Corridors of Marduk~
   This room is for chaos.
118 d 0 0 0 1
0 -1 11809
0 -1 11820
0 -1 11803
0 -1 11817
0 -1 11804
0 -1 11811
Starwater Road~
   You are standing on Starwater Road in Helgor. To the south lies
the massive King's Forest. The residential section of the town lies to the 
east. To the north lies the town square. Off in the distance to the north
you see a huge tower that seems to extend to the sky.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north lies the town square.
0 0 11807
To the east lies the residental section of Helgor.
0 0 11804
To the south you can see a long, straight, and narrow trail through the 
King's Forest.
0 0 3640
Residential Section~
   This is the residential section of Helgor. The road is lined with
many small houses of the local citizens. The road is lined with full, green
bushes and tall green trees.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the east lies more of the residential section of town.
0 0 11805
To the west lies Starwater Road.
0 0 11803
There are many wild, edible berries growing on the bushes.
The trees appear to have lucious fruit growing on them in abundance.
Residential Section~
   You are now deep into the residential section of Helgor. Directly
to the north lies Senator Morim's house. Here you also see many local
citizen's homes.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north you see Senator Tzin Morim's home.
door north n~
1 0 11806
To the west continues the residential section of the town.
0 0 11804
Senator Tzin Morim's House~
   You are now in the humble home of the good Senator Tzin Morim. The 
place is nicely decorated with many fine tapestries. All of the furniture 
is made of pure Toranian oak.
118 cd 0 0 0 0
To the south lies the main street of the residential section.
door south s~
1 0 11805
tapestries decorations~
They are ranging to quite a few different styles, some new some old. It appears
that the Senator is at has at least a minor interest in art.
Don't you wish you had enough money to buy this stuff?
Town Square~
   You are standing in the town square of Helgor. To the north lies 
Morning Street with the huge Tower of Morning off in the distance. Main 
Street extends to the east and west turning into The High Road outside 
city limits. To the south is Starwater Road which continues into the 
King's Forest.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north lies Morning Street.
0 0 11810
To the east runs Main Street towards Tekaro.
0 0 11809
To the south lies Starwater Road.
0 0 11803
To the east lies Main Street towards Tyrluk.
0 0 11808
Main Street~
   You are standing on the westbound running of Main Street. To the north 
you see one of the finest inns in Helgor. To the southwest lies the 
merchant district, where you see many people bustling around doing their 
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north is the Lonsome Tankard Inn.
door north n~
1 11899 11829
The town square lies to the east.
0 0 11807
Main street continues to the west.
0 0 11819
Main Street~
   You are standing on the eastbound running of Main Street, which runs 
into Tekaro. Main street continues to the east and west. To the north you 
see the City Hall. To your south, though you cannot get there from here, 
lies the residential section of town.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north lies the City Hall.
door north n~
1 11899 11824
Main Street continues to the east and west.
0 0 11823
The town square is directly to the west.
0 0 11807
Morning Street~
   You are now on Morning Street, which runs to the north to a fork in 
the road. The town square lies to the south. To the northeast, off in the 
distance you can see the huge Tower of Morning.
118 0 0 0 0 1
Morning Street continues to the north.
0 0 11811
The town square lies to the south.
0 0 11807
Morning Street~
   You are on Morning Street, which continues to the north and south. In 
the distance to the south, you see the town square with many people 
bustling about. To the northeast is the Tower of Morning. Also, to the 
northwest, you see a chapel.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north there is a fork in Morning Street.
0 0 11812
To the south continues Morning Street.
0 0 11810
A Fork in Morning Street~
   You are standing in a fork in morning street. One way goes to the east 
where you see the huge Tower of Morning reaching to the sky. To the west 
the fork leads to the House of Morning, which appears to be a chapel. 
Morning Street continues to the south, leading to the town square.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the east is the Tower of Morning.
door east e~
1 11899 11817
Morning Street continues to the south.
0 0 11811
To the west you see the House of Morning.
0 0 11813
Entrance to the House of Morning~
   You are standing in the entrance foyer to the House of Morning, a 
local chapel dedicated to the service of Ao. There's a huge set of double 
wooden doors leading to the west. There's a small door to the north.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the north is the quarters of the seneschal.
door north n~
1 0 11814
To the east is Morning Street.
0 0 11812
To the west is the Sanctuary.
wooden double doors west w~
1 0 11815
The Seneschal's Quarters~
   This is the quarters of the seneschal of the chapel. It's obvious that 
the person that lives here is quite humble. There are only two peices of 
furniture in the whole room, a ragged straw bed, and an old desk.
118 d 0 0 0 0
The entrance to the chapel is to the south.
door south s~
1 0 11813
The Sanctuary~
   This is the sanctuary of the House of Morning. The room is very dusty, 
and it looks like there's been noone here for ages. There are about 
fifteen rows of old creaky pews. To the south there is a small narrow 
passageway. In the front of the room, the altar stands. There is a small 
book laying on the altar. To the east are the huge wooden double doors 
leading back to the entrance.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the east is the entrance to the chapel.
doors wooden double west w~
1 0 11813
To the south is a small passage leading to the priests quarters.
0 0 11816
This closed book has a wierd looking symbol on it's cover. There's also a 
latch on the side of it that looks like it might have been a lock, but 
it's open.
The altar has splitting rails and is made of some kind of old wood that 
you've never seen before.
The Priests Quarters~
   This is the priest's quarters. The room's sparsely furnished with only 
a bed, desk, and a bookcase. On the bookcase are many old religous books 
that look like they might date back to the creation of life itself. There 
is one book sticking out farther than the others.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the north is the sanctuary of the chapel.
0 0 11815
On the spine of the book is one symbol that looks like two swords forming 
a cross. Below that are written the words "The Crusade". 
Since your curiosity has overtaken you, you remove the book from the shelf.
On the front cover of the book are written the words:


		 A prophecy of the death of Marduk.
The Tower of Morning~
   You are standing in the base of the Tower of Morning. As you look up 
the long winding staircase, it surprises you that you can't see the top. 
The small room here at the bottom is filled with paintings of religous 
118 cd 0 0 0 0
To the west is Morning Street.
door east e~
1 11899 11812
As you look up you see the long winding stairwell leading to the top of 
the Tower of Morning.
0 0 11818
The paintings depict the fall of Marduk long ago, and also his recent return.
The followers of Ao must band together to stop them once again.
The Top of the Tower of Morning~
   You are finally in the top of the tower of morning, after that long 
climb. As you look through the open-air windows, you can almost see all 
of Toran. You can definately make out the Lake of Dragons to the south, 
and to the north, barely through the break of the Storm Horn Mountains, 
you can just make out the vast barren Anauroch.
118 cd 0 0 0 0
You can clearly see the great Storm Horn Mountains, and just barely see 
the Anauroch desert beyond that.
0 0 11818
Far off in the distance to the east, you can see the huge Hullack Forest, 
and barely see the Thunder Peaks beyond that.
0 0 11818
To the south, almost looking straight down, you see the massive King's 
Forest. Beyond that you see the Lake of Dragons.
0 0 11818
Off to the west you can see the massive Storm Horn Mountains. You also 
see a very small collection of activity that you assume to be the High Horn.
0 0 11818
As you look down the long stairwell you back up, fearing you'd meet your 
death if you fell.
0 0 11817
Main Street~
   You are standing on the Main Street of Helgor. To the west you 
can see the road leading to Tyrluk. To the east, Main Street continues 
into the road leading to Tekaro. Directly to the south you see a large 
area with many tents in a circle with many people bustling about. To the
north you can see a small tailor's shop.
118 0 0 0 0 1
You see a small shop containing many clothes.
door north n~
1 11899 11830
Main Street continues to the east.
0 0 11808
To the south is the merchant district of Helgor.
0 0 11825
Main Street continues to the west.
0 0 11820
Main Street~
   You are on Main Street which continues to the east and west. To the 
north you see a small worn path that leads to a dusty path.
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north lies the path to a dusty path.
0 0 11821
Main Street continues to the east.
0 0 11819
The High Road starts directly west of you.
0 -1 11822
Dusty Path~
    You are standing on a dirt path, winding its way northbound through some
hilly plains. An eerie silence covers this area broken only occassionally by
wind swaying the tall grasses in a rythmic pattern. Far off in the northern
distance you can see the faint outline of mountains.
118 0 0 0 0 1
Main Street lies to the south.
0 0 11820
The sign reads:
	       This area is currently under construction by Paithan. All
	       questions and comments are welcome via Post Office.
		-Paithan, Guide of The King's Forest
The High Road~
  You are standing on the High Road between Tyrluk and Helgor. To 
the south lies the massive King's Forest, though there is no path to it 
from here.
  There is a small sign here.
118 0 0 0 0 2
The Main Street of Helgor lies directly to the east.
0 0 11820
sign small~
The sign reads: This section of the road, and what lies west of it are
		currently underconstruction and will be open to the public
		as soon as they are finished. 
		If you are interested in building possibilities within the 
		Empire, please contact your MudOps.
Main Street~
  You are standing on the eastern end of Main Street in Helgor. The 
high road continues to the east towards Tekaro. To the south lies the 
residential district of the town, although there's no distinctive path to 
there from here. Main Street continues to the west.
118 0 0 0 0 1
The High Road continues to the east.
0 0 3600
Main Street continues to the west.
0 0 11809
The City Hall~
   You are standing in the City Hall, where all the major business of the 
town is conducted. All the people working here are bustling about trying 
to get things done. Directly to the south lies the Main Street.
118 d 0 0 0 1
To the south lies Main Street.
door south s~
1 11899 11809
The Merchant Square~
   You are standing in the middle of the Merchant District of 
Helgor. There are tents all around selling goods from all over the 
land. To the east is the Gem Store, to the south is the Weapons and Armor 
Shop, and to the west is a small stone building which serves as a general
118 0 0 0 0 1
To the north lies Main Street.
0 0 11819
To the east lies the Gem Store.
0 0 11827
To the south lies a weapons and armors tent.
flap south s~
1 11899 11826
To the west lies the General Store.
door west w~
1 11899 11828
The weapons and armors tent~
   You are standing in a large tent, where you can see many types of weapons
and armor on display. The selection is abit limited due to seasonal and
Imperial demands on both weapons and armors.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the north is Merchant Square.
flap north n~
1 11899 11825
The Gem Store~
   You are standing in the gem booth, where you see a wide variety of 
beautiful gems and other valuables. The display case is edged with pure 
gold and appears, with it's contents, to cost a fortune.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the west lies merchant square.
0 0 11825
The General Store~
   You are standing in the general store, where you can buy anything that 
an adventurer needs to survive, and make life a little more pleasant. 
There are many sorts of food items, and things to drink. You can also buy 
utilities such as backpacks, and tools.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the east lies Merchant Square.
door east e~
1 11899 11825
The Lonesome Tankard Inn~
   You are in one of the finest of the three major inns in Helgor. 
The reception area here is huge with many frills. The receptionists desk 
is at the rear of the room and is manned by three people.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the south lies Main Street.
door south s~
1 11899 11808
The House of Garak~
   You are standing in a small tailor shop, owned by Garak. He is a simple man
living a simple life selling you clothing off all sorts. You can see the 
clothing that was all the rage in Kortaal last year and, according to Garak,
the clothing that will be all the rage next year.
118 d 0 0 0 0
To the south lies Main Street.
door south s~
1 11899 11819