isha elf~
Isha the Dark Elf~
Isha the Dark Elf is here, observing you silently.
She is no less than beautiful, skin as dark as the night and hair shining like
silver in the moonlight.  Her slender body is adorned with a sleeveless shirt
and a short skirt made from black scales joined with silver threads.  Her back
is covered by a large, hooded cloak as black as her skin and in her broad
silver belt hangs a long, slender sword in a silver scabbard.
2051 524296 -1000 S
20 1 0 1d12+245 3d6+4
5000 40000
8 8 2
death reaper~
Death the Grim Reaper is observing you silently from empty eye sockets.
The dark-robed skeletal figure radiates an unendurable coldness.
3 524296 -1000 S
30 0 -10 1d1+665 10d15+20
0 500000
8 8 0