One hundred fifty years ago ...

Nomads from the Great Eastern desert brought spices and slaves to the
Thalos Market.  Dwarven miners, rough and rude, sold precious stones
and drank the town dry of firebreathers.  Stone golems, created by
mages from the Tower of High Sorcery, stood sentry duty in watch
towers day and night.

It was the morning of the 3rd day of Thunder in the Month of Shadows.
The Mayor of Midgaard (the great-grand-uncle of today's Mayor) arrived
at Thalos early in the morning to pay tribute at Thalos City Hall.
When he entered the Grand Gate, no guards challenged him.  He found
the streets and market places empty.  Spotting a nearby lamia, he
asked her about the residents.  Was there a festival today?  Perhaps
a grand religious ceremony in the Temple of Thalos?

The lamia didn't behave like a lamia.  Instead of answering him in the
helpful but stupid lamia manner, she produced a long, slim dagger
and stabbed the Mayor.  Other lamias, hearing the tumult, quickly
arrived and attacked the Mayor as well.  The Mayor was killed.

Now Thalos is an abandoned city.  Wild lamias roam the streets, killing
trespassers and sacrificing their bodies at the Temple of Thalos.  The
golems lost their responsiveness to command and watch eternally from
their ruined towers, as they have for fifty thousand nights since the
mysterious demolition of Thalos.

Midgaard is next.