# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1024369007;

Area {
Name	"&YThe Tower of the Sun&x";
Plane	"Koronin";
Builders	"Fyrestorm";
LVnum	4300;
UVnum	4399;
Security	5;
Temp	70;
Flags	(verbose);
Economy	2989;

Mobile {
Vnum	4300;
Name	"tower guard";
Short	"the tower guard";
Long	"There is a Guard here keeping all unwanted guests from the tower.\n";
Desc	"The Tower Guard, is a mean looking man.  He has Huge muscles, and nice\n
sharp sword, that the muscles will come in handy for!\n";
Level	8;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(infrared protect);
Sex	(male);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	4301;
Name	"worker repairman";
Short	"a tower repair man";
Long	"There is a repair man here, fixing up the tower.\n";
Level	5;
Act	(npc stay_area);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Specfun	"spec_repairman";
Mobile {
Vnum	4302;
Name	"female acolyte";
Short	"the acolyte";
Long	"An acolyte of the Sun God, is here. Studying an ancient book.\n";
Level	9;
Sex	(female);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	4303;
Name	"female priest";
Short	"the priestess of the tower";
Long	"The High Priestess of the tower is disturbed from her work as you enter.\n";
Level	18;
Class	(Cleric);
Act	(npc sentinel);
Sex	(female);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	4304;
Name	"female sun guard";
Short	"the guardian to the sun god";
Long	"The Guardian to the Sun God, stands here ready to fight.\n";
Level	15;
Act	(npc sentinel aggressive);
Sex	(female);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	4305;
Name	"sun god";
Short	"the sun god";
Long	"The Sun God stands here radiating light.\n";
Level	9;
Act	(npc sentinel wimpy);
Affected	(infrared);
Sex	(male);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);

Object {
Vnum	4300;
Name	"tower guards sword razor";
Short	"tower guards sword";
Long	"A sword sits here, with a razor sharp edge.";
Level	11;
Cost	100;
Weight	5;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(sharp);
Material	(steel);
Required	(long sword proficiency);
Values	[(.), 10, 20, (<weapon> slash)];
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	2;
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	2;
Object {
Vnum	4301;
Name	"tower golden key";
Short	"a golden tower key";
Long	"A golden key rests here gleaming with light.";
Level	11;
Cost	5;
Type	(key);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(gold);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4302;
Name	"repairmans tools";
Short	"a set of tools";
Long	"Tools used to repair broken doors, are here, ready for the repairman.";
Level	2;
Cost	300;
Weight	10;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Material	(iron);
Values	[(.), 15, 20, (<weapon> pound)];
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	3;
Object {
Vnum	4303;
Name	"acolyte book sun";
Short	"the book of the sun";
Long	"A book sits here with s small sun on it.";
Level	0;
Cost	200;
Type	(scroll);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(paper);
Values	[50, (.), (.), (.)];
Object {
Vnum	4304;
Name	"gold priestess robes";
Short	"golden robes";
Long	"Some gold material lies here in a pile";
Level	15;
Weight	0;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take body);
Material	(gold);
Values	[0, 30, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4305;
Name	"sun priestess medallion";
Short	"the priestess' medallion";
Long	"A small medallion sits here.";
Level	15;
Cost	500;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take neck);
Material	(silver);
Values	[0, 30, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(intelligence);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	4306;
Name	"sun guards sword";
Short	"the sun sword";
Long	"A sword lies here glowing with the light of the sun itself.";
Level	13;
Weight	10;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(glass);
Required	(long sword proficiency);
Values	[(.), 20, 30, (<weapon> blast)];
Object {
Vnum	4307;
Name	"shield sun guard";
Short	"the shield of the sun";
Long	"A small brightly glowing shield sits here.";
Level	13;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take shield);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(bronze);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	20;
Object {
Vnum	4308;
Name	"sun face mask";
Short	"a face mask, that looks like the sun";
Long	"A small mask sits here";
Action	"You now look indistinguishable from the sun.&n\n";
Level	7;
Weight	0;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take face);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(gold);
Values	[0, 30, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(intelligence);
Modifier	-5;
Affect	{
Location	(wisdom);
Modifier	-5;
Affect	{
Location	(appearance);
Modifier	15;
Object {
Vnum	4309;
Name	"invisible metal key";
Short	"an invisible key";
Long	"A piece of invisible metal sits here.";
Level	7;
Type	(key);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(invis);
Material	(iron);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4310;
Name	"holy grail shaped beacon";
Short	"the Holy Grail";
Long	"The Holy Grail stands here radiating its goodness.";
Level	16;
Weight	3;
Type	(light);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(glow holy owner buried);
Material	(gold);
Values	[0, 0, -1, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(strength);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(intelligence);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(wisdom);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(constitution);
Modifier	1;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"grail";
Text	"As you look at the grail, you notice it is not the real grail, but in\n
fact a grail shaped beacon, from the castle anthrax.\n";
Object {
Vnum	4311;
Name	"gold pile";
Short	"a pile of GOLD!";
Long	"All the treasures of the area are stored here, as GOLD.";
Level	0;
Weight	200;
Type	(money);
Wear	(take);
Extra	(owner buried);
Material	(gold);
Values	[10000, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4312;
Name	"emerald";
Short	"an emerald";
Long	"A small green stone rests here.";
Level	0;
Type	(treasure);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(crystal);
Values	[5000, 0, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(constitution);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	4313;
Name	"acolytes robes";
Short	"flowing robes";
Long	"A crumpled up pile of material lies here.";
Level	0;
Cost	1000;
Weight	2;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take body);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[0, 30, 0, 0];

Room {
Vnum	4300;
Name	"Looking upon a Golden Tower";
Desc	"You have just wandered out into an open plain.  There are very little\n
trees here, just rolling hills of grass.  Although the landscape looks\n
normal, the huge golden tower the stands before you doesn't.  It is taller\n
than any building you have ever seen before, and it sparkles with its own\n
golden light.  You can't help it, you want to go and have a closer look.\n";
Flags	(no_mob no_recall);
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4301;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	818;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4301;
Name	"Standing Before the Golden Tower";
Desc	"You have made it to the front of the Tower.  It is Huge!  The Tower seems\n
to extend higher into the air than anything you have ever seen before.  As\n
you look at the tower it sparkles and shines like a huge gold flame.  The\n
light at this distance is almost blinding, now you see why the guards face\n
away from the tower.\n";
Sector	(hills);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Key	4301;
ToRoom	4302;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4300;
} ];
Resets	{
# the tower guard to room.
  M 4300 2;
#	equip tower guards sword rwielded.
  E 4300 ("rwielded");
#	a golden tower key to inventory.
  G 4301;
# the tower guard to room.
  M 4300 2;
#	equip tower guards sword rwielded.
  E 4300 ("rwielded");
Room {
Vnum	4302;
Name	"Inside the Tower";
Desc	"You have just entered the tower itself.  The blinding light that the\n
tower gives off is a more subdued glow on the inside (thank goodness for\n
that).  There is not much down here on the ground floor, but there are a set\n
of dusty stairs that lead up to the top.\n";
Flags	(indoors no_recall);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Key	4301;
ToRoom	4301;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4303;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4303;
Name	"1st Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"You are standing on the stairs on the first floor of the tower, the\n
stairs head back down, or to the south.  You hear noises coming from the\n
south.  There is not much in this part of the tower, a few cob-webs and a\n
lot of dust, but apart from that not much else.\n";
Flags	(indoors no_recall);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4304;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4302;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4304;
Name	"1st Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"You are on the southern end of the first floor of the tower, the first\n
floor stretches off to the north, and a set of stairs leads up from here to\n
the second floor.  The noise from above is just quite distorted enough that\n
you can't make out what it is.  Maybe if you went up a little further.\n";
Flags	(indoors no_recall);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4303;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4305;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4305;
Name	"2nd Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"You have made it up to the second floor.  The stairs lead back down or\n
you can follow the corridor to the east.  The noise that you heared before\n
has died down a bit now, you can only just hear it.\n";
Flags	(indoors no_recall);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4306;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4304;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4306;
Name	"2nd Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"You stand at the base of another set of stairs that lead up to the third\n
floor.  There is not much here, but at least the dust has been taken care\n
of, it appears that a few more people come to this part of the tower.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4305;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4307;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4307;
Name	"3rd Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"You stand on the third floor, all these stairs are getting tiering.  A\n
short passage leads off to the north.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4308;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4306;
} ];
Resets	{
# a tower repair man to room.
  M 4301 3;
#	equip a set of tools rhold.
  E 4302 ("rhold");
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4308;
Name	"3rd Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"As you move toward the bottom of the nest set of stairs, you hear a loud\n
bang come from over head.  You think to yourself, what could that be?\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4307;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4309;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4309;
Name	"4th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"You have made it up to the fourth floor.  Boy, all that climbing sure\n
does use up a lot of energy.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4310;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4308;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4310;
Name	"4th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"As tired as you are, you decide to go on, you want to find out what the\n
hell is at the top of this tower.  So far you haven't seen a single thing,\n
well apart from some lady reading a book prehaps.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4309;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4311;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4311;
Name	"5th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"By the time you have made it to the fifth floor you feel like your legs\n
are about to drop off.  Why don't you sit down and have a rest?\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4312;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4310;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4312;
Name	"5th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"You hear a bang come from just up and around the next corner.  It sounded\n
like a door.  You have a strong desire to go and take a look.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4311;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4313;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4313;
Name	"6th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"Just off to your east you see a door.  You get all curious and wonder\n
what could be in there.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4314;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4312;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4314;
Name	"6th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"Before you stands a large oak door.  You can't help but try to open it.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Keyword	"oak door";
ToRoom	4315;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4316;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4313;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4315;
Name	"Room on the 6th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"As you walk into the room, expecting to see something great, you discover\n
that it is empty.  The only thing that it has going for it, is the great\n
view from the window high on the wall.  As you look out you realise how far\n
up you are, and looking above you see that you are not quite half way up\n
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4314;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# a tower repair man to room.
  M 4301 3;
#	equip a set of tools rhold.
  E 4302 ("rhold");
Room {
Vnum	4316;
Name	"6th Floor of the Tower";
Desc	"After finding an empty room, you decide that there has to be something\n
worth while at the top, you are more determined than ever to get up there\n
and find out what.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4314;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4317;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4317;
Name	"7th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4318;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4316;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4318;
Name	"7th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4317;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4319;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4319;
Name	"8th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4320;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4318;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4320;
Name	"8th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4319;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4321;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4321;
Name	"9th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4322;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4320;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4322;
Name	"9th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4321;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4323;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4324;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4323;
Name	"Room on the 9th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4322;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4324;
Name	"9th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4322;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4325;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4325;
Name	"10th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4326;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4324;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4326;
Name	"10th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4327;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4329;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4325;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4327;
Name	"Room on the 10th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4328;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4326;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4328;
Name	"Room on the 10th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4327;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4329;
Name	"10th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4326;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4330;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4330;
Name	"11th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4331;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4329;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4331;
Name	"11th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4332;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4330;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4332;
Name	"11th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4331;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4333;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4333;
Name	"12th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4334;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4332;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4334;
Name	"12th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4333;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4335;
} ];
Resets	{
# a tower repair man to room.
  M 4301 3;
#	equip a set of tools rhold.
  E 4302 ("rhold");
Room {
Vnum	4335;
Name	"12th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4334;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4336;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4336;
Name	"13th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4337;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4335;
} ];
Resets	{
# the acolyte to room.
  M 4302 20;
#	equip flowing robes body.
  E 4313 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	4337;
Name	"13th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4336;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4338;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4338;
Name	"13th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4337;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4339;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4339;
Name	"14th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4340;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4338;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4340;
Name	"14th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4341;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4348;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4339;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4341;
Name	"Inside the Priestess' Quarters";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4343;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4344;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4340;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4342;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4342;
Name	"Inside the Priestess' Quarters";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4345;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4341;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4343;
Name	"Inside the Priestess' Quarters";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4347;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4341;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4344;
Name	"Inside the Priestess' Quarters";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4346;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4341;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4345;
Name	"The Priestess' Office";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4342;
} ];
Resets	{
# the priestess of the tower to room.
  M 4303 2;
#	equip golden robes shoulders.
  E 4304 ("shoulders");
#	equip the priestess' medallion neck1.
  E 4305 ("neck1");
Room {
Vnum	4346;
Name	"The Priestess' Office";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4344;
} ];
Resets	{
# the priestess of the tower to room.
  M 4303 2;
#	equip golden robes shoulders.
  E 4304 ("shoulders");
#	equip the priestess' medallion neck1.
  E 4305 ("neck1");
Room {
Vnum	4347;
Name	"The Treasury";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4343;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# a pile of GOLD! to room.
  O 4311;
# an emerald to room.
  O 4312;
Room {
Vnum	4348;
Name	"14th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4340;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4349;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4349;
Name	"15th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4350;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4348;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4350;
Name	"15th Floor of the Tower";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4349;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4352;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4351;
Name	"The Hall of the Sun God";
Flags	(no_recall no_portal);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4352;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> up) {
Key	4309;
ToRoom	4353;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# the sun god to room.
  M 4305 1;
#	equip a face mask, that looks like the sun face.
  E 4308 ("face");
#	an invisible key to inventory.
  G 4309;
Room {
Vnum	4352;
Name	"Before the Hall of the Sun God";
Flags	(indoors no_portal);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4350;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4351;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# the guardian to the sun god to room.
  M 4304 2;
#	equip the shield of the sun shield.
  E 4307 ("shield");
#	equip the sun sword rwielded.
  E 4306 ("rwielded");
# the guardian to the sun god to room.
  M 4304 2;
#	equip the shield of the sun shield.
  E 4307 ("shield");
#	equip the sun sword rwielded.
  E 4306 ("rwielded");
Room {
Vnum	4353;
Name	"On top of the Golden Tower";
Desc	"You are standing on top of the Golden tower, there is a huge light\n
source here, it looks exactly like the holy grail.  The grail seems to be\n
the source of the blinding light, and would be a great way to find your way\n
in the dark.\n";
Flags	(no_recall no_portal);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4351;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# the Holy Grail to room.
  O 4310;
