This is PernMush 1.17 updated for newer systems.  

This release was compiled and tested on the following platforms:

* Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1
  CYGWIN_NT-6.0 1.7.1(0.218/5/3) using (GCC) 4.5.3 
  CYGWIN_NT-6.0 1.7.1(0.218/5/3) using (GCC) 3.4.4 (cygming special)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v6.0 
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ Express 2010
  Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 (free compiler release)
  Embarcadero C++ 6.3.0 for Win32
  Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler Version 8.42n

* SuSE Linux
  gcc (SUSE Linux) version 4.4.1 (x86_64)

* CentOS Linux 5.5 x86_64
  gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51)

Previous releases were compiled and tested on the following platforms:

* Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 
  CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.18(0.132/4/2) using gcc 3.4.4 (cygming special)
  CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.18(0.136/4/2) using gcc 3.3.3 (cygming special)
  Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 (free compiler release)
  Borland C++ 5.3 for Win32 (Builder v3.0)
  Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler Version 8.42n
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v7.1 (Visual C++ Toolkit 2003)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v6.0
  Logiciels/Informatique lcc-win32 version 3.8 

* FreeBSD 5.3-BETA4 
  gcc version 3.4.2 [FreeBSD] 20040728

* Gentoo Linux 2.6.10-gentoo-r6
  gcc version 3.3.5 20050130 (Gentoo Linux 3.3.5-r1, ssp-3.3.5-1, pie-

* Debian Linux 2.6.8-1-38  
  gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5=5)

* SuSE Linux 2.6.4-52-default
  gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)


  * See Customization below first.

  * For Linux and Cygwin - type 'make'.   

  * For FreeBSD - type 'gmake'.
  * For Windows using Borland - ensure the Borland compiler bin directory 
    is in your path, then type 'make -fMakefile.bor'.
    - All executables will be linked with the RTL and without debugging symbols.
      To link a static executable  - use 'make -f Makefile.bor -DSTATIC'
      To include debugging symbols - use 'make -f Makefile.bor -DDEBUG'
      Or for both                  - use 'make -f Makefile.bor -DDEBUG -DSTATIC'

  * For Windows using Digital Mars - ensure the Digital Mars bin directory 
    is in your path, then type 'make -fMakefile.dgm'.

  * For Windows using Microsoft Visual C - ensure your Visual C bin directory
    is in your path and your INCLUDE and LIB environment variables are setup
    - With Visual C++ 6.0 you may need to run the vcvars32.bat file.
    - With Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and Platform SDK you may need to use both the
      setenv.cmd and vsvars32.bat
    Then type 'nmake -f'
    - To link with debugging information type 'set DEBUG=1' and then use
      'nmake -f'

  * For Windows using LCC - ensure the LCC bin directory is in your path, 
    then type 'make -f Makefile.lcc'.  



  * Edit the Makefile and choose the RWHO options if you want to use it.  The 
    default is not to use it.  Change the EXE suffix for unices.

  * Edit config.h and change any parameters you want to change.  The default 
    minimal database does not have zones on.  If you want to convert it you 
    should make once with the ADD_ZONES options on, start the server, @shutdown,
    and then make clean and make again with ADD_ZONES off.     
    NOTE: Digital Mars does not support popen so you will have to uncomment 
    DBCOMP and use the database uncompressed.  Also you will have to have 
    gzip installed under Windows to use the compressed database.  You might
    also use another command line compression tool such as arc, zip, or pkzip.  
    Grep the sources for 'popen' to see the command used.

  * Edit version.h and change the MUD name if you are using RWHO (untested).
  * Compile the source as above in Installation.
  * Build the news and help index files.  
    $ cd game
    $ ../mkindx helptext helpindx
    $ ../mkindx news.txt newsindx
    The default names above can be changed in config.h
  * Create the save directory
    $ mkdir save
  * Copy the minimal.db.Z database to indb.Z
    $ cp data/minimal.db.Z data/indb.Z
    The default names can be changed in config.h
  * For unixes edit the restart script.  For Windows you'll have to start and 
    copy files manually, or write your own batch file.
    - Unix (from the directory below game directory):
    $ game/restart
    - Windows (from the game directory):
    > ..\netmush data\indb.Z data\outdb.Z
      You will need to manually copy outdb.Z to indb.Z after every shutdown or 
      make a batch script.
  * The for the default god character is "One" and the password is "potrzebie".  


This code and my changes are released under the original conditions which are 
found in copyright.h


Jon Lambert - aka Tyche