                        >Exit Flags<

The following is a list and a brief description of all room exit
syntax: name              flag #  stat name    defined name 

The value for flag # includes the offset of +1

Hidden              1       Secret          XSECRT
    Hidden exits are hidden from view and can be found by search.

Invisible           2       Invisible       XINVIS
    Invisible exits will only be detected and usable by players
    currently under detect-invisiblity.

Locked              3       Locked          XLOCKED
    The exit is currently lock  A player needs to unlock the
    exit before opeing it.

Closed              4       Closed          XCLOSD
    The exit is currently closed.

Lockable            5       Lockable        XLOCKS
    A player can lock the exit if they have the correct key.

Clossable           6       Closable        XCLOSS
    A player can close the exit.

Unpickable          7       Un-pick         XUNPCK
    If an exit is locked, the exit is unpickable.
Weightless          8       Naked           XNAKED
    Players can't bring any equipment or weapons through the exit.

Climbing Up         9       ClimbUp         XCLIMB
    Player needs climbing gear to use the exit.  Climbing gear is not
    required, but a player might fall if they tried to use that exit.

Climb  Down         10      ClimbRepel          XREPEL
    Player needs climbing gear to use the exit.  Climbing gear is not
    required, but a player might fall if they tried to use that exit.

Difficult Climb     11      HardClimb           XDCLIM
    The player must have climbing gear or currently have levatation 
    spell or be using a levitation item to use exit.

Fly                 12      Fly                 XFLYSP
    The player must currently be under a fly spell to use the exit.

Female only         13      Female              XFEMAL
    Only females characters may use the exit.

Male only           14      Male                XMALES
    Only male characters may use the exit.

Kingdom / Pledge    14/15   Kingdom 0/1         XPLDGK / XKNGDM
    Only players that have pledged to a given kingdom may use the exit.
    The XPLDGK flag restricts the exit to pledged players while the
    XKNGDM denotes to which kingom the exit belongs.  If XKNGDM is not
    set, then the exit belongs to kingdom 0, otherwise the exit belongs
    to kingdom 1.

Night time          17       Night              XNGHTO
    The exit is only usable during the day (game time).

Day time            18       Day                XDATON
    The exit is only usable during the day (game time).

Gaurded             19      P-Guard             XPGUAR
    The exit is guarded by a passive guard monster.  The monster
    MPGUARD flag must also be set on the monster doing the guarding.
    A player will not be able to use the exit as long as the
    monster is present.

unseen exit         20      NoSee               XNOSEE
    The exit is unusable and invisible to players.  This flag is not
    normally used, except in cases of multiple timed exits.  (exits that
    periodically change room connections, based on a given time).