/* ************************************************************************
*  file:  plrtoascii.c                                     Part of tbaMUD *
*  Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 - see 'license.doc' for complete information. *
*  All Rights Reserved                                                    *
************************************************************************* */

#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"

#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "pfdefaults.h"

// first some stock circle 3.0 defines. Change where appropriate.
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH		20  /* Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */

#define MAX_PWD_LENGTH		30  /* Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
#define MAX_TITLE_LENGTH	80  /* Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
#define HOST_LENGTH		40  /* Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
#define MAX_TONGUE		3   /* Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
#define MAX_SKILLS		200 /* Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
#define MAX_AFFECT		32  /* Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */

/* Char's abilities.  Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
struct char_ability_data_plrtoascii {
   sbyte str;
   sbyte str_add;      /* 000 - 100 if strength 18             */
   sbyte intel;
   sbyte wis;
   sbyte dex;
   sbyte con;
   sbyte cha;

/* Char's points.  Used in char_file_u *DO*NOT*CHANGE* */
struct char_point_data_plrtoascii {
   sh_int mana;
   sh_int max_mana;     /* Max mana for PC/NPC			   */
   sh_int hit;
   sh_int max_hit;      /* Max hit for PC/NPC                      */
   sh_int move;
   sh_int max_move;     /* Max move for PC/NPC                     */

   sh_int armor;        /* Internal -100..100, external -10..10 AC */
   int	gold;           /* Money carried                           */
   int	bank_gold;	/* Gold the char has in a bank account	   */
   int	exp;            /* The experience of the player            */

   sbyte hitroll;       /* Any bonus or penalty to the hit roll    */
   sbyte damroll;       /* Any bonus or penalty to the damage roll */

 * char_special_data_saved: specials which both a PC and an NPC have in
 * common, but which must be saved to the playerfile for PC's.
 * WARNING:  Do not change this structure.  Doing so will ruin the
 * playerfile.  If you want to add to the playerfile, use the spares
 * in player_special_data.
struct char_special_data_saved_plrtoascii {
   int	alignment;		/* +-1000 for alignments                */
   long	idnum;			/* player's idnum; -1 for mobiles	*/
   long /*bitvector_t*/ act;	/* act flag for NPC's; player flag for PC's */

   long /*bitvector_t*/	affected_by;
				/* Bitvector for spells/skills affected by */
   sh_int apply_saving_throw[5]; /* Saving throw (Bonuses)		*/

struct player_special_data_saved_plrtoascii {
   byte skills[MAX_SKILLS+1];	/* array of skills plus skill 0		*/
   byte PADDING0;		/* used to be spells_to_learn		*/
   bool talks[MAX_TONGUE];	/* PC s Tongues 0 for NPC		*/
   int	wimp_level;		/* Below this # of hit points, flee!	*/
   byte freeze_level;		/* Level of god who froze char, if any	*/
   sh_int invis_level;		/* level of invisibility		*/
   room_vnum load_room;		/* Which room to place char in		*/
   long /*bitvector_t*/	pref;	/* preference flags for PC's.		*/
   ubyte bad_pws;		/* number of bad password attemps	*/
   sbyte conditions[3];         /* Drunk, full, thirsty			*/

   /* spares below for future expansion.  You can change the names from
      'sparen' to something meaningful, but don't change the order.  */

   ubyte spare0;
   ubyte spare1;
   ubyte spare2;
   ubyte spare3;
   ubyte spare4;
   ubyte page_length;
   int spells_to_learn;		/* How many can you learn yet this level*/
   int olc_zone;
   int spare8;
   int spare9;
   int spare10;
   int spare11;
   int spare12;
   int spare13;
   int spare14;
   int spare15;
   int spare16;
   long	spare17;
   long	spare18;
   long	spare19;
   long	spare20;
   long	spare21;

struct affected_type_plrtoascii {
   sh_int type;          /* The type of spell that caused this      */
   sh_int duration;      /* For how long its effects will last      */
   sbyte modifier;       /* This is added to apropriate ability     */
   byte location;        /* Tells which ability to change(APPLY_XXX)*/
   long /*bitvector_t*/	bitvector; /* Tells which bits to set (AFF_XXX) */

   struct affected_type_plrtoascii *next;

/* ==================== File Structure for Player ======================= */
/*             BEWARE: Changing it will ruin the playerfile		  */
struct char_file_u_plrtoascii {
   /* char_player_data */
   char	name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1];
   char	description[PLR_DESC_LENGTH];
   char	title[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH+1];
   byte sex;
   byte chclass;
   byte level;
   sh_int hometown;
   time_t birth;   /* Time of birth of character     */
   int	played;    /* Number of secs played in total */
   ubyte weight;
   ubyte height;

   char	pwd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH+1];    /* character's password */

   struct char_special_data_saved_plrtoascii char_specials_saved;
   struct player_special_data_saved_plrtoascii player_specials_saved;
   struct char_ability_data_plrtoascii abilities;
   struct char_point_data_plrtoascii points;
   struct affected_type_plrtoascii affected[MAX_AFFECT];

   time_t last_logon;		/* Time (in secs) of last logon */
   char host[HOST_LENGTH+1];	/* host of last logon */
/* ====================================================================== */

int sprintascii(char *out, bitvector_t bits);
int plr_filename(char *orig_name, char *filename);

void convert(char *filename)
  FILE *fl, *outfile, *index_file;
  struct char_file_u_plrtoascii player;
  char index_name[40], outname[40], bits[127];
  int i, j;
  struct char_special_data_saved_plrtoascii *csds;
  struct player_special_data_saved_plrtoascii *psds;
  struct char_ability_data_plrtoascii *cad;
  struct char_point_data_plrtoascii *cpd;
  struct affected_type_plrtoascii *aff;

  if (!(fl = fopen(filename, "r+"))) {
    perror("error opening playerfile");
  sprintf(index_name, "%s%s", LIB_PLRFILES, INDEX_FILE);
  if (!(index_file = fopen(index_name, "w"))) {
    perror("error opening index file");
  for (;;) {
    j = fread(&player, sizeof(struct char_file_u_plrtoascii), 1, fl);
    if (feof(fl)) {

    if (!plr_filename(player.name, outname))
    printf("writing: %s\n", outname);

    fprintf(index_file, "%ld %s %d 0 %ld\n", 
	player.char_specials_saved.idnum, bits, player.level,

    if (!(outfile = fopen(outname, "w"))) {
      printf("error opening output file");

/* char_file_u */
    if (player.name)
      fprintf(outfile, "Name: %s\n", player.name);
    if (player.pwd)
      fprintf(outfile, "Pass: %s\n", player.pwd);
    if (player.title)
      fprintf(outfile, "Titl: %s\n", player.title);
    if (player.description && *player.description)
      fprintf(outfile, "Desc:\n%s~\n", player.description);
    if (player.sex != PFDEF_SEX)
      fprintf(outfile, "Sex : %d\n", (int)player.sex); 
    if (player.chclass != PFDEF_CLASS)
      fprintf(outfile, "Clas: %d\n", (int)player.chclass); 
    if (player.level != PFDEF_LEVEL)
      fprintf(outfile, "Levl: %d\n", (int)player.level); 
    fprintf(outfile, "Brth: %d\n", (int)player.birth);
    fprintf(outfile, "Plyd: %d\n", (int)player.played);
    fprintf(outfile, "Last: %d\n", (int)player.last_logon);
    fprintf(outfile, "Host: %s\n", player.host);
    if (player.height != PFDEF_HEIGHT)
      fprintf(outfile, "Hite: %d\n", (int)player.height);
    if (player.weight != PFDEF_WEIGHT)
      fprintf(outfile, "Wate: %d\n", (int)player.weight);

/* char_special_data_saved */
    csds = &(player.char_specials_saved);
    if (csds->alignment != PFDEF_ALIGNMENT)
      fprintf(outfile, "Alin: %d\n", csds->alignment);
    fprintf(outfile, "Id  : %d\n", (int)csds->idnum);
    if (csds->act != PFDEF_PLRFLAGS)
      fprintf(outfile, "Act : %d\n", (int)csds->act);
    if (csds->affected_by != PFDEF_AFFFLAGS) {
      sprintascii(bits, csds->affected_by);
      fprintf(outfile, "Aff : %s\n", bits);
    if (csds->apply_saving_throw[0] != PFDEF_SAVETHROW)
      fprintf(outfile, "Thr1: %d\n", csds->apply_saving_throw[0]);
    if (csds->apply_saving_throw[1] != PFDEF_SAVETHROW)
      fprintf(outfile, "Thr2: %d\n", csds->apply_saving_throw[1]);
    if (csds->apply_saving_throw[2] != PFDEF_SAVETHROW)
      fprintf(outfile, "Thr3: %d\n", csds->apply_saving_throw[2]);
    if (csds->apply_saving_throw[3] != PFDEF_SAVETHROW)
      fprintf(outfile, "Thr4: %d\n", csds->apply_saving_throw[3]);
    if (csds->apply_saving_throw[4] != PFDEF_SAVETHROW)
      fprintf(outfile, "Thr5: %d\n", csds->apply_saving_throw[4]);

/* player_special_data_saved */
    psds = &(player.player_specials_saved);
    if (player.level < LVL_IMMORT) {
      fprintf(outfile, "Skil:\n");
      for (i = 1; i <= MAX_SKILLS; i++) {
	if (psds->skills[i])
	  fprintf(outfile, "%d %d\n", i, (int)psds->skills[i]);
      fprintf(outfile, "0 0\n");
    if (psds->wimp_level != PFDEF_WIMPLEV)
      fprintf(outfile, "Wimp: %d\n", psds->wimp_level);
    if (psds->freeze_level != PFDEF_FREEZELEV)
      fprintf(outfile, "Frez: %d\n", (int)psds->freeze_level);
    if (psds->invis_level != PFDEF_INVISLEV)
      fprintf(outfile, "Invs: %d\n", (int)psds->invis_level);
    if (psds->load_room != PFDEF_LOADROOM)
      fprintf(outfile, "Room: %d\n", (int)psds->load_room);
    if (psds->pref != PFDEF_PREFFLAGS) {
      sprintascii(bits, psds->pref);
      fprintf(outfile, "Pref: %s\n", bits);
    if (psds->conditions[HUNGER] && player.level < LVL_IMMORT &&
	psds->conditions[HUNGER] != PFDEF_HUNGER)
      fprintf(outfile, "Hung: %d\n", (int)psds->conditions[0]);
    if (psds->conditions[THIRST] && player.level < LVL_IMMORT &&
	psds->conditions[THIRST] != PFDEF_THIRST)
      fprintf(outfile, "Thir: %d\n", (int)psds->conditions[1]);
    if (psds->conditions[2] && player.level < LVL_IMMORT &&
	psds->conditions[DRUNK] != PFDEF_DRUNK)
      fprintf(outfile, "Drnk: %d\n", (int)psds->conditions[2]);
    if (psds->spells_to_learn != PFDEF_PRACTICES)
      fprintf(outfile, "Lern: %d\n", (int)psds->spells_to_learn);

/* char_ability_data */
    cad = &(player.abilities);
    if (cad->str != PFDEF_STR || cad->str_add != PFDEF_STRADD)
      fprintf(outfile, "Str : %d/%d\n", cad->str, cad->str_add);
    if (cad->intel != PFDEF_INT)
      fprintf(outfile, "Int : %d\n", cad->intel);
    if (cad->wis != PFDEF_WIS)
      fprintf(outfile, "Wis : %d\n", cad->wis);
    if (cad->dex != PFDEF_DEX)
      fprintf(outfile, "Dex : %d\n", cad->dex);
    if (cad->con != PFDEF_CON)
      fprintf(outfile, "Con : %d\n", cad->con);
    if (cad->cha != PFDEF_CHA)
      fprintf(outfile, "Cha : %d\n", cad->cha);

/* char_point_data */
    cpd = &(player.points);
    if (cpd->hit != PFDEF_HIT || cpd->max_hit != PFDEF_MAXHIT)
      fprintf(outfile, "Hit : %d/%d\n", cpd->hit, cpd->max_hit);
    if (cpd->mana != PFDEF_MANA || cpd->max_mana != PFDEF_MAXMANA)
      fprintf(outfile, "Mana: %d/%d\n", cpd->mana, cpd->max_mana);
    if (cpd->move != PFDEF_MOVE || cpd->max_move != PFDEF_MAXMOVE)
      fprintf(outfile, "Move: %d/%d\n", cpd->move, cpd->max_move);
    if (cpd->armor != PFDEF_AC)
      fprintf(outfile, "Ac  : %d\n", cpd->armor);
    if (cpd->gold != PFDEF_GOLD)
      fprintf(outfile, "Gold: %d\n", cpd->gold);
    if (cpd->bank_gold != PFDEF_BANK)
      fprintf(outfile, "Bank: %d\n", cpd->bank_gold);
    if (cpd->exp != PFDEF_EXP)
      fprintf(outfile, "Exp : %d\n", cpd->exp);
    if (cpd->hitroll != PFDEF_HITROLL)
      fprintf(outfile, "Hrol: %d\n", cpd->hitroll);
    if (cpd->damroll != PFDEF_DAMROLL)
      fprintf(outfile, "Drol: %d\n", cpd->damroll);

/* affected_type */
    fprintf(outfile, "Affs:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_AFFECT; i++) {
      aff = &(player.affected[i]);
      if (aff->type)
	fprintf(outfile, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", aff->type, aff->duration,
	  aff->modifier, aff->location, (int)aff->bitvector);
    fprintf(outfile, "0 0 0 0 0\n");


int main(int argc, char **argv)
  if (argc != 2)
    printf("Usage: %s playerfile-name\n", argv[0]);

  return 0;

int sprintascii(char *out, bitvector_t bits)
  int i, j = 0;
  /* 32 bits, don't just add letters to try to get more unless your bitvector_t is also as large. */
  char *flags = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEF";

  for (i = 0; flags[i] != '\0'; i++)
    if (bits & (1 << i))
      out[j++] = flags[i];

  if (j == 0) /* Didn't write anything. */
    out[j++] = '0';

  /* NUL terminate the output string. */
  out[j++] = '\0';
  return j;

int plr_filename(char *orig_name, char *filename)
  const char *middle;
  char name[64], *ptr;

  if (orig_name == NULL || *orig_name == '\0' || filename == NULL) {
    perror("error getting player file name");
    return (0);

  strcpy(name, orig_name);
  for (ptr = name; *ptr; ptr++)
    *ptr = LOWER(*ptr);

  switch (LOWER(*name)) {
  case 'a':  case 'b':  case 'c':  case 'd':  case 'e':
    middle = "A-E";
  case 'f':  case 'g':  case 'h':  case 'i':  case 'j':
    middle = "F-J";
  case 'k':  case 'l':  case 'm':  case 'n':  case 'o':
    middle = "K-O";
  case 'p':  case 'q':  case 'r':  case 's':  case 't':
    middle = "P-T";
  case 'u':  case 'v':  case 'w':  case 'x':  case 'y':  case 'z':
    middle = "U-Z";
    middle = "ZZZ";

  sprintf(filename, "%s%s"SLASH"%s.%s", LIB_PLRFILES, middle, name, SUF_PLR);
  return (1);