*  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
*  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
*                                                                         *
*  Merc Diku Mud improvements copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael         *
*  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
*                                                                         *
*  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
*  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
*  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
*  these copyright notices.                                               *
*                                                                         *
*  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
*  benefiting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes       *
*  around, comes around.                                                  *
*       ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor                        *
*       ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium                 *
*           Russ Taylor (rtaylor@hypercube.org)                           *
*           Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@hypercube.org)                      *
*           Brian Moore (zump@rom.org)                                    *
*       By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the    *
*       ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license                    *
*       1stMUD ROM Derivative (c) 2001-2002 by Ryan Jennings              *
*            http://1stmud.dlmud.com/  <r-jenn@shaw.ca>                   *
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "merc.h"
#include "interp.h"

struct hash_link
	int key;
	struct hash_link *next;
	void *data;

struct hash_header
	int rec_size;
	int table_size;
	int *keylist, klistsize, klistlen;

	struct hash_link **buckets;

#define	HASH_KEY(ht,key)((((unsigned int)(key))*17)%(ht)->table_size)

struct hunting_data
	char *name;
	CHAR_DATA **victim;

struct room_q
	int room_nr;
	struct room_q *next_q;

struct nodes
	int visited;
	int ancestor;

#define	IS_DIR          (get_room_index(q_head->room_nr)->exit[i])
#define	GO_OK           (!IS_SET( IS_DIR->exit_info, EX_CLOSED ))
#define	GO_OK_SMARTER   1

void init_hash_table
args ((struct hash_header * ht, int rec_size, int table_size));
void init_world args ((ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room_db[]));
CHAR_DATA *get_char_area_restrict args ((CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument));
void destroy_hash_table args ((struct hash_header * ht));
void _hash_enter args ((struct hash_header * ht, int key, void *data));
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room_find args ((ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room_db[], int key));
void *hash_find args ((struct hash_header * ht, int key));
int room_enter args ((ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rb[], int key, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rm));
int hash_enter args ((struct hash_header * ht, int key, void *data));
ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room_find_or_create args ((ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rb[], int key));
void *hash_find_or_create args ((struct hash_header * ht, int key));
int room_remove args ((ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rb[], int key));
void *hash_remove args ((struct hash_header * ht, int key));
int exit_ok args ((EXIT_DATA * pexit));
int find_path
args (
	  (int in_room_vnum, int out_room_vnum, CHAR_DATA * ch, int depth,
	   int in_zone));

void init_hash_table (struct hash_header *ht, int rec_size, int table_size)
	ht->rec_size = rec_size;
	ht->table_size = table_size;

	ht->buckets =
		(struct hash_link **) calloc (sizeof (*ht->buckets), table_size);

	ht->keylist =
		(int *) calloc (sizeof (*ht->keylist), (ht->klistsize = 128));
	ht->klistlen = 0;

void init_world (ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room_db[])
	memset (room_db, 0, sizeof (ROOM_INDEX_DATA *) * top_room);

CHAR_DATA *get_char_area (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
	char arg[MIL];
	CHAR_DATA *ach;
	int number;
	int count;

	if (IS_NULLSTR (argument))
		return NULL;

	if ((ach = get_char_room (ch, argument)) != NULL)
		return ach;

	number = number_argument (argument, arg);
	count = 0;
	for (ach = char_list; ach != NULL; ach = ach->next)
		if (ach->in_room == NULL
			|| ach->in_room->area != ch->in_room->area
			|| !can_see (ch, ach) || !is_name (arg, ach->name))
		if (++count == number)
			return ach;

	return NULL;

void destroy_hash_table (struct hash_header *ht)
	int i;
	struct hash_link *scan, *temp;

	for (i = 0; i < ht->table_size; i++)
		for (scan = ht->buckets[i]; scan;)
			temp = scan->next;
			free (scan);
			scan = temp;
	free (ht->buckets);
	free (ht->keylist);

void _hash_enter (struct hash_header *ht, int key, void *data)

	struct hash_link *temp;
	int i;

	temp = (struct hash_link *) calloc (sizeof (*temp), 1);

	temp->key = key;
	temp->next = ht->buckets[HASH_KEY (ht, key)];
	temp->data = data;
	ht->buckets[HASH_KEY (ht, key)] = temp;
	if (ht->klistlen >= ht->klistsize)
		ht->keylist =
			(int *) realloc (ht->keylist,
							 sizeof (*ht->keylist) * (ht->klistsize *= 2));
	for (i = ht->klistlen; i >= 0; i--)
		if (ht->keylist[i - 1] < key)
			ht->keylist[i] = key;
		ht->keylist[i] = ht->keylist[i - 1];

ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room_find (ROOM_INDEX_DATA * room_db[], int key)
	return ((key < top_room && key > -1) ? room_db[key] : 0);

void *hash_find (struct hash_header *ht, int key)
	struct hash_link *scan;

	scan = ht->buckets[HASH_KEY (ht, key)];

	while (scan && scan->key != key)
		scan = scan->next;

	return scan ? scan->data : NULL;

int room_enter (ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rb[], int key, ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rm)

	temp = room_find (rb, key);
	if (temp)
		return (0);

	rb[key] = rm;
	return (1);

int hash_enter (struct hash_header *ht, int key, void *data)
	void *temp;

	temp = hash_find (ht, key);
	if (temp)
		return 0;

	_hash_enter (ht, key, data);
	return 1;

ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room_find_or_create (ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rb[], int key)

	rv = room_find (rb, key);
	if (rv)
		return rv;

	rv = (ROOM_INDEX_DATA *) calloc (sizeof (*rv), 1);
	rb[key] = rv;

	return rv;

void *hash_find_or_create (struct hash_header *ht, int key)
	void *rval;

	rval = hash_find (ht, key);
	if (rval)
		return rval;

	rval = (void *) malloc (ht->rec_size);
	_hash_enter (ht, key, rval);

	return rval;

int room_remove (ROOM_INDEX_DATA * rb[], int key)

	tmp = room_find (rb, key);
	if (tmp)
		rb[key] = 0;
		free (tmp);
	return (0);

void *hash_remove (struct hash_header *ht, int key)
	struct hash_link **scan;

	scan = ht->buckets + HASH_KEY (ht, key);

	while (*scan && (*scan)->key != key)
		scan = &(*scan)->next;

	if (*scan)
		int i;
		struct hash_link *temp, *aux;

		temp = (struct hash_link *) (*scan)->data;
		aux = *scan;
		*scan = aux->next;
		free (aux);

		for (i = 0; i < ht->klistlen; i++)
			if (ht->keylist[i] == key)

		if (i < ht->klistlen)
			memcpy ((char *) ht->keylist + i + 1,
					(char *) ht->keylist + i,
					(ht->klistlen - i) * sizeof (*ht->keylist));

		return temp;

	return NULL;

int exit_ok (EXIT_DATA * pexit)
	ROOM_INDEX_DATA *to_room;

	if ((pexit == NULL) || (to_room = pexit->u1.to_room) == NULL)
		return 0;

	return 1;

int find_path (int in_room_vnum, int out_room_vnum, CHAR_DATA * ch, int depth,
			   int in_zone)
	struct room_q *tmp_q, *q_head, *q_tail;
	struct hash_header x_room;
	int i, tmp_room, count = 0, thru_doors;
	EXIT_DATA *exitp;

	if (depth < 0)
		thru_doors = TRUE;
		depth = -depth;
		thru_doors = FALSE;

	startp = get_room_index (in_room_vnum);

	init_hash_table (&x_room, sizeof (int), 2048);

	hash_enter (&x_room, in_room_vnum, (void *) -1);

	q_head = (struct room_q *) calloc (sizeof (*q_head), 1);

	q_tail = q_head;
	q_tail->room_nr = in_room_vnum;
	q_tail->next_q = 0;

	while (q_head)
		herep = get_room_index (q_head->room_nr);

		if (herep->area == startp->area || !in_zone)
			for (i = 0; i < MAX_DIR; i++)
				exitp = herep->exit[i];
				if (exit_ok (exitp) && (thru_doors ? GO_OK_SMARTER : GO_OK))

					tmp_room = herep->exit[i]->u1.to_room->vnum;
					if (tmp_room != out_room_vnum)
						if (!hash_find (&x_room, tmp_room) && (count < depth))

							tmp_q =
								(struct room_q *) calloc (sizeof (*tmp_q), 1);
							tmp_q->room_nr = tmp_room;
							tmp_q->next_q = 0;
							q_tail->next_q = tmp_q;
							q_tail = tmp_q;

							hash_enter (&x_room,
										  q_head->room_nr) ==
										 -1) ? (void
												*) (i
										hash_find (&x_room, q_head->room_nr));

						tmp_room = q_head->room_nr;
						for (; q_head; q_head = tmp_q)
							tmp_q = q_head->next_q;
							free (q_head);

						if ((int) hash_find (&x_room, tmp_room) == -1)
							if (x_room.buckets)
								destroy_hash_table (&x_room);
							return (i);
							i = (int) hash_find (&x_room, tmp_room);
							if (x_room.buckets)
								destroy_hash_table (&x_room);
							return (-1 + i);

		tmp_q = q_head->next_q;
		free (q_head);
		q_head = tmp_q;

	if (x_room.buckets)

		destroy_hash_table (&x_room);
	return -1;

CH_CMD (do_hunt)
	char buf[MSL];
	char arg[MSL];
	CHAR_DATA *victim;
	int direction;
	bool fArea;

	one_argument (argument, arg);

	if (get_skill (ch, gsn_hunt) == 0 || !can_use_skpell (ch, gsn_hunt))
		chprintln (ch, "You don't know how to hunt.");

	if (arg[0] == '\0')
		chprintln (ch, "Whom are you trying to hunt?");

	fArea = (get_trust (ch) < MAX_LEVEL);

	if (IS_NPC (ch))
		victim = get_char_world (ch, arg);
	else if (fArea)
		victim = get_char_area (ch, arg);
		victim = get_char_world (ch, arg);

	if (victim == NULL)
		chprintln (ch, "No-one around by that name.");

	if (ch->in_room == victim->in_room)
		act ("$N is here!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);

	if (ch->move > 2)
		ch->move -= 3;
		chprintln (ch, "You're too exhausted to hunt anyone!");

	act ("$n carefully sniffs the air.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
	WAIT_STATE (ch, skill_table[gsn_hunt].beats);
	direction =
		find_path (ch->in_room->vnum, victim->in_room->vnum, ch, -40000,

	if (direction == -1)
		act ("You couldn't find a path to $N from here.",
			 ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);

	if (direction < 0 || direction > 5)
		chprintln (ch, "Hmm... Something seems to be wrong.");

	if ((IS_NPC (ch) && number_percent () > 50) ||
		(!IS_NPC (ch) && number_percent () > get_skill (ch, gsn_hunt)))
			direction = number_door ();
		while ((ch->in_room->exit[direction] == NULL) ||
			   (ch->in_room->exit[direction]->u1.to_room == NULL));

	sprintf (buf, "$N is %s from here.", dir_name[direction]);
	act (buf, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR);
	check_improve (ch, gsn_hunt, TRUE, 1);

void hunt_victim (CHAR_DATA * ch)
	int dir;
	bool found;
	CHAR_DATA *tmp;

	if (ch == NULL || ch->hunting == NULL || !IS_NPC (ch))

	for (found = 0, tmp = char_list; tmp && !found; tmp = tmp->next)
		if (ch->hunting == tmp)
			found = 1;

	if (!found || !can_see (ch, ch->hunting))
		do_function (ch, &do_say, "Damn!  My prey is gone!!");
		ch->hunting = NULL;

	if (ch->in_room == ch->hunting->in_room)
		if (number_percent () < 60)
			act ("" CTAG (_SAY1) "$n" CTAG (_SAY1) " glares at $N"
				 CTAG (_SAY1) " and says, '" CTAG (_SAY2)
				 "Ye shall DIE!" CTAG (_SAY1) "'{x", ch, NULL,
				 ch->hunting, TO_NOTVICT);
			act ("" CTAG (_SAY1) "$n" CTAG (_SAY1)
				 " glares at you and says, '" CTAG (_SAY2)
				 "Ye shall DIE!" CTAG (_SAY1) "'{x", ch, NULL,
				 ch->hunting, TO_VICT);
			act ("" CTAG (_SAY1) "You glare at $N" CTAG (_SAY1)
				 " and say, '" CTAG (_SAY2) "Ye shall DIE!"
				 CTAG (_SAY1) "'{x", ch, NULL, ch->hunting, TO_CHAR);
			act ("" CTAG (_SAY1) "$n" CTAG (_SAY1) " glares at $N"
				 CTAG (_SAY1) " and says, '" CTAG (_SAY2)
				 "Hey, I remember you!" CTAG (_SAY1) "'{x", ch, NULL,
				 ch->hunting, TO_NOTVICT);
			act ("" CTAG (_SAY1) "$n" CTAG (_SAY1)
				 " glares at you and says, '" CTAG (_SAY2)
				 "Hey, I remember you!" CTAG (_SAY1) "'{x", ch, NULL,
				 ch->hunting, TO_VICT);
			act ("" CTAG (_SAY1) "You glare at $N" CTAG (_SAY1)
				 " and say, '" CTAG (_SAY2) "Hey, I remember you!"
				 CTAG (_SAY1) "'{x", ch, NULL, ch->hunting, TO_CHAR);
		multi_hit (ch, ch->hunting, TYPE_UNDEFINED);
		ch->hunting = NULL;

	WAIT_STATE (ch, skill_table[gsn_hunt].beats);
	dir =
		find_path (ch->in_room->vnum, ch->hunting->in_room->vnum, ch, -40000,

	if (dir < 0 || dir > 5)
		act ("" CTAG (_SAY1) "$n" CTAG (_SAY1) " says '" CTAG (_SAY2)
			 "Damn!  Lost $M" CTAG (_SAY1) "!'{x", ch, NULL, ch->hunting,
		ch->hunting = NULL;

	if (number_percent () > 50)

			dir = number_door ();
		while ((ch->in_room->exit[dir] == NULL) ||
			   (ch->in_room->exit[dir]->u1.to_room == NULL));

	if (IS_SET (ch->in_room->exit[dir]->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
		do_function (ch, &do_open, (char *) dir_name[dir]);

	move_char (ch, dir, FALSE);