a) Copy the Makefile.dist file to Makefile, the version.h.dist file
     to version.h and the config.h.dist file to config.h
  b) Edit config.h and change any parameters you want to change.  PLEASE
     make sure to read the entire file and change everything you need to.
     The file is fairly liberally commented, so read them too :)
     If you are changing over from PernMUSH 1.15 or earlier, you will need
     to compile once with the ADD_LOCKS option, @shutdown, and then compile
     again with ADD_LOCKS off. You will probably want to make a backup of
     the database before doing this. See config.h for details.
     If you are changing over from PernMUSH 1.16 or earlier, you will need
     to compile once with the ADD_ZONES options (if you are planning on
     using zones), @shutdown, and then compile again with ADD_ZONES off.
     If you are starting with the minimal database provided, you do not
     need to do the lock conversion, but you will need to do the zone one.
  c) Edit version.h and change the MUD name (this is VERY important for
     people who will make use of the RWHO server -- see below).
  d) Edit interface.c if needed to make sure you are set up for the IPC you
     need for your machine.  The only IPC package that I guarantee to work is
     the bsd.c one.  Neither the concentrator code, the xenix code, nor the
     xsocket code has even been hacked on or even looked at by myself.  If you
     use one of them and get it working, let me know and your patches will be
     included in the next release
  e) Edit the Makefile and choose the option you want.  The main thing you 
     will want to worry about is how to set up the RWHO.  There are three
     possible states of RWHO use.
     1) Do not use it.. This is the default, and if you don't want to deal
	with it, you should have no problems.
     2) Send login info to a remote RWHO server.  This is very simple and
	painless.  It uses UDP to send the info, so there will be no slowdown
	of the game by enabling this.  However to get it set up you need to
	do the following.
	a) Find the admin of an RHWO server (I run one --
	   and convince him to allow you to set up a link from your mud.  This
	   is rather painless, and the RWHO server admin will know what you
	   need to change in the source code.
	b) Make those changes and compile :)
     3) Send info to the RWHO server, AND enable reading RHWO server info from
	within the mud.  This is a BAD idea unless the RWHO server and the mud
	are on the SAME LOCAL NETWORK.  The reason for this is that retrieving
	the RWHO info uses a stream port, and the mud could freeze if the net
	between the mud and the RWHO server went down.  If you MUST run this
	way, I would recommend talking to to see how to go
	about setting up an RWHO server.  I will however allow you to link your
	RWHO server to my node in the tree if you end up running one.
  f) Do a make install.  This will set up a few symbolic links so that the
     restart script runs correctly.
  g) Build the news and help index files.  The format for the mkindx command
     is 'mkindx _text_file_ _index_file_'.  An index file will need to be 
     changed every time the associated text file is changed.  The default pairs
     are news.txt and newsindx and helptext and helpindx.  These default names
     can be changed in config.h
  h) Edit the restart script. You will probably want to rename the in-database
     to indb.Z, if you haven't done so already.
  i) You should now be ready to run and go.  A minimal database is provided in
     this distribution. The password for the default god character (One) is
     potrzebie.  You should change this (via @password) immediately.
     The Master Room defaults to room #2, which is already created.

JT Traub (Moonchilde), who for a year has taken loving care of this PernMUSH
code, is no longer maintaining this version of MUSH, since the MUD he runs
(still Pern) is now using 2.x code (soon to be released). If you make any
fixes/improvements, please do NOT submit them to him, although he will still
try to help with compilation problems (email

The 1.x code has branched off in three directions. This is currently the
only publicly available version. Spellbound MUSH (god, Joarm) uses a variant 
of 1.13, and SouCon MUSH (god, T'nor) uses a variant of 1.15. I am planning
on maintaining this code for a while.

Lydia Leong (me. I'm Amberyl, everywhere) - T'nor, and Joarm are all
interested in any fixes/improvements. If you find bugs in this version,
please notify me (