Welcome to CircleMUD 2.2!

Before doing anything else, please look at license.doc in the circle/doc

Also, out of courtesy if nothing else, please keep the 'credits' file
intact.  You can add your own credits on top of the existing file, but
I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't simply remove it and all references
to the word "Circle" everywhere in the MUD.

If you're like me, you don't like to read a lot of documentation when you
have a neat new toy to play with.  In fact, if you've even read THIS far,
I'm impressed!

Briefly, here are a few tips on how to get started quickly:

*  All source code is in the /src directory.  Before compiling, take a
   look at the beginning of the Makefile and set options as required for
   your operating system.   Type 'make' to compile only the main Circle
   server; type 'make all' to make the server as well as Circle's dozen
   or so maintenance utilities.  running.doc in the doc/ directory has
   more information about compiling and compatibility.

*  The server should be run from Circle's root directory.  For debugging
   and testing, you can just type 'bin/circle'; to run the game "for real,"
   use the 'autorun' script -- it automatically reboots the game if it
   crashes, and handles moving old system logs into the /log directory.
   The game will run on port 4000 by default.

*  The first character who logs in to the game will be made a level 34 god.
   The first god can then use the 'advance' command to create other gods.
   Use the 'wizhelp' command to get a list of god commands; use the
   'commands' command to get a list of other commands.

*  For security purposes (i.e., to prevent all Hell from breaking loose
   if someone hacks a god character), most of the god commands do not have
   on-line documentation.  God commands are documented in the doc/wizhelp.doc
   file.  Wizhelp.doc is in the standard help file format; if you're willing
   to sacrifice security for convenience, you can incorporate the help for
   the wizard commands into the on-line help file by appending wizhelp.doc
   on to lib/text/help_table.

There is a wealth of additional information in the files in the /doc
directory.  The README file in the /doc directory describes what is in
each of the documentation files.  If you're just getting started, you
may be interested in 'running.doc' -- it gives more detailed information
about compiling, running, maintaining, and day-to-day administration of

If you have strange problems -- and you can't figure out the answer by
reading the docs -- feel free to write me at the address below.

Good luck, and have fun!

Jeremy Elson
aka Ras/Rasmussen

Version 2.20 release: November 17, 1993
Version 2.11 release: September 19, 1993
Version 2.10 release: September 1, 1993
Version 2.02 release: Late August sometime..
Version 2.01 release: Early August sometime..
Version 2.00 release: July 16, 1993