#AREA   Quarren Mine City~

#AUTHOR Ackbar~

0 0 0 103


#ECONOMY -1 999514284

sharklike krakanas~
A Krakanas, sharklike animal with twin pincer tentacles swims near.
This legandary and scary sea creature is the most feared aquatic member to
Mon Calamari.
35 0 -1 Z
20 0 50 4d10+200 2d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
14 5 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
clear fish~
Clear bottom fish~
&Y A translucent, self-illuminated fish swims here.&x
129 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 212992 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mppurge corpse
mpoload 6822
&Y Yellow Starfish &x~
An eightlegged starfish~
&O An eightlegged yellow starfish crawls around here. &x
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a Sweegill fish~
&c A rainbowed &R colored &Y Sweegill &G fish &P swims &B here. &x
A rainbowed fish native to Mon waters. Considered a could meal to
outsiders, although Mon Calamarians prefer a non seafood diet. 
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 212992 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mppurge corpse
mpoload 6822
Shela kitchen cook~
&R Shela the  kitchen cook. &x~
&R Shela the  kitchen cook prepares quick meals for the miners. &x
3 0 0 Z
20 0 0 1d1+12998 10d5+10
0 0
8 8 2
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mine foreman Krauota~
The mine foreman Krauota~
The mine foreman Krauota paces here stressed due to mine demands.
Standing at his post in the checkpoint, this guard looks more than a little
bored afterall who would be stupid enough to try to board and attack a
capital ship. Maybe you. 
1027 0 700 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+1000 6d10+2
0 0
8 8 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
say &R What you need now! Can't you see I'm busy!!!!!!!
> speech_prog fuck dick asshole jerk ~
say &R $n your about to get your tail whipped with that language.  Infact
your fired!
mpecho Your work agreement has been revoke, Please leave immediatly!
> speech_prog work job mine ~
Say  Well $n you want me to hold your hand?
 say See you take a shovel out of the shed..
say Stay with $n ...this is difficult.
say Then you get a ore carier..
say then you go down the shaft and DIG!
say Tuff huh?  
say Make sure you sell your minerals back.
say the loading bay keeper will pay you.
say Now get out !
> speech_prog hi hello ~
say Look you here for a reason?
say or just hear to iritate me.
> speech_prog iritate.~
say Alright loser...not sure how you got in here...
say but I'm calling security
a Quarren~
A Quarren is daydreaming about the ocean.
The Quarren are more commonly know as squidheads throughout the galaxy
due to the shape of their heads. The come from the ocean world of Mon
16777217 0 0 Z
8 0 88 0d0+0 1d4+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Quarren miner~
A Quarren miner~
&w A Quarren miner works diligently to strip the mine.
The Quarren are more commonly know as squidheads throughout the galaxy
due to the shape of their heads. The come from the ocean world of Mon
1 0 0 Z
8 0 88 0d0+0 1d4+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 15~
if ispc ($n)
   mpecho The quarren miner stops working to stare at you.
    mpecho Then decides to go back to work digging.
> speech_prog hello hi help hey can ~
say &R Can't you see I'm working?  Some of us work you know!
mine shop dealer~
The mine ore dealer~
The mine ore dealer, Ketson stands here ready to give you a bad deal!
3 0 0 Z
20 0 0 1d1+12998 10d5+10
0 0
8 8 2
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog ~
say &B Come over miner, if you have some goods. I'll Buy.
quarren krusi clerk~
Krusi, A quarren clerk~
Krusi, A Quarren Security Clerk stands behind the counter waiting.
The Quarren are more commonly know as squidheads throughout the galaxy
due to the shape of their heads. The come from the ocean world of Mon
3 0 0 Z
11 0 72 2d10+110 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 16777249 16777217 0
2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog hi hello ~
Say &R Ya need something pal?  Look can't you tell I'm busy twidling my
say thumbs..
> speech_prog job~
Say talk to ackbar pal ,,I don't hire.
> speech_prog report crime~
Say Oh a crime on this planet..what else is new, here fill out 20 copies of
say this form and then talk to the chief.
> speech_prog chief~
say &R No chief! when that happen
> speech_prog reporting duty~
Say About time $n
mpoload 6821
give key $n
say try not to goto sleep this time....
> speech_prog visit see prisoner~
Say oh you need to see a prisoner ah? well ok ..
unlock n
open door
cook Borto~
&B Borto the Side order cook.~
&B Borto the Side order cook waits here paitently for a costomer.
3 0 0 Z
100 0 -150 20d10+1000 10d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tech torisk~
a newly created tech torisk~
Some god abandoned a newly created tech torisk here.
1 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
tech torisk inventor~
&c Torisk Inventor~
&c Torisk Inventor of high-tech weapons works hard here.
7 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
cathia tailor~
&P Cathia the tailor~
&P Cathia the tailor sews diligently here.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
jewler joyta~
&p Plantik the jewler~
&p Plantik the jewler sits behind the security bars waiting for a customer.
3 0 0 Z
20 0 0 1d1+12998 10d5+10
0 0
8 8 1
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777248 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
resale elderly security~
An Elderly Security Weapon resaler~
An Elderly Security Weapon resaler waits here paintently.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
librarian quarren~
A female Quarren librarian~
&p A female Quarren librarian retypes a new book.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog hello hi mam chick~
say &R Hey SHHHHhhhhhhh!   This is a library not your playpen $n!
> speech_prog bitch fuck shit hoe~
say &b I can see your IQ matches the letters in those words.
say so get out.
mpforce $n n
> speech_prog help how ~
Say just look at the computer terminal it will tell you what to do.
quarren man~
&R A Quarren citizen~
A Quarren citizen enjoys his day off.
The Quarren are more commonly know as squidheads throughout the galaxy
due to the shape of their heads. The come from the ocean world of Mon
65 0 0 Z
8 0 88 0d0+0 1d4+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
mining droid~
&c A LIN-V8K mining droid &x~
&c A LIN-V8K mining droid glides past here.
The binary load lifter is a big droid used mainly for lifting and
moving large objects. Its very simple processing unit can only handle
very simple commands as there is very little need for an intelligent
droid laborer.
83886149 0 0 Z
20 0 50 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
boss Hityii~
&R Mine boss, Krauota~
&R Mine boss, Krauota paces here due to stress.
Standing at his post in the checkpoint, this guard looks more than a little
bored afterall who would be stupid enough to try to board and attack a
capital ship. Maybe you. 
1027 0 700 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+1000 6d10+2
0 0
8 8 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog ~
> speech_prog hi~
mpecho The mine boss stares at you..
mpecho The mine boss presses the secretary's call button.
say Dang it I don't have time for visitors!
> speech_prog job mine work~
Say &R Oh you want to work ah?
> speech_prog yes~
say &R Good because we have a job for you.  
say &R Here take this..it will help you.
mpoload 6834
give shield $n
say &R good luck and be careful my insurance is high enough.
say oh ya tell the security voice box : Krebbex
Say if you don't know what that is look it up at the library!
> speech_prog bye goodbye adios~
say &R Get out already!
mpforce $n w
> speech_prog where location find~
Say Just goto the east entrance then once in water.
Say go south until you reach the mine.
female sec secretary ~
&P A female Quarren Secretary~
&P A female Quarren Secretary stands here and twidles here thumbs.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog hi hello ~
mpecho The Secretary looks you up and down, then 
mpecho returns back to doodling.
> speech_prog job work mine ~
Say &R Ah a job let me see....
mpecho you see her barly glance a sheet of paper.
Say &R well I'm sorry $n there are some jobs but....
say &r most of my friends need a job and I'm not sure .
say &R why I should give you the job.
> speech_prog good dick hard hoe bitch slut fuck ass~
Say &R i don't think that was what I'm refering to..
> act_prog ~
> act_prog wink~
Say &R Something wrong with your eye?
mpecho You see the Secretary eye your credits.
> bribe_prog 100 100~
Say Now that's more like it!!!
mptransfer $n 6937
&c Mayor of Domed City~
&c Mayor of Domed City stands here always ready to talk.
Standing at his post in the checkpoint, this guard looks more than a little
bored afterall who would be stupid enough to try to board and attack a
capital ship. Maybe you. 
3 0 700 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+1000 6d10+2
0 0
8 8 1
10 20 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777248 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog hi hello ~
Say Hello $n , our Security said you were in town. 
say Is this your first time here?
> speech_prog yes yep ~
Say ah well here take this ...
say it's a map of our great city.
mpecho You see the mayor reach in his desk and 
mpecho pull out a holo map
mpoload 6842
give map $n
Say have a good time.
> speech_prog no~
Say ah well then your familiar with this town. 
Say in that case what do you need?
> speech_prog shit fuck help job dick ass work~
Say sorry I'm the wrong person to be saying that to.
a remote~
A training remote hovers nearby.
83886083 0 0 Z
1 0 97 0d10+10 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a remote~
A training remote hovers nearby.
83886083 0 0 Z
2 0 95 0d10+20 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a remote~
A training remote hovers nearby.
83886083 0 0 Z
3 0 92 0d10+30 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a remote~
A training remote hovers nearby.
83886083 0 0 Z
4 0 90 0d10+40 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a remote~
A training remote hovers nearby.
83886083 0 0 Z
5 0 87 1d10+50 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
hotel clerk~
&G A hotel clerk ~
&G A hotel clerk stands here.
Standing at his post in the checkpoint, this guard looks more than a little
bored afterall who would be stupid enough to try to board and attack a
capital ship. Maybe you. 
3 0 700 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+1000 6d10+2
0 0
8 8 1
10 20 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 16777217 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog hello hi ~
Say Hello $n looking for a place to stay?
> speech_prog yes room cost much~
Say your safe in the lobby, but if you want to goto the hot-tub room
say you have to get me 35 credits!
> bribe_prog 35 100~
say Well have fun $n
mptransfer $n 6910
police cop security~
&y A Quarren Security Officer~
&y A Quarren Security Officer patrol the streets.
1 0 0 Z
25 0 37 5d10+250 2d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 33 32 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
police security~
&y A Quarren Security Officer~
&y A Quarren Security Officer patrol the streets.
3 0 0 Z
78 0 -95 15d10+780 7d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 16777249 32 0
15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tired old seaman~
&b Tired old seaman~
&BTired old seaman rests here staring into the water.
Standing at his post in the checkpoint, this guard looks more than a little
bored afterall who would be stupid enough to try to board and attack a
capital ship. Maybe you. 
3 0 700 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+1000 6d10+2
0 0
8 8 1
10 20 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 33 32 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog hello hi sir ~
Say hello $n thinking about taking a swim?
> speech_prog yes~
Say Well you can always just swim on the top..
say but then you can try your luck swimming to..
say the Quarren mine city..
stare $n
say then again you look to weak to try that.
> speech_prog no~
Say Ya well I enjoy just watching the sea to.
Security Guard~
Security Guard
Standing at his post in the checkpoint, this guard looks more than a little
bored afterall who would be stupid enough to try to board and attack a
capital ship. Maybe you. 
3 0 700 Z
60 0 -50 12d10+600 6d10+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
if race($n) != mon calamari
   say Your not allowed down here!
     mpforce $n n
   say Welcome to our city Calamrian.
   mptransfer $n 6943
Quarren Guard~
Quarren Guard stands here.
3 0 0 Z
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
if race($n) != quarren
  say Your not allowed down here!
  mpforce $n w
  Say Welcome Quarren to your city!
    mptransfer $n 6943
clerk bank~
&G A Quarren First Bank of Mon bank clerk~
&G A Quarren First Bank of Mon bank clerk stands here counting the intake.
3 0 0 Z
50 0 -25 10d10+500 5d4+2
0 0
8 8 2
25 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 33 16777216 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
Say &c Hello, welcome to the first bank of Mon , 
Say Here your money is safe with us.
mpecho You are reasured of that fact as you feal a red
mpecho laser beam scan you for your bio-info.
wookiee male Tacebeca~
&z Tacebeca, Wookiee repair tech~
&z Tacebeca, Wookiee repair tech is waiting trial here.
33 0 0 Z
40 0 20 8d10+400 5d4+0
200 0
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 2 2 6
6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
if race($n) != wookiee
say I'll Kill you!!
mpkill $n 
say Please help me back to my planet
a remote~
A training remote hovers nearby.
83886083 0 0 Z
4 0 90 0d10+40 0d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Comlink Blaster~
a Comlink Blaster~
A Comlink Blaster is here.~
13 0 4096
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
&P large clam shell~
&P A large clam shell~
&P A large shimering clam shell rests between the smaller browish clams.~
15 4097 0
10 0 0 0
2000 0 0
Large Wooden Desk~
A large wooden desk~
A large wooden desk lies prominently in the center of the room.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
150 0 0
A wooden crate.~
A wooden crate used to bring in tools sits here.~
12 0 0
500 1 0 0
200 0 0
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
What you've never seen a chair before??
wooden chair~
A wooden chair~
A wooden chair sits here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
What you've never seen a chair before??
Ore Carrier~
A Ore Carrier~
&B A X-56ty7 Ore Carrier sits here waiting for use.&x~
81 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Hatch door~
a Hatch door~
A Hatch door is here.~
13 2 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Voice box~
A Security Voice Box~
A Security Voice Box is attached to the wall.~
70 0 0
0 0 0 0
200 0 0
> speech_prog fuck asshole quarran mon ackbar ghett fish ~
mpecho &R That is the wrong password..Please be advised Security Has been
mpecho Called!  Please stand back from the door!
> speech_prog krebbex~
Say Welcome Miner step this way...
mptransfer all 6840
shoval ~
a automated shoval~
&w A automated Shovel rests here waiting for use.~
59 1048578 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Automated Shovel~
&W The automated shoval was designed to speed up the mining process. This
unit is voice activated. To work it just say "shovel on" then type dig
shoval ~
&W The automated shoval was designed to speed up the mining process. This
unit is voice activated. To work it just say "shovel on" then type dig
> speech_prog off~
mpecho You hear a slow HMMMMmmmmmmmmm as th shoval comes to a complete
mpecho stop!
> speech_prog on~
mpecho You hear a loud click as the shoval vibrates back and forth, ready
Hack pick~
A hack pick~
A hack pick of some age sits here.~
59 1048576 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Automated Shovel~
&W The automated shoval was designed to speed up the mining process. This
unit is voice activated. To work it just say "shovel on" then type dig
shoval ~
&W The automated shoval was designed to speed up the mining process. This
unit is voice activated. To work it just say "shovel on" then type dig
Hack pick~
Elderly pick tool used for mining.
A coil of Seaweed Rope~
A coil of very strong rope is here.~
9 0 16385
0 0 0 0
3 60 6
52 30
&G Kelp salad~
&G  A Kelp salad~
&G  A Kelp salad lies here ready to be eaten.~
19 0 1
3 0 0 0
1 18 1
&G Kelp salad~
&G the salad is comprised of kelp and seaweed. A tasty treat for Quarren.
&B glass salt water~
&B A glass of salt water.~
&B A glass of salt water looks mighty tasty.~
17 8192 1
2 2 0 0
1 2 0
Katasik metal~
A chunk of Katasik metal~
A chunk of Katasik metal lies here.~
8 570425344 1
0 0 0 0
1 40 4
Katasik metal~
The katasik metal is used in most weapons, as it is highly durable and easy
to minipulate.
coal rock~
&W A lump of coal rock~
&W A lump of coal rock is laying here..~
8 570425344 1
0 0 0 0
1 30 3
Platiciki Metel~
A chunck of Platiciki metal ~
A chunck of Platiciki metal lies here.~
8 570425344 1
0 0 0 0
1 50 5
bio scan bio-scan button~
A bio-scan button sits here.~
A Security BioScan button is attached here.~
39 0 0
0 0 0 0
200 0 0
> push_prog 100~
mpechoat $n The lights go out in total darkness.
mpecho you see a   Red scanner aray flash through the your body
mpechoat $n starting from the bottom up to the top.
mptransfer $n 6881
mpforce $n pull button
mpechoat $n Welcome $n you have passed all security checks!
&R Gateway to Heurkea~
A &R Gateway to Heurkea stands here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
> greet_prog ~
&B ^B Say Please come agian $n!
a key~
A silver key lays here.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
fish fillet~
fillet of fish~
&b A fillet of fish lies here.~
19 0 1
3 0 0 0
1 0 0
&G Kelp salad~
&G the salad is comprised of kelp and seaweed. A tasty treat for Quarren.
&G A bowl of Algee soup~
&G A bowl of Algee soup rests here.~
19 0 1
3 0 0 0
1 10 1
&Y A starfish crunch bar sits here.~
&Y A starfish crunch bar rests here.~
19 0 1
3 0 0 0
1 5 0
lamprey steaks~
&g A well done lamprey steak~
&g A well done lamprey steak warms here.~
19 0 1
3 0 0 0
1 10 1
Wrist Com-blaster~
&w XT-3000 Wrist Com-Blaster ~
&w XT-3000 Wrist Com-Blaster was left here.~
5 0 12289
0 8 4 6
10 3000 300
18 1
Coral knife~
A high-tech Coral knife ~
A high-tech Coral knife was left here.~
5 532480 8193
0 0 0 0
1 100 10
Automated spear~
&p A automated spear~
&p A automated spear was left here.~
5 524288 8193
0 6 7 9
10 4100 410
18 1
19 1
&G A polished spear~
&G A polished spear was left here.~
86 8192 16385
100 500 0 0
1 50 5
platiki earing~
A platiki metal earing~
&Y A platiki metal earing rests here.~
72 0 65537
0 0 0 0
1 300 30
3 1
17 -2
17 2
3 0
3 0
3 0
3 1
3 0
3 0
3 -1
Kelp shirt~
&g A Kelp shirt~
&g A Kelp shirt was left here.~
9 -2146959104 17417 3
0 0 0 0
2 2500 250
17 2
&p A lamprey skin belt~
&p A lamprey skin belt was left here.~
9 524288 2049 2
2 2 0 0
2 0 0
belt leather~
This belt is made of a fine leather, braided for strength. You can get
it at the Darkhaven Academy.
5 1
&B A Security Officers's vest ~
&B A Security Officers's vest lays here.~
9 524288 9 64
0 7 0 0
1 100 10
14 -10
17 5
17 15
&b Quarren miner's Blast Shield~
&b Quarren miner's Blast Shield rests here.~
9 524288 17 1
0 6 0 0
1 0 0
Quarren miner's pants~
Quarren miner's pants was left here.~
9 524288 33 1
0 5 0 0
5 300 30
leg guards~
Leg blast guards~
Leg blast guards were droped here.~
9 524288 33 64
5 5 0 0
1 450 45
37 4
37 -4
40 5
Miner's protective sleeves~
Miner's protective sleeves were carelessly left here.~
9 524288 257 1
5 5 0 0
3 20 2
&B Quarren Miner's boots~
&B Quarren Miner's boots were left here.~
9 524288 65
0 8 0 0
1 125 12
14 -20
&y A platiki metal earing~
&y A platiki metal earing was left here &x~
9 524288 65537
0 6 0 0
5 299 29
wrist cuffs~
&R Miner's cuffs~
&R Miner's cuffs were left here.~
9 524288 4097
2 0 0 12
1 499 49
wrist cuffs~
These metal cuffs are worn by most of the miner's to protect their wrist
form blast debris , but normal citizens started wearing them as
17 5
&P A coral ring~
&P A coral ring was dropped here.~
63 524288 3
0 0 0 0
1 1000 100
18 1
19 1
25 1
A data map of the city~
A data map of the city was left here.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Cells -   C|   B|   A |
                         |  |Mayor
            Security | --|--|--|Defense
          /  A    J      W    EX      S   \
            \                               /
                    B    M     Q     T   L
Key A- armory    B- Bank     J- jewler    L - Library   M - Mine office
Q - Quarren training     S- Seabird grill   T-Tavern  W-Weapons
a creidts~
A creidts is here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a remote~
A remote is here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
hot tub bath~
&b A Hot-Tub~
&b A Hot-Tub sits in the middle of the room.~
12 0 1
500 1 0 0
300 0 0
Large water boots~
Large water boots~
9 0 65
0 8 0 0
1 125 12
14 -20
17 30

&C Calamari Ocean - Top~
&c You glance across the great Mon Calamari Ocean , seeing a vast body of
water. The view looks peaceful dispite the creatures that lurk below. A
soft breeze blows past your head , and even through the strong smell of
salt-water you can swear you smell, Rich Mon food cooking. Of coarse it
might be the seaweed being burned by the sun But considering most food
here is made of seaweed, the smell makes you hungrier yet. Maybe you
should wrap up your swim early and head back to town. You can see the
metal ladder leading you back up to the dock in fornt.
0 65540 6
Cargo Hold
0 -1 6801
0 -1 6906
The green seaweed infested water swirls around  you . It would most likely
not be a good idea to drink this water.                                   
&C Calamari Ocean - Top~
&c &CYou glance across the great Mon Calamari Ocean , seeing a vast body of
water. The view looks peaceful dispite the creatures that lurk below. A
soft breeze blows past your head , and even through the strong smell of
salt-water you can swear you smell, Rich Mon food cooking. Of coarse it
might be the seaweed being burned by the sun But considering most food
here is made of seaweed, the smell makes you hungrier yet. Maybe you
should wrap up your swim early and head back to town.
0 4 1
0 -1 6802
Calamri Ocean - Top
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6800
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6806
&C Calamari Ocean - Top~
&c &CYou glance across the great Mon Calamari Ocean , seeing a vast body of
water. The view looks peaceful dispite the creatures that lurk below. A
soft breeze blows past your head , and even through the strong smell of
salt-water you can swear you smell, Rich Mon food cooking. Of coarse it
might be the seaweed being burned by the sun But considering most food
here is made of seaweed, the smell makes you hungrier yet. Maybe you
should wrap up your swim early and head back to town.
0 65540 6
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6804
0 -1 6801
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6804
&C Calamari Ocean - Top ~
&c &CYou glance across the great Mon Calamari Ocean , seeing a vast body of
water. The view looks peaceful dispite the creatures that lurk below. A
soft breeze blows past your head , and even through the strong smell of
salt-water you can swear you smell, Rich Mon food cooking. Of coarse it
might be the seaweed being burned by the sun But considering most food
here is made of seaweed, the smell makes you hungrier yet. Maybe you
should wrap up your swim early and head back to town.
0 65540 6
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6803
&C Calamari Ocean - Top.~
&c &CYou glance across the great Mon Calamari Ocean , seeing a vast body of
water. The view looks peaceful dispite the creatures that lurk below. A
soft breeze blows past your head , and even through the strong smell of
salt-water you can swear you smell, Rich Mon food cooking. Of coarse it
might be the seaweed being burned by the sun But considering most food
here is made of seaweed, the smell makes you hungrier yet. Maybe you
should wrap up your swim early and head back to town.
0 65540 6
0 -1 6804
0 -1 6804
0 -1 6804
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6804
0 -1 6804
0 -1 6804
0 -1 6804
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&c The murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
&c it is just a strong current. &w
0 65536 8
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6802
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6814
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current. 
0 65536 8
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6801
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6806
R M 0 6801 5 6806
R M 0 6803 12 6806
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current.
0 65536 8
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6803
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6807
R M 0 6803 12 6807
R M 0 6801 5 6807
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current.
0 65536 8
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6816
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6808
R M 0 6803 12 6808
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current.
0 65536 8
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6807
R M 0 6803 12 6809
R M 0 6803 12 6809
R M 0 6801 5 6809
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current.
0 65536 8
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6810
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current.
0 65536 8
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6816
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6811
R M 0 6803 12 6811
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current.
0 65536 8
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6812
R M 0 6801 5 6812
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&c &CYou glance across the great Mon Calamari Ocean , seeing a vast body of
water. The view looks peaceful dispite the creatures that lurk below. A
soft breeze blows past your head , and even through the strong smell of
salt-water you can swear you smell, Rich Mon food cooking. Of coarse it
might be the seaweed being burned by the sun But considering most food
here is made of seaweed, the smell makes you hungrier yet. Maybe you
should wrap up your swim early and head back to town. &CThe murky waters
of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born insects. Rotting
leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive fish still reside.
Movement through here is very difficult as you can see a swirling undertow
below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the ocean. Below in the
dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe &CThe murky waters
of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born insects. Rotting
leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive fish still reside.
Movement through here is very difficult as you can see a swirling undertow
below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the ocean. Below in the
dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe it is just a strong
0 65536 8
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6805
0 -1 6813
0 -1 6813
R M 0 6803 12 6813
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle~
&CThe murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still primitive
fish still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as you can see
a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about anywhere in the
ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see movement or maybe
it is just a strong current.
0 4 8
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6806
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6814
&B Mon Calamari Ocean - Middle &w~
&c The murky waters of the Middle ocean are covered with small water born
insects. Rotting leafy plant structures layout where the still
still reside. Movement through here is very difficult as
you can see a swirling undertow below, that can move you to just about
anywhere in the ocean. Below in the dark crevises you swear you can see
movement or maybe it is just a strong current.
0 65536 8
0 -1 6815
0 -1 6815
0 -1 6815
0 -1 6815
0 -1 6807
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6815
0 -1 6815
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6815
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&c  &b You stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other
then Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged
rock surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be
quite old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it. &x
0 65536 12
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6808
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65536 12
0 -1 6816
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6818
R M 0 6801 5 6817
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65536 12
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6827
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6819
R M 0 6803 12 6818
R M 0 6803 12 6818
R M 0 6803 12 6818
R M 0 6803 12 6818
R M 0 6803 12 6818
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65536 12
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6820
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65536 12
0 -1 6819
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6809
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6821
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6819
0 -1 6819
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6820
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6818
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&b You stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6821
0 -1 6823
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6819
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6821
0 -1 6821
0 -1 6819
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6810
0 -1 6821
0 -1 6821
0 -1 6824
0 -1 6820
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6825
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6823
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6822
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6823
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6824
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6823
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6826
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6822
0 -1 6823
0 -1 6824
0 -1 6824
0 -1 6811
0 -1 6825
0 -1 6823
0 -1 6824
0 -1 6836
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6818
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6818
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 1 12
0 -1 6829
0 -1 6829
0 -1 6827
0 -1 6829
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6829
0 -1 6829
0 -1 6829
R M 0 6802 3 6828
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6830
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6812
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
0 -1 6828
R M 0 6802 3 6829
&O Clam Bed &w~
&O It appears you have found the hidden location of the rare &z Ultima
Pearl &O This treasure is considered the greatest gem known to the galexy.
The floor is covered with small clam shells laying one on top of each
other to create a shell layered wall. In the middle is an extremly large
shell that is unlike all the rest. This discovery will make you the envy
of the Universe, ofcoarse if you take the pearl, you will be ^rwanted^x &O
on Mon  Calamari
0 65536 12
0 -1 6829
0 -1 6812
R M 0 6800 3 6830
R M 0 6800 3 6830
R M 0 6800 3 6830
The floor is made of shells that scoop up toward the east to form a wall.
The shells  are brown and dirty of ages of not being disturbed.
This massive shell's color is much different from the rest being glossy
pink the light from your artificial source reflects extremly well making
visibility extremely easy. 
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6837
0 -1 6834
0 -1 6832
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6834
0 -1 6834
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6831
0 -1 6834
0 -1 6833
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6834
0 -1 6834
R M 0 6802 3 6832
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6832
0 -1 6833
0 -1 6834
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6833
0 -1 6833
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6833
0 -1 6833
0 -1 6835
0 -1 6814
0 -1 6833
0 -1 6833
&z Mine Enterence &w~
&w You stand before a Quarren mine enterence. The main hole is covered by a
sythetic  clear dome. At one corner is a small one man hatch used for
enterence. On the ground you can see scraps of metal and rock apparently
dropped from a shipment boat heading up to the city of Akatamer. There is
a large sign above the Enterance written in Quarran. But from the disign
and colors you know the sign is not positive.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6834
0 -1 6815
A well lubed air compression hatch is closed here.
0 -1 6839
&R DaxbnabEW    KLis'sjkdjfu     ^R Suop  Suop Suop!!!!!^x
&x The hatch is manmade, cilinder door a Quarren apparently climbs into.
You can see a security panel on the wall, with a voice code box.
ground metal ore~
It is nothing more than scrap ore and metals of very little worth.
&b Mon Calamari Ocean - Bottom~
&bYou stand in the darkest part of the ocean, very few people other then
Quarran have walked this land The ground surface is a coarsely edged rock
surface, obviously from volcanic activity  ,although it apears to be quite
old. The merky water temperature sends shivers down your spine and
visibility is limited to around 10 ft in front of you. Very few things
have the ability to withstand this enviroment. It seems strange to you
that an entire race would prefer it.
0 65540 12
0 -1 6837
0 -1 6826
&R Domed Quarren City of Heurkea &w~
&c Standing before you is one of the largest underwater cities on Mon
Calamari  The dome shield hosts thousands of Quarren citizens who spend
most of their life  underwater. Although the Quarren can breath Oxagen
from water they do prefer a  change. So they contructed these massive
domed cities to allow them to live underwater and still have the luxuries
of above ground.   To the West is a workers enterence from a nerby Mine. 
In every other direction is the &B Mon Calamarian Ocean. &w
0 0 1
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6836
0 -1 6831
0 -1 6880
0 -1 6817
0 -1 6817
The Quarren developed this dome in order to allow them to have both
luxuries, air and water.
The enterence is a water pressured enterence and looks highly
Security Post~
The security post is a large square box you entered disigned to do a
bioscan of your entire body. Two miniture 5-tgy droids continue by
anyalizing your fingerprints and retna lines. It is a cold damp machine
that was created with no idea of luxuries. There is a red sign before you
with directions. 
0 0 13
0 -1 6880
R O 0 6819 1 6838
&R Please place both hands on the bio scanner
Please reset the strat button by pulling bio-scan
Next push the bioscan button to move to next checkpoint
Quarren Security
Mine Enterance Door~
&c The interior of this enterence is loaded with hi-tech gadgets and
devices. used to make sure the intended Quarran is authorized to enter.
Precautionary measures do to the suspected allegince to the Empire. On the
wall directly ahead is a voice activated code box. The floor has apparent
dirt and soot , that most likely came from the mines.  There is a large
sign written in two languages above the code box.
0 4 13
0 -1 6835
R O 0 6810 1 6839
code box voice~
The device is used for enterence into the cave, It is a standard X-4t6
that allows attmitence with use of the correct word!
&R   Tkishdiihsh, Jisaidsydy, jidudusjalpsdo!
If you don't have clerance from the employer in town, DONOT ENTER!
Cave Enterence~
&c You enter the cave with a slight weasyness from the decompressure.
Non-Quarren  creatures tend to have problems with the deep ocean pressure.
The cave is a standard layout, with a Front office to the left. Some tools
in the shed to the right. and up-ahead you can see the tail end of the ore
carriers. The cave's humidity level is extremly high and smells damp and
moldy. The brown carved out walls are jagged and unfinished, as if they
were done by primitive tools. To the north is the mine shaft, just before
it though is small gate, to make sure you donot fall down it , and to keep
pesky ore haulers from buzzing around the office window.
0 8 13
0 -1 6844
0 -1 6843
0 -1 6841
0 -1 6839
Mine Office~
&c You stand in the Main lobby of the mine shaft . The floor is
constructed, of old Takisi plant timbers layed over one another. The walls
are slightly decorated with pictures of the mine shafts and pinups of
Quarran women. The room smells of some strong drink made from an exotic
bean plant, a mainstay in long hour professions. To the south is the
Foreman's office . Back East is the Cave Enterence.&x 
0 4 13
0 -1 6840
0 -1 6842
&R ^R Middle Coridor is unstable.........Priority Fix!^x
Large Wooden Desk~
&c The mine foreman's office is true Quarran decorating. Plant boards are
stacked on the floor to allow easy movement, a man-made shower system is
installed in the  ceiling to keep the room at an exact humidity level. 
There is a large desk, a chair and various books attached to wall. A sign
rests on the door, and you can tell by the foot marks on the floor this is
a place of heavy trafic.
0 8 13
0 -1 6841
R M 0 6805 1 6842
R O 0 6802 1 6842
R O 0 6805 1 6842
floor ~
The floor is made from the base of a Higjk ocean plant. Known for it's
If you stare at this device long enough you will see water as it bounces of
your eyelids.
desk chair~
This great wooden desk/chair set obiviously was imported from a different
planet, as you have never seen this grain before.
You glance over at the books and see old mine shaft lore and fables.
Tool Shed~
&c The mine tool shed was made for easy access of the tools when a worker
reports to duty. Originally, the foreman was having trouble with workers
leaving thier tools in the mine or taking them home. So this beaten up,
tool shed was built. The two main doors always remain open , exposing
several shelves with tools placed on the rack.
0 4 13
0 -1 6840
R O 0 6811 1 6843
R O 0 6811 1 6843
R O 0 6812 1 6843
R O 0 6812 1 6843
R O 0 6813 1 6843
R O 0 6813 1 6843
Cave Corridor~
&c You stand before the mine shaft that goes straight down as far as you
can imagine. There is a cut away walkway in a circular motion that allows
workers to go down. Although most prefer to just ride the Ore hauler down.
These machines ride the metal shaft through the center of the hole down to
various levels and can drive to differnt mining locations. The floor is
damp and covered in some kind of shimering metal that must have been mined
recently. To the west is the Ore carrier shed.
0 0 13
0 -1 6867
0 -1 6840
0 -1 6845
0 -1 6846
R M 0 6818 6 6844
mine shaft~
The shaft goes down to a point where you can only see blackness.
The shimmering metal is of no use to you considering it is in dust form.
Ore Carrier Shed~
&c The ore carrier shed was sloped toghther in order to keep the sprinkler
system from rusting out the machines. Tire tracks run from here to the ore
shaft along the floor. There is a dim light reflecting from above and a
large sign placed on top of the shed. There is also a note nailed to the
main pole, that has cought your eye. 
0 0 13
0 -1 6844
R O 0 6806 1 6845
A small Quarran made shed for practical use.
You stare at the tracks already knowing what they are and think maybe I
should be doing my job instead.
&R Ore Carrier Shed &x
If you check one of these out , you are responsible for returning it back
here. Failure to do so will result in loss of job and a pissed off
Foreman...(you don't want that) If your unfamiliar with this machine ( I
think you should stay off it) but enter it and drive it anyway... Just
don't break it or your buying new...   Foreman assisatnt ,   Kaytow
Ore Shaft~
&c You stand in the middle of the main ore shaft. These massive corridors
were created for easy access to  differnt areas of the mine. Along the
sides are specially constructed walkways so that miners can travel around
easier. In the center of the shaft is a large metal rod in which the Ore
Carrier vehicles attach to to allow them to move around much faster and
safer. The walls are clearly polished and smooth, you know this was done
by highly sophisticated machinery.
0 0 13
0 -1 6844
0 -1 6847
Ore Shaft~
&c You stand in the middle of the main ore shaft. These massive corridors
were created for easy access to  differnt areas of the mine. Along the
sides are specially constructed walkways so that miners can travel around
easier. In the center of the shaft is a large metal rod in which the Ore
Carrier vehicles attach to to allow them to move around much faster and
safer. The walls are clearly polished and smooth, you know this was done
by highly sophisticated machinery. To the west you can see the first
branch off corridor.
0 0 13
Level Corridor~
0 -1 6856
0 -1 6846
0 -1 6848
R M 0 6807 8 6847
R M 0 6807 8 6847
Ore Shaft~
&c You stand in the middle of the main ore shaft. These massive corridors
were created for easy access to  differnt areas of the mine. Along the
sides are specially constructed walkways so that miners can travel around
easier. In the center of the shaft is a large metal rod in which the Ore
Carrier vehicles attach to to allow them to move around much faster and
safer. The walls are clearly polished and smooth, you know this was done
by highly sophisticated machinery. To the north you can see the second
branch off corridor.
0 0 13
0 -1 6861
0 -1 6847
0 -1 6849
Ore Shaft~
&c You stand in the middle of the main ore shaft. These massive corridors
were created for easy access to  differnt areas of the mine. Along the
sides are specially constructed walkways so that miners can travel around
easier. In the center of the shaft is a large metal rod in which the Ore
Carrier vehicles attach to to allow them to move around much faster and
safer. The walls are clearly polished and smooth, you know this was done
by highly sophisticated machinery.
0 0 13
0 -1 6848
0 -1 6850
Ore Shaft~
&c You stand in the middle of the main ore shaft. These massive corridors
were created for easy access to  differnt areas of the mine. Along the
sides are specially constructed walkways so that miners can travel around
easier. In the center of the shaft is a large metal rod in which the Ore
Carrier vehicles attach to to allow them to move around much faster and
safer. The walls are clearly polished and smooth, you know this was done
by highly sophisticated machinery. To the East you can see the third
branch off corridor.
0 0 13
0 -1 6851
0 -1 6849
Lower Level Corridor~
&c Standing in the lower Level corridor you can see why most of the
oldtimers prefer not to work down here..The shaft is not carved out well
and is extremly dry (something residents of here don't like alot) The
ground is a lighter sandy color and you can see sparkles of silver metal
coming through. It is this corridor that the the younger Quarren miners
make their money as this is the metal most of the shipbuilders prefer. To
the west you can see the main ore shaft.
0 0 13
0 -1 6852
0 -1 6850
R O 0 6818 1 6851
Lower Level Corridor~
&c Standing in the lower Level corridor you can see why most of the
oldtimers prefer not to work down here..The shaft is not carved out well
and is extremly dry (something residents of here don't like alot) The
ground is a lighter sandy color and you can see sparkles of silver metal
coming through. It is this corridor that the the younger Quarren miners
make their money as this is the metal most of the shipbuilders prefer.
0 0 13
0 -1 6853
0 -1 6851
R M 0 6818 8 6852
R O 0 6818 1 6852
Lower Level Corridor~
&c Standing in the lower Level corridor you can see why most of the
oldtimers prefer not to work down here..The shaft is not carved out well
and is extremly dry (something residents of here don't like alot) The
ground is a lighter sandy color and you can see sparkles of silver metal
coming through. It is this corridor that the the younger Quarren miners
make their money as this is the metal most of the shipbuilders prefer.
0 0 13
0 -1 6854
0 -1 6852
Lower Level Corridor~
&c Standing in the lower Level corridor you can see why most of the
oldtimers prefer not to work down here..The shaft is not carved out well
and is extremly dry (something residents of here don't like alot) The
ground is a lighter sandy color and you can see sparkles of silver metal
coming through. It is this corridor that the the younger Quarren miners
make their money as this is the metal most of the shipbuilders prefer.
0 0 13
0 -1 6855
0 -1 6853
R O 0 6818 1 6854
Lower Level Corridor~
&c Standing in the lower Level corridor you can see why most of the
oldtimers prefer not to work down here..The shaft is not carved out well
and is extremly dry (something residents of here don't like alot) The
ground is a lighter sandy color and you can see sparkles of silver metal
coming through. It is this corridor that the the younger Quarren miners
make their money as this is the metal most of the shipbuilders prefer. To
the west you see a boarded up turn in the corridor.
0 0 13
0 -1 6854
2304 -1 6870
R M 0 6818 9 6855
R O 0 6818 1 6855
boarded east~
The boarded up corridor is covered in cob-webs, from an underground insect.
from this and the residue you can figure out that noone has mined over
there in some time. 
There is a small white note draped across the boards.
&w Stay Out ,  Unsafe area!
&R Failure to follow these orders will result in imediate dismisal of
^R These corridors have already taken several Quarren life !^x
&w This is your last an only warning.
Upper Level Corridor~
&c  You stand in the upper corridor mine. This shaft travels within the
ground, and was used extensively for rock fuel mining in the early years
of the mine. There are still a few old-time miners who swear to it's
worth, but most of the newer guys prefer the lower mines. The shaft itself
is a dark brown , and the edges are carved out like somone used a pick ax.
This corridor is unlike the ones your used to, smooth and carved from
machines. You can see the Main Ore shaft is to the East.
0 0 13
0 -1 6857
Level Corridor~
0 -1 6847
R M 0 6807 8 6856
R M 0 6807 8 6856
R O 0 6817 1 6856
Upper Level Corridor~
&c You stand in the upper corridor mine. This shaft travels within the
ground, and was used extensively for rock fuel mining in the early years
of the mine. There are still a few old-time miners who swear to it's
worth, but most of the newer guys prefer the lower mines. The shaft itself
is a dark brown , and the edges are carved out like somone used a pick ax.
This corridor is unlike the ones your used to, smooth and carved from
0 0 13
0 -1 6856
0 -1 6858
R M 0 6807 8 6857
R O 0 6817 1 6857
Upper Level Corridor~
&c You stand in the upper corridor mine. This shaft travels within the
ground, and was used extensively for rock fuel mining in the early years
of the mine. There are still a few old-time miners who swear to it's
worth, but most of the newer guys prefer the lower mines. The shaft itself
is a dark brown , and the edges are carved out like somone used a pick ax.
This corridor is unlike the ones your used to, smooth and carved from
0 0 13
0 -1 6859
0 -1 6857
Upper Level Corridor~
&c You stand in the upper corridor mine. This shaft travels within the
ground, and was used extensively for rock fuel mining in the early years
of the mine. There are still a few old-time miners who swear to it's
worth, but most of the newer guys prefer the lower mines. The shaft itself
is a dark brown , and the edges are carved out like somone used a pick ax.
This corridor is unlike the ones your used to, smooth and carved from
0 0 13
0 -1 6858
0 -1 6860
R M 0 6818 10 6859
R O 0 6817 1 6859
Upper Level Corridor~
&c You stand in the upper corridor mine. This shaft travels within the
ground, and was used extensively for rock fuel mining in the early years
of the mine. There are still a few old-time miners who swear to it's
worth, but most of the newer guys prefer the lower mines. The shaft itself
is a dark brown , and the edges are carved out like somone used a pick ax.
This corridor is unlike the ones your used to, smooth and carved from
0 0 13
0 -1 6859
0 -1 6866
Middle Level Corridor~
&c The middle level corridor is nicely polished and you can tell most of
the high ranking miners work thisone. Ease alone would make you want to
work here, the money might not be as great but the danger is way down. The
floor has well driven ore vehicle tracks and you can tell by the activity
that has been going around, this is a very active shaft. Mostly likely you
will find some fikler metals used for weapons and tools.
0 0 13
0 -1 6862
0 -1 6848
R M 0 6818 7 6861
Middle Level Corridor~
&c The middle level corridor is nicely polished and you can tell most of
the high ranking miners work thisone. Ease alone would make you want to
work here, the money might not be as great but the danger is way down. The
floor has well driven ore vehicle tracks and you can tell by the activity
that has been going around, this is a very active shaft. Mostly likely you
will find some fikler metals used for weapons and tools.
0 0 13
0 -1 6863
0 -1 6861
R O 0 6816 1 6862
Middle Level Corridor~
&c The middle level corridor is nicely polished and you can tell most of
the high ranking miners work thisone. Ease alone would make you want to
work here, the money might not be as great but the danger is way down. The
floor has well driven ore vehicle tracks and you can tell by the activity
that has been going around, this is a very active shaft. Mostly likely you
will find some fikler metals used for weapons and tools.
0 0 13
0 -1 6864
0 -1 6862
Middle Level Corridor~
&c The middle level corridor is nicely polished and you can tell most of
the high ranking miners work thisone. Ease alone would make you want to
work here, the money might not be as great but the danger is way down. The
floor has well driven ore vehicle tracks and you can tell by the activity
that has been going around, this is a very active shaft. Mostly likely you
will find some fikler metals used for weapons and tools.
0 0 13
0 -1 6865
0 -1 6863
R M 0 6807 8 6864
R O 0 6816 1 6864
Middle Level Corridor~
&c  The middle level corridor is nicely polished and you can tell most of
the high ranking miners work thisone. Ease alone would make you want to
work here, the money might not be as great but the danger is way down. The
floor has well driven ore vehicle tracks and you can tell by the activity
that has been going around, this is a very active shaft. Mostly likely you
will find some fikler metals used for weapons and tools.
0 0 13
0 -1 6864
R O 0 6816 1 6865
&R Break Shed &x~
&Y The break shed is a place for the Quarren to hang out and relax during
thier ten minute breaks. The shed was created out of the wall and food and
drink dispensors were brought in. The upper shaft was used to house the
place, due to the inactivity the digging has provided. There are several
creates on the ground to sit on although most miners just soon use the
There is a sign posted of the hours, above the shed.
0 8 13
0 -1 6860
R M 0 6804 1 6866
  R G 1 301 1
  R G 1 10314 1
  R G 1 31522 1
  R G 1 6814 1
  R G 1 6815 1
R O 0 6803 1 6866
open ~
The crate is open , there is no need to open it.
I will be open from 8 am until 8 pm big fish ...Wink wink.
Cargo Hall~
&c You stand in the Cargo Hall of the mine. To the north is a loading bay
for the ore shippers so they can take the mine's riches to the surface.
This room is just used for storage and so that the miners can get paid. 
Everyone knows the man with the money. And after a hard days work, it is
always nice to trade in your finds for credits. There is a small sign
tacked to the wall here.
0 1024 1
0 -1 6868
0 -1 6844
R M 0 6808 3 6867
&R Welcome miners to Ketson's Ore purchasing!
I will buy only between 8 a.m. and 12p.m.  sorry but i work for
Ore Shippers Loading Bay~
&c The loading Bay is a very active area of the mine. It is here trained
drivers, truck the mined ores and treasure to the surface. On the main
wall you can see the extremly large hide belts feeding the ore into the
cargo area through a sealed hatchway. The floor has remains of ore droped,
but nothing of worth. The activity in this room is extreme so it's not
recommended that you stay long. Somthing is liable to drop on your head.
0 0 1
0 -1 6867
Ore Carrier Interior~
The interior of the ore miner is quite spacious. The above area is a clear
holobubble, so you can see where your driving and that you don't run some
poor miner over. The floor board has two pedals , one for fuel the second
for brake. They are currently extremely dirty from the last guy who used
it.  The chair is made for a quarren , A straight water moisturizing back
that goes through the length of the vehicle. Directly behind the back is a
large bin so you can place your digs in here for movement purposes.
To drive just type Drive then the direction ...
EX drive E         (will take you east)
0 4 1
Dark Cave Corridor~
0 4 13
0 -1 6855
Down the dark Corridor~
0 4 1
&w Down the dark Corridor~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Miner's Enterence~
&B Standing in front of the miner enterence security post. you realize the
seriousness the quarren take thier job. The room is layedout with sveral
flatback chairs for the tired Miners to rest on. Uphead you see a
bio-scanner disigned to make sure you are who you say you are. The walls
are well decorated and have a smooth polished look. The Quarren use alot
of coral and natural rocks to sculp thier underground city.
0 4 1
0 -1 6837
0 -1 6838
&R Gateway to Heurkea ~
0 8 1
0 -1 6880
0 -1 6882
0 -1 6883
0 -1 6884
R M 0 6818 5 6881
R O 0 6820 1 6881
It is a large rock made archway to welcome visitors to the city.
East Coral St~
The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each having
distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and so
that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that threr are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white. To the west you smell barbecue and ale.
0 8 13
0 -1 6881
0 -1 21055
0 -1 6886
East Lamprey St~
The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each having
distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and so
that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that threr are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white.
0 8 1
0 -1 6885
0 -1 6881
R M 0 6829 2 6883
East Kelp St~
&w The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each
having distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and
so that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white. You can see a large building of importance to the
0 8 13
0 -1 6881
0 -1 6887
East Lamprey St~
&w The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each
having distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and
so that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white.  Lining the walls of the street are small shacks the
miners use for domicles.
0 8 13
6 -1 6939
0 -1 6890
0 -1 6883
R M 0 6818 4 6885
Sea Bird &w Bar and Grill &x~
Standing on Coral st. You see the everyday rituals of the citizens(mostly
miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster weapon. City life
underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't a sun rise or set
so time has very little relevince. Most of the people wake up and go
whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop owners.  Infront
of you is a small stand for purchasing food or drink. There is a large
sign above the stand and a smaller note tacked to the edge of the wall.
0 8 13
0 -1 6882
0 -1 6889
R M 0 6810 1 6886
  R G 1 6814 1
  R G 1 6815 1
  R G 1 301 1
  R G 1 6823 1
  R G 1 6824 1
  R G 1 6825 1
R M 0 6817 1 6886
The stand is decorated by dried out &G seaweed &w draped along the edge. 
There is three chairs placed in front of the stand for customers to rest
while they eat.
sign ~
&w Where you can get the best food this side of the ocean.
Sorry open only form 12:00p.m. until 11:00 p.m.
cost ~
Cost - 12,000 credits and Good taste buds!
Quarren Library~
Standing on Lamprey St. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly;miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the
building owners. There is a large building before you constructed from a
dark grey rock. This building is of great importance to the Quarren as
they have spent many hours carving into the rock extravegant sculptures.
There is a large Sign on top of the building and a smaller posting on the
0 8 13
33 -1 6917
0 -1 6884
0 -1 6888
You want to buy a Library?  
&R Seabed Tavern~
&g Standing on Lamprey St.. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
owners.  In front of you is a large well decorated house used for a quick
overnite stay for wandering visitors.
0 12 13
0 -1 6889
0 -1 6909
0 -1 6893
0 -1 6887
Cost - 100,000 credits and a freindly face!
Expiremental Wares~
&O Standing on Coral st. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
owners.  A high-tech building stands here with a small window for
conversation. The buildings walls are constructed of a rare metal found in
the Quarren underwater mines. It is here that the legendary inventor
Torisk creates some of his famous and not so famous, weapons.
There is a large sign and a small note fixed to the stand.
0 8 1
0 -1 6886
0 -1 6888
0 -1 6892
0 -1 6890
0 -1 6888
R M 0 6812 1 6889
  R G 1 6826 1
  R G 1 6827 1
  R G 1 6828 1
  R G 1 6829 1
&z Expiremental Wares
We are not responible for any malfunctions as all weapons are in the
Store is open at 10:00 P.m. until 8:00 a.m.
Cost - 68,000 credits Wis -13
East Lamprey St~
&w The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each
having distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and
so that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white. Lining the walls of the street are small shacks the
miners use for domicles.
0 8 13
6 -1 6938
0 -1 6891
0 -1 6885
0 -1 6889
&Y Public Offices~
The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each having
distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and so
that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white. Lining the walls of the street are small shacks the
miners use for domicles. To the North is a large white structure with
statues of great Quarren fighters framing the main steps.
0 8 13
33 -1 6925
0 -1 6890
0 -1 6892
0 -1 6894
&g Serpant Wares~
Standing on Coral st. You see the everyday rituals of the citizens(mostly
miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster weapon. City life
underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't a sun rise or set
so time has very little relevince. Most of the people wake up and go
whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop owners. In front
of you is a small clothing tent that can be uplifted and moved at a
moments notice. The creator and tailor Cathia works very hard to cloth
most of the miners. There is a large sign and a small note fixed to the
0 0 13
0 -1 6891
0 -1 6889
0 -1 6893
0 -1 6895
R M 0 6813 1 6892
  R G 1 6831 1
  R G 1 6832 1
  R G 1 6833 1
  R G 1 6835 1
  R G 1 6836 1
  R G 1 6837 1
R M 0 6828 2 6892
Where you will always get the best clothing deal.
It is a large tent that can be taken down instantly.
Store hours are from 5 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Cost - 50,000 credits Cha - 15
&G Quarren Training Facility~
Standing on Lamprey St.. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
owners.   The main building to the south is well guarded by some of the
largest Quarren you have ever seen. It is said that it is there that
Security forces train individual quarren on weapon and battle tricks.
0 8 13
0 -1 6892
0 -1 6888
0 -1 6911
0 -1 6896
Cost - Not for Sale
West Lamprey St.~
&w The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each
having distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and
so that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white. Lining the walls of the street are small shacks the
miners use for domicles.
0 8 13
6 -1 6940
0 -1 6891
0 -1 6895
0 -1 6897
R M 0 6829 3 6894
&P Mother of Pearl Jewlery~
Standing on Coral st. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly;miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
owners. There is a well guarded building with huge windows here. In the
glass windows you can see various gems and pearls from the Mon Cal ocean
and odd planets. There is a small speaker by the window where you can talk
and see Plantik inside. There is large sign hanging above and a small
letter tacked to the wall.
0 8 13
0 -1 6894
0 -1 6892
0 -1 6896
0 -1 6898
R M 0 6814 1 6895
  R G 1 6839 1
  R G 1 6840 1
  R G 1 6841 1
  R G 1 6840 1
  R G 1 6840 1
R M 0 6818 2 6895
&p Mother of Pearl Jewlery 
The greatest selection of fine jewlery in the ocean.
Shop window is open between 7a.m. and 11 p.m.
Cost - 84,000 credits and CHA - 17
&B Mine main office~
Standing on Lamprey St.. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
owners.   The small office space to the south is the main mine branch. It
is not well decorated in fact is rather plain. In the window is a bright
red sign.
0 8 13
0 -1 6895
0 -1 6893
0 -1 6936
0 -1 6899
R M 0 6818 1 6896
R M 0 6817 7 6896
&R Help Wanted :  Apply within!
Cost - Not for Sale
West Lamprey St.~
&w The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each
having distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and
so that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white. Lining the walls of the street are small shacks the
miners use for domicles.
0 8 13
6 -1 6941
0 -1 6898
0 -1 6894
0 -1 6900
R M 0 6829 1 6897
Quarren Security Armory~
&z Standing on Coral st. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly;miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
owners.  The open tent in front of you is a resale shop for old Security
weapons. While most of the inventory is generic stuff you never know what
he might have in. There is large sign hanging above and a small letter
tacked to the wall.
0 1032 13
0 -1 6897
0 -1 6895
0 -1 6899
0 -1 6902
R M 0 6815 1 6898
R M 0 6817 4 6898
&z Quarren Security Armory
We buy and sell all weapons.
Dealing mostly with older models.
Cost - 29,000 credits and Str - 16
&G Quarren First of Mon Bank~
Standing on Lamprey St.. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
owners.   To the south is the First of Mon Bank, the prefered bank of most
underwater individuals.
0 8 13
0 -1 6896
0 -1 6896
0 -1 6918
0 -1 6901
R M 0 6828 4 6899
Cost - 500,000 credits INT - 17
West Lamprey St~
&w The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each
having distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and
so that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white.
0 12 13
0 -1 6897
0 -1 6903
West Kelp St.~
Standing on Lamprey St.. You see the everyday rituals of the
citizens(mostly miners). From stoping by to get a quick meal or a faster
weapon. City life underwater seems to go on forever. Of coarse there isn't
a sun rise or set so time has very little relevince. Most of the people
wake up and go whenever they feel like it, Unfortunately so do the shop
0 8 13
0 -1 6945
0 -1 6903
0 -1 6899
R M 0 6829 4 6901
West Coral St.~
&w The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each
having distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and
so that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white.
0 8 13
0 -1 6898
0 -1 6903
West Entrance to City~
The domed city of Heurkea is divided into three main streets. Each having
distinct and differnt purposes. It was designed for easy access and so
that security could patrol and maintain order. One of the best Security
features of Heurkea is that there are only three roads to hide on and they
all lead to only to exits The streets are made out of the old molten rock
ocean floor that used to be here covered with water. They have managed to
adapt a plant that uses very little to grow down here although the leaves
are a pale white.
0 8 13
0 -1 6902
0 -1 6935
0 -1 6900
0 -1 6901
&B Quarren City Platform~
You stand on a large platform surrounded by extremely rough waters. The
platform is well hidden and to this day is not locatable from the air.
Only this specific taxi knows of it's wearabouts. The platform floor is a
rough dark rock almost like dried magma. In front of you is a small
turbo-lift heading straight down. It would be best for you to enter it
before the wind picks up and the waves start kncking over the platform.
0 0 1
0 -1 6935
&R Tunnel system~
&w  &W This small branch off of the road leads to two underground tunnels
marked Mon Calamrian to the south. While the tunnel to the east is marked
Quarren There is extreme measures taken to make sure only those two races
would have access to the service entrance to the city. The floor is dark
and covered with soot from miners who have a few days off on vaction.
0 0 1
0 -1 6947
0 -1 6942
0 -1 21016
End of Dock~
&c  You stand on the end of an extremly old dock. The wooden fibers were
from a rare underwater tree of very little color. It's pale white timbers
creak as you shift your weight form side to side. On the sides of the dock
you can see the dark blue ocean's waves and ocasionally you swear to see a
rainbow colored fish swim by. The sky is a pale green and staring into one
of the two suns you can see the black shadow of a indigenice bird. At the
end of the dock you can see a shiny metal bar laying across.
0 0 2
0 -1 6907
0 -1 6800
R M 0 6830 1 6906
bar shiny metal~
This metal bar is connected to a ladder that allows you to climb down into
the water.
Middle of Dock~
&c You stand on the middle of an extremly old dock. The wooden fibers were
from a rare underwater tree of very little color. It's pale white
timbers;creak as you shift your weight form side to side. On the sides of
the dock;you can see the dark blue ocean's waves and ocasionally you swear
to see a rainbow colored fish swim by. The sky is a pale green and staring
into one of the two suns you can see the black shadow of a indigenice bird
To the west you can see the end of the dock , while to the east is the
0 0 1
0 -1 6908
0 -1 6906
Front of Dock~
&c You stand on the beginning of an extremly old dock. The wooden fibers
were from a rare underwater tree of very little color. It's pale white
timbers;creak as you shift your weight form side to side. On the sides of
the dock;you can see the dark blue ocean's waves and ocasionally you swear
to see a rainbow colored fish swim by. The sky is a pale green and staring
into one of the two suns you can see the black shadow of a indigenice bird
To the east is the land and city of Akatamer
0 4 2
0 -1 21081
0 -1 6907
Here a weary traveller can seek a good rest in comfort without fear of 
theft or, worse yet, murder.  A long counter stretches across much of the
room, and for a few credits the hotel keeper will gladly rent you one of
his rooms.  Drunken laughter emerges from behind the room's doors.  To the
south beyond a door barred by the hotel keeper are the rooms. ;You may
safely quit here.
0 8389772 13
0 -1 6888
R M 0 6827 1 6909
  R G 1 3 1
  R G 1 3 1
R M 0 6828 3 6909
&c This former mariage suite is now known for its sociol atmosphere. The
owner of the hotel added a large Hot-Tub (a fovorite past time for
Quarren's). This additon and the removal of all the beds and dressors have
allowed this place to become a brathal of sorts. The Walls are decorated
with ocean lanscape pictures and soft sounds the ocean can be heard of the
radio system. The lighting is very low and all communication devices are
being scrabled in this room. 
0 1164 13
0 -1 6909
R O 0 6852 1 6910
&G Facility Main Hall~
&w This extremly large building is the Security Officers Training facility.
For a small fee you can enter the remote area and practice your skills. 
Although they are allowed to kick you out at anytime. The walls are
decorated with pictures of Victory's against the Empire! And of famous
Quarren citizens, There is one large statue in the middle of the room that
seems to have scraches and blaster marks through it, as if people were
practicing on it. To the south is the remote room . To the East is the
elderly Security trainer.
0 12 13
0 -1 6893
0 -1 6916
0 -1 6912
The large statue is of the great &Y ^R Admiral Ackbar &x ^x it is no
wonder, the Quarren citizens fire randomly at the statue, as they resent
having the MOn Cal's control them. Including making them add this statue
to thier Security Office.
&G Facility Training  Remote 1~
&R This room is extremly large area that alows you to move around and dodge
quite freely. It is mostly empty except for a remote launcher. The floors
and walls are made up of carved out black gravel rock are covered in scuff
marks. A sign warns that only one student may  use this room at a time.
There is also a small Security camera used to analiyze your  skills. The
Quarren are very cautious about who they train. And are curious why they
want to be tougher.
0 256 13
0 -1 6911
0 -1 6913
R M 0 6822 1 6912
&G Facility Training  Remote 2~
&c This room is extremly large area that alows you to move around and dodge
quite freely. It is mostly empty except for a remote launcher. The floors
and walls are made up of carved out black gravel rock are covered in scuff
marks. A sign warns that only one student may  use this room at a time.
There is also a small Security camera used to analiyze your  skills. The
Quarren are very cautious about who they train. And are curious why they
want to be tougher.
0 264 13
0 -1 6912
0 -1 6914
R M 0 6823 1 6913
&G Facility Training  Remote 3~
&Y This room is extremly large area that alows you to move around and dodge
quite freely. It is mostly empty except for a remote launcher. The floors
and walls are made up of carved out black gravel rock are covered in scuff
marks. A sign warns that only one student may  use this room at a time.
There is also a small Security camera used to analiyze your  skills. The
Quarren are very cautious about who they train. And are curious why they
want to be tougher.
0 264 13
0 -1 6915
0 -1 6913
R M 0 6824 1 6914
&G Facility Training  Remote 4~
&P This room is extremly large area that alows you to move around and dodge
quite freely. It is mostly empty except for a remote launcher. The floors
and walls are made up of carved out black gravel rock are covered in scuff
marks. A sign warns that only one student may  use this room at a time.
There is also a small Security camera used to analiyze your  skills. The
Quarren are very cautious about who they train. And are curious why they
want to be tougher.
0 264 13
0 -1 6946
0 -1 6914
R M 0 6825 1 6915
&G Facility Security Training~
&c Entering the main Security Officer's training room you feel a sense of
wonder. This individual was known for killing three kraknasas in one
sitting. His ability to detect criminals in the town was legendary until
he decided to retire. This space is covered with honerary metals ,
buttons, and awards. Even the real hero's would feel awe when it comes
down to him. The floor is one large spongee material. While the walls are
more of a plaster like surface.
0 8 13
0 -1 6911
Library Interior~
The interior of the library is covered with hand stiched seaweed rugs
inported from the Coral city accross the ocean. In the center of the room
is a large Krebbex focilized bone. These large creatures once ran wild on
the planet and the ocean. The circular room was once covered with
holo-books from old folk lore to how-to's until a fire broke out and all
but burned most of the holo-books. The new librarian has the unfortunate
task of retyping them. There is a small computer terminal in the center of
the room.
0 1032 13
0 -1 6887
R M 0 6816 1 6917
computer terminal~
This computer terminal allows you to see the current holo-books that
Type look list :   to see available reading
To read the holo-book type look (name of book).
The Miner's Handbook
;  The legendary Krebbex
;  The shining Ultima-Pearl
;  Our Bivalve Freinds
;  Mon Calamrian History
Although scientists swear the extinction of the krebbex was long ago. A few
Quarren swear to it's exisitence. These  extinct ten-legged crustaceans
once lived in the great Mon ocean. But according to one witness, Witho
Tokio just recently when she was staring out of the north dome edge she
saw it in the merky waters above. City officials stated there was anything
that big in the ocean the sensors would have picked it up a long time ago.
 But Witho is not alone, over 28 diffrent sitings have come up in the past
year. And several Quarren miners have not returned and are listed as
missing(with no explination). A few Quarren residents fear the worst and
have refused to leave the city. Although most think of it as a cute story.
Ackbar was later rescued from slavery by an Alliance force and named
Admiral of the Rebel fleet. Six years after the Battle of Endor, the
reborn Emperor used his World Devastators to attack Calamari's
southern;territorial zone, destroying most of the city of Kee-Piru. The
port city;of Hikahi was also;damaged, harming the planet's
starship-building capability. One year after that, Leia Organa Solo
visited Admiral Ackbar at his home in the seatree forest in an attempt to
bring him out of his self-imposed exile. A subsequent attack by Admiral
Daala's Star Destroyers resulted in the destruction of Reef Home City.
The Mon Calamari had already constructed enormous starships and begun
traveling space when their planet was discovered by the Empire. The
Imperials planned to enslave Calamari and, after meeting with resistance
from its natives, destroyed three of its floating cities. A Quarren,
Seggor Tels, is believed to have deliberately lowered Calamari's
defenses;to allow the Empire's attack this has heightened tensions between
the Mon Calamari and the Quarren ever since. After the Empire showed its
true colors, Calamarian starships were converted into warships and the
shipbuilding docks in orbit around Calamari and its single moon became an
important resource for the Alliance. Many Calamarians were taken as slaves
by the Empire including the famous Ackbar, who was forced to be the
personal servant of Grand Moff Tarkin.  To see the next page type look
history ~
Calamari (sometimes called Mons Calamari) is a tectonically stable world
almost entirely covered with water, and is home to both the peaceful Mon
Calamari and the cautious Quarren-- over 27 billion inhabitants in all.
The surface of the planet is covered with small marshy islands and
enormous floating cities that house both species, with the Quarren
inhabiting the lowest, darkest levels. These attractive constructions
include Reef Home, Coral Depths, Kee-Piru, Coral City, and Foamwander
City. The architecture and design of the Mon Calamari have organic
appearances, with rounded edges and irregular surfaces that show their
love for the natural beauty of their world. Raw ores used in construction
are mined by the Quarren (who can breathe both air and;water) from domed
cities on the ocean floor. To see the next page type look history2
shining ~
The Ultima-Pearl is the greatest treasure Mon Calmarians have to offer.
Only three have ever surfaced from the cold dark ocean. According to the
legend by the bi-valve mollusks, there is only one place the Ultima-Pearl
will be created. Fearing that the prize would be piliged from the ocean
for good. The mollusks controled the currents so that noone can find the
location. They also control a sharklike creature called  krakanas, which
have now been know as the guardian of the pearl. Fearing the increase of
smugglers in town city officials agreed to declare the pearl, offlimits.
failure to follow this ruling results in you being wanted on the planet.
How to mine! So you want to mine ah? Well first let me tell you a bit about
mining. The iron ore occurs in near - vertical fissures or lodes, ranging
from a few inches to a few feet wide. Generally though, the productive
lodes were about a foot wide. Shallow pits were dug to prove the locations
of the lodes. Once found, adits were driven into the hillside following
the lode. The ore is very soft and the miners would first rake out all the
material in sight from the lode above them, generally for two metres or so
- a method known as `hulking'. We prefer to use our ore carriers to carry
most of the ore as it allows us to enter further into the mine.
To read on look mine2
The miners blasted to create the mines, using mining droids to create the
arched passageways that were braced with timers as in this picture. In
order to blast the mountain, holes were drilled into the mountain and
charges were placed within these holes. The charges in the center were
blasted out first and then the charges around this center hole were
blasted out until the large hole was blasted out.;Miners used ore carriers
to go up and down to the depths of the mine. New miners, called "muckers",
are teased (usually by being;tickled) in these Carriers.
So you think you've heard enough background? type look mine3
To begin here you must get a security id and password form the local mine
shop boss. This becomes rather tricky, since most Quarren work them, and
it takes a little extra to sweaten the secretary to let you in to see the
boss .  Once you enter the mine you can check out a shovel or pick (your
preference) and a ore carrier (if one is available) and go to work.
Digging random works the best. When you have finished a jobs work stop by
the cargo haul and get paid. Payment is based on amount dug.   You are
free to stop and work at anytime, just understand the ore dealer is only
there for four hours.
&G First of Mon Bank Lobby~
&g  This marble like surfaced bank allows for easy transactions between you
and your currerncy. There is a large table in the center of the room to
sign your life away along with, a counter towards the back where a very
attractive (well for a quarren) clerk stands and counts the daily inflow
of credits. On the top of the ceiling you can see a rather expensive
security system tracking your everymove. The Quarren first bank of Mon's
motto isn't "your money is safe with us for no reason."
To make a bank transaction please type bank.
0 264 13
0 -1 6899
R M 0 6833 1 6918
&Y Public Lobby~
&Y The main lobby is a incredible site for tourists to visit. The floors
are made of polished clam shells. giving off a silvery pink reflextion.
The curved walls have pictures of former governors of this great city. The
ceiling has a hand carved Quarren emblem made form rare yellow coral. In
the middle of the room is a large sign with directions.
0 8 1
0 -1 6926
0 -1 6927
0 -1 6891
0 -1 6928
&Y Mayor's Office~
You enter the office space of the mayor of this great city. He has a large
Quarren flag framed behind his desk. The rest of the walls are left blank
and are a smooth polished red The rest of the walls are left blank and are
a smooth polished &R red coral.&w The main desk fills most of the space
while two chairs for visitors sit on the opposite side. On the ceiling you
can see a state-of-the-art &Bwater mister &w which was put in place to
maintainthe right humidity in the space.
0 1032 13
0 -1 6925
R M 0 6821 1 6926
  R G 1 6842 1
R O 0 6805 1 6926
R O 0 6802 1 6926
&R The multi colored flag shows the Quarren 3 elements. &B Water, &Y Salt
&c Wind &w
water mister~
&B This top of the line mister costs more then all of your prized
posessions combined. &w another sign of your hard earned taxes put to good
&Y Defense Office~
The Quarren military base was stationed here, but do to a very unfortunate
accident with a modified blaster he is no longer with us The military are
currently looking for a few good men to fill the positon. A sign on the
door says contact Ackbar for further details.
0 8 13
0 -1 6925
&Y Security Office~
&G You enter the main office of the Quarren Security. This room is
slightly, less extravegant then the rest, and has more of a rough ocean
bottom feel. The walls  are decorated with pictures of wanted men, and the
floors are polished rock that imitates a marble look. In front of you is a
large counter to which you se alot of people working behind. At the
counter is a sign that says step up for assistance.
0 8 13
8388647 6821 6929
0 -1 6925
0 -1 6944
R M 0 6809 1 6928
  R G 1 6821 1
R D 0 6928 0 2
&Y Security Corridor~
The Security Corridor is well guarded with cameras and wall lasers for
automated firing. The dmap hallway is a dark grey with light grey flashes
as you pass the cells Very little activity occurs here as most criminals
can't escape and with over 20' of rock between them and the corridor you
are sure not to hear any of them. There is a small sign placed on the
0 8 13
Cell door~
7 6821 6930
block door~
33 6821 6928
0 -1 6933
R O 0 6821 1 6929
R D 0 6929 0 2
R D 0 6929 2 0
&z Tacebeca, Wookiee repair tech.
&Y Security Cell A~
The Quarren cells are small 8' by 8' cubes. The walls consist of solid rock
carved roughly to leave jagged edges. It is rumored that the guards like
to throw prisoners up against the walls if they get out of hand There is
no window except for the small tray  hole the guards use to feed the
prisoner. There is a dmap and musty smell, and cold temperature will make
a non-quarren quite uncomfortable. There is no use screaming as the walls
are over 20 ft thick.
0 9 13
A cold grey door, over 5 ft thick.
Cell door~
8388615 6821 6929
R M 0 6834 1 6930
  R E 1 10311 1 0
  R E 1 32269 1 12
R O 0 21115 1 6930
R O 0 21116 1 6930
R D 0 6930 2 2
&Y Security Cell B~
The Quarren cells are small 8' by 8' cubes. The walls consist of solid rock
carved roughly to leave jagged edges. It is rumored that the guards like
to throw prisoners up against the walls if they get out of hand There is
no window except for the small tray  hole the guards use to feed the
prisoner. There is a dmap and musty smell, and cold temperature will make
a non-quarren quite uncomfortable. There is no use screaming as the walls
are over 20 ft thick.
0 9 13
A cold grey door, over 5 ft thick.
Cell door~
8388615 6821 6933
R O 0 21115 1 6931
R O 0 21116 1 6931
R D 0 6931 2 2
&Y Security Cell C~
&w The Quarren cells are small 8' by 8' cubes. The walls consist of solid
rock carved roughly to leave jagged edges. It is rumored that the guards
like to throw prisoners up against the walls if they get out of hand There
is no window except for the small tray hole the guards use to feed the
prisoner. There is a dmap and musty smell, and cold temperature will make
a non-quarren quite uncomfortable. There is no use screaming as the walls
are over 20 ft thick.
0 9 13
A cold grey door, over 5 ft thick.
Cell Door~
8388615 6821 6934
R O 0 21115 1 6932
R O 0 21116 1 6932
R D 0 6932 2 2
&Y Security Corridor~
The Security Corridor is well guarded with cameras and wall lasers for
automated firing. The dmap hallway is a dark grey with light grey flashes
as you pass the cells Very little activity occurs here as most criminals
can't escape and with over 20' of roc k between them and the corridor you
are sure not to hear any of them. 
0 8 13
Cell door~
8388615 6821 6931
0 -1 6929
0 -1 6934
R D 0 6933 0 2
&Y Security Corridor~
The Security Corridor is well guarded with cameras and wall lasers for
automated firing. The dmap hallway is a dark grey with light grey flashes
as you pass the cells Very little activity occurs here as most criminals
can't escape and with over 20' of rock between them and the corridor you
are sure not to hear any of them.
0 8 13
Cell door~
8388615 6821 6932
0 -1 6933
R M 0 6828 4 6934
R D 0 6934 0 2
&R West Entrance Customs~
&c This very busy customs area is both interior and exterior. There is a
large shell protecting the turbo-lift from the water sprinklers. In front
of the turbo-lift is a small path leading back to the main roads. There is
very little Security here as it is belived you have already gone througha
check by now. The ground is a rough rock material carved in by ore miners.
As you look up you can see the clear dome glass allowing you to see a pure
picture of the ocean.
0 8 13
0 -1 6903
0 -1 6943
&B Mine Secritary's office~
The interior of the mine office is barely decorated. Most of the room is
covered with dust and dirt form miners with complaints. There is only one
picture on the wall, which is of the first shovel taken form the ground at
the nearby mine. There is a very attractive Quarren secretary wasting
times at the desk. and you can hear mubling and screaming from the
adjacent room. There is a bash proof door to the east, that has no handles
and cannot be opened form this side, without a mechanicla button. Which is
most likely attached tot he secretary's desk.
0 8 2
0 -1 6896
R M 0 6820 1 6936
R M 0 6818 10 6936
R O 0 6802 1 6936
R O 0 6805 1 6936
&B Mine Boss's office~
This large room is made of think rock walls A desk is placed in the corner
with comlinks, datapads and all sorts of mine pieces  scatterd all over
it. A heavy filing cabinet is to the left of a large pickax sculpture
Several  photos of Quarren officials line the walls and a large plush
straight chair with  it's back towards you has been  placed behind the
desk.  The floor is covered with mine layouts and statistics of mine
output and costs.
0 1024 2
0 -1 6936
R M 0 6819 1 6937
R O 0 6802 1 6937
R O 0 6805 1 6937
Miner's Interior~
0 8 2
0 -1 6890
Cost - Not for Sale!
Miner Interior~
0 8 13
0 -1 6885
Cost - Not for Sale!
Miner Interior~
0 8 13
0 -1 6894
Cost not for Sale
Miner Interior~
This is a empty house for sale!
0 8 13
0 -1 6897
Cost 100,000 
Security Doors~
The large doors are guarded by an extremly tough guard making sure noone
who doesn't belong enters the service entrance of the city.
0 8 1
0 -1 6905
0 -1 6943
R M 0 6831 1 6942
Slide Shaft~
This cold room leads around into a circle. There is nothing to look at
except the small slide shaft in the middle of the room allowing you to
slide down to what ever lies below. As you scan below you see nothing but
darkness.  The walls are a shinny metals you swear you have seen before
perhaps on a blaster of some kind. 
0 4 1
0 -1 6905
0 -1 6935
Chief Security office~
The empty room is where the last top Security officer worked.
Until he was blown away in an attack duringa peace mission.
Apparently he wasn't cautious enough.
The post on the door read:
Help Wanted:  Security Chief -  Please talk to Ackbar if your interested in
the job.
0 8 13
0 -1 6928
Real Estate Agent~
&c Entering in the Real Estate agents office you notice that the place was
left bare. Rumor has it ever since Ackbar was promoted he deserted his
former retiring job. The walls are bare of decoration and the floor looks
as if it see's very little traffic. There is a large sign in the center of
the room with writing on it.
0 8 13
0 -1 6901
Welcome, due to demanding bosses I can no longer work form here.
I have since placed a price tag on all the shops and buildings throughout
the city
if they are for sale.
Please stay for awile and enjoy.
Type look cost      ( To see the price. )
If you have the stats and enough money please mudmail or contact me to sign
the contract.
Sorry not for sale!
Remote training Level - 5~
This room is extremly large area that alows you to move around and dodge
quite freely. It is mostly empty except for a remote launcher. The floors
and walls are made up of carved out black gravel rock are covered in scuff
marks. A sign warns that only one student may  use this room at a time.
There is also a small Security camera used to analiyze your  skills. The
Quarren are very cautious about who they train. And are curious why they
want to be tougher.
0 264 1
0 -1 6915
R M 0 6826 1 6946
Security Doors~
The large doors are guarded by an extremly tough guard making sure noone
who doesn't belong enters the service entrance of the city. 
0 1028 1
0 -1 6905
R M 0 6832 1 6947
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
0 4 1
Ackbar's building problems.~
Make blasters not work underwater.
Figure out how to set a button so it automatically pulls it back out after
how do you set the vip and speach for MOn cal?   
The program says mon  mon_cal or the spelled out versions are not
Doors what am i doing wrong, they say closed but i cant seem to open still
won't work
check the security doors to the cells to see what i mean.
Need to know how you make a portal or enterable object(turbo-lift)
How do i add more then one mob spec tothe police and how do i get the jail
spec to work.
0 4 1

 6804    0  0  0  0  0   120 100         8 20    ; &R Shela the  kitchen cook. &x
 6808    0  8  0  0  0   120  90         8 12    ; The mine ore dealer
 6810    0  0  0  0  0   120 110        12 23    ; &B Borto the Side order cook.
 6812    0  0  0  0  0   120  90        22  8    ; &c Torisk Inventor
 6813    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         5 13    ; &P Cathia the tailor
 6814    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         7 23    ; &p Plantik the jewler
 6815    0  5  0  0  0   100  90         0 23    ; An Elderly Security Weapon resaler


M  6828 spec_police_attack
M  6829 spec_police_attack
