe = p->right;
        if (probe != NIL) {
                db = probe->block;
                if (probe->size > p->size)      /* child larger than parent */
                        return 0;
         * test data addresses in the left subtree,
         * starting at the left subroot and probing to
         * the right.  All data addresses must be < p->block.
        probe = p->left;
        while (probe != NIL) {
                db = probe->block;
                if ( nextblk(db, probe->size) >= pdb )  /* overlap */
                        return 0;
                probe = probe->right;
         * test data addresses in the right subtree,
         * starting at the right subroot and probing to
         * the left.  All addresses must be > nextblk(p->block).
        pdb = nextblk(pdb, p->size);
        probe = p->right;
        while (probe != NIL) {
                db = probe->block;
                if (db == NULL || db <= pdb)            /* overlap */
                        return 0;
                probe = probe->left;
        return (cartesian(p->left) && cartesian(p->right));

 * malloc_verify()
 * This is a verification routine.  It walks through all blocks
 * in the heap (both free and busy) and checks for bad blocks.
 * malloc_verify returns 1 if the heap contains no detectably bad
 * blocks; otherwise it returns 0.

        register int    maxsize;
        register int    hdrsize;
        register int    size;
        register Dblk   p;
        uint    lb,ub;

        extern  char    end[];

        if (_lbound == NULL)    /* no allocation yet */
                return 1;

         * first check heap bounds pointers
        lb = (uint)end;
        ub = (uint)sbrk(0);

        if ((uint)_lbound < lb || (uint)_lbound > ub) {
                error("malloc_verify: illegal heap lower bound (%#x)\n",
                return 0;
        if ((uint)_ubound < lb || (uint)_ubound > ub) {
                error("malloc_verify: illegal heap upper bound (%#x)\n",
                return 0;
        maxsize = heapsize();
        p = (Dblk)_lbound;
        while (p < (Dblk) _ubound) {
                size = p->size;
                if ( (size) < SMALLEST_BLK 
                        || (size) & (ALIGNSIZ-1)
                        || (size) > heapsize()
                        || ((char*)(p))+(size) > _ubound ) {
                        error("malloc_verify: bad block size (%d) at %#x\n",
                                size, p);
                        return(0);              /* Badness */
                p = nextblk(p, size);
        if (p > (Dblk) _ubound) {
                error("malloc_verify: heap corrupted\n");
        if (!cartesian(_root)){
                error("malloc_verify: free space tree corrupted\n");

 * The following is a kludge to avoid dependency on stdio, which
 * uses malloc() and free(), one of which probably got us here in
 * the first place.

#define putchar(c) (*buf++ = (c))
#define fileno(x)  x     
#define stderr     2       
#define LBUFSIZ    1024

static  char    dummy_stderrbuf[LBUFSIZ];

dummy_sprintf( string, fmt, x1, x2, x3 )
        char *string;
        register char *fmt;
        uint x1,x2,x3;
        register char *buf = string;
        uint *argp = &x1;
        register char c;

        while ( c = *fmt++ ) {
                if (c != '%') {
                } else {
                         * print formatted argument
                        register uint x;
                        unsigned short radix;
                        char prbuf[12];
                        register char *cp;

                        x = *argp++;

                        switch( c = *fmt++ ) {
                        case 'd':
                                radix = 10;
                                if ((int)x < 0) {
                                        x = (unsigned)(-(int)x);
                        case '#':
                                c = *fmt++;
                                if (c == 'x') {
                                /*FALL THROUGH*/
                        case 'x':
                                radix = 16;
                        } /*switch*/

                        cp = prbuf;
                        do {
                                *cp++ = "0123456789abcdef"[x%radix];
                                x /= radix;
                        } while(x);
                        do {
                        } while(cp > prbuf);
        } /*while*/

        return(buf - string);

} /*sprintf*/

 * Error routine.
 * If debug_level == 0, does nothing except set errno = EINVAL.
 * Otherwise, prints an error message to stderr and generates a
 * core image.

error(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)
        char    *fmt;
        int arg1, arg2, arg3;
        static n = 0;   /* prevents infinite recursion when using stdio */
        register int nbytes;

        errno = EINVAL;
        if (debug_level == 0)
        if (!n++) {
                nbytes = dummy_sprintf(dummy_stderrbuf, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3);
                dummy_stderrbuf[nbytes++] = '\n';
                dummy_stderrbuf[nbytes] = '\0';
                write(fileno(stderr), dummy_stderrbuf, nbytes);
        if(debug_level >= 2)

 * file: mallocmap.c
 * description:
 *      This file contains routines to print maps of the heap and
 *      the free space tree, for diagnosis of memory allocation bugs.

static  depth = 0;

        Freehdr p;
        int n;
        if (p != NIL){
                for (n = 0; n < depth; n++) {
                        printf("   ");
                printf("(%#lx): (left = %#lx, right = %#lx, len = %d)\n",
                        (p->left ? p->left->block : 0),
                        (p->right ? p->right->block : 0),
                        p->size );

 * External routine to print the free space tree

        printf("\n**** free space traversal:\n");

 * Determine if a block is in the free tree.
 * Uses a simple binary search.  Assumes blocksize
 * is valid.

static bool
isfreeblk(blk, fp)
        register Dblk   blk;
        register Freehdr fp;
        uint     len; 

        if (_root == NULL) {
        len = blk->size;
        while (weight(fp) >= len) {     
                if (blk == fp->block)
                else if (blk < fp->block)
                        fp = fp->left;
                        fp = fp->right;

 * mallocmap()
 * description:
 *      Print out a memory map.  This routine walks sequentially through
 *      the heap and reports each block's address, size and status (free
 *      or busy).  A block must have a size that is no larger than the
 *      current extent of the heap.

        register char   *status;
        register Dblk   p;
        register uint   size;
        int     errstate;

        if (_lbound == NULL)    /* no allocation yet */
        p = (Dblk) _lbound;
        while (p < (Dblk) _ubound) {
                size = (int) p->size;
                if (badblksize(p,size)) {
                        printf("%x: unreasonable size: %d\n", p, size);
                status = ( isfreeblk(p, _root) ? "free" : "busy" );
                printf("%x: %d bytes: %s\n", p, size, status);
                p = nextblk(p, size);
