furry bunny rabbit~
a furry bunny~
A little furry white bunny cavorts here among the flowers.
This little white bunny has the cutest most endearing little nose and
whiskers you've ever seen.  You have no desire to slay such a helpless
little creature.
dh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 E
1 20 8 1d10+2 1d2+0
0 20 8 3
8 8 1
deer doe~
a Doe-eyed deer~
A small innocent looking doe is here sampling the foliage.
This little deer is oh so cute.  Looking into its large brown eyes you
feel no desire in harming this animal.
dh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 E
1 20 9 1d10+2 1d3+0
0 20 8 3
8 8 2
creature small sprite-like sprite pixie~
a Pixie~
A small gossamer winged sprite-like creature dances here among the flowers.
This small Pixie looks like a one foot tall elf.  With his brightly colored
clothes with pointed hat and shoes, he looks like a little clown.
cdh 0 0 0 lx 0 0 0 800 E
3 20 6 3d10+6 1d3+0
10 432 23 2
9 9 1
tree treant~
a Treant~
A huge living tree-like being stand here raising his branches to the heavens.
Standing over 15 feet high and covered in a dense brown bark, this being
is more vegetable than animal.  His powerful limbs appear as large 
branch-like appendages, and his hands are tipped with wicked thorns.  
He radiates a feeling of great wisdom and great age.
bdi 0 0 0 el 0 0 0 750 E
10 20 2 10d10+20 2d6+3
0 7200 9 3
8 8 1
unicorn io~
Io the unicorn~
A large majestic white unicorn stands here regally before you.
Covered in soft white hair, Io the Unicorn is the guardian of Glindor forest.
Great is her wisdom and she is visited by many elves and humans who seek her
aid.  Although a good and gentle spirit, one look at her 2 foot long spiraled
horn tells you that she well be no easy mark in combat.
abdlm 0 0 0 eil 0 0 0 1000 E
10 20 1 10d10+0 1d10+0
100 7200 8 1
8 8 2
baldar ranger barrel-chested human~
Baldar the Bowman~
A large barrel-chested human stands here wearing the forest greens of a Ranger.
Standing just nigh of 7 feet, this giant of a man towers over all around 
him.  His bushy black beard fails to hide the grin the splits his broad 
face.  The large ash bow on his back and his leather and woolen clothes 
of green and brown proclaim him as Baldar the Bowman, Ranger Lord and
Defender of Glindor forest.
bcdil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 E
10 20 10 10d10+20 1d4+3
40 7200 0 3
8 8 1
student human young man ranger~
Baldar's pupil~
A young man stands here eagerly absorbing everything Baldar has to teach.
Dressed in the browns and greens of a forest Ranger, this young man has 
traveled far to come here and learn from Baldar the Bowman.  Baldar is a 
tough taskmaster but this youth has the look of being able to hack it.
bcdil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 E
6 20 10 6d10+12 1d4+1
20 1512 0 3
8 8 1
guard elf guardsmen male~
an Elven Guardsmen~
An male elf of the Royal Guards stands here at attention.
This Elven lad is a member of the High Elven King and Queen's Royal 
Guards.  Dressed in his fine uniform, and with his shimmering sword and
armor, his role appears to be of a ceremonial nature.  One look at his 
stance, and a quick glance into his eyes, shows you that he is no pushover.
bcdil 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
15 20 8 15d10+45 1d4+2
40 25200 1 3
8 8 1
guard elf guardswomen female~
an Elven Guardswomen~
An female elf of the Royal Guards stands here at attention.
This Elven lass is a member of the High Elven King and Queen's Royal Guards.
Dressed in her fine uniform, and with her shimmering spear and armor, her 
role appears to be of a ceremonial nature.  One look at her stance, and 
a quick glance into her eyes, shows you that she is no pushover.
bcdil 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
15 20 8 15d10+45 1d4+2
40 25200 1 3
8 8 2
large elf smith curunir~
Curunir the Smith~
A very large and heavily muscled elf is here hammering away on his anvil.
This must be the largest High Elf you've ever seen.  Known for their thin 
slight builds, this elf towers over even the largest humans.  His hugely 
muscled arms easily lift the heavy hammer that he pounds down again and 
again in shaping the tough mithril ore.  This must be Curunir the Elven 
Smith and crafter of the finest Elven mithril arms and armor.
bds 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
14 20 9 14d10+32 1d4+5
100 0 1 3
8 8 1
elf bedraggled shopkeeper falathar~
Falathar the Apothecary~
A bedraggled elf stands here, peering at you through his thick glasses.
This is the most bedraggled and befuddled High Elf you've ever seen.  His 
clothes are a mismatch of anything that appeared handy (not altogether clean 
either!).  His hair stick's in all directions from the crumpled hat he 
wears on his head.  What a sorry sight.  Large blue eyes, made even larger 
by the extremely thick spectacles he wears, stare at you in confused curiosity.
This is Falathar the Apothecary.
bds 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 500 E
10 20 9 10d10+10 1d4+0
1500 0 1 0
8 8 1
elf female kementari innkeeper warrioress~
Kementari the Innkeeper~
Kementari the Innkeeper stands here waiting to register you.
Kementari the Innkeeper is a famous warrioress who decided, when she retired, 
to use her vast fortune (acquired as a very successful adventurer) to build 
the Tree-Tops Inn.  Her blonde hair is cut very short (to fit the helmet 
she used to wear) for an Elven women, and she appears to be something of 
a tom-boy (though she is still very attractive!!).
bdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 600 E
10 20 8 10d10+20 1d4+0
90 0 1 3
8 8 2
man bartender halad human~
Halad the Bold~
An old bearded human stands here tending bar, and keeping an out for trouble.
This old bearded human man appears weathered and grizzled.  His care-worn 
face appears to be made of old tough leather.  His close cropped white hair 
and beard make he appear quite old, but his clear blue eyes still hold a 
gleam of youth.  Though old and on the short side (5' 6") he is quite broad
and appears to be in excellent shape.  This is Halad the Bold, one of 
Kementari's (the Innkeeper) old adventuring buddies.
bdl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 E
10 20 10 10d10+20 1d4+2
500 0 0 3
8 8 1
elf female woman citizen~
an Elven citizen~
An Elven woman, citizen of Nangalen, is here walking.
This is a typical beautiful High Elven women. 
dh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
6 20 9 6d10+12 1d4+0
20 1512 1 3
8 8 2
elf male man citizen~
an Elven citizen~
An Elven man, citizen of Nangalen, is here walking.
This is a typical handsome High Elven man. 
dh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
6 20 9 6d10+12 1d4+0
20 1512 1 3
8 8 1
elf female girl citizen~
an Elven girl~
An Elven girl, citizen of Nangalen, is here walking.
This is a typical pretty High Elven girl. 
dh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
3 20 9 3d10+6 1d4+0
5 432 1 3
8 8 2
elf male boy citizen~
an Elven boy~
An Elven boy, a citizen of Nangalen, is here walking.
This is a typical cute High Elven boy. 
dh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
3 20 9 3d10+6 1d4+0
5 432 1 3
8 8 1
nienna elf female cleric priestess~
Nienna the Priestess~
An Elven Priestess of Ao, is here performing a holy ceremony.
This is Nienna the Holy Priestess of Ao the Merciful.  As the spiritual
leader of her flock, she holds great responsibility in Nangalen.  Unusually
tall, even among High Elves she stands almost 6'5", and her lustrous 
black hair that hangs almost to her waist.
abcdil 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1000 E
12 20 9 12d10+24 1d4+0
100 21600 1 1
8 8 2
elf male cleric assistant priest~
a Priest of Ao~
An Elven Priest of Ao and assistant to the Holy Priestess is here.
This is an assistant to the Holy Priestess Nienna.  Dedicated to his god 
and to his flock, he will do anything to ensure the safety of Nangalen 
and the High Elven people.
abcdil 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1000 E
8 20 9 8d10+16 1d4+0
55 7200 1 1
8 8 1
elf female wife illuin elbereth~
Elbereth Illuin~
The Regent's wife, Elbereth Illuin, sits here in majestic splendor.
You look upon the face of Elbereth Illuin, famous throughout the realms
as one of the most beautiful of women.  One look at her classical sculpted 
features tells you what true majesty is all about.  Not only is she beautiful,
but she is also known among the most powerful of the High Elven magi.
abdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1000 E
16 20 8 16d10+48 1d4+0
200 36000 1 0
6 6 2
elf male regent osgiliath~
Regent Osgiliath~
The High Elven Regent, Osgiliath Illuin, sits here in noble repose.
This is Regent Osgiliath Illuin one of the great High Elven Lords of old.
For as long as people can remember he has ruled here, with his beautiful 
wife, in the village of Nangalen.  Although over 1500 years old he is 
still famous throughout the lands for his skill with sword and bow.       
bdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1000 E
16 20 8 16d10+48 1d4+3
250 28800 1 3
6 6 1
elf male cook tall thin emil~
Emil the Chef~
A very tall thin elf wearing a black beret is here tasting the soup.
This unusually tall and thin elf is Emil the Royal Chef.  With his long 
pointed nose and thin black curled mustache he paints a dashing picture 
(not!).  Famous the world over for his fine consommes and bouillon, Emil 
has started a line of canned soups available at all fine markets and groceries.
bdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
10 20 9 10d10+20 1d4+0
25 7200 1 3
8 8 1
elf male cook assistant~
a Cook's assistant~
A elf wearing a white apron is here stirring the soup.             
This elf is one of Emil the Royal Chef's assistants.  He is an excellent 
soup stirrer, not to be trifled with.
bdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
8 20 9 8d10+16 1d4+0
13 3510 1 3
8 8 1
elf male apprentice magi tarlin~
Tarlin the Apprentice~
A small pimply elf is here, snoring his brains out in soiled robes.
This has got to be the sorriest elf you've ever seen.  His straw colored hair 
is filthy and matted with who knows what.  His entire face, at least the 
visible parts not covered in dried vomit, is dotted with pimples.  You have 
no idea what color those rune covered robes are supposed to be.
adh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 -500 E
8 20 10 8d10+16 1d4+0
0 7200 1 0
4 8 1
elf male magi minyatur~
Minyatur the Magnificient~
A thin cadaverous elf, wearing dark blood red robes, glares menacingly at you.
Here stands an afront to the High elven nature. A vile, sadistic Necromancer.
One look into his pale bloodless face and you feel the cold hand of death run 
up your spine.  
abdf 0 0 0 el 0 0 0 -1000 E
16 20 8 16d10+48 1d4+1
250 36000 1 0
8 8 1
human warrior warlord terik-nur~
Terik-Nur the Dark Warlord~
A large warrior, encased in dark wicked looking armor, stands here menacingly.
Completely covered in dense black metal, the figure before you exeudes evil.  
This must be the legendary Terik-Nur, Warlord of the Durag, a dark and evil 
people from the far south, who in ages past invaded the north lands and 
laid waste to all in their path.  Terik-Nur vowed to fill the Lake of Dragons
with the blood of every elf alive.  In the last battle with the High Elven
King Pelargir, Terik-Nur was bound by great magic since the elves were
unable to kill him (but at the cost of  Pelargir's death).  He has been 
imprisoned here ever since.  His punishment, an eternal reminder of the 
crimes he committed against the Elven people.
cdfl 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 -1000 E
18 20 8 18d10+60 1d4+0
0 36000 0 3
8 8 1
Str: 20
griffin falas~
Falas the Regent's Mount~
A large male griffin stands here wearing saddle and bridle.
This large creature before you is a griffin.  With the head, wings and
forelimbs of a large eagle and the hindquarters of a lion, it is truly 
an impressive creature.  This is Falas the King's companion and steed.
bd 0 0 0 lx 0 0 0 500 E
14 20 2 14d10+32 2d6+6
0 21600 8 3
9 9 1
griffin arwen~
Arwen the Queen's Mount~
A large female griffin sits here grooming herself.         
This large creature before you is a griffin.  With the head, wings and 
forelimbs of a large eagle and the hindquarters of a lion, it is truly 
an impressive creature.  This is Arwen the Queen's companion and steed.
bd 0 0 0 lx 0 0 0 500 E
14 20 2 14d10+32 2d6+6
0 21600 8 3
9 9 2
elf young prince edrahil~
Prince Edrahil~
A young Elven lad is here learning to ride a griffin.
You are looking at Crown Prince Edrahil, son of the King and Queen of 
Elven Nation.  Though young by High Elven standards, he's only 158, he 
seems capable enough.
bdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1000 E
6 20 9 6d10+15 1d4+0
100 1512 1 3
8 8 1
elf steward sirion~
Sirion the Steward~
A green robed elf sits here, writing in a large ledger.
This gray haired elf is going slightly bald and his worn face tells of great
age and greater responsibilities.  This is Sirion the Royal Steward who has
served the Elven Royal Family since the time of Telemnar (Osgiliath's 
grandfather!).  Wow this guy is old!
abdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1000 E
12 20 10 12d10+24 1d4+0
50 14400 1 1
6 6 1
elf male captain rhovanion~
Rhovanion the Captain~
The Captain of the Royal Guards stands here in complete confidence.
This is Rhovanion, the Captain of the Royal Guards.  Unusually swarthy,
for the normally pale skinned High Elves, his darkly tanned skin almost 
blends with his strange dark blue colored hair.
bdil 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
15 20 7 15d10+45 1d4+3
150 25200 1 3
8 8 1
elf male stablemaster telchar~
Telchar the Stablemaster~
A broad and stocky elf is here teaching a young elf how to ride griffins.
This elf is so short and stocky as to be almost dwarven!  Completing the 
picture is his iron gray hair and beard.  This is Telchar the Stablemaster, 
in charge of caring for the Royal griffins.
bdl 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
14 20 9 14d10+32 1d4+2
50 21600 1 3
8 8 1
elf male lad stableboy~
an Elven Stableboy~
A young Elven lad is here sweeping.
This young Elven youth is a stableboy in the employ of the Royal Family. 
His duties include maintaining the stable in a clean and orderly fashion, 
and in feeding the Royal griffins.  One brave kid!
cdh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
4 20 9 4d10+8 1d4+0
10 630 1 3
8 8 1
elf girl maid eilenil~
Eilenil the Maid~
A young Elven girl is here putting out the place settings.
This has got to be the most buxom Elven girl you've ever seen.  Her simple 
cotton robe strains in the effort in trying to restrain her ample bosom. 
You also notice (with a quick glance up) the mischievous gleam in her eye. 
Maybe you'll get lucky and get a tumble!
bcdh 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
8 20 9 8d10+16 1d4+0
20 3510 1 3
8 8 2
elf male wizard ancalimon~
Ancalimon the Wizard~
Here stands Ancalimon the great High Elven wizard.
Ancalimon is one of the most famous of the great High Elven wizards. His
knowledge of magic is amazing and many of the great magics worked by the
Elves were first done by Ancalimon.  His long flowing white hair and beard
fail to hide his gleaming blue eyes, quick grin and long pointed nose.
abdilm 0 0 0 eil 0 0 0 1000 E
18 20 8 18d10+54 1d4+0
500 43200 1 0
8 8 1
guard elf guardsmen male~
an Elven Guardsmen~
An male elf of the Royal Guards stands here at attention.
This Elven lad is a member of the High Elven King and Queen's Royal
Guards.  Dressed in his fine uniform, and with his shimmering sword and
armor, his role appears to be of a ceremonial nature.  One look at his
stance, and a quick glance into his eyes, shows you that he is no pushover.
bcdil 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 750 E
12 20 8 12d10+26 1d4+2
40 14400 1 3
8 8 1