Daleken 1.12 Release

This directory contains the majority of game data.  These files are each an
entire area (that is if they are complete at all).  Files that you should
take notice of:

	AREA.LST - an index of all the files that are loaded onto the server,
		  these are loaded in the order that they appear in this
	VNUM.TXT - a file containing a list of all the areas in this
		  directory and the range of vnums that they all occupy,
		  consult this file when you wish to add another area, or
		  you wish to allocate a range of vnums.

Also several of the area files fill a special purpose.
	help.are - contains all the common help files such as class and race
		  helps, world introductions and playing guides.
	limbo.are - rooms, mobiles and objects needed for the game, a fair
		  number of these are needed for spells/skills.
	immhelp.are - contains all help for immortals and their commands.
	social.are - contains most of the game socials.

Note that the following files are ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to be entered in
AREA.LST for the game to work properly, they contain special objects, mobiles
and rooms that the game relies on.

	 daleken.are (only for the room 3001)