/* ************************************************************************
*  Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 - see 'license.doc' for complete information. *
************************************************************************* */


World File field description:

Main structure notes:

#<virtual number> is:
  A number for the given room. No two rooms may have the same number.
  The <virtual number> must always increase when browsing down the 
  world file (but increments can be larger than one).

  This name is the "title" of the room. This title is also used in special
  procedures like:
    "brief mode"

  This is the general description of the room.

<zone nr> is:
  The number of the zone in which this room is located. This number is used
  for resetting zones and monster zone movement. See the zone file.

<room_flags> are:
  A bitvector consisting of the room conditions as:

  DARK           1  Light must be used to see anything.
  DEATH          2  A player 'dies' (no xp lost) when entering.
                    It is a good idea to:
                     *Have these rooms light, because then EXITS will show
                      the room title, for example "In Boiling Water".
                     *Make exits to all rooms from which one can enter the
                      death_room, then the "death cry" will be heard by
                      other members of the group considering following...
  NO_MOB         4  No monsters may walk around in here
  INDOORS        8  This is inside (a house,cave or dungeon for example)
  LAWFULL       16  ??? 
  NEUTRAL       32  ???
  CHAOTIC       64  ???
  NO_MAGIC     128  Not implemented.
  TUNNEL       256  ???
  PRIVATE      512  It is impossible to teleport to this room if it
                    already contains two characters.  The 'teleport'
		    spell will never teleport a player into this room.
  GODROOM     1024  Super-private room: Immortals can not 'goto' this room.
  BFS_MARK    2048  RESERVED FOR INTERNAL USE -- do not use.

??? means that the flag isn't used yet (and you Shouldn't use it either!)

<sector_type> is:
  This determines how many movement points are used when moving through
  a location of the type - use one of the numbers 0..7 (they are NOT the
  movement-points used - merely indexes to a lookup-table):

  SECT_INSIDE          0  Uses as if walking indoors
  SECT_CITY            1  Uses as if walking in a city
  SECT_FIELD           2  Uses as if walking in a field
  SECT_FOREST          3  Uses as if walking in a forest
  SECT_HILLS           4  Uses as if walking in hills
  SECT_MOUNTAIN        5  Uses as if climbing in mountains
  SECT_WATER_SWIM      6  Uses as if swimming
  SECT_WATER_NOSWIM    7  Impossible to swim water - requires a boat

Direction fields:

<Exit number> is one of:
  0 = North
  1 = East
  2 = South
  3 = West
  4 = Up
  5 = Down

<general description><NL>~<NL>:
  What a player will see if he types 'look <direction>'

<keyword list>~<NL>:
  used for commands like 'open', 'close', etc. should be 'door' for ordinary
  doors. Example: An exit from a given room leads through a cupboard. The
  keyword list for this exit might look like this:

  "cupboard door~"

<Door flag> [NL]:

  If <Door Flag> is 1, the exit can be locked/unlocked/opened/closed/picked.
  If it is 2, the exit can only be locked/unlocked/opened/closed.
  If it is 0, these commands won't work. (The exit can still be closed at
  reset, however; maybe to be opened by some special routine, like a concealed

  The state of the doors after reset may be controlled by a command in the
  reset-command table (see the zone file). The initial state of a door is

<Key Number> [NL]:
  The number of the object which can unlock/lock the door (in the direction
  given). If a player carries/holds this object, he can lock/unlock.
  <Key Number> == -1 means no keyhole. If <Door flag> is 0, the value of this
  field is ignored.

<to_room> <NL>:
  The virtual number of the room to which the exit leads. If this number is
  -1 (NOWHERE), the exit doesn't lead anywhere. This might be useful for
  adding an exit-description in a direction which doesn't actually lead

** Note about doors. You must make a door in both rooms that the door
                     is set between.

Extra descriptions:

<blank separated keyword list>~<NL> is:
  A list of the keywords that will allow the extra description to be
  displayed. The keywords must must be seperated by blanks.

  The description that is show when a player types 'look at <keyword>'
  and keyword matches one of the above.

Example of a room entry is the database:

The Lego temple~
   You stand in a tiny, red temple built entirely from Lego bricks. It is,
sadly, not a very interesting place, and perhaps you should leave through
the portal which leads south to a sunny garden.
1 12 0
You see the grand portal of the Lego church. Beyond is an inviting garden.
portal grand~
1 2 107
The portal is high and arched, built out of lego bricks of the finest quality.
The bricks are all in bright different colours.

Facts about this room is:
  Room number 100
  Zone number 1
	Room Flags  (8+4=12) INDOORS and NO_MOB
  Sector Type Inside (movement loss calc only)
  One exit (D2) to the south with 'look south' description
  Door Flag 1
  Key no.   2
  Leads to room 107
	Extra description for the portal and bricks.


Monster fields description:

#<virtual number><NL> is:
  The monsters virtual number. Rules are same as for room virtual numbers.

  The space-separated name alias list.

<short description><!NL>~<NL>
  This string will be displayed when the monster take action, for example
  if it is "The Beastly Fido", and fido leaves south the message will be
  "The Beastly Fido leaves south."

<long description><NL>~<NL>
  This description is displayed when the monster is in it's "default"
  position. When not in the default position, a message like:
  "<short description> is sleeping here." could be displayed.

  This will be displayed when a player looks at the monster.

<action flags>[NL]

  This bitvector define how the monster behave.  The bits mean:

  ACT_SPEC         1  This means that there is a special programmed C
                      procedure connected to the monster. When this bit
                      is set the monster "function pointer" must be
                      assigned in the "spec_assign.c" file.

  ACT_SENTINEL     2  When this bit is set the monster will NOT
                      move around in the world.

  ACT_SCAVENGER    4  When this bit is set, monsters will pick up stuff
                      lying on the ground. It will pick up the most
                      expensive items first.


  ACT_NICE_THIEF  16  When this bit is set, a monster will not attack
                      a thief which has been caught in the act of 
                      stealing from this monster.

  ACT_AGGRESSIVE  32  When this bit is set, the monster will attack and
                      attempt to kill any player it can get it's claws on.
                      It will not attack players it can't see (for example
                      dark rooms or when player is invisible, unless the
                      monster can detect invisibility)

  ACT_STAY_ZONE   64  When this bit is set, the monster will never move
                      into another zone of the world (this is good for
                      keeping your monsters in your own adventure).

  ACT_WIMPY      128  When this bit is set, the monster will flee when it's
                      getting percentwise low on hitpoints.
                      If the monster is both aggressive and wimpy, then it
                      will only attack players that are NOT awake! (ie. also
                      suffering players).

		 256  When this bit is set, the monster will attack players
		      with evil alignment.

		 512  When this bit is set, the monster will attack players
		      with good alignment.

		1024  When this bit is set, the monster will attack players
		      who are neutrally aligned.

  ACT_MEMORY	2056  When this bit is set, the monster will remember
		      players who attack it, and attack the player back
		      if it sees him or her again.

<affection flags>[NL]

  This is a bitvector that indicates what the monster is affected by.
  Puff could for example be able to "detect invisible" or maybe
  "sanctuary" (1/2 damage). A lot of these bits are meant for players
  only (in a context with a spell), and should NOT be used when indicated.
  The bits are:

  AFF_BLIND             1         RESERVED PLAYERS
  AFF_INVISIBLE         2         The monster is invisible
  AFF_DETECT_INVISIBLE  8         The monster can see invisible players
                                  (Especially good for aggressive npc's)
  AFF_HOLD              64        ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_SANCTUARY         128       The monster has sanctuary (1/2 damage)
  AFF_GROUP             256       RESERVED PLAYERS
  AFF_CURSE             1024      ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_FLAMING           2048      ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_POISON            4096      RESERVED PLAYERS
  AFF_PROTECT_EVIL      8192      ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_PARALYSIS         16384     ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_MORDEN_SWORD      32768     ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_FLAMING_SWORD     65536     ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_SLEEP             131072    RESERVED PLAYERS
  AFF_DODGE             262144    ??? DO NOT USE
  AFF_SNEAK             524288    The message "The xxx leaves direction" will
                                  not be displayed when the monster moves
                                  out/in to a room.
  AFF_HIDE              1048576   The monster will be hidden, and can only
                                  be detected by a "sense life" spell
  AFF_FEAR              2097152   ??? DO NOT USE   
  AFF_CHARM             4194304   The monster will act as charmed when a
                                  "follow <player>" is entered. Note that
                                  players can't force monsters to follow
  AFF_FOLLOW            8388608   RESERVED PLAYERS
  AFF_WIMPY	       16777216	  RESERVED PLAYERS
  AFF_INFRARED	       33554432   Allows monsters to see in the dark.

<Alignment Flag>[NL]

  This is the monsters alignment, read as:
  +1000 .. +350  Good Alignment
   +349 .. -349  Neutral Alignment
   -350 ..-1000 Evil Alignment

<Detailed/Simple flag><NL>

  This flag must be entered as a uppercase "S". S indicates that "Simple"
  monster data follow. Anything but an S will be interpreted as if
  "Detailed" monster data is to follow. We will NOT describe detailed
  monsters as they are VERY detailed.

   This is the level of the monster. See "defs.doc" for guidelines when
   setting the level.

   The monsters THAC0.
   See the file "defs.doc" for an explanation of armour vs. THAC0, and
   guidelines for THAC0.
   THAC0 is an abbrevation for "To Hit Armour Class Zero".

   The monsters armour class. See "defs.doc" for guidelines regarding

<Hit Points (format is xdy+z)>
   This defines the number of hitpoints a given monster has. If this is
   entered into the file:

   ... ... 3d8+10 ...

   the monster will have 10 hitpoints plus the result of rolling 3 dice
   with 8 side, and adding their sum. All the numbers (even zero), the
   plus sign, and the letter 'd' MUST be entered!!! Example:

   ..... 1d6+0 ....

<Damage (as HP)><NL>
   This is the damage a monster will cause when it is using NO weapons
   (the Bare hand damage). The format is exacly like the one described
   for hit points. A thing to note about damage:
   The number after the plus sign, is the "strength bonus". This bonus
   will apply to any weapons used, and bare hands too. Example:

   ..... 1d4+10

   This monster will damage between 11 and 14 hitpoints each round. If the
   monster picks up and wields a tiny stick which give 1d2 damage, then the
   monster will now damage by : 1d2 + 10 points. 

   The amout of gold carried by the monster.

   The experience this monster has. Follow guidelines in "defs.doc".

   This defines the monster's position when loaded into the game.
   A position is one of:

   POSITION_SLEEPING   4  The monster is sleeping.
   POSITION_RESTING    5  The monster is resting.
   POSITION_SITTING    6  The monster is sitting.
   POSITION_STANDING   8  The monster is standing.

<default position>
   This is the position into which the monster will return after
   a fight. This position also defines when the <long description>
   is displayed - see above.

   This is the monsters sex, on of:

   SEX_MALE      1
   SEX_FEMALE    2

   No further explanation is needed (hopefully).

Object fields description:

#<virtual number><NL>
   See rules for rooms above.

   Same as for monsters above.

<short description>~<NL>
   This string will be displayed when the object is used. For example
   if it is "a rubber raft", and a player drops it, then a message like:
   "Monthy drops a rubber raft."
   could be displayed.

<long description>~<NL>
   This description is displayed when the object is lying on the ground.
   For example, if it is "A furled umbrella lies here.~" then this message
   is displayed when the umbrella is lying on the ground.

<action description>~<NL>
   Do not use.

<type flag>[NL]
   This defines what kind of item you are defining, it can be one of:

   ITEM_LIGHT      1  Item is a light.
   ITEM_SCROLL     2  Not yet implemented
   ITEM_WAND       3  Not yet implemented
   ITEM_STAFF      4  Not yet implemented
   ITEM_WEAPON     5  Item is a weapon
   ITEM_FIREWEAPON 6  Not yet implemented
   ITEM_MISSILE    7  Not yet implemented
   ITEM_TREASURE   8  Item is a treasure (not money)
   ITEM_ARMOR      9  Item is armour.
   ITEM_POTION    10  Not yet implemented
   ITEM_WORN      11  ???
   ITEM_OTHER     12  Item is other
   ITEM_TRASH     13  Item is trash
   ITEM_TRAP      14  Not yet implemented
   ITEM_CONTAINER 15  Item is a container
   ITEM_NOTE      16  Item is a note that can be written upon (with a pen)
   ITEM_DRINKCON  17  Item is a drink container, for example a bottle or
                      a barrel or a wine-skin.
                      A drinkcontainer whit contents must *always* have
                      two names: 1. The name of the drink, 2. the name
                      of the container, example:
                       tea cup~

   ITEM_KEY       18  Item is a key
   ITEM_FOOD      19  Item is food.
   ITEM_MONEY     20  Item is money.
   ITEM_PEN       21  Item is a pen.
   ITEM_BOAT      22  Item is a boat, which must be carried by a player if
                      the player wishes to enter NOSWIM room sector types.
   ITEM_FOUNTAIN  23  Item is a fountain (characters can drink from it
		      without having it in inventory).

<extra flag>[NL]
   This bitvector defines mostly special effects:

   ITEM_GLOW            1  The item is glowing.
   ITEM_HUM             2  The item is "humming"/"buzzing".
   ITEM_DARK            4  ???
   ITEM_LOCK            8  ???
   ITEM_EVIL           16  ???
   ITEM_INVISIBLE      32  Item is invisible.
   ITEM_MAGIC          64  Item will show a magical aura when 'detect magic'
                           is used.
   ITEM_NODROP        128  Item can not be dropped (cursed for example)
   ITEM_BLESS         256  Item is blessed.
   ITEM_ANTI_GOOD     512  Item not usable by good people
   ITEM_ANTI_EVIL    1024  Item not usable by evil people
   ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL 2048  Item not usable by neutral people
   ITEM_NORENT	     4096  Players can not rent item
   ITEM_NODONATE     8192  Players can not donate item
   ITEM_NOINVIS     16384  Player can not make item invisible

<wear flag><NL>
   This bitvector defines if items can be taken, and if they can be worn:

   ITEM_TAKE              1 Item is takeable.
   ITEM_WEAR_FINGER       2 Can be worn on a finger (rings usually)
   ITEM_WEAR_NECK         4 Can be worn around neck.
   ITEM_WEAR_BODY         8 Can be worn on body.
   ITEM_WEAR_HEAD        16 Can be worn on head.
   ITEM_WEAR_LEGS        32 Can be worn on legs.
   ITEM_WEAR_FEET        64 Can be worn on feet
   ITEM_WEAR_HANDS      128 Can be worn on hands (gauntlets, etc)
   ITEM_WEAR_ARMS       256 Can be worn on arms.
   ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD     512 Can be used as a shield.
   ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT     1024 ???
   ITEM_WEAR_WAISTE    2048 Can be worn around the waiste (belt)
   ITEM_WEAR_WRIST     4096 Can be worn on wrist (bracelets)
   ITEM_WIELD          8192 Can be wielded and used as a weapon
   ITEM_HOLD          16384 Item can be held in a hand.
   ITEM_THROW         32768 Not yet implemented.
                            Item can be thrown.

<value 0> <value 1> <value 2> <value 3> <NL>
   These values are very central. They define the ability of items based on
   the items <Item Type>. These values are defined in "values.doc". Note that
   if you define an item as being anything but a weapon, you shouldn't set
   the 'wield' flag. Many similar obvious rules apply. Example of 4 values:

   If the <Item Type> == ITEM_CONTAINER then the values are interpeted as:

      Value[0]: Maximum weight the container can contain.
      Value[1]: Container flags:

        CLOSEABLE     - 1
        PICKPROOF     - 2
        CLOSED        - 4
        LOCKED        - 8

      Value[2]: The item-number of the object which can open the object.
                -1 means no lockability.
      Value[3]: Internal use for Corpses that must "rot".

   The weight of the item in pounds.

   The value of the item if sold - see "defs.doc" for ideas on prices.

   The cost to store the item in the reception overnight.

Several extra descriptions or none at all may appear. They follow the room
format exactly.

   Exactly as in rooms.

<extra description><NL>~<NL>
   Exactly as in rooms.

Between zero and two "affect's" may be set on an item. The affects could
for example modify a characters strength, height etc. The affect only goes
into affect when the character wear, wield or hold the item. The affect
is removed when the character removes the items.

   When items are worn using wear/wield/grab/hold commands, the 'A' will
   allow the items to affect a characters various abilities. Currently
   a maximum of 2 'A' are allowed.

   <location> is one of the below numbers, indicating which ability
   will be changed.

   APPLY_NONE              0  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_STR               1
   APPLY_DEX               2
   APPLY_INT               3
   APPLY_WIS               4
   APPLY_CON               5
   APPLY_SEX               6  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_CLASS             7  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_LEVEL             8  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_AGE               9
   APPLY_MANA             12  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_HIT              13  The MAXIMUM number of hitpoints.
   APPLY_MOVE             14  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_GOLD             15  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_EXP              16  DO NOT USE.
   APPLY_AC               17
   APPLY_ARMOR            17  Same as APPLY_AC
   APPLY_HITROLL          18  The bonus/penalty to hit the opponent.
   APPLY_DAMROLL          19  The bouns/penalty to damage the opponent.
   APPLY_SAVING_PARA      20  These five are saving throws.
   APPLY_SAVING_ROD       21
   APPLY_SAVING_SPELL     24  This is the most used saving throw.


   The modifier is added to the APPLY_XXX ability of the character
   when he uses an item, and is subtracted when he stops using it.
   Take great care when using this. This is an example of an item of
   improve strength and armour class. Example:

     1 2
     17 -2

   This adds +2 to the strength, and adds -2 to the AC (thus improving it).
   No more 'A'ffects is allowed at this time.



<contents> indicates that the contents MUST be entered.

[contents] indicates that the contents can OPTIONALLY be entered.

<NL> is Newline (return)

! This indicates "NOT" - for example <!NL> means NO newline (i.e. it is
  forbidden to use newline here).