Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   The ground here is well-trampled, the trod of many feet evident in the way
the thick grasses are pushed back to the ground.  A small scattering of huts lie
to the east, some of them very small - obviously single person occupied - others
are a bit more large with space for more than a few.  To the north a way leads
through the thick jungle which covers most of the top of this island.  
312 4 0 0 0 1
A well-marked path leads deep into the jungle.
0 -1 31232
The open area leads the way past a slew of huts toward another section
of the jungle.    
0 -1 31201
   *Leper Island
   *Written by Kaan for Cities of Glory
Level: 45 - 50
87 rooms
21 mobs
7 objs
Connector Zones: Yllythad Sea
This is a fair-sized island out in a secluded part of the sea which is
populated by lepers who have been banished or thrown out of their
homeland. This was mainly built as a good place for high levels to get
experience. The few objects that are there are meant to be fairly
good in stats, as this zone was built to be difficult.
Zone 312 was linked to the following zones:
102 The Dream Halls - Hiruma       at 31265 (west ) ---> 10234
102 The Dream Halls - Hiruma       at 31266 (west ) ---> 10233
102 The Dream Halls - Hiruma       at 31267 (west ) ---> 10235
102 The Dream Halls - Hiruma       at 31271 (east ) ---> 10245
102 The Dream Halls - Hiruma       at 31272 (east ) ---> 10244
102 The Dream Halls - Hiruma       at 31273 (east ) ---> 10243
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   A fair-sized hut made from clay and rough timber lies to the north, one that
looks to have a capacity of at least three to four people.  Ways through the
small village lie to the east and south both of them seeming just as gloomy and
unappealing as the other.  
312 0 0 0 0 1
A small hut lies to the north.
0 -1 31202
The path leads east throught the clearing.
0 -1 31212
A path leads south past a few huts and some animal pens of some sort.
0 -1 31204
The end of the clearing lies to the west, a path leading north into
the jungle.    
0 -1 31200
A Hut of Rough Timber~
   This hut is surprisingly clean and well-kept given that it has only a dirt
floor and clay walls.  There are few personal affects in the place, however
those that there are are kept in order and quite tidy.  A small row of beds lie
along the north wall, all of them made and clean.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
The exit to this hut lies south.
0 -1 31201
A Modest Hut Made From Thatch and Mud~
   This small hut holds only enough room for one person to comfortably live.  A
small, well kept bed lies in the center of the room, a small dresser made from
rough jungle wood in the northwestern corner.  No personal affects adorn the
walls, no signs of personality in this home are evident.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
The exit lies to the east.
0 -1 31204
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   Another hut lies to the west, this one quite small but made of the same rough
timber and clay with a bit of yellow jungle grass tossed in the cracks.  To the
south is more of the small footpath that weaves through the small village, a
small coop for chickens visible in that direction.  
312 0 0 0 0 1
The main path through the clearing lies to the north.
0 -1 31201
The path leads south past a couple of huts.
0 -1 31205
A decent-sized hut lies to the west.
0 -1 31203
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   The footpath still continues south, a couple of huts lying in that direction.
To the east is a small chicken coop where clucks and squawks can be heard in a
constant cacaphony.  
312 0 0 0 0 1
The path leads north past a few huts.
0 -1 31204
A very primitive chicken coop lies to the east.
0 -1 31210
The path leads south past a couple of huts and a pig pen.
0 -1 31206
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   Huts lie both to the south and the west.  Both of them appear to house a fair
number of people judging from their size, however with the lack of people in
evidence it is tough to judge whether or not those huts actually have any
inhabitants.  To the east is a small fenced-in pig pen with a couple of warty,
dirty wild boars who glare balefully at any who pass.  
312 0 0 0 0 1
The path leads past a few huts to the main path.
0 -1 31205
A pig pen lies to the east.
0 -1 31209
A small hut lies to the south.
0 -1 31208
A small hut lies to the west.
0 -1 31207
A Small Clay Hut~
   The interior of this small place is quite sparse, but well-kept.  A small bed
made from jungle leaves and vine lies in the center of the room, kept neat and
tidy by way of simple bedding sheets.  No windows have been cut into the walls,
but the place is not stuffy.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31206
A Hut Made from Clay and Thatch~
   This small hut holds only the bare essentials and no more.  It appears that
the lepers who get left on this island are left with nothing more than the
clothes on their back, as most of the dwellings in this place are much the same
- without decor or appeal.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31206
Pig Pen~
   Small jungle trees cut and bound together with vine comprise the fencing
which surrounds the pen.  Strangely, the ground is not strewn with waste and mud
like most pig's pens are, but well tended with fresh soil spread over top of
whatever mess the boars make.  
312 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31206
Chicken Coop~
   This small and stuffy building never holds any more than five chickens at a
time.  These chickens are brought in from the supply floats which are left by
the passing ships which drop supplies on a biweekly basis per the Lord of
Jareth's orders.  Everytime new chickens are brought in by way of ship, the best
are kept to produce eggs while all others over the number of five are
slaughtered and used as community meat.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
The path lies to the west.
0 -1 31205
A Small Thatch Hut~
   The interior of this small home is simple beyond most people's definition of
simple.  A small straw bed is tightly bound and covered by thick cloth, allowing
no straw to protrude from the interior.  A very small stack of clothing lies in
a small wicker basket.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31212
   The clothing is folded very neatly within, kept in an exact spot on the floor
away from the main walkthrough.  
   The clothing is folded very neatly within, kept in an exact spot on the floor
away from the main walkthrough.  
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   A smaller hut lies to the south, it being made from the same materials which
most of these huts are comprised; straw, clay and rough-hewn timbers.  The path
continues to the east and west past a number of huts, both directions eventually
leading back into the jungle.  
312 0 0 0 0 1
0 -1 31213
0 -1 31216
0 -1 31211
0 -1 31201
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   A small garden lies to the north, very obviously well-tended as it grows in
perfectly straight rows with no weeds visible whatsoever.  A path south of here
runs east and west through the jumble of huts which comprise this small
312 0 0 0 0 1
0 -1 31214
0 -1 31212
   This garden is kept in the best of conditions at all times.  The very
survival of this small community depends on its continuance as it is the main
source of food should the supply ships miss a week or for some reason stop
bringing shipments.  The food grows in arrow-straight lines with no weeds
whatsoever growing between the harvest.  
312 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31213
A Tidy Hut~
   Everything in this small dwelling is tidy and in perfect order.  There are no
sharp edges anywhere, nor are there any protrusions from the walls of the hut
which might snag skin or poke through clothing.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31216
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   To the north is another small hut made of thatch and clay.  South is
something quite curious a sign or proclamation of some sort has been erected and
stands quite large in the center of the community.  To the east and west the
footpath continues through the village.  
312 0 0 0 0 1
0 -1 31215
0 -1 31219
0 -1 31217
0 -1 31212
Leper Memorial~
   A flat wooden board has been placed here, held up by two small logs on either
end.  The names of all those who have been sent to this isle to live out there
last miserable years and have perished have been engraved into the wood so that
there at least will be one place in Dibrova where their memory will remain.  
312 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31216
            **** In Memory and Honor ****
           May the souls of those departed
                rest in eternal peace
       Alnoor Farsins                Jana Simpp
       Alexis Farsins                Servonn Yllyn
       Vllad Tullins                 Rangol Urga
       Conrad Welters                Urvon Ingha
       Jonah Reantl
A Well-kept Hut Made From Clay~
   This very small and very spartan hut holds only a bed and a small earthenware
wash basin.  No clutter whatsoever lies upon the floor or on the bed, everything
is placed very deliberately about the space provided.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31219
Footpath Through Leper's Village~
   This small area marks the eastern boundary of the community.  To the east the
path continues however it is much less traveled and is immediately engulfed in
the massive trees of the island jungle.  To the south is a small hut made from
clay and rough timbers, north is another such hut but much larger and with a
cross affixed to the outer wall just right of the door.  This must obviously be
the chapel for the village.  
312 0 0 0 0 1
0 -1 31220
0 -1 31221
0 -1 31218
0 -1 31216
   This small place of worship holds only enough room for a maximum of fifteen
people, including the service conductor.  A small wooden podium lies on the dirt
floor just in front of a cross made from wood timber from the jungle trees.  
Log benches are lined in straight lines before the podium for attendants during
service hours.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31219
Trail Into the Jungle~
   The well trampled area to the west narrows down here to one trail leading
into the thick jungle foliage.  The way north is engulfed in deep greenery which
obscures vision past a point not far distant along the path.  To the west is the
way into a small community of huts nestled in a clearing in the jungle.  
312 4 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31222
0 -1 31219
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail is surrounded on both sides by jungle foliage which is as close to
impassable as can be.  The trail itself, however, is well-groomed and kept free
of debris and obstacles which might trip or scratch a passerby.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31223
0 -1 31221
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The way north and the way south look much the same.  The ground is freshly
raked or broomed making the way along the path easy and quick.  On either side
the jungle looms in, its presence huge and unmistakable.  There may be a slight
break to the west, allowing travel in that direction.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31224
0 -1 31222
0 -1 31286
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail bends east and south, its sides lined in white rock that would glow
brightly in the moonlight.  This must be a safeguard put in by the locals so
that if one were to be wandering along this path late at night there would be no
way to wander off and get lost in the jungle.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31225
0 -1 31223
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail makes a bend here to the north and the west, curving around a
particularly large tree covered in vines and greenery.  The sides of the path
are lined in white stones - markers for any who might be traveling the path by
moonlight so that they might keep their bearings along the path and not wander
off into the jungle.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31226
0 -1 31224
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The ground is a bit more soft underfoot at this point than the ground to the
south.  Must be some sort of water source north of here.  The path is extremely
well-kept here as it wends its way through the thick jungle.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31227
0 -1 31225
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The rippling waters of a small inland pond lie just north from here.  A small
set of log steps lead out to the very edge, allowing for dry feet when drawing
water.  The path ends at this northern boundary, leading only back to the south
through the jungle.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31228
0 -1 31226
   It looks to be a very sedate pool of water.  The only ripples on the surface
of the water come from gentle breezes which blow through the jungle.  
   The water ripples slightly underneath, the bottom of the pond visible as if
viewed through a thick pane of moving glass.  
312 0 0 0 0 7
0 -1 31229
0 -1 31230
0 -1 31227
   The water gently flows down a small gulley toward the sea below following a
meandering path the whole way.  The pond itself must be fed from a spring of
some sort which replenishes the supply in a constant flow.  
312 0 0 0 0 7
0 -1 31231
0 -1 31228
0 -1 31268
   The calm waters ripple past, gently disturbed by the passing of a foreign
presence.  This place seems so serene, so calm and peaceful it is almost
impossible to believe any sort of scourge could exist on this isle.  
312 0 0 0 0 7
0 -1 31231
0 -1 31228
   The pond's surface gleams in the light, its still waters reflecting brightly
even the smallest amounts of light.  The water is so crystal clear that the
bottom of the pond can be seen simply by looking down.  
312 0 0 0 0 7
0 -1 31230
0 -1 31229
Trail Into the Jungle~
   The path splits in a trio of directions at this point.  A well-used trail
leads west through the jungle, bending and twisting its way out of sight.  To
the south is the start of an open area where a few huts have been erected in a
small conglomeration.  To the north is a trail, less kept than the western path
but still quite traversable.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31238
0 -1 31200
0 -1 31233
Well-used Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail here is extremely well-kept, beaten down to an almost solid
footpath with no roots or snags at any point.  The path wends its way south
through the jungle foliage, the way clear and open.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31232
0 -1 31234
Well-used Trail Through the Jungle~
   The path leads north and south through the jungle, a wide path with no
obstacles or obstructions whatsoever.  The ground which the path travels along
is so free of debris that it almost appears as if it might have been recently
swept.  Quite odd for a jungle path.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31233
0 -1 31235
Well-used Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail is very well-marked still, an unmistakable line of clear space
leading the way through the thick tangle of the jungle.  From all appearances,
this trail is cut back daily so that growth from the trees nearby might snag a
passerby's clothing or skin.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31234
0 -1 31236
Well-used Trail Through the Jungle~
   The path leads west right up to a large boulder.  All around, the calls and
fidgetings of many jungle animals can be heard, their disquiet from your passage
very evident.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31235
0 -1 31237
Lookout Post~
   This 'lookout post' is actually nothing more than a very large boulder with a
flat top which affords a beautiful view of the sea.  Not only is the view
beautiful, but it is the exact part of the sea where the suplly ships come in
and drop off the foodstuffs which the inhabitants of this place thrive upon.  
312 0 0 0 0 5
0 -1 31236
   It is a very smooth boulder which rises gradually from the forest floor to a
height overlooking the cliffs out onto the sea.  
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The path leads north deep into the jungle, the path itself very well marked
with no sign of lessening or narrowing.  To the south is an enrance into a large
clearing in the jungle.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31239
0 -1 31232
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail is extremely well maintained, kept free of any obstructing objects
which might make travel at all hazardous.  The path leads far to the north into
the jungle or south toward a large opening in the thick, twisted growth of this
place.  A way through the trees may be available to the east.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31240
0 -1 31275
0 -1 31238
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The way north looks to get worse and worse, the path becoming a bit less
cared for the further it travels in that direction.  It does not get bad enough
to be called neglected by any means, however it does not hold much of the
perfection that is evident in the path south of here.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31241
0 -1 31239
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail curves around a large tree, heading west and south from here.  At
this point the trail is so well groomed that it almost appears as if it might be
regularly swept or raked to keep it free of debris.  The branches of the trees
which normally would hang over the path have been cut and sand down to a dull
edge to avoid any piercings.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31240
0 -1 31242
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail curves following around a large tree which blocks passage directly
south.  Small white stones have been placed along the sides of the path to help
night time passers better see the direction of the path .
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31243
0 -1 31241
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail continues south and north through the jungle.  Everything along the
path itself looks to have been pushed to the side or removed quite recently as
if someone or someones may be making a point of keeping the trail clear.  The
trees also look to be cut back from the trail, keeping it free of snags and
annoying branches.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31244
0 -1 31242
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The path here is a bit overgrown, but not quite so bad as it appears to be to
the north.  To the south the path has the look of an oft-traveled path that is
kept up with some regularity.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31245
0 -1 31243
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The path to the north is choked with roots and snags, the way looking as if
it had not been traveled upon or tended to in quite some time.  To the south the
trail grows noticably wider as it continues, the trail becoming more and more
defined the further south the path gets.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31246
0 -1 31244
Trail Through the Jungle~
   The trail is quite overgrown and full of snags, roots and stray stones.  
Just to the west is a small pond, an acrid smell emanating from its direction.
North from here is an opening in the jungle foliage, the volcano rising high
beyond the clearing's boundaries.  South, the path leads deep into the jungle.
312 4 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31249
0 -1 31245
0 -1 31247
At a Tepid Pond's Shore~
   The water of a small pond gently laps against the ground.  The pond, more a
puddle than anything else, lies just to the west.  The water does NOT look as if
it were very good drinking water at all - the surface carries a slight film of
grease or oily grime.  
312 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31246
0 -1 31248
A Tepid Pond~
   The water of this small inland pool is rank and oily, as if sprung from a vat
of noxious chemicals.  A faint glaze lies across the surface of the pond, the
slime of dirt and grime from the diseased people which use this water.  
312 0 0 0 0 7
0 -1 31247
   The first sight that greets your eyes as you enter into this open area is
that of the towering volcano, a presence that cannot be ignored.  The crest
roils with a constant flow of black smoke, a low grumble more felt than heard
from its deep innards.  Camped directly at the base is a small cluster of
dwellings, actually only two dwellings and a rickety-looking pen which holds
barely a-livestock.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31250
0 -1 31246
   This is the center of the dirty little camp that barely scratches out a life
of servitude at the base of the volcano, inside of which the Eternal Fire burns.
To the west is the edge of the isle, where a cliff makes a steep drop-off down
to the white sand beaches at the shore of the sea.  East a ways there is a small
log pen for any livestock that might get given to these poor folk by the
healthier lepers in the village south of here.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31251
0 -1 31252
0 -1 31249
0 -1 31262
Open Dirt Area~
   East of here is a long, low hut made from clay and rough timber.  It looks to
be in pretty bad shape, many holes evident in the roof and walls.  Flys buzz
about this area, making an annoying buzz.  Most probably they are attracted by
the stink of the animal pen to the southeast and the hut to the east.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31257
0 -1 31255
0 -1 31250
Dirt Area~
   The ground has been trampled away to a dirty, half mud glop that sticks to
shoes as they trod through.  To the east is a snall pen which holds the meager
livestock given these people by the more needy people living to the south.  
North is a large hut, almost large enough to be called a hall, a set of steps
leading up and into the interior.  South is small open area with a pile of ash
in the center.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31254
0 -1 31253
0 -1 31250
Community Gathering Area~
   There is a central firepit here where most nights the inhabitants that can
still move about come to be together.  Not much talking goes on and certainly no
dancing, however the idea of being together - nearby another human - sometimes
is all it takes to give the comfort needed by these doomed people.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31252
Grubby Animal Pen~
   There is not much to tell about this disgusting little animal holding area.
It looks as if the people who maintain this place are not very particular about
seperating their livestock, there are droppings from many different kinds of
animals from pig to chicken to unidentifiable.  The entire affair is ringed by a
set of logs from the trees of the jungle, tied loosely at the corners.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31252
Community Hut~
   The log flooring of this hut is so grubby that the color of the logs appear
almost discolored.  The walls are made of the same logs stacked, tied and mudded
together in a very loose, haphazard fashion.  The leaf and thatch roof of this
place has many small holes and is even missing entirely in some places.  
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31251
The House of Death~
   Aptly named by the unwilling inhabitants of this small community, this dirty
place is where the people who have progressed past the point of help are kept
until they die or beg to be tossed into the Eternal Flame.  The smell of dead or
rotting skin has been so long in this place that even when no one is lying amid
the soiled blankets that litter the floor, the smell of the rotteed flesh still
312 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31257
The Base of the Volcano~
   A set of log steps have been set into the outer rock wall of the volcano,
leading up to the smouldering top where dark bursts of smoke blow forth in
irregular spurts.  The pathetic excuse for an encampment crouches pitifully in
the presence of this volcano, a constant reminder that sooner or later anyone
living here will be one with the Eternal Flame which burns within.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31256
0 -1 31251
0 -1 31258
Trail to the Volcano's Crest~
   The logs have been moored into the hard rock of the volcano, allowing the
ascent to be a bit less arduous.  Built by men and women who were breathing what
was most probably some of their last breaths, those men and women made it so
that future generations would not have to labor so long or hard to consecrate
the bodies of fallen friends to the volcano and the Eternal Flame within.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31259
0 -1 31257
Trail to the Volcano's Crest~
   The trail makes its way up to the crest in snaking twists and turns, making
the climb a bit less effort.  Being that most of the men and women who climb
this trail are living their last days in pain and misery, this path was made
with their incapabilities in mind.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31260
0 -1 31258
Smoking Crest of the Volcano~
   Into the pit, the Eternal Flame.  That is where all who live upon this island
in exile end up in the end.  Blessed by the priest who stands ready at all times
to serve his fellow man, one may be thrown or voluntarily jump into the Flame at
any time.  It is never contested by any who dwell upon the island whether or not
the timing is right for the one who is jumping, it is simply accepted that that
person has had enough of the disease and horror that is leprosy.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31259
Cliff's Edge~
   There is no way to descend the cliff face from here.  At this point the cliff
can no longer be walked along to the north, as the volcano rises high into the
sky here.  No trail leads up the volcano from this point, however one is visible
around the base a bit to the east.  
312 0 0 0 0 5
0 -1 31262
Cliff's Edge~
   There is a small permanent-looking encampment just east of here, a couple of
low huts and an animal pen in sight.  South of here is a trail skirting the edge
of the cliff which descends down to the beach below.  
312 0 0 0 0 5
0 -1 31261
0 -1 31250
0 -1 31263
Cliff's Edge~
   A trail leads down the cliff face, a natural set of small steps allowing
access to the beach below.  A trail follows along the edge of the cliff to the
north, a small encampment visible in that direction.  
312 4 0 0 0 5
0 -1 31262
0 -1 31264
   This is about the half-way point between the base of the cliff on the beach
and the top.  The steps look natural, made by nature to have happened to have
worked well as steps.  
312 0 0 0 0 4
0 -1 31263
0 -1 31265
White Sand Beach~
   The beach stretches north to south, cut off in both directions by a steep
cliff wall which prohibits travel after a distance.  The sand here is very
clean, very white - almost bleached.  It is a very fine sand that makes walking
a bit more of an effort than normal packed beach sand, however it makes fro such
beautiful scenery that it is not unpleasant at all.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31266
0 -1 31267
0 -1 31264
White Sand Beach~
   This small section of beach runs north to south at sea level.  Directly to
the east - inland - a steep cliff rises up, cutting off any progress.  The way
north is cut off by the steep outer wall of a large volcano, one which sends
plumes of black smoke rising high into the air intermittantly.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31265
White Sand Beach~
   The sand is a fine, almost soft white color that looks to have been bleached
by the sun over the years.  This short section of beach runs along the shoreline
of the island north to south.  To the north, the way gets blocked by a volcano's
wall which rises from the sea high into the sky.  Just south from this locale is
a cliff wall, one which cuts off both south and eastward travel as it is
certainly too steep to climb.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31265
Narrow Gulley~
   A small rivulet of water is all that flows down this narrow gulley toward the
sea below.  It is possible to wade through in the water's course, as it is only
a few inches deep at its deepest point.  Just up the hill a bit is the pond from
this water emanates.  Through a tangle of bracken and jungle foliage, the
trickle flows downhill toward the waiting sea.  
312 256 0 0 0 6
0 -1 31269
0 -1 31229
Narrow Gully~
   The water descends in a fast trickle toward the sea which can be heard,
albeit a bit muffled, just below.  Off to the west and uphill a bit the water
runs in this direction in a light but continuous flow.  
312 256 0 0 0 6
0 -1 31268
0 -1 31270
Narrow Gully~
   The sea can be heard just below, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore
in soothing wave of sound.  A small trickle of water flows downhill toward the
sea, running down in a light but steady flow.  Jungle foliage encroaches on both
sides, making the way quite cramped, sometimes only allowing passage to one who
would turn sideways to pass.  
312 256 0 0 0 6
0 -1 31269
0 -1 31271
White Sand Beach~
   A beach of bleached white sand runs from north to south along the coast of
this small isle.  To the north and south is a steep cliff which rises high above
the sea level at least fifty feet, making both directions impassable after only
a very short distance.  A flow of water runs from a small overgrown gully just
west of here, making its way down a small four inch sand canyon down into the
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31272
0 -1 31270
White Sand Beach~
   The sand of the beach is very fine, bleached white almost to the point of
beauty.  Looking high up into the heights of the isle, jungle foliage can be
seen growing in abundance.  No signs of habitation are visible, although black
smoke continues to rise in constant puffs from somewhere on the isle.  Of
course, it could simply be the volcano that was visible from the sea.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31273
0 -1 31271
White Sand Beach~
   The beach here is of the lightest, finest sand bleached white from centuries
of the sun's rays pounding down upon it.  A steep cliff rises directly to the
north, prohibiting travel in that direction, however the beach does stretch to
the south for some distance.  
312 0 0 0 0 2
0 -1 31272
In Thick Bracken~
   Clusters of branches from nearby drag at clothing and make travel extremely
slow.  Visibility is reduced immediately to almost nothing, the way ahead just
as mysterious as if it were the darkest of night and there was no light.  
312 4 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31276
0 -1 31239
A Tangle of Vines~
   Thick, skinny, long and short - all manner of vines come growing down from
trees in every direction.  The ground is mazed with their clusters of
criss-crossings, making it easy to trip and fall at any time.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31277
0 -1 31275
Near an Old, Wet, Fallen Tree~
   A tree of enormous size lies in its back, toppled most likely from old age
and the ravages that time brings.  It is covered in thick, green moss from top
to bottom, crumbling away at the merest of touches.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31276
0 -1 31283
Through a Tangle of Jungle Brush~
   It is completely necessary now to either or push through this thick and way
overgrown jungle just to get through.  Every direction looks just as impossible
to get through as the next, making muscles ache and strain with every move.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31279
0 -1 31283
Near a Large Tree~
   A tree the size of a small house in width climbs high out of sight into the
sky.  Patches of moss and wraps of vines climb its trunk, clinging to the
ancient life within.  Looking up into the branches, branches as wide as a normal
full-grown tree trunk protrude from the higher reaches.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31280
0 -1 31281
0 -1 31278
Through a Growth of Tall Weeds~
   An overgrowth of weeds block the way in every direction.  Only by hacking
through the things can any way be found out of this mess.  The line of sight
only goes as far as an arm's length as the weeds which grow here are taller than
most ordinary men and then some.  Its a good possibility that you may be lost.
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31282
0 -1 31279
Branch Clustered Area~
   Tangles of thin but supple branches hang down from the trees all around,
obscuring vision and impeding travel.  The branches are strong and somewhat
damp, making it difficult to slash through as it would normally be for the
stiff, brittle branches of the mainland forest trees.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31279
0 -1 31286
Near a Large Hole~
   A small hill rises just to the south, a hole roughly the width of two men and
about four feet high dig into its side.  The interior is dark - it does not
appear that there is any sort of human life within, however one can never be too
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31285
0 -1 31280
Outside a Hollow Tree~
   The entrance to an extremely large and extremely hollow tree lies to the
east.  The smell of smoke issues from the interior, giving a pretty good
indication that someone of at least limited intelligence must live within.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31277
0 -1 31278
0 -1 31284
Inside a Hollow Tree~
   Nothing has been done to this small place to make it any more habitable than
it was the day it was found and taken as a home.  The walls are quite natural,
the interior of a tree which grew a bit different from its brothers of the
jungle, having a hollow base.  The floor is of the soft dirt of the jungle,
covered in dried jungle leaves that may have blown in years ago and turned
brittle with age.  No blankets lie upon the ground - the only change from
nature's intent here is the small firepit which glows red in the center of this
312 268 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31283
In a Lion's Den~
   Now this can not have been a choice made intentionally.  Who in the world
would walk into a lion's den by themselves and attempt to do battle...?  
312 264 0 0 0 0
0 -1 31282
A Leaf Shrouded Section of the Jungle~
   The way through this area would be impassable were it not for the fact that
the leaves which block all sight and direction are easily removable.  Any
direction looks as good as the other - its all leaves every which way.  
312 0 0 0 0 3
0 -1 31223
0 -1 31281