This is release 1.2F of TinyMUCK, a user-extendible multi-user
adventure game.  Please see the CHANGES file for a list of changes
from the previous version.

TinyMUCK was derived from TinyMUD v1.5.2, with extensive modifications.
There are two new commands: @action and @attach, and two new flags:
CHOWN_OK and JUMP_OK.  It also has options for users of FireFoot's patches.

Note:	TinyMUCK will read, without modification, any TinyMUD
	This version of TinyMUCK is backward compatible in terms of
	databases with all previous MUD/MUCK databases, but it writes
	out databases in it's own unique format.

There is documentation in the file muck.doc.

As far as copyright, I don't particularly care what you do with this
program.  Use at your own risk, please don't try to make money from

Compiling TinyMUCK:

The code is written in ANSI C, and is known to compile and run under
ULTRIX/BSD 4.3 on a VAX 8600, VAX 6400, and a MicroVAX.  As far as
other platforms, you're on your own.

Programs contained in the distribution:


 This is the actual server program; it is invoked as 

    netmuck source-file dump-file [port]

If port is not specified it defaults to 4201.  The initial database
will be read in from source-file, which must contain at least the two
objects in minimal.db to work well.  The file small.db, which contains
the core of the original TinyMUD universe, may be a better place to
start a new universe from.  The netmuck process will write a checkpoint
out to dump-file every 60000 seconds; the interval can be changed by
setting DUMP_INTERVAL in config.h.


  This is a c-shell script which starts the netmuck program.
  It is invoked as:

    restart dbase-prefix
    restart minimal

    This will restart the netmuck process using the file,
    or, failing that, the file minimal.db.  The source file is renamed
    and the output is sent to  See the shell script for
    more info.


 Usage: decompress < compressed-db-file > uncompressed-db-file

 Removes compression from a database file that has been generated by
 netmuck using the -DCOMPRESS compile-time option.

The TinyMUD programs "dump", "sanity-check", "extract" and "paths" have
not yet been converted to the TinyMUCK database format.

I hope that you enjoy using TinyMUCK.  Please send all bug reports, etc.

Stephen "Ghondahrl" White, March 22, 1990.

Stephen White has since then stopped working on MUCK code, and so I'm
now "the guy" supporting it.

As with him, I don't really care what you do with it, just send me any
patches that you've made so that I can put them into the next release.
I most definitely do not want tens of thousands of "patches" out there
for TinyMUCK --- it makes it hard for me to make the database format
backward-compatible for your benefit.

Sanity has been put back into the package.  It is run by typing:

	sanity <dbasefile >reportfile

And will print its progress as it proceeds.

I may be contacted by mailing to:

or when that fails,

Lachesis    May 5, 1990.