/* ************************************************************************
*  Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 - see 'license.doc' for complete information. *
************************************************************************* */


PC's  ~ Players
NPC's ~ Non Players (Monsters)
<name> is used for short names
[x..y] is used to indicate min and max

PC's level [0..20], level [21..24] is special, not useable in gameplay.
NPC's level [0..30]

All PC's and NPC's have following abilities <ABIL>:

  Strength     <STR>
    <PC>  [3..18/100]
    <NPC> [0..25]

  Dexterity    <DEX>
    <PC>  [3..18]
    <NPC> [0..25]

  Intelligence <INT>
    <PC>  [3..18]
    <NPC> [0..25]

  Wisdom       <WIS>
    <PC>  [3..18]
    <NPC> [0..25]

  Constitution <CON>
    <PC>  [3..18]
    <NPC> [0..25]

All PC's must select one of four classes :

  Magic User <MU>
  Cleric     <CL>
  Thief      <TH>       
  Warrior    <WA>

Every PC class have a Primary ability (requisite) <PR> :

  <MU> <INT>
  <CL> <WIS>
  <TH> <DEX>
  <WA> <STR>

When creating a new <PC>, the <PC>'s <ABIL> are calculated as:

   NOTE: This is when being raised from level 0 to level 1!

   The size of the <ABIL> dice, is determined by rolling 4 1d6 dice,
   and adding the sum of the three largest dice.
   The <ABIL> is sorted and assigned a <PC> in descending order,
   depending on the class.

   <MU> == <INT> <WIS> <DEX> <STR> <CON>
   <CL> == <WIS> <INT> <STR> <DEX> <CON>
   <TH> == <DEX> <STR> <CON> <INT> <WIS>
   <WA> == <STR> <DEX> <CON> <WIS> <INT>

   <HP>   base is set as 10
   <MANA> is allways set to 100
   Set level as 1
   Set exp as 1
   Set theives abilities as basic.

   Call the "Advance Level" routines!

  <HP> ~ Hitpoints

  <PC>'s gain in the following range when advancing a level.
    <WA> [10..15]  Average (12.5)
    <TH> [7..13]   Average (10.0)
    <CL> [5..10]   Average  (7.5)
    <MA> [3..8]    Average  (5.5)

Advancing a level (<PC>'s only):
        <HP> is gained as above
        "Spells to learn" is increased by
          MIN(1, WIS_APPLY) for <WA> & <TH>
          MIN(2, WIS_APPLY) for <MU> & <CL>

<NPC> <ABIL> follow <PC>'s <ABIL> up to level 20, with the
  exception that NPC may have 0 in abilities. Only unusual
  <NPC>'s are assigned abilities.

  <PR> may be in 18/00..100 for Warriors ONLY!

============================= MONSTER LOOKUP ==============================

This is general guidelines for creating monsters. This is when creating
"S"impel monsters. Detailed monsters require a great deal of care when
designing, and it is not really worth it.

The idea is that a X level fighter is equal to about a X level monster!
This implies that the <THAC0> ought to decrease by one every level
(starting at '20' on level 1 - minimum is '1' from level 20+). The damage
given by a monster is also important - average weapon damage is at the
moment 1d8.

          <HP>             <EXP>    <THAC0>     <AC>       <DAM>

  0    [001..010]           [25]       20        10        1d4+0 (2.5)

  1    [011..022]          [100]       20         9        1d5+0 (3.0)

  2    [023..035]          [200]       19         8        1d6+0 (3.5)

  3    [036..047]          [350]       18         7        1d7+0 (4.0)

  4    [048..060]          [600]       17         6        1d8+0 (4.5)

  5    [061..072]          [900]       16         5        2d4+0 (5.0)

  6    [073..085]         [1500]       15         4        1d8+1 (5.5)

  7    [086..097]         [2250]       14         4        2d4+1 (6.0)

  8    [098..110]         [3750]       13         3        2d5+1 (7.0)

  9    [111..122]         [6000]       12         3        2d5+1 (7.0)

 10    [123..135]         [9000]       11         2        2d6+1 (8.0)

 11    [136..147]        [11000]       10         2        2d6+1 (8.0)

 12    [148..160]        [13000]        9         2        2d7+1 (9.0)

 13    [161..172]        [16000]        8         2        2d7+1 (9.0)

 14    [173..185]        [18000]        7         1        2d8+1 (10.0)

 15    [186..197]        [21000]        6         1        2d8+2 (11.0)

 16    [198..210]        [24000]        5         1        2d8+2 (11.0)

 17    [211..222]        [28000]        4         1        3d6+2 (12.5)

 18    [223..235]        [30000]        3         0        3d6+2 (12.5)

 19    [236..247]        [35000]        2         0        3d6+3 (13.5)

 20    [248..260]        [40000]        1         0        3d6+4 (14.5) /* Minor Demons */

Above level 20 is for NPC's only

 21    [261..350]        [50000]        0        -1        3d7+4 (16.0)

 22    [351..400]        [60000]        0        -1        3d8+4 (17.5)

 23    [401..450]        [80000]        0        -2        3d8+4 (17.5) /* Shopkeepers, Important Guards */

 24    [451..500]       [100000]        0        -3        3d8+4 (17.5) /* Guildmasters       */

 25    [501..550]       [130000]        0        -4        4d6+4 (18.0)

 26    [551..600]       [155000]        0        -6        4d6+4 (18.0) /* Major Demons/ Devils */

 27    [601..650]       [200000]        0        -7        4d6+4 (18.0) /* Demi Gods */

 28    [651..700]       [310000]        0        -8        4d6+5 (19.0) /* Lesser Gods */

 29    [701..900]       [450000]        0        -9        4d7+5 (21.0) /* Demon Lords/Arch Devils */

 30    [901..1000]      [600000]        0       -10        4d8+5 (23.0)/* Greater Gods       */

------------------------------ GUIDELINES ---------------------------------


In DikuMud it is possible to create all kinds of Magic items - but to avoid
chaos (having 1st levels kill 20 level dragons) these rules for Magic must
be obeyed.

It is possible to create almost any item. Items can (example) change the
<STR>, <DEX>, <WIS>, <INT>, <CON>, <HP>, Age, Weight, Height, XP,
etc. None of these changes are directly permanent in effetct, but may be
so indirectly - example:

  Iggy found a helmet of Increase Wisdom/Intelligence (some + modifier).
  When Iggy wears this helmet - these abilities improve, when he removes
  the helmet they return to their original state. Thus no direct change
  has happened.  BUT if Iggy practices spells (upon which INT and WIS
  determines the rate & success) he will learn them much faster than
  normal.  This was an example of an indirect change.

Good ideas when making Magic Items:

NEVER use large modifiers, exceptional items should modify at most by +3.
  This includes, swords, armours, ability changes.

Impose a penalty on the Item - for example make a helmet of wisdom may
  at the same time reduce the constitution. Or maybe a ring of masochism -
  when you wear it your MAX-HITPOINT increase by +200, when you remove it
  they disappear again.  The ring likes to remove itself from the finger.



Major Demon  == Balrog/etc.
Demon Lords  == Orcus/etc.
Demi Gods    == ??
Lesser Gods  == Heimdal/Sif/etc.
Greater Gods == Thor/Odin/etc.
Arch Devil   == Asmodeus/etc.

When creating monsters pay attention to the table above.

Example of Monsters:



<AC> range from [10..-10] this is what it means :

AC  10 = Naked person
AC   0 = Very heavily armoured person (Full plate mail at *all* body parts)
AC -10 = Armored Tank (Hopefully impossible for players)

     Percentwise Coverage of Armour
        and allowed AC range

Location  Protects   Range
--------  --------   -----

Body        30%      [1..10]
Head        20%      [1..10]
Legs        20%      [1..10]
Feet        10%      [1..10]
Arms        10%      [1..10]
Hands       10%      [1..10]

Shield      10%      [1..10]
Magic       10%      [1..10]


 AC     BODY    LEGS    HEAD    ARMS    FEET       ARMOUR
----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----       ------
 +1      100      50      50      25      25       Cloth (Heavy)
 +2      200     100     100      50      50       Soft Leather
 +3      500     150     150      75      75       Studded Leather
 +4    1,000     500     500     250     250       Scale Mail
 +5    2,500   1,250   1,250     625     625       Chain Mail
 +6    7,000   3,500   3,500   1,750   1,750       Bronze Plate Mail
 +7   18,000   9,000   9,000   4,500   4,500       Plate Mail
 +8   35,000  17,500  17,500   8,750   8,750       Field Plate Mail
 +9   50,000  25,000  25,000  12,500  12,500       Full Plate
+10   75,000  37,500  37,500  18,750  18,750       Anti Bomb ShieldPlate

*Hands and shields should be regarded as arms.

Rare items may only exist in minimal quantities!
Especially you should limit the occurence of
magical protection, since it is easy to carry.


Weapons & Carrying capacity

The weight of a weapon determines the strength needed to wield the weapon,
these values should be used:

STR     Max. Weapon Weight    Carrying capacity
---     ------------------    -----------------
  0           0                      0
  1           1                      3
  2           2                      3
  3           3                     10
  4           4                     25
  5           5                     55
  6           6                     80
  7           7                     90
  8           8                    100
  9           9                    100
 10          10                    115
 11          11                    115
 12          12                    140
 13          13                    140
 14          14                    170
 15          15                    170
 16          16                    195
 17          18                    220
 18          20                    255
 18/01..50   22                    280
 18/51..75   24                    305
 18/76..90   26                    330
 18/91..99   28                    380
 18/100      30                    480

Strength above 18/100 is only used by NPC's - not used by players.
No weapon may ever exceed 30 pounds in weight.

There are three kind of weapons :
  (S)lashing  (Not useable by Clerics)

Backstabbing is only possible with piercing weapons.

No weapon may ever exceed 4d6 damage (as total of magic bouns too)!
   (4d6 is 14 damage as average since 4*((1+6)/2)==14)
No weapon may ever exceed 30 pounds in weight.

No shop-produced weapon may exceed 2d8 in total damage or weigh more
   than 20 pounds.

Read notes regarding Magic before making a monster-slayer +50 +70 
  with +800 to strength


Name               Damage    Type    Cost    Weight   Cost_pr_day     
---------------    -----     ----    ----    ------   -----------
Dagger              1d4       P        10       1       Cost/3 
Small sword         1d6       P        60       3       Cost/3 
Long sword          1d8       S       600       8       Cost/3
Wooden Club         1d3       B        12       3       Cost/3
War hammer          1d5       B        50       6       Cost/3


<THAC0> this is the number needed to roll on a 20-sided dice to hit
        opponent <AC> equivalent of zero. A 20 is always considered
        a hit, a 1 is always a miss. Example:

          Your <THAC0> is 14 (ei. level 7 fighter). You are fighting
          an opponent with <AC> '3'. Thus to hit <AC> 0 you must
          roll a 14 or greater. To hit <AC> 3 you must then roll
          11 (14-3) or greater. If you had to hit <AC> '-3' you
          would have to roll 17 (14-(-3)) or greater on a 20 sided