/** OasisOLC - InGame OLC Listings                                     v2.0  **/
/** Original author: Levork                                                  **/
/** Copyright 1996 Harvey Gilpin                                             **/
/** Copyright 1997-2001 George Greer (                 **/
/** Copyright 2002 Kip Potter [Mythran] (             **/
#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"

#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "genolc.h"
#include "oasis.h"
#include "improved-edit.h"
#include "shop.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "dg_scripts.h"

/** External Variables                                                       **/
extern struct shop_data *shop_index;
extern int top_shop;
extern struct index_data **trig_index;
extern int top_of_trigt;

/** Internal Functions                                                       **/
void list_rooms(struct char_data *ch  , zone_rnum rnum, room_vnum vmin, room_vnum vmax);
void list_mobiles(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, mob_vnum vmin , mob_vnum vmax );
void list_objects(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, obj_vnum vmin , obj_vnum vmax );
void list_shops(struct char_data *ch  , zone_rnum rnum, shop_vnum vmin, shop_vnum vmax);
void list_triggers(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, trig_vnum vmin, trig_vnum vmax);
void list_zones(struct char_data *ch);
void print_zone(struct char_data *ch, zone_vnum vnum);

/** Ingame Commands                                                          **/
  zone_rnum rzone = NOWHERE;
  room_rnum vmin = NOWHERE;
  room_rnum vmax = NOWHERE;
  char smin[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char smax[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  two_arguments(argument, smin, smax);
  if (subcmd == SCMD_OASIS_ZLIST) { /* special case */
    if (smin && *smin && is_number(smin)) 
      print_zone(ch, atoi(smin));
  if (!*smin || *smin == '.') {
    rzone = world[IN_ROOM(ch)].zone;
  } else if (!*smax) {
    rzone = real_zone(atoi(smin));
    if (rzone == NOWHERE) {
      send_to_char(ch, "Sorry, there's no zone with that number\r\n");
  } else {
    /** Listing by min vnum / max vnum.  Retrieve the numeric values.          **/
    vmin = atoi(smin);
    vmax = atoi(smax);
    if (vmin > vmax) {
      send_to_char(ch, "List from %d to %d - Aren't we funny today!\r\n", vmin, vmax);
  switch (subcmd) {
    case SCMD_OASIS_RLIST: list_rooms(ch, rzone, vmin, vmax); break;
    case SCMD_OASIS_OLIST: list_objects(ch, rzone, vmin, vmax); break;
    case SCMD_OASIS_MLIST: list_mobiles(ch, rzone, vmin, vmax); break;
    case SCMD_OASIS_TLIST: list_triggers(ch, rzone, vmin, vmax); break;
    case SCMD_OASIS_SLIST: list_shops(ch, rzone, vmin, vmax); break;
      send_to_char(ch, "You can't list that!\r\n");
      mudlog(BRF, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE, 
        "SYSERR: do_oasis_list: Unknown list option: %d", subcmd);

  zone_rnum zrnum;
  zone_vnum zvnum;
  room_rnum nr, to_room;
  int first, last, j;
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

  one_argument(argument, arg);

  if (!arg || !*arg) {
      "Syntax: links <zone_vnum> ('.' for zone you are standing in)\r\n");

  if (!strcmp(arg, ".")) {
    zrnum = world[IN_ROOM(ch)].zone;
    zvnum = zone_table[zrnum].number;
  } else {
    zvnum = atoi(arg);
    zrnum = real_zone(zvnum);

  if (zrnum == NOWHERE || zvnum == NOWHERE) {
    send_to_char(ch, "No zone was found with that number.\n\r");

  last  = zone_table[zrnum].top;
  first = zone_table[zrnum].bot;

  send_to_char(ch, "Zone %d is linked to the following zones:\r\n", zvnum);
  for (nr = 0; nr <= top_of_world && (GET_ROOM_VNUM(nr) <= last); nr++) {
    if (GET_ROOM_VNUM(nr) >= first) {
      for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_DIRS; j++) {
      if (world[nr].dir_option[j]) {
        to_room = world[nr].dir_option[j]->to_room;
        if (to_room != NOWHERE && (zrnum != world[to_room].zone))
          send_to_char(ch, "%3d %-30s at %5d (%-5s) ---> %5d\r\n",
            GET_ROOM_VNUM(nr), dirs[j], world[to_room].number);

/** Helper Functions                                                         **/

 * List all rooms in a zone.                              
void list_rooms(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, zone_vnum vmin, zone_vnum vmax)
  int i, j, bottom, top, counter = 0;
   * Expect a minimum / maximum number if the rnum for the zone is NOWHERE. 
  if (rnum != NOWHERE) {
    bottom = zone_table[rnum].bot;
    top    = zone_table[rnum].top;
  } else {
    bottom = vmin;
    top    = vmax;
  send_to_char (ch,
  "Index VNum    Room Name                                Exits\r\n"
  "----- ------- ---------------------------------------- -----\r\n");
  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_world; i++) {
    /** Check to see if this room is one of the ones needed to be listed.    **/
    if ((world[i].number >= bottom) && (world[i].number <= top)) {
        send_to_char(ch, "%4d) [%s%-5d%s] %s%-40.40s%s %s",
                          counter, QGRN, world[i].number, QNRM,
                          QCYN, world[i].name, QNRM,
                          world[i].proto_script ? "[TRIG] " : ""

      for (j = 0; j < NUM_OF_DIRS; j++) {
        if (W_EXIT(i, j) == NULL)
        if (W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room == NOWHERE)
        if (world[W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room].zone != world[i].zone) 
          send_to_char(ch, "(%s%d%s)", QYEL, world[W_EXIT(i, j)->to_room].number, QNRM);
      send_to_char(ch, "\r\n");
  if (counter == 0)
    send_to_char(ch, "No rooms found for zone #%d\r\n", zone_table[rnum].number);

 * List all mobiles in a zone.                              
void list_mobiles(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, zone_vnum vmin, zone_vnum vmax)
  int i, bottom, top, counter = 0;
  if (rnum != NOWHERE) {
    bottom = zone_table[rnum].bot;
    top    = zone_table[rnum].top;
  } else {
    bottom = vmin;
    top    = vmax;
  "Index VNum    Mobile Name                                   Level\r\n"
  "----- ------- --------------------------------------------- -----\r\n");
  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_mobt; i++) {
    if (mob_index[i].vnum >= bottom && mob_index[i].vnum <= top) {
      send_to_char(ch, "%s%4d%s) [%s%-5d%s] %s%-44.44s %s[%4d]%s%s\r\n",
        QGRN, counter, QNRM, QGRN, mob_index[i].vnum, QNRM,
        QCYN, mob_proto[i].player.short_descr, 
                   QYEL, mob_proto[i].player.level, QNRM,
                   mob_proto[i].proto_script ? " [TRIG]" : ""
  if (counter == 0)
    send_to_char(ch, "None found.\r\n");

 * List all objects in a zone.                              
void list_objects(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, room_vnum vmin, room_vnum vmax)
  int i, bottom, top, counter = 0;
  if (rnum != NOWHERE) {
    bottom = zone_table[rnum].bot;
    top    = zone_table[rnum].top;
  } else {
    bottom = vmin;
    top    = vmax;
  "Index VNum    Object Name                                  Object Type\r\n"
  "----- ------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------\r\n");
  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_objt; i++) {
    if (obj_index[i].vnum >= bottom && obj_index[i].vnum <= top) {
      send_to_char(ch, "%s%4d%s) [%s%-5d%s] %s%-44.44s %s[%s]%s%s\r\n",  
        QGRN, counter, QNRM, QGRN, obj_index[i].vnum, QNRM,
        QCYN, obj_proto[i].short_description, QYEL,
                   item_types[obj_proto[i].obj_flags.type_flag], QNRM,
                   obj_proto[i].proto_script ? " [TRIG]" : ""
  if (counter == 0)
    send_to_char(ch, "None found.\r\n");

 * List all shops in a zone.                              
void list_shops(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, shop_vnum vmin, shop_vnum vmax)
  int i, j, bottom, top, counter = 0;
  if (rnum != NOWHERE) {
    bottom = zone_table[rnum].bot;
    top    = zone_table[rnum].top;
  } else {
    bottom = vmin;
    top    = vmax;
  /** Store the header for the shop listing.                                 **/
  send_to_char (ch,
  "Index VNum    Shop Room(s)\r\n"
  "----- ------- ---------------------------------------------\r\n");
  for (i = 0; i <= top_shop; i++) {
    if (SHOP_NUM(i) >= bottom && SHOP_NUM(i) <= top) {
      send_to_char(ch, "%s%4d%s) [%s%-5d%s]",
        QGRN, counter, QNRM, QGRN, SHOP_NUM(i), QNRM);

      /** Retrieve the list of rooms for this shop.                          **/
      for (j = 0; SHOP_ROOM(i, j) != NOWHERE; j++)
        send_to_char(ch, "%s%s[%s%d%s]%s",
          ((j > 0) && (j % 8 == 0)) ? "\r\n              " : " ",
          QCYN, QYEL, SHOP_ROOM(i, j), QCYN, QNRM); 

      if (j == 0)
        send_to_char(ch, "%sNone.%s", QCYN, QNRM);
      send_to_char(ch, "\r\n");
  if (counter == 0)
    send_to_char(ch, "None found.\r\n");

 * List all zones in the world (sort of like 'show zones').                              
void list_zones(struct char_data *ch)
  int i;
  "VNum  Zone Name                      Builder(s)\r\n"
  "----- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------\r\n");
  for (i = 0; i <= top_of_zone_table; i++)
    send_to_char(ch, "[%s%3d%s] %s%-30.30s %s%-1s%s\r\n",
      QGRN, zone_table[i].number, QNRM, QCYN, zone_table[i].name,
      QYEL, zone_table[i].builders ? zone_table[i].builders : "None.", QNRM);

 * Prints all of the zone information for the selected zone.
void print_zone(struct char_data *ch, zone_vnum vnum)
  zone_rnum rnum;
  int size_rooms, size_objects, size_mobiles, i;
  room_vnum top, bottom;
  int largest_table;
  if ((rnum = real_zone(vnum)) == NOWHERE) {
    send_to_char(ch, "Zone #%d does not exist in the database.\r\n", vnum);
  /** Locate the largest of the three, top_of_world, top_of_mobt, or         **/
  /** top_of_objt.                                                           **/
  if (top_of_world >= top_of_objt && top_of_world >= top_of_mobt)
    largest_table = top_of_world;
  else if (top_of_objt >= top_of_mobt && top_of_objt >= top_of_world)
    largest_table = top_of_objt;
    largest_table = top_of_mobt;
  /** Initialize some of the variables.                                      **/
  size_rooms   = 0;
  size_objects = 0;
  size_mobiles = 0;
  top          = zone_table[rnum].top;
  bottom       = zone_table[rnum].bot;
  for (i = 0; i <= largest_table; i++) {
    if (i <= top_of_world)
      if (world[i].zone == rnum)
    if (i <= top_of_objt)
      if (obj_index[i].vnum >= bottom && obj_index[i].vnum <= top)
    if (i <= top_of_mobt)
      if (mob_index[i].vnum >= bottom && mob_index[i].vnum <= top)
  /** Display all of the zone information at once.                           **/
    "%sVirtual Number = %s%d\r\n"
    "%sName of zone   = %s%s\r\n"
    "%sBuilders       = %s%s\r\n"
    "%sLifespan       = %s%d\r\n"
    "%sAge            = %s%d\r\n"
    "%sBottom of Zone = %s%d\r\n"
    "%sTop of Zone    = %s%d\r\n"
    "%sReset Mode     = %s%s\r\n"
    "%s   Rooms       = %s%d\r\n"
    "%s   Objects     = %s%d\r\n"
    "%s   Mobiles     = %s%d%s\r\n",
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].number,
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].name,
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].builders,
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].lifespan,
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].age,
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].bot, 
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].top,
    QGRN, QCYN, zone_table[rnum].reset_mode ? ((zone_table[rnum].reset_mode == 1) ?
    "Reset when no players are in zone." : "Normal reset.") : "Never reset",
    QGRN, QCYN, size_rooms,
    QGRN, QCYN, size_objects,
    QGRN, QCYN, size_mobiles, QNRM);

/* List code by Ronald Evers - */
void list_triggers(struct char_data *ch, zone_rnum rnum, trig_vnum vmin, trig_vnum vmax)
  int i, bottom, top, counter = 0;
  char trgtypes[256];

  /** Expect a minimum / maximum number if the rnum for the zone is NOWHERE. **/
  if (rnum != NOWHERE) {
    bottom = zone_table[rnum].bot;
    top    = zone_table[rnum].top;
  } else {
    bottom = vmin;
    top    = vmax;

  /** Store the header for the room listing. **/
  send_to_char (ch,
  "Index VNum    Trigger Name                        Type\r\n"
  "----- ------- -------------------------------------------------------\r\n");

  /** Loop through the world and find each room. **/
  for (i = 0; i < top_of_trigt; i++) {
    /** Check to see if this room is one of the ones needed to be listed.    **/
    if ((trig_index[i]->vnum >= bottom) && (trig_index[i]->vnum <= top)) {

      send_to_char(ch, "%4d) [%s%5d%s] %s%-45.45s ",
        counter, QGRN, trig_index[i]->vnum, QNRM, QCYN, trig_index[i]->proto->name);

      if (trig_index[i]->proto->attach_type == OBJ_TRIGGER) {
        sprintbit(GET_TRIG_TYPE(trig_index[i]->proto), otrig_types, trgtypes, sizeof(trgtypes));
        send_to_char(ch, "obj %s%s%s\r\n", QYEL, trgtypes, QNRM);
      } else if (trig_index[i]->proto->attach_type==WLD_TRIGGER) {
        sprintbit(GET_TRIG_TYPE(trig_index[i]->proto), wtrig_types, trgtypes, sizeof(trgtypes));
        send_to_char(ch, "wld %s%s%s\r\n", QYEL, trgtypes, QNRM);
      } else {
        sprintbit(GET_TRIG_TYPE(trig_index[i]->proto), trig_types, trgtypes, sizeof(trgtypes));
        send_to_char(ch, "mob %s%s%s\r\n", QYEL, trgtypes, QNRM);


  if (counter == 0)
    send_to_char(ch, "No triggers found for zone #%d\r\n", zone_table[rnum].number);