                      =====>DM COMMANDS<======

*ac [player]
    DM ac sets the DM's hp and mp to max and displays the DM's
    current hp, mp, THAC0 and ac.  If *ac is followed by a player's
    name, then the player's current hp, mp, THAC0 and ac are 

*add r <room number>
    DM add room allows a DM to create a new (empty) room for
    the given room number.  The DM will be notified if the room already 

*append [-sn] <text...>
    DM append will append the given text to the end of a room's
    description.  The defualt will append the line at a separate line
    at the end of the long room description.

    -s   append text at the end of the short room description.

    -n   append the text line to the end of the last line of the
         description.  Normally append would create a new line for
         appended text.

    -sn  or -ns will append the text line to the end of the last line
         in the short description.

     There is no line or screen length checking or line formatting.
     Also the newly appended line is not saved until the room is saved.

*broad [-n] <message ....>
     DM broadecho displays the given message to all the player currently 
     logged in (and nobroad cleared).  The message will be preceded by '### ' 
     if the -n flag is not set.  Otherwise, if the -n flag is given, the
     message will appear without the leading '###'

*create <object number> 
     DM create adds the given object to the DM's inventory list.

*echo <message ...>
     DM echo echoes the given message to all players in the room.  The
     message is free of format, and will appear as typed.

*finger <player> [name]
     DM will finger the given player site, and return a list of all 
     currently logged on users.  If a name parameter is given, then
     only the given individual at the player's site will be fingered.

     DM creature / object flush allows a DM to flush the memory
     of all objects and monsters, thus allowing new updates to
     be loaded.

*force <player> <action>
     DM player force allows a DM for force a given player to perform
     a given action.  A DM cannot force a player to commit suicide.

*gcast [-r] <spell name>
     The global cast command allows a dm to cast a spell on all the
     currently logged in players (excluding players under dm invis.) 
     Gcastallows a dm to cast: protect, bless, resist-magic, resist-fire, 
     detect-magic, detect-invisibbilty, fly, levitatate,know alignment,
     vigor, mend wound, heal, and restore.  If the "-r" flag is set, then
     gcast will only be casted on players in the current room.  DMs can
     cast all the "global spells" for room cast, and in addition, the
     DM can cast word of recall on all the players in the room.  The
     duration of spells will last approximately one hour real time.

*group <player name>
     The dm_group command will list the names of all the characters
     in the given player's group as well as the person the given player
     is following..

     DM info displays the current memory usage by the game, as well as
     the total number of players logged in and waiting in the queue.

     Toggles DM invisibility.  DM invisibility will allow a DM to
     move around unseen by players.  Note:  If a DM attacks a monster
     while invisible, the DM's name will appear in the monsters current
     enemy list.

*list <o/m/r> 
     DM list will list all the objects (o), creatures (c), or
     rooms (r).  Type *list for a complete list of flags for the
     *list command.

     DM lockout allows the DM to reload the list of lockout sites.

*log [r]
     DM log displays the mordor game log.
     f *log is followed by an 'r', then the current game
     log is removed. 

*monster <creature number> [n #]
     DM monster creates and adds the given n monster to the DM's
     current room.  If the monster number if followed by an 'n' and
     a number then that number of monsters will appear.

*name <name ...>
     DM name allows a DM to rename the current room.  *name does not 
     automatically save the room's new name.  (Use *save to do so.
     *reload will restore the room's original name, provided the
     room hasn't been saved)

*parameter [dsr]
     DM set parameter allows a DM to change an update time

     d     Flag displays the time for random monster update,
           time to next shutdown, ship sailing interval, and
           time to next set sail.

     r #  Sets the random monster update time interval
           to the given value.  Default is 10.

     s  #  The s flag, by itself causes the ship to set 
           sail.  If the s flag is followed by a number,
           (greater than 1), then the sailing interval will be
           set to the given number..

*perm <object>
     DM perm allows a DM to make the given object (on the floor) 
     into a permanent object.

*prepend [-sn] <text...>
      DM prepend command prepends the given text to the beginning of
      a description.  In all other aspects prepend is identical to

      DM purge will clear a room of all monsters and objects.

      DM reload allows a DM to reload a room back from disk.

*replace [-D] <key word> <replacement phrase>
    DM replace will search the DM's current room's description for the
    the given key word and replace the keyword with the given
    replacement phrase.  The key word must be a single word, without
    spaces or tabs.  The replacement phrase can contain multiple words,
    spaces, or any other printable character. If the '-D' switch is
    given, followed by a '<deletement phrase>' DM replace will search
    the room's description for the given <deletement phrase> and deleted
    it from the room's description.  DM replace does not reformat a rooms
    description and is not automatically saved (The new description will
    be saved by *save, or when the room is removed from memory.  A 
    *reload, before the room is saved, will restore the old description).

    DM room number, displays the room number.

    DM room save saves the current state (perm objects, perm monsters, etc)
    of a room.

*send <message>
    DM send will display the given message to all DMs and 
    Caretakers (with nobroad cleared).

*shutdown [minutes]
     DM shutdown allows the DM to shutdown the game with a 1 minute 
     warning. If *shutdown is followed by number, the shutdown will
     occur in the given number of minutes. 

*silence <player> [cm]
     Dm silence will silence (set broadcast number to 0) the given 
     c   display remaining and maximum number of broadcasts for
         for the given player.
     m   followed by a number will set the players remaining
         number of broadcasts to the given number.

*spy <player>
     DM spy allows the DM to spy on the selected play. The DM 
      will see all the players actions, and messages.  Typing
      *spy again, will turn the spy function off. 
      Note:  if a player logs off you need to manually turn off
      the *spy command.

*set  <o/c/r/x>
     DM set allows the DM to modify a creature, player, object, room
     or exit.  The parameters vary depending on what is being set.

*set o <object> [#] [creature] <attribute> [value]
     Set attributes on the #th object.  Type *set o for
     more information on the attributes.

*set c/p/m <name> [#] <attribute> [value]
     Sets the attributes for the given player or creature.
     If a creature name is followed by a number, then the
     #th creature will be affected.  Type *set c for more 
     information on the attributes.
*set r <attribute> [value]
     Sets the attributes for the current room.  Type *set r for
     information on the attributes.

*set xf <exit> <number>
     Sets or unsets the given exit's flag for the given number.

*set x <name> <room number> [<name2>]
     Creates 'name' exit to room number.  If value '0' is used from
     room number, the exit will be deleted.  If the given exit name
     is a abbrivation (n,nw,e, etc) of a standard exit then the
     abbrivation name will be expanded to he standard exit (north,
     northwest, east, etc).  If  name2 is given and the room exists
     for the given room number, the rooms will be linked in both
     directions, (name2 will be the name of the exit back to the
     current room).

*set x bl <number>
     Will set the lower level boundary to the value of  <number>.

*set x bh <number>
     Will set the upper level boundary to the value of  <number>.

*set x x <number>
     Sets the trap type <number> in the current room.

*status [obj/player/crt] [player/creature]
     DM status displays the status of a room, object, monster or player.
     *status        show the status of the room.
     *status o/c/p  show status of the given object/creature/player.
     *status o ply  show the status of object o on player ply.

*teleport [player1/room number] [player2]
     *t           teleport the DM to the Tree of Life.
     *t #         teleport the DM to room #.
     *t player    teleport the DM to player.
     *t ply1 ply2 teleport ply1 to ply2.
     *t ply1 .    teleport player1 to the DM.

     DM users displays the name, location, connection site, and idle
     time for all players currently on mordor.