Fallen Empires Release 2.0
Thursday 23 October 2003

---> Copyright and License Terms

Fallen Empires is based off of the original Diku Mud and the Merc Diku
Mud and is subject to their copyright and license agreements (license.doc 
and license.txt, respectively). Additions and modifications to the code
are copyright 2003 Eterared and the rest of the coding crew.

In order for you to run a MUD using our codebase you must adhere to Diku
Mud's license agreement, Diku Merc Mud's license agreement, and our own
license agreement.

Our license agreement terms are:
* You must include the 'HELP GODWARS' file.
* You must include the 'HELP FE' file.
* You must include our names in the login sequence...
   EXAMPLE: *** Fallen Empires 2.0 by Eterared ***

Please follow the license agreement terms. They're very simple and don't
cause any harm.
Note from Eterared:  I just stole this document from license.fe and copied/changed.  You must still 
follow the original FE license, and this one.  Which are the same.  I just wanted to make myself
look important =D